
Training and new Pokemon.

After eating lunch and talking more about the world, and in particular, the region, Dune made some discoveries that would aid him in the future.

First of all, most regions knew about the existence of each other, and some trainers even traded the regional forms of their pokemon, so it wasn't rare to see an Alolan variation; in fact, for the wealthy of the regions, it was the norm to have a regional variant on your team as a sign of status.

Second, the official pokemon battle system was like the games, 1 vs. 1, in a set style, so the trainers had to go for turns and couldn't switch pokemon upon defeating the opposite pokemon, but from what I saw, the combat system resembled more the anime than the games.

And the last piece of information is that, even if it sounded weird to me, it wasn't that impossible to believe that Pokemon and humans could reproduce and, in some instances, marry.

Helena told me there was prejudice towards humans who married pokemon, and human-pokemon reproduction was extremely hard, almost impossible, and akin to legends, but after she let me use her PokeNav to research more about the topic, I found out only pokemon in the "human-like" egg group could reproduce with humans with 1 in a million chances, and humanoid pokemon not belonging to the egg group had 1 in 10 million chances. Fortunately for me, only humanoid or "human-like" pokemon could reproduce with humans, so I could still have some "fun" with Helena without worrying about pregnancy.

"Fufufufu…" Helena awkwardly laughed, bringing Dune back from daydreaming. Dune had been carrying Helena on its back from Route 116 back to Rustboro City. Helena was a big, thick girl, 5 '9, and her tits were so big she could rival Tsunade from Naruto.

Dune's plan was to train Ralts by leveling her up and fighting wild pokemon, especially choosing speed and special attack Ev yield pokemon, especially Bunearys.

Dune was an ambitious man, or pokemon; he had an harem system and a harem he would make, so his next target was of course a Lopunny, but since he didn't have any idea where to find Lopunny's and he was too weak to fight that Alpha Lopunny he saw on Route 115, the best targets were Bunearys.

"Helena, send Ralts out; I saw a Buneary again," I said, abruptly stopping while Helena took out her cherish ball and freed Ralts.

"Ra..Ralts use [Psybeam] on th..that Buneary!" tried to order Helena, but her awkwardness was like a curse that didn't let her give her all. Luckily, Ralts was smart enough to understand why she had been freed from her pokeball and quickly attacked Buneary with a [Psybeam].

Putting both of her small hands on her forehead, she concentrated for an instant before a pinkish beam came out and hit the wild Buneary. The level difference was abysmal, and the Buneary fainted with a loud thud.

"Goo..d job, Ralts," spoke Helena while Ralts walked towards the fainted Buneary and checked if it had any items or berries on. After realizing it didn't have any items, Ralts walked back towards us and waited patiently for Helena to put her back on the pokeball.

"Ralts, do you enjoy being on your pokeball?" Dune asked. Dune could now understand most intelligent pokemon, even if they didn't speak any human language.

"Ralts" (I don't, but it is a pokemon's duty to serve their trainer and master). Ralt's words didn't seem to convince Dune, and Helena was just confused, staring back at Dune, who was carrying her, and Ralt, who looked goofy due to the size difference.

"Helena, Ralts said she doesn't like being on her pokeball; can she hold on to you until we reach Rustboro City? It would be faster for you girls just to hang onto me and Ralts using [Psybeam] from there." Dune said, to which Helena quickly nodded. Dune held Ralts as if it were a doll and passed her to Helena, who hugged Ralts tightly before moving her between Dune and herself.

Now Ralts was between Dune's rough skin and Helena's massive breast, which made her feel dizzy for some unknown reason.

The group traveled like that for hours until something gained Dune's attention. While he was running through the forest of the route, for less than a second, he saw a Buneary using [fire punch] on an unsuspected Bellsprout who was just minding his own business before running off into the tall grass.

"Helena, get a luxury ball fast; even if I wanted to train Ralts a little further, we don't have much time left; we have to reach your mansion before night. Ralts, get ready. I'm going to beat that Buneary fast; get ready to use hypnosis." Lucky for me, both girls seemed to get my words fast, and Helena grabbed a luxury ball from her bag, and Ralts started concentrating.

While both girls got ready, Dune used a [dragon dance], dancing elegantly. He felt a boost in his attack and speed, like if something primal became strong within himself. 

"Ready!" both girls said in unison before Dune launched himself at full speed in the direction he saw Buneary go. Not a minute later, he saw Buneary running carelessly. ´System scan that Buneary!'


Buneary #427 (Female)

Lvl: 09 

Nature: Naughty

Ability: Limber



Attack: 19 +

Defense: 12

Sp. Attack:14

Sp. Defense:15-


Held item: None 

More information?


Before Buneary could react, Dune quickly used [Slash] and threw Bunearys body towards a tree, slamming the poor rabbit pokemon making her faint instantly. 

´Yes, give me more information´




HP: 25/0



Sp. Attack:22/0

Sp. Defense:22/0


Shiny: No

Radiant: No


Stopping abruptly in his tracks, Dune let Helena climb down from his back. Helena walked gently towards the fainted Buneary before poking the pokemon on the head, immediately capturing her.

"Good that Buneary had an egg move; those are rare to get by. Now get on my back again; I think I can make it to Rustboro City before night falls."

Climbing back on Dune's back, the group raced again towards their first goal, Helena's mansion, and getting their first gym badge.

Question Of The Day: What is your favorite pokemon starter? Mine is Blaziken and Serpirior, my dumbass kid brain just like their designed, and Serpirior was my first ever starter, it was a pleasant surprise to find out they were strong on 1v1 battles.

GhostGirlLover68creators' thoughts
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