

(I should stop doing this interventions at the start of each chapter, and this is probably the last one:

1.when a pokemon uses a move it will be marked with [], examples: Gabite used [Tackle], Ralts [Hypnotized], – screamed at Nosepass to use [Rock slide].

2.All characters have been aged up to 18, but i won't be writing with characters who are explicitly designed as underaged, like Roxanne, i may be a creep but not a weirdo, or maybe i am both? idk, idc

3. National dex! this means all region have all pokemon, except for regional forms of course) 

Early in the morning of the next day, Helena lay inside a sleeping tent Ralts had put out after she had sex with Gabite. Helena was hugging Ralts as if it were a plush as she told her everything from her perspective, not knowing Ralts had been staring at her the whole time.

"Ralts, he has such a big..." Helena blushed when she thought of what she almost said: "Every time he thrust, I felt how the tip tried to break through my cervix. Fufufufu, I want him, Ralts," whispered Helena to Ralts while she played with the red front horn of Ralts.

Ralts, who not only served as Helena's starter but also her butler, was confused. The moment she was born, the only thing she remembered was a red and gray bird taking flight and advising a human that she had just hatched from an egg, and the human quickly running towards her, jumping ecstatic and with a face full of joy.

Ralts had never learned much about human interactions; she was only taught to serve Helena's basic needs by Donald and the three rules he had given her.

"Ralts, I know your species is smart, and you'll probably outsmart me when you fully evolve, so it's important that you learn these 3 rules as early as possible. Always take care of, serve, and protect Helena; she's a naive girl, but with you, she'll do fine." The old man let out a loud sigh and hugged Ralts, probably thinking of the younger days of the girl he had taken care of.

"And one last rule. Don't let any boy approach her!" She screamed at the loud man with a chuckle.

Ralt's reasoning was that that is not a human male; it is a pokemon male, and master Helena seems to like him, so it should be permitted.

After some more cuddling, Ralts freed herself from Helena's grip and went outside the tent, using her telekinetic abilities. Ralts used [Psyquic] to quickly prepare everything she needed to make breakfast.

As she cracked some infertile Torchic eggs on a pan and mixed them with some Moomoo Milk Ralts heard something big approaching from the bag, but with a quick glance, she noticed it was Gabite, who had a Milcery between his fangs.

Gabite dropped the seemingly dead Milcery to Ralts side and went inside the tent where Helena was still resting.


Walking inside the tent, Gabite was planning on explaining to Helena and seeing how far his control over her was, but what greeted him was something unexpected.

Helena is using her PokeNav and reading Gabite's entry on the pokedex.

"It loves sparkly things. It seeks treasures in caves and hoards the loot in its nest," mutered Helena to herself as she saw the image of a regular Gabite, but when she looked up, her face went pale. Yesterday's Gabite was inside her tent, and she had just realized that instead of the regular Gabite, the one in front of her had a totally different color and was way bigger than what it was supposed to be.

Its pokedex entry stated a regular Gabite was 4´7 feet and had a primary gray-blue and red color, but the Gabite approaching her was gold and blue, and tower over her, despite herself being 5'9 abnormally big for most girls in the region, Gabite was 6 foot, just as a Gabite.

"I don't have a name," said Gabite as he lay next to the still-pale Helena. "Since you are my trainer, I'll give you the privilege."

"You can talk!" Screamed Helena as she scurried backwards inside the abnormally big tent.

"Obviusly? If not, how could I've asked your name yesterday?" Answered Gabite as she grabbed a pair of Helena's panties with his claws and inspected them closely to his face. "Has anyone told you you smell like those aromatic candles? I saw some weirdos doing some chants on my way to this forest, and you smell just like them," said Gabite.

Heena snatched the black panties from Gabite with a blush on her face and just sat down with baby doll eyes, as if she were about to cry, but instead she just stared at Gabite and said, "Dune, what do you think? I read that garchomps normally live in deserts and are called "land sharks." I think it suits you..." said Helena.

Dune just smiled at Helena, which was a bad move since he now had a set of sharp fangs instead of teeth, but Helena didn't seem to care.

The sound of metal banging caught both of their attention. A metal pan and a branch hitting each other on the air with Ralts looking judiciously at both of them before exiting the tent announced that breakfast was ready.

Helena and Dune walked out of the tent to a fully prepared lunch. There were some freshly baked pancakes with Milcery Cream on top, and Ralts had her own plate with Orean berries and some of the Milcery Cream on top.

The group decided to just eat lunch in silence; it was awkward since Gabite had met both girls yesterday, so Gabite decided to scan Ralts stats again.


Ralts #280 (Female)

Lvl: 10

Nature: Docile/Submissive

Ability: Telepathy





Sp. Attack:17

Sp. Defense:14


Held item: None 

More information?


Gabite stopped reading the information shown by his system to look up at Helena, she was eating her pancakes with both a silver fork and knife, despite her awkward appearance and personality, one could see she came from a wealthy background, Gabite decided to continue reading.




HP: 29/0



Sp. Attack:31/34

Sp. Defense:26/28


Shiny: Yes

Radiant: No (Light spark)


´Hmm, should I go for a defensive set? I don't know much from this world; if it were like the games, a fast sweeper with hypnosis and a dream eater would be ideal, but it seems this world is different; there are pokemon from all generations, and the pokemon themselves are different; I can't erase that Luponny with the fat ass from my mind.' 

"Hey, Helena, tell me more about the world. What do you know about the elite four?" Asked Dune while Ralts used [Psychic] to move the dirty plates from the makeshift table, both Helena and Dune ate over.

"The elite four? Oh yeah, the lackeys of Wallace? Yeah, you have to beat them in order to challenge the actual champion; they are really unique. I met them sometimes when they visited my brother."

´So it's like in Pokemon Emerald, that's more like it' taught Dune as Ralts handed him a hot cup of green tea, which he gladly accepted. "May I ask what the name of your brother is?" Asked Dune while he drank his tea.

"His name is Steven; why do you ask?" The moment Helena said those words, Dune almost spit his tea, but he had to act as if he didn't know much of the world, which, in fact, was true since he didn't know about this world, but his knowledge from the game couldn't bring him to accept that he had fucked Steven Devon, the former champion of Hoenn and the strongest trainer in all of the third generation of Pokemon games.

Next chapter