Dying once again, she was almost numb to the pain of death. "I have never regretted meeting you," she said, tears threatening to drip from the corner of her eyes. "I only regret that the heavens are crueler than hell." Meeting her once again, but unable to remember her, he could only try to make her fall in love with him again. "We separated again," he said. "But we'll meet again... I promise." Their history was there, but they could only miss each other once again. Would they once again separate and restart their history? Or would their life change, allowing them to start the romance that they so wish for?
Victor is a military man from the modern era, enjoyed his job defending his county… may be a little to much. He is Fascinated with swords of the old way and the skill it takes to wield. Durning his Retirement he read a lot of books and novels and seen lot of movies and let not forget his fare share is enjoyment in life ‘winks’ Victor use to follow orders now he doesn’t take them but gives them how will he shape his new life. Lets join him as he is thrown into the Star Wars universe.
Maren Da'ar is a son of Dathomir or better was one. After his tribe of Nightbrothers got genocided by the Nightsisters for their foul witchcraft, he fled and was found by a jedi. Despite all better judgement she took the young Nightbrother as her Padawan. Now Maren has to navigate the detached lifestyle of the jedi, while forming his own understanding of the force and how to interact with those who are more and less touched by it.