
Incoming Trouble

Since the last few days, my image in the classroom and the academy had taken a drastic turn. There were students everywhere who would treat me as their superior because I had become the 4th strongest person in the academy.

Their behaviour tilted even more into that direction after I showed up wearing the Student Council uniform.

The student council has a good reputation among the students of the academy. They try to stop the bullying by the members of the top 10 and other high ranking students and they are also responsible to give out fair punishments.

Of course it is difficult and next to impossible to stop the top 10 from their behaviour, the student council can still restrain them...however slightly.

But seeing a student ranked high even among the top 10 being part of the student council just means that their lives have become a lot more easier.

I don't really mind doing my duty as the member of the student council but I really hate this change of attitude towards me. One day they hope for me to lose and get humiliated in public and in the other they want me to save them.

This two faced bitch attitude is the one I hate the most.

*Ahem!!* "Everyone take your seats. We will starting with the lecture now."

Everyone who was flocking over to me went back to their seats as the teacher walked in and started her lecture.

This was one of the mandatory lectures we had to attend where they teach us about the history of World Awakener's Association, The World Awakened Academy and about the top awakened ones in our world.

They don't only teach us about history though. The theory lectures also have some interesting topics such as the origin of the awakened ability, how the anatomy of our bodies are different from that of regular humans.

Some lectures are also on the theories many people have come up with about the origin of our powers.

Some believe it's a genetic mutation. The fact that each year the number of awakened ones are increases support that argument but that researcher went on to say that one day almost everyone will possess an awakened ability which in many people's opinion, including mine, is impossible- no not impossible but rather it is a thing that should never happen.

Others believe that the cause of this increase is simply the increase in overall population of the world. You have to know that only one in several hundreds of thousands of people become an awakened one. This just proves how rare the awakened ones are.

And besides, if everyone becomes an awakened one, then more or less, the entire world will collapse with everyone fighting for power and authority.

Even now if two major groups fight each other, it will effect the entire world imagine what would happen if billions of people start to fight each other. It will be absolute chaos.

However, some people still believe in the awakened ability being the result of a genetic mutation because of the existence of unregistered awakened ones. Those are the ones who are actually awakened individuals but live a normal life along side other normal people.

This is the reason why there has never been an accurate statistic telling the number of awakened ones all over the world.

Some people can be living their lives as a normal person right next to you but you would never know whether that person is an awakened one or not.

One of your friends could be an awakened one but you wouldn't know about it. One day it might just come to you as a surprise that your best friend is an awakened one.

'Wouldn't that be something.'


After the hour long boring lecture, I had to go to the student council room.

The student council had more to it than just handling small decisions in school's policies and administrative work. It also comprised of the disciplinary committee. And that was what I was incharge of.

Since I have almost zero acumen in the field of management and administration, I was assigned to this role. Which is perfect. I get to beat up the students who try to abuse their power which basically means I get to abuse my own power but there are no repercussions.

'I guess this is what people call having their dream job.'

Now although I love just patrolling around the campus and beating up a few cocky bastards, I am heading to the student council for a different reason.

Since I have officially become part of the student council, I can finally use the deal I made with the principal and go out whenever I wish to. I just need to submit a written application detailing the reason for my outing and the where I plan to go.

I just wrote 'for fun' and 'to a fun place' and left.

I have been in England for a few months yet I hadn't seen any of it.

Although the desire to leave the academy came more from the desperate need to go to a bar and getting a drink than to go on a tour.


While Owen was on his way to have an amazing night by getting hammered out after a month of soberness.

An interesting incident had occurred back at his home country.

Last night in a dark alley, four dead bodies were found by the police. The murder wasn't interesting thing as it happens way too often. But the interesting thing was how they were killed.

The police and the autopsy department was baffled at the state of the dead bodies.

All four male bodies had been stabbed by an ice shrapnel and almost half of their bodies were frozen. One more noticing fact was that one of them had his private part mutilated and crushed like it was snow.

The authorities had no idea where and how to even start investigating this case as two days worth of footage had been wiped away from the CCTV cameras surrounding the alley so they couldn't even tell who went inside.

However, the group of individuals who were responsible for tampering with the CCTV cameras where watching the footage right now on a monitor.

The clip showed a girl no more than 17 years of age getting dragged into an alley by four male individuals and as she tried to escape and struggle her way out of this, they started stripping her and even threatened her with a knife to quit fighting back.

The girl in question went quiet and closed her eyes. The scums who were trying to rape her had started thinking that she had accepted her fate and submitted to them and started to move even more quickly.

However before they could do anything at all. The man who was holding the girl's arms found a burning sensation crawling upto his arms making him cry out in pain. The other three backed away after watching their friend's arms which froze out of thin air.

The leader's eyes moved back to the girl who they had dragged into the alley and his eyes shook in fear as he feel to the ground and began crawling away from that girl after seeing the cold ice particles surrounding her cooling down their surroundings.

The young girl opened her eyes and they shone with an amazing bright blue colour that would otherwise leave anyone in daze. As soon as she opened her eyes, the entire area surrounding them froze as her powers spread out. Freezing parts of their bodies connected to the ground as well.

Before they could even react to what was happening around them, the girl stretched out her hand and as she did, blades made out of ice flew through the air and stabbed all four of them in the chest.

She created another small blade of ice and shot it at the groin area of the already dead male who was the leader of this little group.

She stopped using her powers and fell down to the ground and started panting as the use of her powers to such an extent created a huge amount of burden on her body and mind. After a few minutes of rest, the adrenaline in her body went away making her cry as she came to terms with what happened to her and what could have happened had she not have any powers.

After a few more minutes, she picked herself up and went away while trying to compel herself to not feel guilty for taking the lives of four people.

"Have you found out the identity of this girl?" a hoarse voice echoed in the meeting room after the video ended.

"The camera in the alley couldn't capture her face properly but we were able to get a good enough photo of her face from the camera on the 9th street. This is her file." a woman wearing round glasses said as she rummaged through the folder in her hand and gave out the file to her boss.

"Elsa Walker eh? 17 years old currently in school. And.." The man after receiving the girl's file started to read it out but his voice trailed off at the end and a surprised expression dawned on his face which was immediately replaced by that of joy as a wide smile spread across his face and he started laughing maniacally.

"Finally something to use against the Knight Family!!!" he yelled and subconsciously let out his aura which made everyone else present in the small room uneasy and scared.

He then retracted the aura and ordered his men to investigate more about this girl and monitor her and to stay close to her at all times.

"The Knight family has been a thorn in our path to greatness for a long time now. But with this we can finally put ourselves into an advantageous position." he said as he left the room and walked away after saying 'good work' to the woman with the round glasses.

The file was still kept on the table of the room which had many details related to this girl. Including known associates which read Miles Walker, Martha Walker, a few other names and...Owen Knight.
