
Scorching sun

"Did she just run away?" Asked Helena as she saw the redhead screaming and scrambling toward the back of the gym.

But that didn't matter to Dune. Instead, she had something else to say that was both a sign of relief and another variable to stress about.

'She said Norman's kid... and May already showed she was the daughter of Pokemon Professor Birch, so that means Brendan is alive and somewhere, following a similar route to the games; weird we didn't see him during the Mount Chimney incident.'

'It's scary to think one of the canonically strongest Pokemon trainers can be even stronger; it would be even worse if he gets the chance to catch Mega-rayquaza. Aw, chills run down my body from thinking of that monster. What was Gamefreak thinking?'

'Hmm, Dune, I think Flannery will take her time. Should we discuss the strategy again?' Asked Helena, rubbing her body against Dune's scales, like a cat to its owner.

'Oh right, I thought Lopunny had a way better moveset, with [U-turn], [Fake out], [Fire punch], and [Headbutt] due to a lack of a better normal type move for now, so with her mega, she should destroy anything that isn't physically defensive,' Dune explained as she inspected the glasses May had given Helena to see if the Lopunnite was in place.

'Good, now. I already know my moveset, but it could be better. So once I get [Earthquake], I should destroy anything after a [Dragon dance]. Gardevoir is going to be the team's special defensive wall. With [Calm mind] and [Life dew], she should survive most attacks.'

Helena had become dizzy from all the information Dune had given her, but she was getting better; this time, she understood the importance of having a good pivot Pokemon such as Lopunny, and she would think of how to use this team better.

After waiting for an eternity, Flannery returned, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily.

"Pff, Ha, Pff~ good Arceus, Looking for this guy was hell on earth, anyway..." Flannery stood tall and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Welcome... No, wait." Flannery took out some flash craps from between her boobs, but they were so drenched in sweat the tink had watered, and it was unreadable.

"Dammnit, umm, how did my speech go..? ah, right."

"Punny trainer! How good to see you've made it here! I have been entrusted with the... No, wait again."

"I am Flannery, and I'm the gym leader here! Uhm... Dare not underestimate me, though I have been gym leader only a short time" Flannery momentarily stopped and whispered, "And got my ass kicked by that boy Brendan," Flannery said, looking away before taking a deep breath and shouting again.

"With Skills inherited from my grandfather, I shall, uh... demonstrate the hot moves we have hones on this land!"

Flannery then crossed her arms and took out a Cheriss Ball from the back pocket of her jeans.

"I'm supposed to use Pokemon according to the skill level of my adversary, but due to your special case, I will hold myself back. But have a condition in my favor, the gym has a special effect on Pokemon, as it replicates harsh sunlight if I choose to. Do you accept battling with the permanent sun, Pokemon trainer Helena?"

Helena looked back at Dune nervously, but Dune nodded in reassurance. He was sure that even if everything went south, the difference in levels he and the radiant Salazzle had could manage to overcome the harsh sunlight.

Helena now, with new confidence, accepted. "Yes! If you need the sun to be permanent to even try to have a chance, it means I'm good enough to beat you always if we fought on equal terms. Let's go, lead me to the arena."

"Tsk. It had to be a Devon; your brother would be a proud girl," Flannery admitted. She disliked people with high hopes for themselves, but seeing such a confident girl made her feel reassured; it even helped to aid the fact that she was thirsting over his Garchomp.

That's right! The girl who had the dream of her Cinderace being violently fucked by Dune was no other than Flannery! Who could have guessed this development?

After Flannery guided Helena to the battle arena, each girl took their respective side.

'Dune, who should I lead with?' Helena asked as she freed Gardevoir, Lopunny, and Salazzle, who was still on a leash and had a ballgag on her snout.

'Lead with Gardevoir; we don't know if gym leaders will start to use hazards, so Gardevoir should be able to use some [Calm minds] before switching out.'

Dune said that as he watched Flannery stare at him for an unconscionable amount of time, he felt his gaze slowly lowering from his head to his chest and all the way to his throat.

'Why do I feel so... violated?' Dune thought as he moved behind Helena.

"Okay, are you ready, Helena!?" Screamed Flannery from her side of the field.

"Readier than ever!" Shouted Helena back. Dune smiled. It was rare to see Helena so hyped up and confident in herself. It was a pleasant feeling, like watching a flower you've been taking care of start to blossom.

Both girls held their Cherish balls at hand and threw them into the field, freeing their first Pokemon and starting the battle.

Flannery's first Pokemon was an Arcanine, with an assault vest over his mane, making him look and feel extra bulky.

Gardevoir landed on the field with grace, and her eyes closed, using [Psyquic] to prevent her boobs from moving too much; the moment she opened her eyes, she felt [Intimidated] by the opposite Arcanine but quickly composed herself.

"Arcanine! Use [Extreme speed]!" Shouted Flannery with a smile on her face, only to change the moment Helena gave her order. Raising her hand, Helena held Gardevoir's cherished ball at hand.

"Gardevoir! Come back, Dune! Step in and take Gadevoir's place!" Helena said coldly as if she knew this was an execution.

Honoring his name as the "Mach Shark," Dune launched himself at Mach speed, just as fast as an [Extreme speed] Arcanine would go; the poor Arcanine just felt the impact of his skull against the now sharp scales of Dune.

And Dune smiled because he knew Helena only needed him to win the match.


This poll doesn't have to do anything with the chapter, or anything we've seen in the novel, and it may be quite out of place too, anyway.

Should i make Wally a cuck?

1. Yes

2. No

3. Explain yourself and then i may answer.

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