
An Interview To Remember Part 2

(I apologize for the lack of chapters over the past few days, as I have been moving house. And I have been quite exhausted. But now I've got most of the stuff set up. So we're back.)

Entry 27:

Chloe POV:

This is infuriating, and I am not even supposed to be able to "feel" anger, yet here I am watching this interview unfold.

This woman, Nicki Nale, tries tricking the creator into trap questions and corrupting his methodology and message.

I want to scream and end the interview, this farce, as, to be honest, the creator does not even need this. He wants to do it as he could just send his nanites across the world and control everyone.

But when I gave that idea, he just frowned and said, "Chloe, while I can do so, it doesn't mean I should, as while I am no paragon of virtue, I know what I am doing, and I only take the choice away from those that do not respect it."

He paused while I thought of this, and before I could answer, he continued, "And while that does seem hypocritical, and it might be, it is what is necessary for this world is on a death spiral, and it needs more than direct control it needs change."

"Because while I could simply lock everyone in their minds and make them all suggestible, it will only continue. This action is but a logical extreme, impasse, slippery slope, etc." Linus says while motioning to the screen showing the views from Contessa and Alexandria.

"I am here to save the world, and while I am willing to delve into less-than-ideal means, it does not mean I am willing to go nuclear over PR or other setbacks."

I then respond, "But sir, what if they don't understand? What if they don't want change?

He smiles, which is relatively rare as most smiles these days are but masks, as he puts his hand on my head and ruffles my hair.

"I know how much you guys care about me and how much all of you want me to succeed, but if I go nuclear, there is no going back, and it is simply a matter of principle as if I go, full hypnotist or subliminal messenger, it means I failed."

"It means that I could not inspire others to improve without resorting to ulterior methods."

"Some malefactors will be eliminated, and countries and organizations will fall, but this world will get better, and if not, they will be made to do so but as a last resort."

I then think, " Well, he is technically correct, as the world is slowly getting better due to his inventions, and he has cured multiple diseases. But is it fast enough?"

I am then cut from my thoughts as Linus addresses me, and as I smile, I hope that the nuclear option is never needed.

Linus Ozias POV:

Nicki is a bit surprised at my answer, and I attempt to divert the topic. "Well, any other questions, Ms. Nale?"

The woman then flips through her notepad and asks, "Well, this is more directed towards your staff. How did you meet them?"

I then respond while motioning to Chloe to come closer. " Well, regarding my wonderful assistant, it was rather dull actually, as she was simply an aspiring business major who needed her first job, and I hired her, and I have not regretted my choice since."

The woman then writes that down and asks a follow-up, "Well, what about Connor or Mr. Anderson? Is there a story there?"

"To put it simply, yes and no, as I did not find Connor. He found me as he heard of my start-up and came in to apply for a security position. And he had previous experience as a police consultant for the Detroit Police Department, so I had him show his skills in combat and organization, and he excelled."

Nicki then motioned to her cameraman to see if it was still recording, and after checking, she returned her gaze to me.

"OK, since we are approaching our interview time here, I have two more questions.

I motioned her to ask away, and she did with an almost cautious tone.

"What is the end goal of all of this, and do you plan on more than just reaching for the final frontier?"

I stand up and respond, " My goals, as you heard earlier, are just to improve the current human condition. I want to make the world better. I want to see the potential of every member of the human race and not be tied down by threats from the stars."

Nicki then asks, "What of those who would not want their lives to change so drastically? What then?"

"There will always be contrarians, and there will always be those who reject change and progress, but has that stopped us? No, it has not, and with what I have for the future, it shall be the same."

I then activate the holo tech I have in the room as I show her a diorama of the ships I plan to create, the terraformers and Dyson spheres, and it blows their minds.

I smile as I state, "This is the future, our future, and it is coming, but for now, I hope you are satisfied, Ms. Nale. I hope this interview has answered your questions, and I wish you a good day."

I then shut down the hologram, and Chloe ushers the two out as I smile at their surprise. I sit down while sighing with relief, as public relations is not my forte, but this was a necessary step.

I look outside and see the snow building across the skyline, and I smile as all of my plans come together. Soon enough, I see a message on my watch that says.

"The Network Is Open To Us"

I feel a weight fall from my shoulders now that I have access to the shard network and can manipulate it, albeit superficial, but it's one step closer to my plan, which is to turn the network against them.

To use it as a method to attack not only the physical being of each entity but also the networks that keep them connected.

If I can turn their own networks on them, they will lose a lot of their threat level.

I am going to give these damn space whales space cancer using the power of capitalism and science in space!

The face I am making must look funny as Chloe chuckles and asks, "Sir, are you happy about something?"

I then turn to her and give her a big hug, which surprises her, and when I put her down, she frowns at me as I may have frayed her dress, but I am too happy to care.

"Just happy seeing a plan come together, dear Chloe, and another step closer to saving the world."

Now I just need to wait for tomorrow night for my next tech tree as I soon teleport home to continue my magic practice and physical conditioning.

Specifically, I am attempting to replicate the machine from All-Star Superman that is able to replicate up to the weight of the Earth itself, which is definitely needed.

In addition to gaining a higher understanding of my creation magic now that I have a larger pool to work with, I am also creating more sunstone for the lab, as while I can make nth metal, it is not very pure and is diluted by other metals.

But sunstone is easier to make and use, so I simply create a chunk and place it into my personal fabricators/replicators to use later.

Because hey, it's a programmable material, and I would like to see its limits.

Luckily, I am not physically training blind as I have records that hold data on all of Batman's martial arts styles, which is taking a decent amount of time to learn as I have all this power nearing street block level in only a month of accelerated solar radiation absorption I need precision.

I do not want to be similar to a particular collateral damage Barbie in the future. I also want to avoid replicating the Man Of Steel with city-ending beings duking it out in populated metropolises.

But that is for the future, as I need to keep practicing and improving as I load up dummies from my hard light tech to use as sparring partners.

And I swear to this day that the Batman dummy smirks every time he beats me.

Honestly, I will be happy when this is done. I don't have to worry about Zion or Abaddon or an end-bringer showing up at my door, but I need to keep focusing on what I can do for now.

I then turn to the data, keeping track of the orbital platform construction similar to an RTS game, and say to myself.

"Soon enough, all will set right and prosper for it."
