
A Butterfly Flaps It's Wings

Entry 28:

Linus Ozias POV:

Here we are again, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, and yet I am excited about having more knowledge, more tech, and more understanding.

But it also serves as a stark reminder of how small I am. To be given this perspective, knowledge of forgotten eras and timelines, yet here I am using it to better my situation.

It makes me sick.

I am a hypocrite, yet I also understand.

I am not a paragon, and I'm not Batman.

But I am not a maniac, or at least not yet.

I know what I must do, and with Cauldron out of the way, there are other pastures to claim, at least for now. While I have essentially neutered the Merchants as most of them have already taken my cures.

Now, I must deal with Skidmark, their leader, and Sherrell Bailey or Squealer. And that's not even mentioning the ABB or the Empire 88, but things for future me to deal with.

The clock strikes midnight again, and new information floods my mind.

I sigh as I think, "Well, it's time to use this tech better than the Shepard himself did."

Yes, I got the tech tree from Mass Effect, which is perfect for space travel regarding shipbuilding and design. If I replace their need for element zero with the energy from Iron Man 2 or "badassium," I can replace it using other energy sources.

Although I am still waiting for tech from Warhammer or Rick and Morty because Rick's tech or Necrons/Tau/Eldar/etc., would be fantastic for my arsenal, or Sword Art Online tech so I can create Lord Of The Rings in VR because charging the orc army on Pelenor Fields with the Rohirrim calls to me.

(I am really hoping for Eldar tech because their craft worlds are so incredible. Look them up. Because dear viewers, remember, these tech trees are random.)

But this will suffice as I send some designs to Dread and Cyber, with the latter talking to Dread about a Meme war with Dragon and how Dread was tsundere, but I don't even want to think about that, even if it was pretty funny.

The crucible designs will lend well to my orbital platforms. If one blast from those crucibles can destroy an entire galaxy's machinery, it will benefit my plan for the entities.

Right now, though, I am improving my wristwatch to an omni tool powered by a mini badassium power cell. The process itself takes an hour, which is quite impressive.

But now I raise my right arm, and the holographic design appears across my arm, which was quite a nice feeling as while I did not play the games, I watched a lot of the story online.

This may or may not have included the romances between the various females, and he could say his favorite was Tali, while he honestly dislikes Ashley, but that is irrelevant.

Right now, though, I focus on recreating other technologies like the method by which those in Mass Effect gained biotics and the technology that Cerberus revived Shepard with in Mass Effect 2.

But the main gain from Mass Effect is Quantum Computing and gene mods. The former allowed me to create more advanced VI and AI, which I used to upgrade Dread immediately.

Even though he was an advanced alien AI, every little bit helps, and I have barely scratched the surface of DC comic tech, as most of it requires very advanced materials and time.

The lantern rings alone would require the magic pool of a God-level being to create one at its basic level.

Motherboxes and Fatherboxes would require nearly 4x the amount at minimum.

In addition to metals such as Dionesium, Electrum, Promethium, Batmanium, Nth Metal, and Element X, these are very powerful, with the last one giving anyone the ability to do anything.

In fact, when I attempted to make even a nanogram of Element X, I passed out hearing cold, chilling, and manic laughter.

The last part might have been a hallucination, but I would never want to deal with "him."

But for now, I need to focus on another matter because while I do have fabricators and replicators, I need to broaden my horizons, and as such, I need a space station. And luckily, with the blueprints from the Watchtower from DC and the Citadel from Mass Effect, it will be glorious.

Now, you might wonder, "Linus, why do you need a space station you already have virtually unlimited resources?"

You would be correct, but I have no reach beyond Earth, and this will be the first proverbial foot in the extraterrestrial door and the base that I will use to fuel the future.

I ask Dread to send up another group of microbots and nanotech builders to provide stealth capabilities, as a space station being built in Earth's orbit would realistically freak people out.

In addition to the station acting to increase the production rate for the orbital platforms, and hey, if Batman can do it without anyone knowing, I can too... I hope.

"I feel like I am playing a civilization game going for a science victory," I mutter.

But then Connor and Marcus enter the lab, and Connor gets my attention by saying, "Sir, I have some bad news. The Slaughterhouse 9 has moved from their original position and are heading towards Boston and will be there in a couple of hours."

This almost trips me up, and I am taken by surprise as while I knew the nine were active before the original story, they were not supposed to do this, and then I realize my mistake.

I am improving the world, the 9 despise change and revel in chaos, and I represent a new order. This conflict was inevitable.

I am ready for this. I have all the tech and all the necessary data from Gray Boy, so the time is now to eliminate them, all of them.

I looked to Connor and Marcus, who looked worried, which did make me happy, and I responded, "Connor, it's time to execute project STING."

Connor's eyes widen as he asks, "Sir, are you sure we have barely created and tested the prototype?"

I then smirk and say, "But Connor, we already have our test subjects, and the weapons are holding firm, and now we need them, so it's time."

Connor sighs and prepares his gear while Marcus turns to me and places his hand on my shoulder as if to say, "We are with you."

I nod to him as he moves out towards Edward Manton, the projector for The Siberian, and I turn towards my omni tool as my suit envelops me.

The time for talk has passed. The lord's work must be done.

"Door me," I say as a gate opens up in front of me, and soon I find myself on a hill overlooking a highway with Boston behind me, so I plan and prepare as I have only two hours before they reach my position.

But as I pull out the STING weapon and in the reflection of the gun, I see myself and harden my resolve.

Current Members of the Nine(2004):

Jack Slash: Able to project blades. Subconscious Thinker power about understanding capes. Leader of the Nine, sole permanent member.

Crimson: Gains super strength by consuming the blood of his victims. Lover of Winter. Replaced by Bonesaw.

Mannequin: Tinker specializing in closed systems, typically augmentations for a multi-piece suit containing his own body. Simurgh bomb.

Shatterbird: Wide-scale silicate control. Cauldron cape.

Winter: Creates a dampening effect that decreases momentum, inertia, and human will. Lover of Crimson. Killed by one of her teammates.

Chuckles: Super strength in his torso and arms, super speed in his legs and head.

Crawler: Adaptive regeneration.

Siberian: Invulnerable, able to pass on invulnerability to touched objects. Projection of William Manton, Cauldron Cape.

Hatchet Face: Brute with an aura of power-nullification. Killed and replaced by Cherish.

Gray Boy: Can form stationary time loops, and his power reverts any changes made to his body. A quirk of his power is that anything affected is heavily desaturated, giving him his namesake monochrome look.

As I go over the various members, I tally up what I need. And I smile as I hear Connor over the comms, "Sir, I am in position and can see the van eta one hour, waiting on your call."

Then Marcus responds, "I am in position, Sir. I have eyes on Manton, waiting for your call and Connor. Are you still wearing that same suit?"

Connor mumbles over the comms, and I can barely make out him saying, "My suit is cool" and "At least I have hair."

"While this is a bit amusing, focus up. Hold your positions as if we are going to do this. We are going to do this right. The nine are ending today."

I then use my enhanced eyesight/x-ray vision to see into the van, and while it is rather lovely, it reminds me of Harry Potter tents that are small on the outside and big on the inside.

I eye each one of them, taking each of them to memory.

They will die and be forgotten. I will make sure of it, and while this does change multiple plans as the butterfly has flapped its wings, I must adapt and overcome.

So, I plant different weapons along the highway, and no spoilers, but this will be quick and clean.

The nine do not deserve a glorious end.

And they shall find none at this moment.
