
Chapter 21: The Magic Troll

Chapter 21: The Magic Troll.

So we're getting close to the Thor movie, in my now completely made up timeline as I double-checked the official timeline and have it all wrong apparently.

Well I'm still rolling with it.

Some more Justin and Tony, and even some slice of life, oh yeah, and that magic thing.

Anyway as usual, I don't own Marvel, the Avengers, X-Men or anything from Disney and etc, etc.

Hope you enjoy.


New York, middle of July.

"Can you believe the audacity!" Hope practically screeched, as she paced across the carpet, hands gesticulating wildly, her face flushed.

"To refuse me, his own daughter! Forcing me to practically beg for the opportunity, only succeeding in the end because of him feeling more threatened! Yet he gives a suit to t-that, that ignoramus!" Hope stopped in place letting out something between a shriek and a groan, throwing her hands up in utter disgust.

Justin wisely kept his mouth shut, just nodding along sympathetically as Hope ranted about her father. He could say he definitely did not know much about women, except perhaps carnally - but one thing he did know. Sometimes they weren't looking at you for a solution, they just wanted a sympathetic ear to listen and validate their thoughts and feelings.

If he jumped in trying to solve this, he'd likely turn Hope's ire on himself. So just nope. Nod and smile, Justin, nod and smile, he told himself.

"And to think, I'd thought he'd changed, letting me have the Wasp suit, listening to me, eventually, on the Suez canal…" Hope growled out, eyebrows twitching as she did another circle on the carpet.

"But NO!" She shouted, fists clenching, "I'm just a woman, I should just shut up and listen to the men, allow them to protect me while I go back to the kitchen!"

Justin wasn't going to touch that with a ten foot pole. He did not want to experience the sting of the Wasp.

Domino of course had no such compunctions, lounging to the side, she let out a loud fake gasp, "Oh no he didn't!?" She called out entirely manufactured, "Maybe that's his ploy, keep you barefoot and pregnant with this Cross guy, since he has daddy's approval." She continued, for some god awful reason.

Justin sent her a dark look, what the fuck are you doing? He tried to mentally send to his shit stirring subordinate.

Domino just shrugged, with her lips curled into a coy smirk.

"I'll kill him first!" Hope swore, eyes flashing with anger, "Even if I liked that idiot, which I do not!" She clarified with great emphasis, "I would not let my father choose for me!"

She looked close to tears, even in her anger, and Justin decided that enough was enough. At a certain point he'd have to disregard even his own advice. Hope potentially crying was one of them.

Justin took a deep steadying breath first, bracing himself to step in before things escalated further. He moved closer to Hope, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Hope, it's clear that your father underestimates both your intelligence and your capabilities, but we both know what you're capable of. You've proven yourself time and again, and you'll do it again this time - he's just a dinosaur, brilliant, perhaps - but you'll surpass him, all on your own."

Hope stopped pacing, breathing heavily as she looked at Justin. For a moment, her anger seemed to waver, replaced by a flicker of something else. "You're right," she said quietly, her voice trembling from the release of emotions. "I've come too far to let him dictate my life." Her face firmed up and she nodded to herself, taking a deep breath.

Justin nodded, his tone soothing, as if dealing with a wild animal that might maul him at any given time. "Exactly! And Cross isn't a threat to you anyway, he can't even begin to compare, he's just another obstacle you'll overcome. We'll figure this out together."

Hope sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Thank you, Justin. I needed to hear that." She said, flashing him a warm honest smile.

Damn I'm good, Justin thought, preening slightly, his own smile blossoming onto his face.

Domino, never one to miss an opportunity to stir the pot, chimed in again with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, I don't know, Hope. Maybe you should just challenge Cross to a duel. Winner gets the suit and daddy's approval." She suggested, completely ignoring the motion Justin made to cut it out.

Someone was going to get a pay decrease, he mentally made a note of. Domino's penchant for teasing was going to get him killed one day.

Hope rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth twitched upward in a reluctant smile. "You're impossible, Domino." She let out, shaking her head.

Domino winked, leaning back lazily. "That's why you love me."

Justin shook his head, chuckling despite himself. "Don't listen to her, Hope. We'll handle this professionally, you've got this."

Knowing what he did about what Cross did in the future… Justin had half a mind of dealing with it himself instead of letting Hope do it.

But in the end, he trusted her, and he didn't want to overstep.

If she began to have troubles however… A friend lending a hand wasn't anything too outrageous.

Hope took a deep breath, finally letting go of the last remnants of her frustration. "You're right. We'll handle it. Together." She said, patting the hand that was on her shoulder.

"That's a hallmark moment right there, you two are adorable." Domino drawled, leaning her chin on her hands.

Hope blushed slightly, while Justin just plain ignored the other woman, "You're just jealous, Domino, because you don't have a friend as good as Justin." Hope shot out, a little flustered.

Domino looked skeptical, "Friends… Yeah… Let's call it that."

Justin gently guided Hope to the couch by his desk, leaving Domino to lounge further away, her smirk still in place. Once seated, Justin turned to Hope, his expression serious. "Alright, let's talk about something more productive. We need to discuss the space program we're setting up in Africa and how we can use Pym particles to speed up the process." Of everything I'm doing, this is the most important one…

Both he and Hope were constantly busy, and times to meet up were growing rarer, and this wasn't really something he'd like to discuss over video conference if he could do it face to face.

Hope's eyes lit up with interest, the tension in her face easing as she shifted her focus to the new topic, one she had a passion for. "Yes, we've already secured support from the African governments thanks to you, so we can hit the ground running. Using Pym particles could significantly reduce the time and resources needed for construction of a space station. We could miniaturize the components, transport them easily, and then expand them on-site."

Needless to say, the major delays would mostly come from the fact the Pym particles were only moved in small amounts, and either with Hope personally, or under the aegis of Pym technologies.

So the biggest holdup wouldn't be the actual construction, it would be getting the Pym particles in a timely manner consistently, without Hank Pym throwing any wrenches into it suddenly. He was only allowing a minor amount out, after all.

Justin nodded genially, encouraged by her enthusiasm, and, he admitted, possessing quite a large amount of the same - it was space! "Exactly. We'll start by designing the modular components for the space station. By miniaturizing and then expanding them on-site, we can avoid the logistical nightmare of transporting massive structures."

It would also make putting them in space tremendously easier if they could just miniaturize the entire thing for transport.

He'd also put Forge on it as soon as the work with his AI was done, even if by some reports he was already meddling with it with Ivan anyway. The man was ridiculously good, and adding his capabilities to the space program officially, would catapult it forward.

Even if they'd have to take it all apart and see how it worked, since even Forge didn't seem to know half the time. He'd just build something insane, and it worked - not unlike a tinker from Worm in some aspects.

Except his work could be reproduced, they'd just have to take it apart and figure it out first. Ivan had already declared Forge as his brother, plying him with Vodka and threatening to castrate Justin if he took the Metahuman away from their now shared workshop in Cairo.

It had temporarily distracted the Russian from his demand to meet Tony Stark, to his relief.

Justin had half a mind to see if Forge could find an engineering fix to what was wrong with Phantazia, but he was leery of letting him experiment on something affecting the brain of one of his most trusted people.

Hope leaned forward, Justin glancing down her cleavage by habit, which Hope thankfully ignored, "We'll need to hire specialists to create and integrate the advanced recycling systems and your renewable energy batteries into the design. Solar energy is a given for a backup in case the arc reactor has an issue or is sabotaged, but we should also explore other options like cosmic radiation harnessing and more advanced battery storage for worst case scenarios."

Justin wanted to say that no one would be so stupid as to sabotage a space station hanging over earth, a win for all of humanity.

But even disregarding the aliens that might do it, there were unfortunately plenty of humans that were that short sighted, and plenty with the power to cause harm.

Justin smiled warmly, appreciating Hope's strategic thinking. The scientists currently working on it for him hadn't even thought of sabotage. "Good points. We should also consider the sustainability of the space station in case trouble on earth keeps us separated for long periods of time." He mused out loud, the backlash from mutants and the economic shift hadn't really been felt yet, even if protests still erupted across the world from time to time.

Twenty people had died in the states due to protests, more against the upheaval of the economy still, then the metahuman reveal.

"Efficient resource management will be an important point if we're going to get this station to work independently. The Pym particles - if we can get enough - can help us create compact, efficient recycling systems, minimizing waste and ensuring long-term self sufficiency for the station." He continued, not pressuring Hope, but gently reminding her how important her part was.

It all came back to the Pym particles. He could do it even without them, but it would be harder to make it truly self sufficient and capable of acting independently from supply support from Earth then.

Befriending Hope might turn out to be the most important decision he ever made - above anything else he's done.

Domino, unable to resist, interjected from her spot, having to speak up to be heard. "So, you're planning to build a space station and save the world, huh? Ambitious. Just make sure you don't forget to send me a postcard from space." She quipped.

Hope rolled her eyes but couldn't help a small smile. Justin knew she was endlessly amused by Domino. "We'll send you more than a postcard, Domino. How about a spot on the first mission?" She said teasingly. "First Metahuman in space, how about it?"

Justin didn't think that was necessarily true, but he didn't know about any, so for all he knew it was. If the X-gene existed amongst aliens, he didn't know about it.

Domino raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the offer. Not surprisingly, you didn't become a mercenary without some sort of adrenaline addiction. "Now that's more like it. I've always wanted to see if the moon is really made out of cheese."

Justin had to palm his face at that, shaking his head. "Focus, Domino. We're talking about serious business here." He chided, but he couldn't hide the way his lips curled in amusement.

Moon made of cheese… Honestly.

Justin moved on after that, focusing on Hope again. "This is going to be a challenging project, but with your expertise in Pym technologies and our combined resources, I'm confident we can make it happen." Hopefully before Stark…

He always kept an eye on the other man, and he'd begun a cooperative mission with NASA, his goals obvious.

He wanted to beat Justin, get his own resources into space.

Irritatingly enough, even with the logistical problems he was having with Justin's intervention, he was quickly acquiring factories and building robotic workers to accelerate his own entrance into new markets.

Hope smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Thank you, Justin. I appreciate your support and confidence in me. We'll make this a success." She said, reaching over and squeezing his hand, "After the way my dad… I just really appreciate that you think I can do it."

Justin returned her smile, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "Together, we'll change the world." He said grandly, knowing immediately he overdid it again by how her lips twitched.

Domino, watching from the side, couldn't help but add one last comment. "And I'll be here to keep you both grounded. Literally, since you're talking about space."

Justin sighed, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Thanks, Domino. We'll need that." He said dryly.

Since he only had Hope for a short while, the rest of the day was spent on drafting up the project and what needed to be done on their separate ends.

Not exactly date night, but Hope seemed happy to sink her teeth into the work.

And Justin was just relieved to be working with someone who pulled their own weight.

Her competence made him slightly regret saving Hank's life.

But her radiant smile as they finished working, made him happy that he hadn't harmed her by letting him die.

Relationships were complicated, he thought idly.


New Yorkthe next day,

Justin sat in his office, reviewing files when Yelena walked in - back from her forced vacation, a determined look on her face but a glint of excitement in her eyes. She sat across from him, laying several black folders on the table. "I have what we need to discuss the Black Widows and Dreykov," She said, voice filled with anticipation, making no mention of what happened with Selene.

Justin would allow it, it wasn't one of his best moments either, bringing her into that out of arrogance and finding himself lacking.

He'd neglected personal power, not seeing the point to a certain extent. Figuring he'd never match the worst of the worst, Extremis and the Super Soldier Serum should be enough - he'd been disabused of that notion.

A normal villain, even a normal corporation or nation - would not kill Justin out of hand, he'd be too useful, his connections, his power, his standing with the regular people of the world. Most threats to him were more likely to attempt to use him to their own advantage then kill him at this point - see HYDRA.

But he had forgotten about those who just liked seeing the world burn, or those who simply didn't care about consequences.

Selene had shown him that he could no longer count on just soft power with a big stick in the Hammer team. He needed to become better, dangerous, unkillable.

Just another thing on the list, he thought wryly, focusing on Yelena, done ruminating, nodding his head briefly. "I've been expecting this. What have you got?"

An army of Black Widows… Just a week ago that was enough to make him drool. Now, he wondered what use they'd be if a Magneto or Selene decided to put Hammer industries upside down and shake it until all the goodies fell out.

Still, he'd rather have an army of Black Widows serving him, then against him with his enemies. And they'd still be useful for spycraft, corporate espionage and sabotage - and more mundane concerns.

Having trusted operatives inside his company that could handle all the sensitive physical information, would be a great addition to his AI handling all the electronic information.

And they were generally very very fit. And they were all, at minimum, olympic gymnasts.

It was a vital addition for that alone.

Yelena opened one of the folders, revealing detailed dossiers and schematics. "As you are aware sir, we have the solution to break Dreykov's control. Panacea can neutralize the chemical manipulation and reverse the conditioning." Yelena tried to stay stern and professional, but she couldn't quite keep the smile off her face.

Justin leaned forward, examining the documents. "Yes, I know. Now we just need a plan to infiltrate the Red Room and administer Panacea to the Widows, preferably across the facility at once, saving us the trouble of fighting them. What's our approach?"

Yelena's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We need a two-pronged attack. First, we need to grab Dreykov's attention, so he's focused on something externally. As for the facility, I already have intel on the Red Room's current location and security measures. Then, while he's focused elsewhere, we organize a covert strike team to infiltrate and distribute Panacea."

Needless to say Yelena would be leading that team, a familiar face was necessary to corral the widows at the facility. And then they'd still probably be busy for months collecting those out on missions or deep undercover.

The advantage they had was that no matter how small the covert strike team was, they'd constantly add to their number everytime they woke up a Widow.

Dreykov would have to catch on pretty quick to make it anything but a rout.

Justin nodded along as Yelena showed him the information she'd gathered, his mind already racing with possibilities. "We'll need to gather as much information as possible about the other facilities, see if we can't manufacture an incident for Dreykov to focus on. I can deploy some of our best agents to scout and provide real-time intelligence."

They wouldn't be as good as Black Widows, but as their only job was scouting, they should suffice. The red room didn't have an abundance of outside facilities anymore. Didn't need to because of their flying fortress, but they did still keep some.

And Justin dearly wanted to poke under the hood of that, because how on earth had he gone undetected?

HYDRA covering it all up seemed the most likely explanation, but perhaps he had a stealth field. Yelena wasn't privy to much about its operations, so they'd have to wait until they took over.

With any luck they could repurpose it to an orbital base.

Yelena smiled, a mix of anticipation and determination. "They'll all fight for us, I'm sure, they'll be thankful to have escaped the mind control, and they'll be lost and confused, eager to follow me for some direction."

It was interesting to Justin, to see that dichotomy in Yelena. When done to her or her people, mind control, manipulation, torture or cruelty would have her swear revenge or kill without hesitation.

When done to others for her benefit or the benefit of her people, she didn't even blink. Not even seeing it as the same thing. As seen as when she, a woman who was mind controlled, without protest injected a mind control serum in Forge.

Justin had meant it as another slight test, poking at her loyalty a bit after her reveal, to see if she meant it. But she hadn't even hesitated.

Nor did she see an issue apparently in manipulating all the Widows under his aegis because she thought it was best for them.

Yelena's excitement was palpable as she continued. "Once they're free, we can integrate them into Hammer Industries discreetly. They'll need new identities and roles that allow them to blend in while receiving the support they need."

Justin doubted they'd need much. Mind controlled or not, they were raised to be like Yelena and Natasha, none of them would be quick to accept therapy or anything of the like. They'd continue as they were. And honestly… It was better that way. For Justin.

Justin leaned back, he'd already begun some of the legwork internally, or should he say Sunil had. "We've already begun creating cover positions in various departments. Administrative roles, research, security - positions that don't attract too much attention. We'll provide them with training to transition smoothly into their new lives if necessary."

They were expert infiltrators, he doubted they'd need it, but it didn't harm him any to offer it, and would make Yelena all the happier for it.

Yelena smiled brilliantly, her excitement still evident. "Thank you so much, sir! This means so much to me, freeing them, providing for them. These women are like sisters to me, I understand them in a way I don't with anyone else, and I've been dreaming of this day for a long time."

What a coincidence, I've been dreaming of a hundred gorgeous women who can turn into pretzels all serving me fanatically as well, he thought with some humor, smiling indulgently at Yelena.

Justin reached out, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "We'll get it done, it's too big of a chance to turn down. Hammer Industries has the resources and the connections - and an influx of personnel won't be hard to hide with our constant hiring. We just need to be smart and careful to not slide too many of them in at the same time."

Yelena's eyes twinkled as her lips curled into a savage smirk, "And I get to rip Dreykov apart and feed the scraps to dogs!" She said cheerfully.

After his interrogation." Justin said, giving her a look.

Yelena pouted. "After his interrogation…" She agreed.

Justin sighed, he could literally see her crossed fingers, she wasn't even hiding them.

Why were all his people so troublesome?


Cairo, Hammer compound.

Ivan Vanko's engineering workshop was a chaotic blend of high-tech machinery and improvised solutions, a testament to the genius and madness of its owner. Amidst the clutter, Ivan and Forge were deep in conversation, bottles of vodka scattered around them.

They'd had to be slightly careful, because Forge wasn't enhanced; he couldn't handle Ivan's super Vodka, meant to affect even Extremis and Super Soldiers. Luckily the liquid glowed slightly now, so it wasn't too hard to avoid touching the wrong bottles.

Ivan, his broken accent adding a unique flavor to his words, took a swig from his glowing bottle and pointed at the blueprints spread out on the workbench. "Forge, space dangerous." He said slowly, slapping the blueprint loudly, "Pressure, radiation, cold. We need new technology handle this. To protect people, expand station, maintain station." He slurred out, for the fourth time.

They'd talked about the dangers of space for some time, then watched Star Wars for a few hours, then drank some more, and now they were back at it.

Forge, drunk in his own right, nodded, his eyes gleaming with interest even as he struggled to keep them open. "Absolutely, Ivan. We need robust shielding to protect against cosmic radiation and micrometeoroids. I've been thinking about using layered composites with self-healing properties."

Of course he'd have to create them too, but something like that didn't come difficult to him.

Even drunk, his thoughts easily flowed when it came to the mechanical. It helped that Ivan actually understood him when he talked too.

Ivan's eyes lit up with excitement, guffawing loudly as he slapped the blueprints again. "Da, da! Self-healing materials. Good idea, goood. Must make strong structural supports. Station expand maybe, but stay strong. We use carbon nanotubes, very light, very strong, see maybe Vibranium alloy, must test."

Forge took a thoughtful sip of half a bottle of vodka, leaning back in his chair, almost falling off it. "And for maintaining the station, we need autonomous systems. Drones and robots that can perform repairs, monitor systems, and ensure everything runs smoothly without constant human intervention." He was working on AI anyway, "Humans are stupid, robots will do a better job." He added, thinking everything would be so much easier if they were all mechanical.

Except maybe Vodka, he thought, looking at the bottle in his hand, taking another swig. Ivan was so thoughtful to share his stash.

Ivan grinned, his gold tooth catching the light. He'd had to add gold to one of his teeth as just painted enamel, as Extremis had regrown his bad teeth, knocking his actual gold tooth out, to his dismay. "Yes, drones very useful. We make them smart, give them good AI. They do work outside station, in vacuum. Humans stay safe inside." Ivan chuckled, making a big gesture, "No how do you say, health and safety boring rules for drone."

In America he was not even allowed to operate heavy machinery while drunk, stupid rules. Not that Ivan followed those, Hammer didn't care as long as there were results.

Besides, Ivan had only lost two and a half assistants.

That's barely anything.

Russian safety standards put hairs on chest, he thought proudly.

Forge bent down, almost falling over again, jotting down notes in sloppy writing that was completely incomprehensible. "We'll also need advanced life support systems better than anything that exists currently if we want it to be able to grow and evolve. Recycling air, water, and waste efficiently is our number one priority. We can't afford to waste anything in space, I can't wait to mess around with some Pym particles, they'd be perfect for waste." He added the last part in a dark mutter.

Forge had met Hank Pym once, as a young and bright eyed engineer wannabe that snuck into a conference. Using his particles for shit would be his way to thank the man for trying to shit all over a kid's dream.

Ivan nodded vigorously, his wild hair bobbing with the motion. "Da, da! Closed-loop systems. We make sure nothing is wasted. Maybe even grow food on station. Hydroponics, aquaponics."

That was a given, but Forge could forgive Ivan for stating the obvious. The man was obviously shit faced drunk.

Forge clinked his bottle against Ivan's, a grin spreading across his reddened face. "To our success, may our work pave the way for the next generation of space exploration." He yelled out, raising an arm victoriously.

Ivan and Forge they would say when they spoke of the gods of engineering in the future.

Ivan laughed loudly, the sound echoing through the workshop. "Da! We will lead way. We have power, we have brains... And we have vodka!" He took a deep drink, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and anger, "Fuck Tony Stark!" He bellowed loudly.

"Fuck Tony Stark!" Forge cheered, because why the hell not?

Just then, the door swung open, and Dr. Otto Octavius stepped in, his eyes widening at the sight before him. "What on earth is going on here?" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of disbelief and disapproval.

Ivan and Forge looked up, swaying slightly in their seats. Ivan grinned broadly, raising his bottle in greeting. "Octo! Come, join us! We talk science, make great plans for space station."

Octavius sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I was hoping to discuss some critical advancements and share ideas, but I see you two have been... Celebrating?"

Forge, blinking slowly, gesturing for Octavius to come closer. "We've made great progress, Doc. Structural supports, autonomous drones, self-healing materials. All to expand and maintain the space station."

Well they made those earlier, now they'd just mostly been drinking and bragging about making those earlier. But the doc was a stick in the mud, he could tell, so he didn't bother saying that.

He'd literally only known him for days and he always wore that stupid frown.

Octavius moved closer, inspecting the blueprints. Despite his initial dismay, his interest was piqued. "These are impressive concepts," He admitted, adjusting his new HammerTech glasses. "However, you two are hardly in a state to make rational decisions." He finished with his trademark frown.

Forge just took another swig of his vodka, to find to his dismay it had left him! Who stole the last of his Vodka! He shook the empty bottle, hoping it would show a different result.

Ivan waved his hand dismissively. "We celebrate success! But ideas still good. Look, see here - carbon nanotubes, very strong, very light, add Vibranium, just little bit make much strong. And drones with AI, do all repairs outside station, very smart, very follow health and safety."

Octavius shook his head, unable to hide a small smile before his frown slid back on, he didn't want to encourage the two of them. He could already tell he'd be babysitting a lot. "I can see that you've both been quite inspired. But let's save the vodka for after we've finalized these plans. Tomorrow, we'll go over these ideas with clear minds and ensure everything is sound."

He didn't doubt that they were, the two were kindred spirits in a manner, always pushing for the advancement of human knowledge, and they were exceptionally skilled. Enough that Otto for the first time felt that he was the least intelligent man in the room at times - when it came to engineering at least.

Not a feeling he relished. He would not let these two get too far ahead, he thought, as he glanced at the vodka bottles laying around. The copious amount of vodka bottles.

Perhaps, a more open mind led to more inspiration?


New York, BLT market, Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Justin Hammer walked into the elegant surroundings of the BLT Market at the Ritz-Carlton, taking a moment to adjust his tie and mentally prepare himself. He scanned the room and quickly spotted Tony Stark, who was already seated at a corner table, flipping through the menu with an air of casual disinterest. Tony looked up, a smirk already forming on his face as he saw Justin approaching.

Domino hung back, joining the nearby table that already held a stony faced Pepper Potts. He was sure they'd get along just fine.

And if not, well, Pepper was a big girl, she'd be able to handle Domino's sass.

"Justin! Long time no see," Tony called out, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I almost thought you were avoiding me, or plum forgot that we needed to get a move on for the nice General Ross."

"Tony," Justin replied, forcing a smile as he sat down. "Always a pleasure."

A waiter appeared almost immediately as if by magic, eagerly offering menus and taking drink orders. Tony ordered a scotch on the rocks, while Justin opted for sparkling water, not needing any needling from Tony over his alcohol choices, he was here to get things sorted as quickly as possible.

The less avenues for Tony to be Tony the better.

"So," Tony began, leaning back in his chair, "What's new in the world of Hammer Industries? Trying new things I heard, like muscling out the taxi industry? Really? That's what you're focusing on?" He mocked lightly.

Justin's jaw tightened, but he kept his tone even. "We're focusing on more innovative projects these days, Tony. Like the one we're supposed to discuss today."

He saw no need to discuss his business with this man, especially not something so new as him creating the ride share apps before they would have existed. Tony was annoying enough that if he got a bug in his ass about it, he might try and do the same, only with self-driving cars or robots or something equally frustrating.

Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by Justin's attempt to stay professional. "Ah, yes. Mining the nuclear wasteland of Wakanda. Using drone technology. Exciting stuff." He said, sounding anything but.

Justin refrained from saying he had told Justin to meet him here to hammer this deal out…

Justin nodded in the end, trying to steer the conversation back to business. "It is. Given the unique challenges of the environment, our combined resources could make this a very lucrative operation for both of us. Your drones have the precision we need, and Hammer Industries has the heavy-duty machinery to get the job done."

And if some Vibranium went missing… Well, Hammer Industries only provided the vehicles, surely Tony's drones were behind that…

Although preferably no one would ever notice him skimming some off the top.

Tony swirled his drink, his expression thoughtful. "You mean your machinery will break down after five minutes in that radioactive mess, and my drones will be left to do all the actual work." The tiny smirk on his face was altogether too smug for his liking.

Justin's smile became a bit strained, he didn't want to get into it, because it would just make everything take forever, so he didn't bite. "I think you'll find our equipment more than capable, Tony." He said, in as friendly of a tone as he could manage, before allowing, "But yes, your drones are essential for the initial surveys and pinpointing the most viable areas to extract resources."

He couldn't resist adding to it however, "And of course they are ideal to do the drudge work of digging it all up in the first place, manual labor is best suited for Stark industries isn't it? While someone more suited refines it."

Tony took a sip of his drink, his eyes never leaving Justin's. "Let's cut to the chase. Why should I trust you, Hammer?" He asked bluntly, eyes narrowing, "There's a lot you're not saying about my disappearance and all the events surrounding it. I can do this Wakanda job without you…"

Justin sighed inwardly. This was going to be tougher than he thought - he'd have to be the bigger guy, how annoying. "I get it, Tony. We have a complicated history. But this project is too big and too important to let past rivalries get in the way. We're talking about vast untapped resources, and more importantly vast resources not given to Norman Osborn. I can't say anything more than I didn't have anything to do with your kidnapping, it's up to you if that's enough."

In an ideal world he could keep his distance and just mock Stark from the distance, shooting him down whenever he tried to catch up. But he couldn't afford to make him into an enemy right now. Rivals sure. But outright making Stark go after him, no.

He had enough of those at the moment.

So… To his utter distaste, he had to be the compromising, nice guy. He could already feel an ulcer beginning, Extremis made that impossible, but he could still feel it.

Tony leaned forward, a glint of genuine interest in his eyes now. "Okay, I'll bite. What exactly do you want me to do then if we're going to cooperate?" He said, dropping the accusation and focusing on the work.

Justin relaxed slightly, feeling like he was finally making progress. "We need Stark Industries' advanced drone technology to map out the safe zones and navigate the highly radioactive areas. Once we have that data, our teams can deploy the necessary equipment to start the extraction process, ferrying your robotic workforce. It's a partnership, Tony. We both stand to gain immensely from this."

He was… Mostly okay with that. For the world, it was better that Tony made some progress then the likes of Oscorp and Roxxon.

Tony tapped his fingers on the table, considering. "Alright, Hammer. I'll play ball just because you begged nice and proper for me, but there are going to be some conditions. I want equal oversight on the operation. No funny business, no cutting corners to make an extra buck. And any Vibranium we make from our deal with the military gets split down the middle."

"Agreed," Justin said quickly, eager to seal the deal, his expression pleasant, even as his insides burned at that begging comment.

Fuck you Tony!

"And one more thing," Tony added with a mischievous grin. "I want you to admit, right here and now, that my drones are the best in the business."

Cocky shit, for something he'd only been producing for a short while… But then again it was Stark made drones, so he knew they were well made.

Anything that would get him out of here to where they could communicate through operations managers on the ground and not be in the same room ever again, he thought, irritably. Justin resisted the urge to toss his drink in his face, because he wanted to finish this, but it was close. "Fine. Your drones are the best in the business." He droned out monotonously.

Tony chuckled, clearly enjoying himself. "Good. Now that we've got that settled, let's get this show on the road."

As they finalized the details of their partnership, Justin couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and annoyance. Working with Tony Stark was never easy, but if this cooperation could help secure Hammer Industries Vibranium, then it was worth it. Even if it meant swallowing his pride and dealing with Tony's relentless teasing.

After all, business was business, and the potential rewards of this venture were too great to pass up.

Even if he'd gain an impossible ulcer out of it.


New York, Hammer Industries Temporary Offices, the next day.

Justin sat down at his desk, for once alone. He hadn't realized how rare that actually was, and how much he'd missed just being by himself. Sure, Domino and Yelena were only three doors down going over the plan for the Red Room, but still, he was totally and utterly alone.

He undid his tie and poured himself a scotch - not Vanko's super alcohol, so he could only drink it for the flavor and memories attached to it now. But that was plenty enough, he didn't need to get buzzed.

Soon enough, his mind strayed, unable to fully relax even now. When he'd taken over this body, his memories had shown a lazy disposition despite all he'd accomplished. He'd, on the other hand, worked hard his entire life and gotten nowhere for it, and he'd found the idea of laziness almost intriguing, but it just seemed he couldn't follow through.

Even his lazy moments often had a secondary purpose.

As now, with him turning his mind to the recent issues. Hansen and Cho couldn't be taken off the Extremis/Super Soldier conversion, not with the deadline for that. So he was brute-forcing the X-gene Extremis adaptation, which was killing captive mutants rapidly underneath his Cairo compound, but they were making progress.

They'd be unlikely to get a perfect result. But he didn't need perfection. He just needed it to work for a few seconds. Enough to knock something loose. Enough to return Eileen to him.

His teeth ground together as he thought of someone messing with his things. His people. He needed Eileen back so she could tell him who.

But with Selene also appearing as a threat, albeit a long-distance one, he needed to do something about that as well.

He'd been joking about finding the Ancient One's email address, but upon further investigation, it actually appeared to exist. Even if it was absolutely painful to find.

He was going to use the Hellfire Club, as they no doubt attempted to use him, so it would likely be years until he needed to cleanse that particular issue. But it wouldn't hurt to build some groundwork right now.

He slid over to his desk, putting in the Ancient One's email address (and that still felt somewhat ridiculous to even think of).

Quickly, he typed up a request for cooperation that seemed humble enough.

Subject: Request for Assistance and Collaboration

Dear Ancient One,

I hope this message finds you well. I am Justin Hammer, CEO of Hammer Industries. Our paths have not crossed directly, but I am well aware of your esteemed position and the invaluable work you and your order perform at Kamar-Taj.

I write to you today seeking your assistance with a delicate matter that has arisen within my organization and another with complications for the world at large. Firstly, one of my associates, a metahuman named Phantazia, has fallen victim to a subtle type of mind control. This situation is dire and beyond the capabilities of my usual resources to resolve and could potentially also include Magneto as a subject of the same kind of mental control. The individual responsible for this manipulation is still at large, and I am concerned about the potential threat this poses not only to my company but to the wider world.

I am aware of the exceptional skills and knowledge possessed by the sorcerers under your tutelage, and I humbly request your aid in this matter. Specifically, I seek the temporary assistance of one or two of your sorcerers who could help in protecting my company from further magical intrusions - and assist in the recovery and protection of Phantazia and investigating the trail to ensure Magneto is not under its sway.

I don't need to tell you what a threat to the world both physical and mystical someone of Magneto's caliber could be under the control of some magician.

In return, I am prepared to offer the full support and resources of Hammer Industries to assist Kamar-Taj. Whether it be through technological advancements and defenses, funding, or any other means you might find beneficial. I am eager to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between us for the betterment of Earth.

In no way do I intend to step on your toes when it comes to the mystical threats, I simply offer assistance.

I must also bring to your attention the threat posed by Selene - no last name known - a member of the New York Hellfire Club, a powerful and malevolent and possibly immortal woman, with dark magical abilities. Her presence and actions are a growing concern, and I believe that our collaboration could serve as a bulwark against such threats in the future should she become more active.

I understand the gravity of what I am asking and the weight of your responsibilities. Nevertheless, I am confident that a partnership between Hammer Industries and Kamar-Taj could yield significant benefits for both parties and contribute to the safety and stability of our world.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response and hope we can work together to address these challenges.


Justin Hammer

CEO, Hammer Industries

There, that had been humble enough surely? He hit send, confident that at the very least he hadn't come off as completely self-serving.

And he hadn't lied. If she'd accept his help, he'd gladly add defenses to protect the sanctums and Kamar-Taj. Magic, of course, was one thing, but even sorcerers had a hard time casting spells while bullets, lasers, and missiles were flying around their heads.

Not to mention what a mine could do to an unexpecting demon or enemy who'd trespass somewhere they were not wanted.

Just then, a swirling portal appeared in the middle of the room, and the Ancient One herself stepped out, clad in a simple beige robe.

"I just sent the email, there was no need to rush," Justin spluttered out, caught entirely off guard.

She smiled serenely. "I knew you'd send it at this time, so I was quite prepared for this meeting. You might even say I've had it scheduled for over two years now." She finished with a twinkle in her eyes.

Justin really, really hated magic.

"Would you like something to drink?" he asked politely instead. Because hatred of magic or not, he wasn't going to anger the woman capable of turning him inside out.

"No, thank you," she replied, looking around the office with mild interest. "But I must say, your choice of associates is... fascinating. Domino and Yelena, both with quite interesting and varied backgrounds. And Vanko, well, he does love his vodka, doesn't he?" Her smile remained serene, but it was a pointed reminder that she could find out everything about him and his people, so no games.

Had Justin mentioned he really hated magic?

That said, she'd either miscalculated or was holding her capabilities back, because he'd been much more impressed if she'd brought up Forge or the employees he stole from Oscorp.

He'd prefer to think she wasn't as all knowing as she tried to appear.

Justin chuckled somewhat nervously either way, because no doubt that's what she'd wanted to see. "Yes, they're quite the team. Speaking of which, I could use some help with a few... Peculiar problems. Like I mentioned in the email, we have a situation with Phantazia under mind control and potentially Magneto as well."

He had his own solution on the way, but if he could get it hand-waved away with an abracadabra, he would take it.

The Ancient One raised an eyebrow, her expression almost playful. "Ah, but those aren't magical concerns, Mister Hammer. Those are more in the realm of psionics and mutant… I'm sorry, you've changed that haven't you?" She asked cheerfully, " Metahuman abilities then. Not really our forte."

Justin's heart sank slightly, but he kept his expression neutral. "I understand. Thank you for clarifying. Magneto might be a threat even to your people however." He warned, taking a last ditch shot to have one of his problems dealt with.

She just smiled, looking bemused, "If I were to deal with anyone who could possess a sliver of threat to the order, why, Mister Hammer, I'd start with you."

Justin felt cold sweat at the back of his neck, "I'm not a threat against Kamar-Taj." He said with conviction.

"No you're not." She agreed easily enough, giving him an enigmatic smile, "But you could be. Still want me to deal with Magneto and other non mystical matters?" She asked innocently.

This woman…

Justin cleared his throat, "I suppose it's best if we all stay in our lanes." He agreed. Because what else could he say? He switched the subject, not wanting her to linger on the thought of dealing with him. "Selene is another matter entirely and she is definitely magical. Her powers and potential threat level are surely significant."

Or so he assumed, from the whole immortal thing. He hated the idea of asking for help, but there was also just no point in shooting himself in the foot over some arrogant belief he could simply handle it all himself.

Selene had already shown him his error there.

She'd one day pay for that lesson.

The Ancient One nodded thoughtfully. "Selene Gallio is indeed a concern. Her ambitions and abilities are a threat and we are keeping an eye on her, but your help would be useful. She is the kind of woman who'd never suspect a mundane human to keep an eye on her activities."

Ah, a last name, so they do know her, he thought. And he was obviously going to be keeping a close eye on Selene regardless, but it would be good if he could call in the cavalry if necessary.

Justin felt a glimmer of hope that the magic bullshit wouldn't screw him over too badly. "That would be invaluable. Any help in that regard would be greatly appreciated." He said formally.

"I'll assign Kaecillius to assist Hammer Industries for a time," She said thoughtfully, "He can help you establish protections against mystical intrusions and monitor Selene's activities. Kaecillius is one of our most skilled up and coming new sorcerers, and he is already well inclined to your company."

Justin could hardly say - why are you dumping your nutjob sorcerer on me? So he just said plainly, "Thank you, Ancient One. Having Kaecillius expertise will be a tremendous asset."

As long as he doesn't sacrifice us all to Dormammu, he thought irritably.

The Ancient One smiled gently. "Our interests align in ensuring the safety and stability of our world. This cooperation will benefit us both. Now, let us discuss the specifics of how Kaecillius can integrate with your team and help provide Kamar-Taj with technology."

Justin quickly nodded, eager to solidify the arrangement. "Absolutely. We've been developing a new type of detection system that can sense esoteric energies, which for all we know could be mystical energies and anomalies. Perhaps Kaecillius can help refine these systems and integrate them into your existing defenses."

The system was actually meant for space, to help detect any possible incoming threats, but if it could be tweaked to detect mystical issues and incursions. All the better.

Justin didn't want a demon invasion or something to add on-top his worries. The aliens were enough of an issue. Humanity was enough of an issue. He really needed the magic people to just keep their insanity to themselves.

The Ancient One listened intently, even though she looked wholly unsurprised. "That sounds promising. Kaecillius will coordinate with your technical specialists to ensure these measures work, and that they can not easily be corrupted."

Justin hadn't even realized that could be a problem. Just by detecting magic he risked some type of incursion? This just solidified that magic was entirely too dangerous to mess with.

"Thank you," Justin said, genuinely grateful, "One more thing - Selene. If she becomes a more immediate threat, will you be able to help us deal with her?"

Or preferably, entirely deal with her. Justin wanted his own measure of revenge on her for the humiliation, and the damage done to Yelena, but he'd settle for having her entirely removed.

The Ancient One's expression grew more serious, though a hint of amusement lingered. "Selene is a powerful foe, but not invincible. Should she pose an immediate threat to Earth, we will act to neutralize her. For now, vigilance and preparation are key."

That wasn't really a yes, Justin thought with annoyance.

She was basically telling him that if Selene wanted to wear his intestines as a necklace she wouldn't intervene, but if she wanted to blow up the Earth's core, she'd lend a hand.

Not much of an alliance.

The Ancient One seemed to have sensed his mood, because she laughed lowly, "You're not oft used to a deal where you are not the winner, are you Mister Hammer?"

He gave her an irritated look, not really wanting to get into it with her. They'd arranged a deal, he'd hold up his end.

She smiled, tilting her head, "Nothing wrong with a deal where both prosper." She chided, before stepping back into the swirling portal, their meeting over.

"Kaecillius should be with you shortly." She promised cheerfully, before the portal winked out.

He leaned back in his chair, taking a moment to savor the scotch he'd poured earlier. He'd almost take dealing with that arrogant Doctor Strange over this mysteriously smiling woman.

She always looked like she knew too much.

Just as he was about to take another sip, the portal reappeared, and Kaecillius stepped out, ready for his assignment - when the Ancient One had said shortly, she'd meant it. Justin stood up, ready to greet him and take his measure.

Only to have him immediately fall to his knees.

"Justin Hammer, I owe you everything for saving my child." He said, looking up, a fanatical look on his face.

Justin's heart sank, the Ancient One had tricked him.

This wasn't help.

This was another fucking fanatic for him to babysit.

It was that time that Yelena came to check on him, and finding a strange man in his office that had somehow snuck past all their security, promptly shot him.

This is my people… I did this to myself.


It turned out that Kaecillius was not quite the badass villain of the future.

The Ancient One had looked through her repository of Sorcerers and literally tossed him one of the newest ones, even if he was one she'd been personally tutoring.

"Tell me again." He said, massaging his brow, as Domino and Yelena stood by him, both warily watching the man, who'd received a Panacea shot to heal the gunshot wound Yelena had given him.

The - was going to be fatal - gunshot wound. She was lucky they had Panacea shots in the office.

He didn't necessarily disagree with her assertion that random unknowns in his office were a threat. But he'd really really not want to send the Ancient One another email. This time explaining they'd accidentally murdered her wizard not even ten minutes in.

Then again she probably fucking knew about it and still sent Kaecillius in at that time… Fucking wizards.

Kaecillius, looking significantly more composed after the Panacea had worked its miracle, began his explanation."I joined Kamar-Taj in search of a cure for my comatose daughter, who had been severely injured in the accident that took the rest of our family," Kaecillius began, his voice steady but filled with emotion.

Justin was pretty sure they were all supposed to have died, from what he remembered. Although it's possible one butterly over the last few years from his many moves all over the globe, had changed that.

"I thought I could find ways to bring the dead back, to undo the tragedy that befell us." He continued almost reverently, and Justin could see the man that would once have called on Dormammu. "The Ancient One offered guidance, but it was your creation, Panacea, that saved my daughter." At this, he bowed his head, thankfully not falling to his knees again.

Yelena raised a skeptical eyebrow. Still not convinced solely based on him getting in alone to see him, "Panacea?"

Kaecillius nodded, a fervent look to him. "Yes, Hammer Industries miracle drug. When I heard about its capabilities, I knew it was my only hope, and it worked. It brought my daughter back from the brink. For that, I am eternally grateful."

Domino leaned against the wall, her expression one of acceptance, she obviously believed him, which did help soothe Justin's paranoia too. Not that he took her acceptance the same way he'd used to before Yelena snuck through it. "So, you're here because of that? To help us because we saved your kid?" She asked casually.

Kaecillius looked at her, then at Justin. "Yes. The Ancient One believes that my skills and gratitude might be of use to you. I am here to offer my assistance in whatever capacity you need. My loyalty to Kamar-Taj remains, but I owe you a debt that I intend to repay."

Justin needed someone like him, for all that he wasn't more than a rookie. So there was really only one answer.

"Welcome aboard. Domino will take you through our security screening and then get you set up in Cairo for now, we'll talk more later."

As with so many things lately, it wasn't ideal. But progress, even if in small increments, was still progress.

And he'd be able to build a rapport with Kamar-Taj which could be useful down the road.


New York, Hammer Industries Temporary Offices, later that night.

Justin had barely sat down again at his desk to catch his breath from the multitude of phone calls and video conferences he'd been doing to move his company forward - when Yelena burst into the room with a look of determination on her face. Before he could protest, she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of his chair..

The determination was definitely cute and a bit hot, he thought, so he allowed himself to be dragged.

Normally he preferred to be in charge, but if she wanted this so badly, he'd come along.

"We're having a movie night," she announced, dragging him toward the lounge area, completely shattering his thoughts about the real purpose of her manhandling.

"Wait, what?" Justin spluttered, trying to keep up with her. "I've got work to do, Yelena."

Some breaks for… Fun… Could be allowed, but a movie night? Not nearly fun enough to skip out on work for. He had calls to make, people to bully now that Fury was officially out, he needed to get a meeting with Pierce, for various reasons, SHIELD only being one of them.

He was busy, to say the least.

"Work can wait. You need to relax," Yelena insisted with a stubborn look on her face, pushing him onto the couch with a surprising amount of force for her size.

Well, she was a Black Widow… He did find it amusing how much she could flip between being all yes sir, no sir - to this.

Justin sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing, but he had a small smile on his face. He watched as Yelena dashed out of the room, only to return ten minutes later with a massive armful of snacks and drinks, some spilling on the ground as she rushed forward. She was now wearing an adorably cute fluffy set of pink girly pajamas decorated with little bunnies, complete with matching bunny slippers and a headband with bunny ears, which made Justin raise an eyebrow in amusement.

She really was a complex woman, he thought, never having met someone with so many facets to their personality.

"Nice outfit," he commented wryly, earning a playful glare from Yelena, even as she did a little twirl, Justin having to hold back a laugh as he noticed her bottom had a puff of a bunny tail on it as well.

Domino sauntered in shortly thereafter, obviously having been roped into it by Yelena as well, finding the whole scene amusing if her facial expression was any tell. She was dressed in a silky smooth set of pajamas that looked more like something from a high-end fashion show than something for lounging - an elegant deep purple nightie with black lace trim, complete with a matching robe. She tossed a pair of pajama pants and a shirt at Justin carelessly, sauntering up to them.

Justin eyed her long legs, by habit, he couldn't help it, she had legs for days.

"Here, boss. Get comfy," Domino said with a smirk, and he noticed that she still was armed, the thigh holster a good choice, he thought.

"Seriously?" Justin asked, holding up the pajamas, compared to the girls, his was completely plain and boring, it wasn't even silk, did they just grab some wage slaves' clothes?

"Seriously," Yelena replied, already building a pillow fort around the couch with an efficiency that was both impressive and slightly concerning. "We're going all out." She said enthusiastically, "A real American movie night/sleepover!" She enthused.

Domino eyed her, lips curling into bemusement, "You've watched too many movies and TV shows, 'Lena."

Justin watched in bewilderment as Yelena set about her task. She moved the coffee table out of the way and began stacking pillows from the nearby couches and chairs, creating walls. She draped blankets over the top to form a roof, securing them with clips she'd apparently brought along just for this purpose. Domino, meanwhile, was lounging inside the growing fort, offering occasional sarcastic commentary on her progress.

With a resigned sigh, Justin went to change, emerging a few minutes later in the pajamas. Yelena had completed the pillow fort, and Domino was already making herself comfortable inside, looking perfectly at ease.

Justin climbed into the fort, feeling slightly ridiculous but oddly relaxed. "Okay, what are we watching?" He asked, because he was definitely vetoing this entire thing if he was going to be forced to sit through something too ridiculous.

Yelena's face lit up with excitement. "We have a lot of options! Action, comedy, horror, sci-fi, you name it."

Justin was pretty sure they hadn't had any movies actually, but apparently Yelena had gone and bought a bunch, a waste of money really, considering he was making streaming apps the new thing shortly.

Domino rolled her eyes. "Please, no horror. I'd like to sleep tonight without dreaming of whatever monstrosities you pick." She sent him a sly look, "Besides, we wouldn't want the boss to get scared…"

Justin just gave her a deadpan look, "I've walked in on Vanko naked and doing things to a vodka bottle, Stephen King won't frighten me."

Yelena huffed, completely ignoring Justin's horrible experience. "Fine, no horror. How about a romcom?" She looked at them hopefully, eyes wide, lower lip jutting out.

Domino looked horrified. "I'd rather die than watch romance - especially a romcom." She said, utterly serious.

Justin laughed, amused despite his initial reluctance. "Alright, how about we compromise? Something classic?" He asked them.

Domino crossed her arms, "Depends on what you mean by classic. If you say 'Gone with the Wind, I'm out."

Yelena brightened up. "What about a Disney movie? They're classics, fun, and have a bit of everything." She suggested, snuggling into Justin's arm, looking up at him pleadingly.

Justin nodded, leaning back into the pillows. "I could go for some Disney." He allowed, feeling quite relaxed.

Domino sighed dramatically. "Fine, but if it's a musical, I reserve the right to throw popcorn at both of you."

Yelena grabbed the remote and started scrolling through the options she'd purchased. "How about The Lion King? It's got action, drama, and some good laughs."

Justin shrugged. "Sounds perfect." He said, not overly caring, it was decent enough to not offend his sensibilities, even if it felt ridiculous to sit and watch a cartoon.

As the opening credits rolled, they settled into the pillow fort. Yelena snuggled into her bunny pajamas with a bowl of popcorn, leaning into his arm, Domino lounged elegantly in her silky set with a glass of wine she'd gotten somehow without Justin noticing, and Justin found himself genuinely relaxing for the first time in ages.

They laughed, argued about the plot, and made fun of the characters. For a few hours, they were just three people enjoying a movie night, far removed from the stress and danger of their usual lives. And for Justin, it was a reminder that sometimes, even in the chaos, there could be moments of simple joy.

That night he slept without obsessively thinking on the next step, for the first time in over two years.


Author's note:

One thing about Justin that's been clear throughout all of this - he's able to pivot when needed. Even if sometimes (Tony Stark) it takes him some whining and bitching to get there.

He does not like magic at all. But not to the point that when facing a threat, he wouldn't cooperate with the people capable of intervening. It doesn't cost him much, other than his wish to remain completely in charge.

Kaecillius is years away from who he was, and I don't care if it fits timelines. I'm doing it anyway. Eventually he'd have been able to cure his surviving child with magic, but Kamar Taj doesn't just hand that stuff out like candy, he'd have to work at it and learn it himself.

Instead Panacea came out, and Kaecillius has someone he owes. He still feels a debt to the Ancient One for taking him on, but he's not the zealot he would become.

Small slice of just life snuck in too.

The timeline I looked up when I started this said iron man 2008 Fury's bad week aka IM2, Hulk and Thor about six months later - now that's not the official timeline but I'm not gonna go back and edit that all.

The invasion and all the shenanigans aren't going to happen to Canons timeline anyway.

So the Thor movie is coming up soon in a monthish or so.
