
Audience With Odin

Feeling a little flustered at the way he was speaking, in full ancient Asgardian i began to formulate my response. Frigga lightly tapped his right arm a small imperceptible; to the normal person, tightening of her lips telling him what she thought of his little trick. Thor and Loki didn't hesitate to roll their eyes, whilst Baldur just sat there uncaring.

"Ah, dear you do not have t-"

Before Frigga could finish I soon came out with what i thought would be a thorough response in Ancient Asgardian.

"Verily, I express profound gratitude for thine blessings, and I extend the same fervent wishes unto thee and thy noble lineage. With humble boldness, may I seek elucidation upon the significance of this gracious invitation?"

Odin's eye opened widely when he heard what i was speaking. Thor and Loki looked confused as they only knew the basics of the language and were extremely rusty at that. Frigga looked at me as if she had just seen a ghost whilst i noticed Heimdal show a small smile before it faded away underneath his soldier façade.

"Hoh, so i see you speak Ancient Asgardian! Very good, i will name you a friend of Asgard from now on then as only those of true alliance and care for Asgards' people would know of Ancient Asgardian, let alone speak it with such a fluency that it bring a blush to even my face."

He looked towards Loki for a second before slightly nodding and turning back to me. It seemed as if he approved of his son's 'friend'.

"No humbleness is needed for me to answer your question Lady Emelia. I have heard that you had supported my son and helped him figure out some of his own weaknesses when he was on Midgard. I must give my greatest thanks for this as he was a bumbling twit before he went, now he is at least mature whilst being a twit."

"Father! Don't make me fight you again!"

Thor shouted from the side, earning him a derisive leer from Odin and Loki as they seemingly ignored him within the next moment. Baldur was still no where to be seen on Asgard as he gazed out into space. It was in this interim of family banter that i saw two ravens swoop from rafter to rafter until they were on the rafter of the throne room directly above Odin.

'Odd... Doesn't mythological Odin have Ravens?'

Ignoring their presence for now I refocussed myself onto Odin, my head slightly bowed in reverence, as was required my kings usually.

"Please raise your head, i will not have a friend of Asgard scrape and bend the knee for the sake of our pride."

I raised my head and grasped the back of my neck with my right hand, beginning to stretch it somewhat.

"Thank you Allfather."

He nodded before continuing.

"As such, for the actions you have taken in educating him i would like to grant you one wish. You can wish for anything in Asgard and you shall have it, except for anyone related to the royal palace, my family or the citizens of Asgard."

My eyes, still in Jigenkan form, opened wider as i noticed he was speaking the truth. Speaking of the Jigenkan, for some reason in this room the threads were unable to be seen by me and anything but the base abilities of the eyes were stunted.

"You are most generous for your gift Allfather but i merely chided a massive man-child."

[When did you straighten out Thor and Loki again?]

'Dunno... Don't care, he's willing to give me shit and Thor and Loki aren't arguing. Maybe they are doing this out of a sense of appreciation that i was there to stop them from dying of humiliation from Baldur, i did get them out of those illusion runes accidently when i sent them off back to Asgard.'

[Shit, you did? Even i didn't notice...]

'You were a bit busy pleading with me not to be called little sister anymore.'

[I don't remember such a thing...]

'Hmmm... Lil sis is getting naughty.'


"Nonsense, you will have your wish."


"Of course, if you say so Allfather. Then could i request that i be given some Apples of Idun? I will resign myself to however many or little you want to give me."

Odin sat on his throne contemplating the request. Frigga looked on at me with some narrowing of her eyes and some magic lightly blanketing me. Feeling the minute invasiveness of the spell I sneakily cast counter spell and watched as the magic was struck from every angle by my own mana before fizzing out. Frigga's eyes narrowed even further as she flexed her right hand somewhat. Loki was watching this all go down as Thor was staring at his father with a little bit of anger for his earlier comment.

Just as i felt Frigga getting ready to test me again Odin yelled out into the throne room.


The walls thrummed with his voice as the ravens in the rafters cawed loudly, their eyes glowing a bright gold and blue. Two wolves the size of vans walked out from behind the massive crystal throne, their eyes gleaming in the same glow as the ravens.

'Okay, this is definitely not Marvel's Asgard, or at least it isn't exactly it...'

[No shit!]

'Ara ara, I will have to teach you some manners young lady!'

[... P-please no... Not the baby shark song again...]

'Haha, i think i'll go for something different this time... Maybe Dora the Explorer sound track?'

[I apologise, i shall not step out of line again older sister!]

'Too late now... I'm going to make sure you recognise the mistakes you have made.'

[Fuck it! You aren't the older sister!]

'Shhh, not so soon...🎶 Dora! Do-do-do-d-Dora (alright!)🎶'



Another chapter for you all, i'll have one more today and then i'll call it there! Thanks for all the support, i hope you are all doing well!


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