
Arriving at the gym

In the dark of the Hot Springs resort room, Blaziken was sitting alongside Helena and May, both girls chatting as usual; Helena was talking about how nice May's muscles were, while May praised Helena's figure and achievements so far.

The absentminded Blaziken, on the other hand, was thinking about how Duna had publicly used Gardevoir, and Helena and May didn't mention it, almost as if it hadn't happened.

'Am I going crazy? Has the world gone crazy? I know I'm not a pervert, or am I one? No! I can't be like those degenerates, serving such a strong Pokemon...'

Blaziken felt a strange heat between her legs; it was normal for her temperature to rise at abnormal times, but this wasn't like that; it was more of a feeling.

Spreading her legs a little, May noticed how her fur was receding, allowing her lower lips to come out into the world.

Closing her legs instantly, Blaziken cursed whatever was happening to her from the bottom of her heart.


The following morning, May woke Helena up early. Both girls had slept in the same room and talked all night, pulling phone pranks and buying clothes and Pokemon items from Helena's PokeNav. Both girls' spirits were rejuvenated and at full steam.

Both girls were getting ready for the day while talking about their plans for the day, "Well, I want to challenge Flannery's gym; I think the next two gym leaders will be easy with my current strength," Helena said while putting on her usual sweater.

"Well, I think Blaziken and I are going to buy some herbs, train a little, and just explore the town," May said, finishing tying both shoelaces.

As for Blaziken, she couldn't sleep all night. Every time she closed her eyes, her mind would wander into the scene she had seen of Dune using Gardevoir's throat, and her face would be full of bliss and happiness as that behemoth rode deep into her throat.

'Stupid and sexy Dune, Augh! I can't stop thinking about him; this must be the work of that Gardevoir, this Psyiquic type Pokemons, messing with minds, growing some muscles, and a bunch of weaklings'

While Blaziken cursed her luck, Dune, Gardevoir, and Lopunny walked into the girl's room; all three Pokemon had gone out by Dune's orders; he wanted to change their moves now that he was fully evolved and didn't need the girls to set up for him.

"Garchomp" (Hi there, Blaziken. Did you sleep well?) Dune asked, trying his best to fake ignorance. After having fun with Gardevoir, she told him her plan: to make Blaziken go crazy, making her think she was hallucinating.

"Blaziken!" (What did you do to me!? Why am I having visions of your monster size, delicious cock! and having thoughts of you mating with me!)

"Garchomp..?" (What? damn, saying that out loud is wild as hell, and what are you talking about? Me and Gardi just snuggled each other on the thermal waters, and we trained a little with Lopunny, right?)

"Lopunny, Lop?" (Yeah, those lovebirds just snuggled together all night, and today, Dune helped me relearn some moves; Blaziken, are you alright? Are you in the mating season?) 

Lopunny asked, genuinely concerned; she wasn't aware of Gardevoirs plan, so from her point of view, Blaziken was just talking nonsense and giving the appearance she was a horny degenerate, just like her.

"Blaziken!" (NO! I don't know, Augh!) Blaziken grabbed her Pokeball and returned to it, leaving May and Helena bewildered.

"May, I think you and Blaziken need some alone time together. Maybe have her checked on a Pokemon center."

Letting out a sigh, May nodded. "I guess you are right, Helena, I'll take care of her."

After the altercation, May and Helena went their separate ways, as always; Helena walked alongside Dune and Gardevoir toward the town Pokemon Gym.

As Dune thought about how strange it was that his system didn't give him a quest, the familiar blue panel appeared before him, acting as if nothing had happened. Dune continued walking while reading his quest.


 Quest: Defeat all of Flannery's Pokemon with permanent harsh sun.

Reward: Salazzle complete obedience + Special trainer encounter


'I'll be damned, what is this 5th generation weather war nonsense, permanent sun on a fire type gym, and with how the trainers in this world seemed to be on steroids, but it could be worse, so I won't complain, how bad can it truly be?'

"Dune, we arrived," Helena said, sping over her heels, losing her balance, and almost falling into the dirt road, only to be caught by Dune at the last second.

'Are you okay, Helena?' Dune asked as he pulled her up and cleaned some dust off her clothes.

"Ye-yes! Ehem, let's go inside and get this over with," Helena said, pushing open the door of the Pokemon gym.

Inside, it was like a sauna. Hot steam engulfed the place, and standing on a platform and fanning herself was the gym leader of Lavaridge town, Flannery.

Flannery is a young woman with intense, tousled red hair and crimson-red eyes. Her slim build and ample breasts were noticeable every time she breathed. She was wearing black crop tops, blue pants, and black and red sneakers.

"Augh, Norman's brat had to beat me, and now... Oh, my Arceus! It's you! I need to get the "in case of emergencies team," or else I'm cooked!" Flannery screamed as she jumped out of the beach chair she was sitting in, throwing her fan aside, leaving Dune and Helena alone in the middle of the gym.


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