
Chapter 22: Everything is SUPER!

Chapter 22: Everything is SUPER!

Not that anyone is surprised, but this story won on Patron again, so here is another chapter.

To everyone's sadness, Justin will not drown in hot Black Widows this chapter.

He'll have to make do without for now.

Anyway as usual, I don't own Marvel, the Avengers, X-Men or anything from Disney and etc, etc.

Hope you enjoy.


July 21st, 2008, New York,

The bright lights of the late-night TV studio beamed down on Justin as he sat comfortably in the guest chair, his confident demeanor and sharp suit making him look every bit the charismatic billionaire. The backdrop of the show featured the city skyline, illuminated in vibrant hues, adding to the glamorous atmosphere. The host, an up and coming interviewer and late night personality known for her wit and charm, (and giant assets) leaned forward with a welcoming smile. Just coincidentally showing off a lot of cleavage.

"Welcome to the show, Justin," She began, her voice full of enthusiasm. "It's great to have you here tonight.

She'd beaten out a dozen other candidates through sheer effort and use of connections. That and Justin always prefered being in a room with a hot blonde.

"Thank you, it's great to be here," Justin replied, his tone smooth and polished, he flashed her a suave smile enjoying the hint of want in her eyes. That want had nothing to do with his looks.

She was a career climber, a child star and model that married rich, was widowed even richer, and kept finding herself promoted higher into the entertainment industry using her late husband's money and influence. Justin was like catnip to a woman like this.

Not bad for a woman only married for six months. But then he had been seventy-six.

Hence why he had picked her show above all the others - because he knew she'd accommodate anything he wanted. Her scramble to get him, blowing favors right left and center when she hadn't needed to, only amused him further.

"Let's dive right in," Patricia Walker, the host, said, settling into her chair. "You've made quite a name for yourself in the business world, some would say the name, even. Can you tell us more about your latest ventures?"

Justin smirked, casually leaning forward over the arm of his chair. "Absolutely. Hammer Industries is at the forefront of cutting-edge technology and defense solutions as you know, the military, FBI and police services across the United States and abroad - are drowning us in contracts. Yet you're not interested in all that military stuff are you? So let's move on to something more suited to your viewers, "He said with a wink, continuing on, "We've recently launched a trial app in certain cities, bringing personal choice even closer to all consumers - food delivery, and ride hailing, giving everyone with a car a chance to earn an extra buck on the side - while giving Americans the choice of their whole city and its delights at their fingertips."

Only available on H-phones of course. And by the time any kind of lawsuit over that wound it's way through the courts, he'd have even greater market dominance anyway and it wouldn't matter if he had to spread it to every provider afterwards.

The host nodded, impressed. "That's fascinating, is that important to you then, choice?" She said sweetly, "It seems to be a recurring theme for some of the advances Hammer industries has brought the world."

Justin swept an arm out grandly, "Choice is the ultimate goal, my dear. What is life with only one path before you? With Hammer industries, no matter what walk of life, what industries, we offer choices - a way to save money, earn extra, live life to the fullest, experience new things." He swept his eyes across the small audience, a playful smirk on his lips, "It also gives the people that which they can't get anywhere else. Time. With just a simple app, you can order dinner, and spend your time on some other pursuit while it's taken care of for you. You need to go somewhere? Someone in your area will be ready to pick you up and get you there, cheaply, and speedily. Don't want to go through hours of grocery shopping? Make your list, and someone else picks it up and delivers it for you."

Patricia let out a gasp of amazement, that if he hadn't seen her practice it before they went on air, even he would have believed was real, "It really seems like Hammer Industries are working for the people, giving them jobs and choices, not to mention how you've cured disease practically overnight." She gushed, the audience breaking out into wild applause.

It might be droll, doing these kinds of fake shows, but the sad reality of humanity was that these things worked.

Patricia (call me Trish) Walker was temporarily a hit - the new flavor - so he'd take advantage of her five minutes of fame to push his thoughts and vision onto more people. Furthering his own fame and selling more of his products.

Justin kept his practiced smile on, nodding genially, "Unlike many other businesses, we aren't all about the money, we give back, because without the people supporting us, we would be nothing, Hammer industries is all about helping you."

The fact people believe a word of anything I just said proves beyond a doubt that people should be required to have a licence to be allowed to breed. He thought, pleased it continued to be easy to earn the people's praise, but annoyed at how stupid they really were.

"Aren't you worried about rivals getting ahead? What's stopping some of your unscrupulous fellow business moguls from copying this app you've created and running with it?" Trish asked, putting on a worried mien, Justin particularly liked her adding the epithet unscrupulous to his rivals.

Justin smiled somewhat pityingly, "Ah, my rivals won't succeed my dear, they might attempt it, but since they're all about the profit, they'll cut corners and rush out an inferior product." He leaned back in his chair, laying his hands in his lap, for all intents and purposes, entirely relaxed - answering a few more easy questions on how his app would work and which cities it was available in.

The truth was that no competitor could make something like Uber make money as things stood right now. Not with Justin competing with lower prices and offering Panacea to all employees, even gig ones if they stay in the position long enough. For him, it was barely an expense, it didn't cost him anywhere near as much to make as what he sold it for. And the loyalty it bought was priceless.

Where he came from, the food delivery and ride sharing apps weren't even making a profit, he likely would struggle to do the same with such a thin profit margin, but that's where he could continue where his rivals could not. The grocery side of things might push him closer to the margins at least. Either way it didn't matter.

Because he didn't care if he lost a hundred million or so a year on this once it got going.

He just wanted everyone to use his products. Which eventually would roll into the everything app once it was ready. The amount of data and surveillance he could get on these people through his AI was well worth the cost.

"Now, we can't have you on the show without mentioning Tony Stark. There's been quite a rivalry between the two of you. How do you feel about him and his work?" Trish asked almost conspiratorially, leaning in closer.

Justin's expression shifted to one of mild condescension, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "Tony Stark is a talented engineer, no doubt about that, we all know that obviously. But let's be honest, his approach is... Let's say, a bit reckless. He loves the spotlight, but at Hammer Industries, we focus on practical solutions that benefit everyone, not just flashy headlines."

Trish giggled, raising a hand to her mouth, "He must be terribly disappointed then on how the spotlight has rested solely on yourself as of late?"

Justin shrugged, casual as could be, "I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what Tony Stark thinks, I'm here to bring choice and better living to humanity, he…" He paused, frowning minutely, "I'm sorry I haven't paid attention to such a minor rival as of late, Does he do anything except sell bombs anyway?"

Trish cleared her throat, making a show of looking at the purely decorative stack of papers in front of her, "I believe he is entering the consumer electronics market like yourself."

Justin smirked, "Oh? I hadn't noticed."

There was an oooohh from the audience, and Justin held back the instinctive reaction to preen at the attention.

Trish raised an eyebrow, visibly intrigued by his candor (or already counting her viewership numbers skyrocketing) "Interesting perspective." She murmured, barely able to hold back a grin, "Now, onto a lighter topic. There have been rumors swirling about a potential romance between you and Hope Van Dyne. Any truth to that?"

Justin's smile remained, but there was a noticeable shift in his demeanor, a calculated refusal to be drawn into personal matters - especially his love life of all things. "Hope is an incredible businesswoman and a good friend. I have immense respect for her and her work with Pym Technologies. But as for personal relationships, I prefer to keep those private. I'm here to talk about business and innovation, not tabloid fodder."

That had not been on the list of approved questions… Someone was getting a little too comfortable, he thought, meeting the hosts eyes, impressing his dissatisfaction with her antics through his eyes.

The host, sensing his reluctance to delve into his personal life, smoothly transitioned. "Fair enough. Let's talk about the future. What's next for Justin Hammer and Hammer Industries?"

Justin's face eased once again, enthusiasm returning to his voice, albeit entirely faked. "The future is incredibly exciting. We're looking into more advanced consumer technologies, more choice in the entertainment industry, and even space exploration - we're even exploring a humane way to fix the prison issues facing this country. Hammer Industries is committed to leading the way in innovation and making a real impact on the world, we're here to save the world, all of us together."

All of you, for me…

The host smiled, wrapping up the segment. "Thank you, Justin, for sharing your vision with us. It sounds like you have some groundbreaking projects on the horizon."

"Thank you for having me," Justin replied, his charm undiminished. "It's been a pleasure."

As the cameras panned out and the show went to a commercial break, Justin's confident smile remained firmly in place, even as he pierced the ambitious late night host with an even stare.

He'd achieved what he wanted. Further spreading the word about how his company was the future, working for all of humankind, and had gotten a few digs in at Stark and his rivals to boot.

But he had not appreciated Hope being brought into it.

She smiled nervously, having realized her mistake doubtlessly, a climber like her couldn't get where they were without being quick on the uptake. "Mister Hammer, I have refreshments in my suite, please let me apologize for going off script." She said quietly, her mic turned off.

Justin's eyes narrowed, but his smirk grew, well… We'll see how good she apologizes…

Two hours later,

Justin fixed his tie as he exited the studio, Domino trailing behind him. He'd been forced to have another suit delivered. His first had been in no condition to wear in public.

Patricia was a fun little diversion, it had been interesting being able to let go to that extent. It was interesting to see such a confident woman have a thing for submission.

Although a normal woman seemed to have issues with his Extremis enhanced body now that he had the perfected formula. Something he'd have to watch out for even further when he became a full on super.

He didn't have anything against killing someone. But pointless killings? Such as accidentally breaking a woman once he had super strength? He loathed the loss of control something like that would signify.

"Bit rougher than usual, feeling stressed?" Domino teased, a playful smirk on her face. "I almost expected you to ask me to bring you a whip."

Justin glanced at her, annoyed, "You know, you don't have to always be in the same room as me, you voyeur!" He snarked, not wanting to admit he'd forgotten about her until he was already far into it.

Domino shrugged, still smirking, "Au contraire, I do have to be in the same room, it's in my contract. That's the whole point." She fired back.

"Yet you don't follow me into the bathroom, so you could have quite left me alone to discuss things with Patricia… What was her last name again?" Justin asked, brow furrowed, not sure if he was ever told.

Not that it really mattered.

She'd get a hand up like she wanted, she'd performed admirably enough.

Domino laughed quietly, "Ah, I'm sure her last name doesn't matter." She said flippantly, before leaning in, a cheshire grin blooming onto her face, "You want me to follow you into the bathroom is that it? Hold the little hammer for you?" She cooed, daring him to order her.

Justin gave her a deadpan look, "I don't understand you at all."

"Oh, good. I'm doing my job right." She said smugly, opening the door for him, as he slid into his limo.

"You're doing something alright." He muttered, shaking his head, putting it out of his mind, Domino would be Domino.

He focused on his implant and his glasses flashed as he began working through his inbox.


15 minutes later,

Justin let out a pleased hiss, "Fucking finally!" Slamming a fist into the seat next to him.

His spies keeping a watchful eye on Tony Stark, and specifically his spies watching his Malibu Mansion - reported lift off.

Tony fucking Stark was finally flying out as Iron Man, even if just test flights.

Four plus months late, but he was finally doing it.

It must be Yinsen's influence. His own dominance on the world economy might have delayed him slightly as he began ramping up inventions and production, but not for this long.

Tony after all didn't actually run his company, so after the first invention binge, he should have come back to his suit, even if he didn't end up using it to flee his incarceration, surely he couldn't forget about it?

Yet he'd waited and waited, until Justin was about ready to straight up ask the man what was taking so goddamn long.

Yinsen must be the spoke in the wheel. He's a doctor. Stark's condition wasn't exactly suited for going flying in a metal suit. And Yinsen might be the only doctor he actually trusted. Justin felt it must be true, because he had no other explanation.

He knew from his clinics that Stark had gone under the knife this month, so now fully healed it seemed he'd been able to convince Yinsen to let him loose.

It couldn't be the chameleon again that was behind the changed behavior, he was keeping a tight eye out for that bastard, as hard as it was to watch for shapeshifters and the like. He would catch him one day.

Just like Stane, and Shaw, and others like them, he would extract a measure of satisfaction from them.

He sent a message to Sunil, keep an eye on the middle east, especially Gulmira, I want to know everything.

If Stark would follow the same pattern, he would be ready to take advantage.

Anything he could do to inconvenience the bastard - while still using his intellect for humanity, was worthwhile in his opinion.

Just then he got a message from Xavier, flashing across his glasses.

Erik and the Brotherhood have completely disappeared, haven't found any sign.

Just lovely.

Once again Charles Xavier turned out to be utterly useless at the one thing he's supposed to have some skill in - dealing with Magneto.

No matter, Shaw and Emma were looking into it as well, the Hellfire club having some uses. It would have been more helpful if Selene cared enough to assist. But Justin wasn't going to push the insane sorceress.

They were also looking into the whole Wakanda situation, as official avenues had found nothing.

Perhaps Shaw and Emma would have more luck?

It didn't hurt to try anyway.

He settled in for the ride, going through emails and documents mentally, work never ended.


Washington DC, later that day.

Justin detested magic. Even the idea of it. How illogical it was, how inherently chaotic it was.

But he couldn't disapprove of skipping the whole process of flying around in a vulnerable metal tube - versus Kaecillius doing some funny motions and bringing him from New York to Washington DC in seconds.

He stepped through into his Washington office, shoulders slumping slightly as he faced reality. His entourage all came through after him, Kaecillius closing the glowing and swirling portal with a gesture.

"You… Will be teaching me that." Justin drawled out, painfully.

He didn't like it at all. But instant transportation… He would be an utter fool to not take advantage.

Kaecillius sunk to one knee immediately, "With pleasure Master Hammer."

One eyebrow twitched, as Justin held back his instinctive response. "Yes… Well… Get up, people here don't take kindly to kneeling people." He snapped.

He didn't overly mind being called Master, but the kneeling thing would definitely draw questions even from his staff if they saw it. The pure fanaticism was almost par for the course. Cho was well known by now amongst higher ups in the company.

Speaking of….

Helen Cho, whom had apparently been waiting at the doorway of the room for their arrival, practically vibrated on the spot, watching Kaecillius and him with wide eyes and a delighted smile.

Just… Perfect..

"Helen, what are you doing in Washington?" He asked, while glancing at Yelena out of the corner of his eyes. And why wasn't I aware?

Yelena just looked at him innocently, which in itself told him she had a hand in informing the good doctor of their arrival. Why else would she have no reaction to the magic portal they arrived in.

That said, he'd believed she was in New York, so how had she gotten here so quickly?

"I have so much good news!" Cho said excitedly, clapping her hands together, coming into the room, her eyes staring at him adoringly. "... Should I kneel too?" She asked coyly, glancing at Kaecilius with interest.

"No!" "Yes, it's only proper." Justin said sternly at the same time as Yelena sniffed imperiously and responded completely differently.

"Yelena…" He growled warningly.

The problem with punishing that woman was that she enjoyed punishment far too much, and he wasn't willing to go to the lengths where she'd honestly hate it. Hence she'd recently begun spending too much time making sure he was venerated enough by the staff.

Which again, in principle he didn't have much against.

Except for when it came to the true fanatics and their headache inducing actions. Like Kaecillius and Cho.

"I'm sorry Mister Hammer, I'm just ensuring your loyal staff is available to report in person on important discoveries." Yelena said sweetly, hands held demurely behind her back.

Justin snorted, but let it go, no matter what, Helen Cho was a hassle to deal with, so Yelena's meddling didn't change much, "What is the news, Helen?" He asked, holding back a sigh as she swiftly knelt before him.

Flashes of memories of Helen Cho on her knees really didn't help him either.

"We have succeeded in incorporating the Super Soldier Serum and Extremis together!" She said squirming in place, looking up at him excitedly. "Out of the last 50 test subjects, not a single one died!"

Justin let out a sigh of relief, one problem dealt with. "Bucky Barnes?" He asked immediately.

Helen smiled adoringly, "Just waiting for your word. Doctor Hansen is ready to administer, the subject has begrudgingly approved of the procedure."

Justin had a feeling Bucky would, as afraid as he was of the possibility of his mind fully restored, the chance his trigger words wouldn't work anymore on a fully healed brain - was worth the attempt.

Justin ignored everyone else to call Maya through his glasses. These kinds of orders were not ones you made through e-mail or proxies. He'd specifically arranged his company and labs so, that way no one was able to go around him for the most important decisions.

"Yes, sir?" Maya answered promptly, having obviously been waiting on his call.

"Cho told me, you have authorization, tell me immediately after your post treatment tests have been completed." Justin said swiftly, Maya, not wasting time, simply acknowledged the order and hung up.

Justin had to prevent himself from doing a little dance. He had an audience. The Super Soldier serum mixed with Extremis might not make him an equal to the worst the world had to offer - but it was a good start.

"Helen, if it all works out, schedule me for the end of the week, move on to Yelena and my personal security team afterwards." Justin ordered, before his eye twitched at seeing her still on her knees, "And get off your knees woman!" He barked at her.

He'd be meeting with Hope later before their big end of the month reveal - he'd think about offering her the same in the meanwhile. He knew she had the suit, but he still would like her to be able to protect herself better.

He knew better than to suggest she was incapable and needed protection. But he was still worried. Shaw was likely not the only one who saw her as a valuable hostage, and the last thing he needed was Hank Pym imploding because someone touched his daughter.

Helen Cho rose gracefully, the adoring look never once falling off her face, standing before him demurely, her hands clasped in front of her, "It will be done ~sir!" She chirped.

Justin let out a huff of air, smiling despite himself. Helen might be aggravating in her devotion, but it was hard to be truly upset with someone who worshiped you. "And Helen, if you want the treatment after, it's available to you as well, we need to keep you safe, hmm?"

Helen practically melted on the spot, a goofy smile on her face, "Yes, my lo- y-yes sir!" She stuttered out.

Yelena stepped in, knowing Justin was on a tight schedule in Washington today. "Helen, why don't you show Kaecillius around, he has nothing to do until he's transporting master Hammer back tonight." She suggested with a small coy grin on her face.

Justin closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. Yelena was an amazing woman, and did absolutely incredible work for him in regards to his business and affairs. But he was realizing her intentions towards him were perhaps a little too helpful.

Helen squeaked, glaring at Yelena, "Why do you get to call him master!?"

"No one is calling me master!" Justin broke in to say, glaring at Yelena, before immediately turning on Kaecillius and glaring him into submission.

The sorcerer showed some common sense, and closed his mouth with a snap, before he could make the situation more comical.

Which did absolutely nothing in the end as Helen Cho brightly grabbed him by the arm, escorting him out, while talking rapidly, and he was sure he heard the word master, several times in that short time.

"Must you?" He said long sufferingly to Yelena.

She grinned cheekily, "Sir, it's my duty to ensure the staff is loyal to you." She protested.

Even though he was annoyed, he let it go. He'd learned from the man Justin Hammer was before. Controlling his staff with an iron fist only created resentment and disloyalty. Allowing them to have their little fun in a way that didn't actually harm him in any way except for occasional irritation - was worth it.

He was also loath to actually punish her for some minor teasing, both because of her usefulness and because he enjoyed her company, teasing and all.

One only had to look at Domino to see the benefits of allowing some teasing. She was utterly irreverent - and utterly effective.

He knew he'd garnered her loyalty with his easy going manner with handling her. She didn't solely work for her enormous pay anymore.

So he'd let this go.

As long as it remained minor, and to his benefit.

It didn't make it less annoying.

He really hoped Helen and Kaecillius together wouldn't spawn some unholy abomination in his name or something.


Triskelion, Washington DC.

In the heart of the Triskelion, the imposing headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D, Justin walked with an air of self-assurance - these were the people meant to stop someone like him, and here he was, walking in like he owned it. The corridors buzzed with activity more so than ever, everyone knowing that with Fury gone - changes were coming.

Agents moved purposefully albeit with a measure of stress visible, while the latest in high-tech surveillance and security systems kept a watchful eye over everything. Although if he wasn't mistaken, there was a little bit… Less personnel around here at the upper levels, he wondered at that….

Couldn't just go quietly Fury, eh?

He made his way to the top of the Triskelion where Alexander Pierce waited for him in his obnoxiously large office.

Pierce stood as Justin entered, extending a hand in greeting, coming around his desk to meet him halfway. "Justin, it's good to see you. Please, have a seat." He said affably, gesturing to a few chairs set to the side.

Making a point to be friendly, instead of showing off behind his desk, Justin thought, smiling pleasantly.

It seemed he wasn't the only one with an agenda today…

Justin accepted the handshake and settled into one of the leather chairs, noting the room's understated yet undeniable authority, a reflection of Pierce himself in a way. "Likewise, Alexander. I appreciate that you made time for me in your no doubt hectic schedule."

Pierce smiled, though his eyes remained calculating. "Thank you. And I appreciate you adding your vote to the consensus when the opportunity came up. Times are changing as we speak. As you know, Nick Fury has been relieved of his duties, and I have stepped down from my position to assume control of SHIELD, directly."

HYDRA can't afford playing the long game anymore. Justin interpreted that move as. They weren't waiting around for Zola's project. They recognized the world was changing too fast.

A pity.

It would have made it easier for him in the end if they had put all their eggs in Project Insights basket.

Justin nodded, already aware of this. "Big changes indeed." He murmured, cocking his head, "I haven't seen a report on how that dismissal went?" He questioned shrewdly, eyeing Pierce.

He couldn't imagine they'd take the risk of Nick Fury running around outside their influence.

Pierce winced slightly, almost imperceptibly. "Ah, yes… We haven't had the chance to forward that report to the council yet... Fury disappeared with about a hundred agents so far."

Justin raised an eyebrow, almost amused, "Really, that sounds like an interesting story. Barton, Romanoff?" He asked, wondering what on earth they were thinking they would achieve moving so openly.

They'd practically just handed HYDRA the reins without a fight.

Pierce looked marginally cheerful at that, "They were not part of the exodus." The humor in his voice didn't match the dark look in his eyes.

Justin again wondered what the hell was going on with Fury's mind. Because Pierce would never trust that those two weren't his to the hilt. So they'd make for some really crappy double agents. And that was if Pierce didn't have them killed.

"Coulson, Hill?" He asked, rubbing his chin, his gaze thoughtful, this entire thing changed everything - including his entire game plan for what he came here for.

Fuck you Fury, even out of the picture, you're still fucking with me, he thought with chagrin.

"One gone, one stayed on, Hill is a dependable woman." Pierce said sarcastically, the both of them sharing incredulous smiles. Both of them were thinking the same thing no doubt. Really Nick?

Justin leaned back in the chair, gathering his thoughts, this would be delicate now, short term it could actually be good for him - long term it absolutely sucked.

Nazis, no matter what kind, or what shape they took, just weren't kosher.

Pierce leaned forward, his expression earnest yet shrewd. "Justin, you've always been a man of vision, someone who understands the importance of control and influence." He said lowly, meeting his gaze, "SHIELD needs allies who think beyond the obvious. We're looking to build a new world order, one where stability and security are paramount."

Justin listened carefully, his expression attentive but noncommittal. "Go on." He said, a rotten feeling in his gut, here was the pitch…

God damn you Fury!

Pierce's eyes glinted with a hidden intensity. "We have the means to achieve this. We believe in a unified world, guided by strength and order. Your technological advancements and resources could play a crucial role in this vision. We want you to join us, to help shape the future."

Justin leaned back, considering his words carefully, "When you say we, let's be plainspoken here… One moment." Before he could go too far, he used his implant to scan the room through his glasses, finding two cameras and one microphone active.

Tricky bastard, he cursed internally.

The worth of a recording of Justin Hammer speaking about HYDRA was practically priceless. And he'd almost just stepped right into it. "I'm a man who values my privacy, Alexander." He said coldly.

He would not allow the man to step over him, HYDRA head or not, Director of SHIELD or not. He was Justin fucking Hammer, and these people came to him, not the other way around.

Not anymore.

Pierce smiled, bringing out his phone, an H-phone Justin idly noted, that will come in useful soon… He pressed a few buttons, and Justin performed another scan after he put the phone away in his pocket again, the equipment disabled now to his senses.

Still, he'd remember to be careful, if anyone had devices he couldn't find, it would be these people. He waved over Domino, who had been guarding him from the door, outside of earshot.

She sauntered over, eyes sharp, as Justin had her sit on the arm of his chair, giving Pierce a challenging look. Her powers weren't all that well known, but Pierce knew enough, enough to believe her presence so close would give Justin luck.

Her being called over being a warning of sorts. Don't push too far.

"Let's just say I know of what you speak, in general. Why would I want to join in on such a thing?" He asked, eyes cold and assessing.

Pierce already knew he knew about HYDRA, so they'd be able to speak just fine on it without mentioning it directly.

Pierce continued smiling, although it didn't reach his eyes, nodding his head slowly as he considered the proximity of Domino. "Why else? Power, the ability to shape the world." He said charmingly, "Justin, you know as well as I this world needs protection, who better than us?" He said, insistently, leaning forward.

Justin leaned back, considering his words carefully. "Power, protection, shaping the world… That's quite a proposition, Alexander." He murmured, switching back to a more genial tone, "But I have to ask, what makes you think I'm interested in joining such a thing?"

Especially as I'm already doing it on my own…

Pierce smiled, a predator sensing a potential ally. "You and I both know the power of control, Justin. With… Us, you'd have a hand in shaping the world's destiny, ensuring that chaos and unpredictability are stamped out worldwide."

For a moment, Justin appeared to mull it over, his expression thoughtful. Then he leaned forward, a shrewd smile playing on his lips as he understood the position Pierce was in. The reason for his sudden open invitation.

With Fury in the wind, HYDRA's reveal was only a matter of time. Even if he didn't know for sure yet, he would find out now that he had nothing else to focus on. Pierce had to take over, manage SHIELD, facing threats from everywhere. A SHIELD who was suddenly facing rebellion while the world nipped at it from the outside for their many failures recently.

He looked like he had a strong position, but his insistent pushing right now, his attempt to snare Justin, it was the act of someone in a weak position, not one of strength.

He needed Justin. And that realization alone, gave him all the power he needed in this discussion.

"Alexander, I appreciate the offer, truly." He said calmly, Pierce's face turning stony the second he realized what Justin was saying. "But I believe our paths are better aligned as distant allies rather than direct partners. My focus is on the economy, on innovation and growth in the private sector. That could be very useful to you, correct? But not if I was… Entrenched in organizational politics."

"I admit to some disappointment, Justin." Pierce said slowly, "But I am relieved you still wish to cooperate with our vision." The affable smile was back again, as he met Justin's gaze.

Justin smiled, and it was all teeth, "I believe in order, nothing says we can't work together in the future. I have a different focus right now however. You handle the political sphere, the shadowy side of governance. Together, we can support each other's efforts without entangling ourselves too deeply."

Pierce's new smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of contemplation. "A pragmatic approach, I suppose." He muttered, seemingly accepting, but not altogether pleased with the outcome.

Justin nodded. "Exactly. Cooperation without entanglement. I'll continue to advance technology and the economy, which will, in turn, benefit your goals. And you ensure that the political landscape remains conducive to our mutual interests."

HYDRA would have to go, for obvious reasons, but Pierce would be a useful pawn as long as he thought Justin was an ally.

Pierce studied him for a long moment before nodding slowly. "Very well, Justin. We'll see how this plays out. Just remember, in this new world, we all need strong allies, anyone can be brought low if they're not careful…"

Fury is better at veiled threats than you, Pierce, he thought with a scoff, patting Domino's knee, meeting Pierce's gaze unflinchingly.

"Allies then." Pierce said slowly, looking pleased despite everything.

It wasn't a full win for him, but Justin could imagine he was thinking it wasn't far off. The further Justin cooperated, the easier it would be to tie him in. He no doubt saw Justin's greed and lust for power and thought it made him controllable.

Not realizing those two attributes was what made Justin unstoppable.

"As allies… I suppose I should alert you to a little… Snag in our little alliance." Justin said with an imperious smirk.

Pierce sat still, his face could have been carved out of marble suddenly, "Oh?" He said dangerously.

"Yes, I've already solved the situation so nothing to worry about Alexander. But I thought it important to our new alliance, to let you know I currently hold the Winter Soldier."

Justin admired Pierce's self control, the man didn't even flinch, no reaction at all, his eyes simply meeting Justin's with intensity, "That's… Interesting." He said simply, fishing for information.

Another sign to Justin that he'd clocked the situation correctly, Pierce wasn't in a position to go after him, or he'd have reacted much differently to that piece of news. "Not to worry, he's healed from all that nasty mind blending, and I've convinced him to let bygones be bygones, that HYDRA was wiped out when he was captured, and the few, few, remaining members now work for, or with me."

"How thoughtful of you." Pierce said slowly, holding back any reaction masterfully.

"He's mine now, and I'll use him well, and it will benefit the both of us still in the end won't it? Just make sure your… Friends, know to keep things nice and easy, and we'll all profit from this in the end. Power and control, right?" Justin drawled, bowing his head slightly to Pierce, nothing but an empty gesture, but it got the other man to sit straighter anyway.

"Of course, we'll all stay friendly, and work for the same goals, for the world and our own benefits." He murmured, eyes piercing, but he relaxed slightly, no longer seemingly on the edge of making a dangerous decision.

Dangerous for him, because Justin trusted Domino over whatever Pierce had hidden in the two secret walls his glasses had picked up on.

Justin stood, extending his hand once more. "Of course, Alexander. To mutual success."

They shook hands, a tentative understanding forged, or so Pierce believed at least. Each of them had their own vision for the future. As Justin left the Triskelion, he couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. He had successfully navigated the treacherous waters of HYDRA's recruitment, securing his position and influence without compromising his own goals.

Fury was still an absolute asshole, but he'd weakened Pierce's position at the absolute best time for Justin.

He'd expected to walk out with several bribes sent HYDRAs way to make things work. Instead he walked out with what was basically a promise of sending thoughts and prayers.

They'd have to be dealt with.

But for now.

It all worked for him.

The world could use a little bit more control.


The next day, New York, Blacksite

In the sterile, high-tech laboratory in the basement of the same building Bucky Barnes had been held, Justin laid ensconced in the regeneration cradle. The cradle, above its usual purposes, was able to perfectly monitor and keep track of every aspect of the human body, its numerous displays flickering with data readouts and vital signs. Above him, sophisticated machinery hummed softly, more scanning technology available to the scientists attending him.

The fact he was naked in the cradle mattered not one whit to Maya Hansen, but Helen Cho was continuously distracted in her work.

Both women wore their lab coats and looked focused, their eyes occasionally meeting in silent communication as they prepared for the procedure. Only Helen's brief straying eyes took away from the view of professionals at work.

"Are you ready, sir?" Dr. Hansen asked, her voice calm and professional, though her eyes betrayed a hint of excitement.

Anytime they advanced Extremis in any way she was the same. It was her baby through and through, even if she'd needed a lot of assistance to get it to this point.

At least with this done, he could have her and Cho could focus on the X-gene Extremis so they could hopefully unmindfuck Eileen.

They were going through way too many worthless Metahumans in trial and error right now.

Justin, his face a mask of determination, nodded, concentrating on what was happening. "Let's do this."

Dr. Hansen stepped forward, holding a syringe filled with a glowing blue serum - the super soldier serum, designed to enhance human capabilities to their absolute peak. She inserted the needle into Justin's arm with practiced precision, injecting the serum slowly. Due to him already having Extremis, the serum had already been adjusted to interact with and bond with the Extremis already in his system.

As the serum entered his bloodstream, Justin immediately felt a surge of intense heat radiating from the injection site, spreading rapidly through his veins. His heart began to race, pounding in his chest with a force that seemed almost supernatural. Every muscle in his body tightened, as if charged with electricity, and a wave of nausea washed over him. It was like the biggest rush in his life, while also intensely uncomfortable.

"Vitals spiking," Dr. Cho said, her voice clipped as she monitored the data, a hint of worry in her voice even with everything moving forward as expected. "Heart rate is elevated, but within expected parameters."

Cho completely missed the irritated glance from Hansen for her doubting the process even for a second. Justin noticed, because he was suddenly hypersensitive to everything around him.

Until he wasn't.

Justin's vision blurred, the edges of the world around him growing fuzzy. The heat intensified, reaching a point where it felt like his very blood was on fire. He clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he fought to remain conscious. Sweat poured from his forehead, drenching his hair and stinging his eyes.

The pain was intense, Justin straining his jaw, gritting his teeth together so hard the noise was audible, all to prevent a scream from erupting. He was better than that!

"It's working," Dr. Hansen murmured, her eyes fixed on the readouts. "The serum is bonding with his cellular structure."

Suddenly, the pain peaked, a crescendo of agony that threatened to consume him. Justin let out a guttural cry through clenched teeth, his body arching against the restraints. He could feel his muscles expanding, flexing, strengthening, as if his very flesh was being remade from the inside out. His bones ached with a deep, throbbing pain as they grew denser and stronger.

"Hang in there, Justin," Cho urged, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder in a rare moment of comfort. "You're almost through it." She added, almost sounding tearful.

As quickly as it had come, the pain began to ebb, replaced by a profound sense of power. Justin felt a surge of energy unlike anything he had ever experienced. His vision cleared, becoming sharper and more focused. Every sound, every movement in the room seemed heightened, his senses more acute than ever before.

It was like living your entire life in black and white, and suddenly everything was colored. It was amazing.

"Vitals are stabilizing," Dr. Hansen announced, with a note of accomplishment in her voice. "The transformation is complete."

Justin lay still for a moment, catching his breath. Then, with a newfound strength, he sat up, the restraints falling away, breaking off his body. He looked down at his hands, marveling at the strength he felt, the way his skin seemed to glow with vitality.

"How do you feel?" Cho asked, her eyes searching his face, worry flickering in her eyes.

Justin flexed his fingers, feeling the immense power coursing through his body. He stood, every movement fluid and effortless, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "I feel... Incredible."

Dr. Hansen nodded, a satisfied smile of her own. "Welcome to the next level, sir." She said, pride radiating off her.

"Yelena, get in there." Justin ordered, gesturing to the cradle, only to blink in bemusement at finding her already naked, standing at the ready.


"Did you…" He trailed off, not even going to ask, he had more important things to do. Although that is one habit he wouldn't mind catching on - it was very good for his ego.

Yelena pouted at him dropping the issue before it could be spoken out loud, but easily climbed into the cradle, eager to become even more dangerous.

They'd specifically postponed the Red Room attack until the end of the month due to the possibility this would be available. Yelena having more power behind her could only be a boon once she infiltrated the Red Room to release her sisters.

With the calculating way Cho was watching the small stylized trimmed J Yelena showed off proudly - he had a feeling at least one person would follow the trend.

I do love seeing my name on things… He thought, trying to hide how much he liked it.

Yelena was smug enough as it was.

There was only one thing to say once Yelena exited the cradle, a super soldier in truth, now.

"Spar?" He asked, ready to test his limits.

The look he got back was predatory, "Spar!" She confirmed, eagerly moving forward towards the exit.


"Yes, sir?"

"Maybe get dressed before you leave the lab…"


New York, July 25th, Hammer industries temporary offices,

Justin was seated behind his mahogany desk, his posture relaxed, as Hope sat across from him. She wore a casual yet stylish outfit - dark jeans and a fitted blouse - that highlighted her athletic build. She lounged in one of the plush chairs opposite Justin, holding a glass of wine in one hand.

The two of them had spent little over an hour just catching up and enjoying each other's company, but alas, business awaited, as it always did.

"It's nice to be able to relax, I don't see much of that lately," Hope breathed out, propping her feet up on the edge of his desk, a playful smile on her face.

Justin rarely saw her this carefree, it was nice, hence why he for once hadn't rushed into business.

"What's mine is yours, darling," Justin replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he noted her relaxed demeanor. "I see you're making yourself at home." He quipped lightly.

"Just testing your hospitality," she quipped back, flashing another playful smile. "How have you been? I noticed your new company in San Francisco, even ordered dinner through it once, genius idea really."

He knew. Although he didn't have the power of an AI behind him yet, certain phones and accounts were flagged in his system. Hope was one of those, so he'd immediately known when she'd placed an order from an Italian restaurant a few blocks away from her neighborhood.

He also now kept track on Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy amongst others. In those two's case, it was to ensure they didn't dig to deep into Dr, Connors.

He might have to dangle an internship over Gwen's head, distract her. That girl was comic book level of stubborn. From his tracking, it was apparent she was using her father's police connections to look into things.

Thankfully that would avail her nothing.

Unfortunately it seemed Pierce wasn't actually an idiot, he had what looked like an H-phone, but Justin couldn't find it at all in his system.

Oh well, once he had his AI…

"Busy as ever, and thank you, I think it was a pretty clever business idea," Justin said with smug smile. "But enough about me…" It was time to dig into business. "How's the idea of becoming a superhero going over? Any last minute regrets?"

Hope leaned back, crossing her arms. "It's been... Interesting to think about. Still getting used to the whole idea of being a 'public figure' thing. It's a lot of pressure."

There was a very big difference between being a somewhat well known business woman and scientist - to being a superhero.

"You'll handle it well, like you handle all your business" Justin said, his tone sincere. "And you'll look good doing it." He added, flashing her a quick charming smile.

"Flattery will get you everywhere," She replied with a smirk, before it grew into a more honest smile, "But thanks. It means a lot."

Justin chuckled easily. "Just stating the facts, Hope." He said warmly, before sighing, business waited for no man after all, "Anyway, let's talk business shall we? How many days a month can I count on you for the space program? And how many for the hero team?" He asked, knowing she was busy, not to his level, but still a woman with her days full.

It's why they guarded this little meetings so fiercely. Their time to just be, chatting together, enjoying time with an equal without any complications.

Hope raised an eyebrow, pretending to ponder. "Hmm, let me think. I was thinking ten days a month for the space program. It's a fascinating project, and I want to dive in deep. As for the hero team, maybe five days a month. Balancing both roles is going to be tricky, but I'm up for the challenge."

It's more than Justin had expected. Honestly half the month, a full fifty percent of her time spent on their shared endeavors, it was more than he could have asked. He was honestly surprised, but pleased.

He wondered how Hank Pym would take the news, and if Darren Cross had anything to do with Hope wanting to spend half the month as far away from her day job as possible. Either way, he was thankful.

Justin nodded at her appreciatively. "That sounds perfect. We can make that work. Your expertise is invaluable to both ventures." He winked at her, as he laid on some more flattery.

"Flattery and charm, again." She noted with a laugh. "But I appreciate it. I'm excited to see where this partnership takes us." She said, eyes softening.

Justin leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with a little bit of mischief. "You know, Hope, having you on board is like having a secret weapon. Or maybe a not-so-secret one, considering your public profile." He teased, part just having fun, part wanting to ensure she's aware how important she is to him. For this work. For the work.

Hope laughed, a light, melodic sound. "Just don't expect me to do all the heavy lifting. You've got to pull your weight too." She teased him back, looking at him fondly.

"I think I can manage that," Justin replied with a suave grin. "But seriously, Hope, having you on board is a game-changer. With your skills and intellect, we're bound to make significant strides."

"Flattery and charm, again," she teased, her eyes twinkling. "You're really laying it on thick today."

Justin shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "What can I say? I know a good thing when I see it." He fired back.

Hope rolled her eyes playfully. "Alright, alright. Enough with the sweet talk. Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. How are we going to divide my time between the space program and the hero team?"

Justin nodded, the playful banter giving way to a more serious tone. "Ten days a month for the space program would probably work best if it's consecutive, five for the hero team whenever you're needed, or become available. We'll make sure to schedule around any major missions or events. Flexibility is key, I don't want to get in the way of your dedication to your own company."

As far as he was concerned it was hers. Not Hanks. Because she was actually doing something with it.

"Sounds good to me," Hope agreed. "But don't think for a second that I won't call you out if you try to overwork me buster."

Justin chuckled. "Wouldn't dream of it. You have my word."

He'd decided not to push the super soldier serum mix on Hope yet. Her situation with her father was still delicate, and he didn't want to be the one to push her over the edge.

Not to mention the risk of Hank Pym cutting off the pipeline of particles he so desperately wanted for his space program.

Hope smiled, taking a small sip of win, tilting her head slightly to the side, in the direction of the entrance to the room, "Is there a reason your personal assistant won't stop glaring at me?"

Justin eyed Yelena, who immediately averted her eyes, only for her head to slide back, a glare aimed at Hope's position. "She's… Very loyal." He said weakly.

Dammit Yelena…

Hope raised an amused eyebrow. "Justin, you are a manwhore." She sighed, shaking her head. Immediately cottoning on to the issue.

If she hadn't already the last time these two had interacted.

Justin made an affronted noise, "I am not!" He defended himself against Hope's wild accusation.

"So you haven't slept with her?" Hope asked, laughter in her eyes.

"... That's completely different."

"~Slut!" She sing-songed.

"How much wine did you have?"


New York, Madison Square Garden, 30th of July.

In a private room backstage at Madison Square Garden, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. The room was tastefully decorated, exuding a sense of understated luxury. A large white table dominated the space, surrounded by plush leather chairs. At one end of the table sat President Ellis, growing into his presidency it seemed to Justin - as he held a stern demeanor and commanding presence, dressed in a sharp suit. Across from him, Justin sat with his usual air of confidence, radiating smugness about the evening's upcoming reveal.

President Ellis leaned forward, his expression serious. "I have to ask. Is he really ready for this? Are they all? We're talking about placing a lot of trust and responsibility on his and their shoulders." He clenched a fist, his expression tight, "If this turns into a catastrophe, if they fail at their task, it could sink my administration."

Justin smiled reassuringly. "Mr. President, I can assure you, he is not only ready, but he's almost eager to take on this mantle - to regain some of what was lost and rekindle a legacy. He's been through rigorous training and psychological evaluations. He's in top physical and mental condition." Justin leaned back in his leather chair, tenting his hands, "As for the rest of the team, you can count on me if nothing else, Mr. President, I will ensure they do as they should, I also do not want to lose face if this team causes a disaster."

Normally he didn't bother showing Ellis much respect, but he'd come through lately, assisting him more than Justin had planned when he'd supported the man's candidacy. And he was visibly growing into his role. So Justin could show him his due, if nothing else to keep Ellis happy and performing for him.

If he treated him too much like a trained monkey, he might start flinging shit…

The President nodded, but his concern was still evident. "This isn't just about physical readiness, Justin. The world is watching. This move will have significant geopolitical implications. We need to be sure." He stressed.

Russia and China both would likely throw massive hissy fits. They'd already grumbled at the small showing his team had done at the Suez canal, even though it had benefited them all massively.

There wasn't even a question about if those two nations would wage a PR campaign against them and send saboteurs - it was only a question of how much and how many.

Justin leaned in, his voice sly and persuasive. "He represents a bridge between the past and the future. He's a living testament to our history and a symbol of our ongoing strength. His return and subsequent take over of the Captain America legacy will send a powerful message to our allies and adversaries alike. It shows that we are resilient, that we honor our heroes, and that we're always ready to step up."

President Ellis considered this, his fingers tapping lightly on the table, finding his reasoning good enough by all metrics, as he switched the subject, "Speaking of allies, NATO is onboard, as is Scandinavia and Mexico, I haven't bothered approaching anyone else yet. But your team can act insofar those countries allow it - with oversight from NATO."

Justin's expression brightened, confident in his response. "That is plenty, if a disaster happens somewhere else and my team is denied, that's fine by me - it will show people that their governments are trash - unless they allow Hammer industries to help." Just another lever for his soft power.

While nominally under the US government and NATO, everyone with any lick of sense or power would know it was Justin who held the reins. So they'd come to him to negotiate things.

A few riots quietly encouraged after some earthquake or tsunami has devastated a country refusing his help, and the problem would solve itself. Either the government would bow to pressure and let his team in giving him more power there, his team able to back up his companies. Or they'll push so hard the public throws a revolution, leading to the same result eventually.

Either way, he won. To think a 'hero' team could be used to push his agenda so easily? He'd only wanted to make the Avengers a second rate team, but he found so many benefits on the way…

"How about what I requested, the EU?" Justin switched tracks, curious if Ellis had delivered. He was already seeing more traction for his companies, but that could simply be because of his deal with the Prime minister of Britain - the British taking in all he had on offer and forcing the EU to choose between following or trying to punish the British.

A move likely to push them straight out of the EU, and the Europeans knew it.

He had them between a rock and a hard place already, and then he sicked Ellis on them.

The President gave a small, knowing smile. "I had to pull a few levers to make sure they saw things our way. Some diplomatic pressure, a few strategic promises. In the end, they folded on my demands."

More like my demands, but oh how useful you've become, Ellis…

Justin's eyes gleamed with satisfaction at the news. "That's excellent news, Mr. President. Making it harder across the globe for rivals with no sense to try and copy my products could only benefit us both, your 8 years are practically guaranteed." He smirked, a smug look on his face as he slyly added, "Perhaps enough support to even change things so you could run a third time, hmm?"

He didn't own enough politicians to push through that too easily yet, but give him time, and he would.

The President stood, extending his hand to Justin. "Here's to a new chapter."

Justin shook his hand firmly. "To a new chapter, Mr. President. Let's make history tonight."

With a final nod, President Ellis exited the room, leaving Justin to finalize his preparations. As he adjusted his tie and glanced at his reflection, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Tonight would mark the beginning of a new era, one where he and his vision would stand at the forefront of change.

No matter what Fury tried to pull with the Avengers, no matter what HYDRA tried, no matter what the Mandarin plotted hiding in Asia.

This was his Era now.


New York, Madison Square Garden, 30 minutes later,

For weeks the media had drummed up interest, an event shared between Hammer Industries and the US government, a festive event covered in secrecy, one that would be attended by the President himself.

Tickets had sold out in minutes. With the last six months of innovation and media around Hammer industries, Justin Hammer was gold right now, and if he called, the public answered.

Some minor protests were held outside the arena, the people screaming and frothing at the mouth about mutants, or losing their careers, blaming everything on Hammer industries.

But they were in a clear minority, the stadium filled to the brim with people waving H-phones in the air.

The lights in Madison Square Garden suddenly dimmed, and the crowd hushed in anticipation as the event was about to begin. A dramatic drumroll echoed through the arena as a spotlight focused on the stage, where a sleek podium stood adorned with the Hammer Industries logo. The massive screens flanking the stage displayed the company's insignia, shimmering in a futuristic blue.

Justin strode onto the stage, exuding confidence and charisma. His impeccably tailored suit gleamed under the lights, and he paused for a moment, soaking in the applause before raising his hands to quiet the crowd, something that still took over five minutes as the frantic crowd raved at him.

These people all knew people, had loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, who only lived because of him, because of Panacea. To these people he was the ultimate rockstar.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this monumental evening," He began, his voice resonating with excitement. "Tonight, I am thrilled to introduce you to the future of world protection. People capable of fighting even natural disasters, doing search and rescue that regular services can not take on, taking on tyranny and evil wherever it may hide." He paused dramatically, letting the roar of the crowd resonate, "A real life superhero team - I give you, the H.A.M.M.E.R team." He shouted, spreading his arms out grandly.

The screens behind him lit up with the word H.A.M.M.E.R, each letter standing for Homeland Armored Maximum Mobilization and Emergency Response team. The audience buzzed with anticipation.

"Our world is changing, and with it, the threats we face," Justin continued, making sweeping arm gestures as the screen showed some of Wakanda's atrocities, "We need heroes who are not only powerful but also equipped with the best technology that Hammer Industries can provide. And tonight, I am proud to present to you the elite members of our new superhero team, backed by the Government of the United States of America, and our allies in NATO."

With a dramatic gesture, he pointed to the stage as the first hero appeared. "First, we have the Scorpion, a suit engineered for unparalleled agility and strength, piloted by a veteran marine and a hero in his own right. Please welcome, Frank Castle!"

A figure in bulky, dark green armor with a long, mechanical tail stepped forward, the Scorpion Armor glinting menacingly under the lights. The crowd cheered as Frank waved, the tail swaying with a life of its own.

Behind him the screen played action footage of his fight in Wakanda, the Scorpion moving as mobile artillery, taking down Wakandan air ships.

"Next, the skies will never be the same with our heroic Vulture watching it - a suit of armor engineered for agility and pure fire power. Please welcome, Brock Rumlow!"

The Vulture came in for a landing, its massive, metallic wings emerging, gleaming in the light, Brock taking a short flight over the stage before landing gracefully. The audience gasped at the display of aerial prowess, flashes of cameras going off everywhere as phones immortalized every moment.

Action footage of the fight in Wakanda played, coupled with footage of the Vulture simply taking to the sky, performing aerial maneuvers in death defying stunts.

The sound of the crowd was practically deafening at this point, Justin felt right in his element as he grinned wildly on stage, swept away in the emotions of the crowd, grandly throwing his arms up, practically shouting into the microphone.

"Every team needs a spark, and we have it in our very own Electro! No villain is safe with Electro safeguarding us all! Ladies and gentlemen, Max Dillon!"

Max stepped forward from behind the stage, electricity crackling around his hands and his eyes glowing with a blue hue. His confident grin matched the energy pulsating around him, eliciting a roar of approval from the crowd. His uniform was sleek and skin tight, a mix of dark blue and black.

The screens behind them lit up with action shots of Electro using his powers in power testing, drawing amazed gasps and shouts out of the crowd, Max grinning and raising his arms as he came to stand by the others.

"And now, someone who should need no introduction, a symbol of strength and innovation - a good friend of mine, and the beating heart of the team! The Wasp, Hope Van Dyne!"

Hope, in her sleek, black and yellow suit, buzzed onto the stage, jumping off Justin's shoulder where she'd been sitting, the camera showing her position, following her as she flew off him, returning to normal size in a superhero landing, her wings creating a hum that resonated through the arena. She flew over to land gracefully next to the other heroes, waving at the cheering crowd.

Justin hoped Hank choked to death on something watching this. The screen displayed Hope shrinking in and out as she tackled a whole complement of soldiers, taking them down with ease, before flying inside a tank, appearing seconds later as it detonated.

"For sheer power and precision in a suit that's a testament to the genius behind the Arc reactor, we have Whiplash! Give it up for Ivan Vanko!" Justin shouted, knowing Vanko had been looking forward to this all month.

A figure in a gleaming suit, filled with arc reactors, stepped forward with electrified whips loosely held down his arms, suddenly cracking them with explosive force, creating a spectacle of light and sound. The audience erupted into applause, impressed by the display of raw power.

The screens showed both Vanko's impressive showing at the Suez Canal, as well as shots of him working in a lab, the suits flashing by. Justin's way of appeasing Ivan, letting his genius go on show for everyone.

Justin paused, letting the anticipation build before delivering the evening's biggest reveal.

"And now, for the final member of our team. Someone that our country… No… The world has been crying out for." Justin said solemnly, the screens behind him showing nothing but the American flag waving.

"Captain America was the biggest hero the world had ever seen, but he wasn't the only one, he was followed by the Howling Commandos, and his best friend and a true hero, Bucky Barnes." The screen played footage from the war, the solemn atmosphere affecting the crowd, even as there was a lot of confusion. "Steve Rogers left a legacy, one too heavy to pick up by just anyone…" Justin said quietly, yet the microphone let everyone hear it.

The screen began flickering, showing quick images of Bucky Barnes, music beginning to pick up in a crescendo, "Yet, history told us Bucky Barnes made the ultimate sacrifice as a soldier, but he survived, a super soldier in his own right, kept as a POW for all this time!" Justin roared, to a shocked crowd and nation.

He gestured with one arm, the screen showing Bucky Barnes in simple fatigues, working out, testing his strength, fighting and training with the other members of the team. "He survived, Steve Rogers legacy is still alive! He is the epitome of the ideal of never give up, never surrender, always willing to fight for what is right and these United States of America - through thick and thin!"

The screen suddenly displayed nothing but Captain America's shield. Justin gestured explosively, and from beneath the stage, a lift moved up. It was shaped like the shield, on it stood Bucky Barnes, motionless, a perfect copy of the Captain America shield crafted for him out of Vibranium on his arm, a only slightly changed Captain America uniform adorning him. His expression was stoic but determined, the rest of the team coming to stand around him.

The crowd lost their minds, no one would leave Madison Square Garden with a fully functioning voice after this. All over America and the world, the reaction was explosive and filled with euphoria.

Captain America was that big of a deal.

Justin gestured towards Bucky Barnes, bowing his head slightly, "I give you all… For the world, for America, for Truth and Justice!"



Author's note:

Colonel Rhodes is a member that sometimes is on loan from the military whenever Hammer wants to rub Tony's nose in it - so he wasn't part of the show.

Justin wants to make sure his part time status is well known, so having him at the reveal would go against that - plus he wanted everyone focused on the members, not the media circus that would be Tony Stark's best friend being part of Justin's Hammer's team, that can come later.

And hey it's almost Thor time and Ironman is finally flying out of his cocoon.

Also Justin lies a lot in this chapter, don't take everything he says to people as gospel.

Also he might be stalking Hope. Bad Justin, bad!
