
Visit from the Principal

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" A hoarse voice came from the room

After receiving the permission I opened the door and walked in.

"Hey Look! It's the mummy!" I joked as I walked closer to Glant who was laying on the bed after the treatment, completely wrapped up in bandages.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I felt like I went a little overboard today so I decided to check on you." I said as I took a seat on the stool next to his bed

"Don't bother yourself with things like this. This much is normal for fights between two awakened ones."

"True but I still felt bad. So here." I said as I put the brown packet on the table next to him.

"What is this?"

"Cheeseburgers, French Fries and a little extra something that I had trouble sneaking it inside the campus so don'e rat on me please." I said

"You didn't need to do that"

"No I didn't. Anyway be sure to get well in a week." I said as I stood up from the seat


"I will be taking over the rank 1 position in this academy. So make sure to watch it." I answered and started walking out of the room until I heard his voice.



"After I recover completely. Let's have a spar again." he said with a serious expression on his face.

"Heh. Sure big guy. Come challenge me anytime you want." I laughed and went out of the room closing the door behind me but I could still hear what he said after he must have thought that I was gone.

"....I don't eat this kind of stuff."


I went back to my room and decided to call Mark since it had been quite a long time since I had talked to him.

"Hey how is it going?"

[Great. How is the new school?]

"Boring. There isn't one interesting person in here."


"Yup. How are things back at home?"

[Great. Just that my parents found out about Elsa being my girlfriend, made me invite her out for dinner and then embarrassed the hell out of me.]

"Aww~ Look at you two meeting each other's families~" I teased

[Yeah Yeah]

*Knock* *Knock*

"Hey I'll call you back"

[Yeah sure.]

I got up from the bed after stuffing the phone under the mattress after putting it in silent mode.

I was surprised after seeing who was at the door.


"Good Evening Mr. Knight. Mind if I come in?"

"Not at all." I said as I gestured for her to come inside.

"What brought you here?" I asked as we both sat on the sofa facing each other with a table in between.

"Congratulations on joining the ranks of the top 10. Though I suppose since it was so easy for you to do that, you don't care much about it." she said as she eyed me up and down and then settled her gaze directly on my face.

Normally I would have froze a little in these types of situations. After all she is a world ranker and she is much more powerful than me.

But she was only here to talk- no to make a deal. I have been in enough meetings to figure out when a person is trying to woo you. They will give you some complements, praise your ability, mention one certain aspect of your ability that they desire, tell you how much you can benefit by cooperating with them and making connections with them and then they will try to buy that very thing from you.

Yeah I ain't having that.

"Hehe. Well that is true." I let out a light chuckle and made myself more comfortable in my seat.

Her eyebrows scrunched at my behaviour. Seeing someone being so casual in front of a person with her background and authority is unacceptable. However, I am a student and she is the teacher, so she can't really lash out.

Not to mention what I did is just considered inappropriate in her eyes, not wrong. So she can't get mad unless I truly insult her.

"Well let's stop beating around the bush" she said

"I came here to make an offer to you."

"What is it?" I asked

"That healing ability you displayed in front of everyone out there. The Loutrain family wishes to buy it." She held her hand out as she said that

"Of course we will give you a handsome price or if you desire anything in return I will give it to you as long as it is within reason. Just name the price."

The smile on her face really irked me. The way she treats me is as if I am simply a trash who has been lucky enough to be useful for once.

Her over-confidence in the fame of her family is rubbing me the wrong way as well.

"I am sorry. But that ability is not for sale. Nor am I the person who you should be asking. I did not create that technique. It was created by a member of our group so I can't just sell it just like that."

This was a dangerous move. I in fact was the one who created that technique. If she leaves here in a bad mood and spreads the news of the Knight Family developing a new healing technique, many groups will start to target the awakened ones from our group. Which is why...

"Even I was only allowed to learn the technique after pleading for it with the Chairman."

I added these words to get the target off of my group.

Saying that I pleaded for it conveyed that it is an extremely secret skill that they weren't even going to teach the heir of the group. So only very few high ranking official from our group will know about it.

And that only consists of my Father and Grandfather. Even if there are many groups that are much stronger than us, they will not just try to kidnap the chairman of a group lower than them in order to get the technique.

"I see" she said

"Well if that's all-" I said as I was standing up from my seat but she interrupted me making me sit down.

"I have another offer for you."

"What is it?"

"I want you to join the student council."

Student council? This was really unexpected. Not many people are offered to join the student council but those who do can exercise a lot of authority over the matters concerning the academy. Not even teachers can interfere with their work instead of the principal.

But even the Principal herself can't interfere much.

Although it basically allows me to do whatever I wish to do, it comes with many responsibilities including adhering to the academy's rules perfectly which I have been breaking for a long time now.

But that isn't really bad. As long as I am not caught, I am adhering to the academy's rules and policies.

If I play my cards right, I might just get what I wanted.

"I will join in only one condition."

"What do you mean join with one condition? Joining the student council is already advantageous for you. Why should you get special treatment?"

"Because this case is a little special isn't it?"

"Don't get the wrong idea Mr. Knight. I am the one doing you a favour by letting you join the student council."

Her eyes were narrow and her gaze was chilling as she said that. For the first time she emanated the aura of the person who is many levels above me.

"Calm down Ma'am. I didn't mean anything offensive by that."

she retracted her aura and I stopped having trouble breathing.

"But it is true. We all know that the student council struggles to keep the top 10 under control. So, the strongest person in the academy joining the student council will be highly beneficial to you."

"Strongest? Haah. You are only ranked 4th" she said and laughed

"It is only a matter of time. I will challenge Duke in a week. And even though you can say that the student council president is among the top 10 as well. But after fighting them, I know that there is a huge power gap even among the individuals given the label of top 10." I said and continued

"Before I secured a position among them, there was a huge difference of power level between rank 4 and 5. Now it is between rank 5 and 6. So if I join, the student council can dominate the academy both in strength and authority. That is what I can bring to the table and that is who I am, a game changer."

She had a look on her face that was hard to describe but she knew I was right. And so...

"What do you want?"

"A free pass to go outside of the university whenever I wish to."

Students aren't allowed to leave the campus unless it is an urgent matter to attend with within their group. Or unless there is a really good reason to leave. Either way, the only way to leave the campus is if the request comes from their group.

She fell in thought for a while but came to a decision rather quickly.

"You are allowed to leave the campus for a total of 1 week in a month. I can only arrange that much for you. But that too will happen only after you take the rank 1 position."

'Because it is easier to tell the officials of the World Awakened Association that we are favouring that student because he holds rank 1 in the academy as well as a position in the student council.'

"Very well. I look forward to join the student council starting tomorrow."

We shook hands and then she said that she will leave since there is nothing more to discuss.
