
Chapter 9 Girlfriend

The cool breeze and the fresh air of the mountains was playing, coming through the windows and hitting the person sitting on the window seat with an aromatic scent of the mountain soil.

Mingyu was sitting while leaning his head to the window and enjoying the scenery of greenery which is hard to find in the city life.

Just, there was one things that made Mingyu quiet depressed. He looked back toward the last seat and there Wonwoo was sitting with Minghao. He was resting his head while leaning back on the seat with his eyes closed.

Since the time when Wonwoo asked him to leave, he had been quiet like this. Even when having last meal of this trip before leaving, Mingyu had tried to approach and talk with him but this time it was Wonwoo's turn to avoid him. Mingyu was feeling a dull pain constantly as Wonwoo wasn't even giving him a chance to clear up if there is any misunderstanding.

When Mingyu was busy sulking he heard Jeonghan's voice suddenly saying loudly, "Scoups-ah, if all you were going to do in this trip was answering the calls and sending texts then why did you even bother to come".

When everyone heard this they all knew that Jeonghan's temper has been stirred up. His words were sharp but they made sense. Since the time they have arrived on this trip, though it's not like Scoups haven't spent any time with them but most of his time was spent in phone calls or texting. Everyone here knew that Scoups has a very clingy girlfriend and even if she wasn't here with them on this trip they still felt her presence with the way she kept Scoups busy with herself.

Jeonghan huffed with annoyance and Scoups gave him an apologetic glance.

"I'm sorry guys, you know Sa Ra, she got curious and kept asking about things" Scoups really felt guilty when he recalled that what Jeonghan was saying was true. Jeonghan just snorted after hearing his apology and no longer bothered to say anything more.

The atmosphere became quite awkward as everyone fell into a brief silence.

"Ahh.. Look at this hyung showing off his girlfriend in front of us single dogs! " Seungkwan who was good at lightening the atmosphere said in a joking tone.

"Yeah! Why is it that I look so cute and handsome but still I don't have any girlfriend!" Dokyeom added while raising his brow and making a contemplating expression. He was just further helping Seungkwan disperse this awkward situation. Everyone couldn't help but laugh and tease Dokyeom for thinking too much and saying things like ' From which angle are you handsome' ' The girls around DK must be blind' 'Want me to set you up with someone'.

Everyone felt relaxed again.

Seungkwan continued the topic saying, "All of you here, tell me truthfully, do any of you really don't have a girlfriend? Anyone here is not secretly dating right?! " Seungkwan's gaze contained suspicion as it fell on everyone in the van.

Facing his suspicion, Minghao said, " I believe that except Scoups everyone here is as single as they were born and couldn't be anymore single." After hearing his words everyone laughed and they even felt like they were laughing on their own misery.

"Count me out of the group of singles." A voice calmly spoke for himself.

"No one is considering you Joshua hyung. You are exception in the  exception, don't you know" DK said with exaggeration.

Everyone felt amused by Dokyeom's variety of expressions and even Joshua didn't feel offended by his sarcastic remark and instead chuckled softly.

"But jokes aside, Joshua hyung we know that you have dated many girls and have broken up with many till now but when are you going to settle with just one? " Jun asked seriously.

Everyone knew about Joshua's playboy tendencies. He is from a rich family and is good looking so there haven't been lack of girls lining up to date him. Even though a playboy he is a real gentleman hence this was a plus point for girls who were already head over heel for him. He treated the girls he dated properly and with respect so everyone in their friend group was okay with him dating rashly but still they warned him from time to time and scolded him if he did anything wrong but no major incident has happened till now so everyone was rest assured. They all knew in their heart that Joshua is a good person or they wouldn't have been friends with him.

"Ahh.. I don't know. Maybe when I fall in love" Joshua said with a nonchalant look.

Seeing Joshua's expressions everyone felt an urge to beat him up. Though it wasn't like they don't have girls admiring them as everyone of them in this friend group was handsome and drool worthy but they too were still waiting to fall in love. But that doesn't mean that you go on dating girl after girl and then get bored if you don't fall in love!

Dino suddenly thought of something and asked everyone curiously, " Hey, do any of you atleast have a crush on someone? "

"I don't know about anyone here but I'm sure you have crush on someone for sure Dino" Laughed Jeonghan as he said this and made Dino blush as he kept his mouth shut.

"I too do have a crush on someone" An unexpected person spoke this time.

Everyone looked at that person with a surprised expression while Mingyu's throat became dry instantly. He licked his lips to make up for the lack of moisture on them. His brain tingling because of this unexpected confession from Wonwoo.

