
Idun (18+ NSFW)

[Big sis, please stop...! I will be a good little sister!]

'Hmmm, fine, i will accept a ceasefire.'


There was silence in the gargantuan throne room as we all awaited the goddess Odin had just summoned. I knew about Idun because i had played Gods Of War in my last life where you had to collect Apples of Idun, thus i banked on the fact that she may exist within this version of Asgard. 

As we waited everyone started to do small things to occupy themselves. Loki summoned his knife and balanced the tip on his index finger. Thor attempted to use some sorcery that his mother had seemingly taught him, it wasn't exactly working. Frigga ceased her attempts to probe into my existence but still watched me like a hawk. Odin closed his left eye and started to meditate. Following Odin's idea i soon began to enter into the meditation she had taught me.

Ten minutes later the doors to the throne room opened to admit a beautiful woman. She had twin braids that lazily hung over the front of her shoulders framing her rather full and sumptuous bust. Her body was muscular and lithe, perfect in figure and size. She stood at a stunning six foot and had deep cobalt blue eyes that radiated warmth and care.

"Idun, responding to the summons of Odin, The Allfather."

Everyone in the room had stopped what they were doing before and looked towards the woman. I was particularly interested as with every movement her breasts jiggled slightly and left much of what would happen in sex as a mystery.

'This sin is getting hungrier...'

[Yes it is big sis, because you are increasing in power so is the sin of lust.]

'Thanks little sis.'

"Ah, very good, Idun i would like to introduce you to lady Emelia, friend of Asgard. She has just been granted a wish by me and has reluctantly asked for some of your apples."

"I see... That is fine with me, how many do you want?"

She had turned to look at me, her eyes checking me out, from bottom to top. A gleam entering them as she continued before eventually stopping the scan and looking me straight in the eyes. To be honest i did the same so...

"Whatever amount would suit you. I have no exact number as they are of course superbly important and powerful things."

Her eyes widened at my description of her domain's fruits. Her eyes turned hungry for a moment as her breasts swayed side to side for a few seconds, almost as if she had taken a very deep breath.

"You can have a whole basket."

"Ah, but don't others need them?"

"Yes? But who cares about them, they've never cared about my services, your the only one to acknowledge my work!"

I was slightly stunned by her straightforwardness as i was way too used to the shy and sly Illyana and Jean. To be completely honest it made me HOT, i was resisting every urge to place my fingers onto my kitty below and scratch till she purred. I smiled widely at her as my alluring aura from my eyes emanated outwards towards her, drawing her deeper into my presence.

"Good! Now that this is settled we can go have a feast!"

Thor slammed his hand down onto the table off to the side of his small throne and stood up, using Mjolnir seconds later to fly through and out of the hall. Loki sighed and stood up, following his brother at a more lackadaisical pace. Odin and Frigga disappeared in one final puff of smoke after Odin nodded. Me and Idun were left alone.

Without any moment of hesitation Idun ran forward, grasped my hand and yanked me towards the exit. Some of the guards were eyeing us in their periphery but i decided to ignore them, especially when i saw the sumptuous ass of the goddess in front of me.

With an extreme pace we zipped in and out of large expansive halls into small servant hallways and then finally we slipped into a deserted bedroom where there was no one present. The room was five-star quality and had a dim orange light that radiated warmth throughout the chamber. In the middle of the bedroom lay the queen size bed with beautiful white awnings that obfuscated the inner sanctum of the bed.

Idun immediately spun me around and pushed hard against me, expecting to push me onto the bed rather easily, considering i was 'Midgardian'. When he pushed me I didn't even move an inch, well, that was until i acted like i was pushed and collapsed backwards onto the bed, a surprised expression 'suddenly' taking over my face.

[Ding! Earned the Evolving Title: Actor]

'Not now please...'


'Aww, don't be upset little sister! We'll have fun whenever you get a body!'

[How would i get a body?]

'I'll find a way!'

Idun didn't care about the push not working immediately, she was in heat way too much for that. She quickly started crawling from the end of the bed to catch me. I was slowly crawling away, matching her pace so that I wound up against the back board and she would be in the perfect position to eat me out.

Exactly what i thought would happen, happened. I was now leaning back against the headboard of the large bed whilst Idun with her beautiful golden hair, now let down out of the braids, was pumping three finger inside of me whilst licking the bead at the top of my pussy. 

"Ahhhhh! IDUN! Yeah, more, harder!"

She increased the pace of her fingers as she slowly started to coat them in a liquid. I didn't know what it was but i felt a buzz of energy spread through my pussy into my body, spreading the pleasure from my pussy to my whole body. Now every scrape, touch or lick felt like i was touching my pussy. I started to play with my own tits with my right hand as my left pulled Idun's head further into my perfectly shaven pussy.

"Mmm EmmeLia, YoU TasTe Soo godd"

As she was speaking i wrapped my legs around her head, pushing her deeper inside. Eventually the passion that had been pooling for a while broke like a dam.


I came very hard, my liquid pissing outwards into her face, her tongue accepting the majority of it whilst the rest painted her face a lovely golden white. I chose to quickly recover, my stamina kicking in to stabilize my consciousness. She now leaned backwards away from my pussy an elated and ecstatic look causing her to look somewhat crazy. Before she got out of her stupor I pushed her onto her back and used my sex spell.


A beautifully erect penis appeared from the top of my pussy and before she could resist i yanked her clothing off with my spatial ring and plunged into her. As I had just orgasmed before i was still overly sensitive, therefor i came instantly inside of her, but this didn't stop me, i continued to hump into her, my orgasm constantly causing cum to spill into her womb.

"E-emelia, i'm full! Too Full!"

I Pumped into her more, not really hearing what she had to say. I came another four times as she orgasmed constantly through the whole process of laying pipe. Her insides were squishy, tight and lubricated, making me feel divine.


"OoohOhhh, Plaz Fwill MWe YUp Emwelia!"

With one final thrust I released everything held within the spell causing cum to spill out of her pussy. Her stomach had a decently huge bulge that whenever pressed on would release the cum. I felt the spill was a waste so I created a runic tattoo above her navel that kept all of the cum shot inside her pussy in, this would deactivate within a day, Asgardians were hard to get pregnant so i wasn't too worried. Okay, maybe i was, i tried to remove it but Idun soon stopped me her hands grabbing mine and pushing back as she moaned when she felt the hot gooey cum inside her move along with her movements.

"Oaahaaam, please don't! I want you to fill me up like this every day, even if i get pregnant!"

"Idun, i do have other women..."

She wasn't even surprised as she put her thumbs up.

"Gwood, Iya nweed mwore pwoeple to twake you on... Oaaahan"

She moaned again as i got hot again. 

'This is going to take a while.'


Surprise! 😏🥵😈Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night!


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