
48 fell

48 fell

Frenchman Larry Ryan, after glancing at the time on his watch, blew the opening whistle for the 2003-2004 UEFA Champions League Final!

The game was kicked off by Bayern Munich, and proudly went to the Schalke Stadium to reach the first **. After three years, Wang Bayern once again returned to the Champions League final.

In the past three years, after winning the last Champions League, Wang Bayern fell into a brief low tide. After the World Cup in Korea and Japan in 2002, they transferred the Argentine national team from the River Plate for 40 million pounds, which broke the transfer record for players under the age of 20. Team captain Leon Weir was brought to Munich.

And now, it is the new World Footballer of the Year, the Argentine golden boy who pioneered the "ball control flow" style of play, leading Bayern to the Champions League final again. ?? Soccer King 48

At the beginning of the game, Leon also played offensive music for Bayern. After the kick-off, the Andes bombers Pizarro and Ma Kai passed the ball back to Leonwell. I felt the atmosphere of the final.

After the restructuring of the Champions League, no team in Europe can defend the Champions League, even if it is as strong as AC Milan.

Leon's first touch of the ball put a lot of pressure on Porto. Brazilian forward Dellei was the first to pounce on Leon who was holding the ball in the backcourt, and Leon dunked Dellei unhurriedly. Afterwards, the ball was given to right-back French international Sagnol.

Sagnol dribbled the ball along the left, Porto's midfielder Maniche came to defend, Sagnol stabilized the ball and then hit the middle, Hargreaves missed the ball, Leon followed up with the midfielder The left foot stopped Sagnol's horizontal knock.

This is the first time that Bayern have attacked the half of Porto, and the Porto players seem a little nervous. After all, for them, this is the first time they have played in a major final, although Mourinho continued to give them pre-match. Decompression, but players are human after all, no one is a machine.

Leon took the ball and began to press forward slowly. His dribbling speed is not fast, and Leon has never relied on speed to make a living. His 100-meter speed has just run in twelve seconds. This speed can only be achieved on the court. It's okay.

However, Leon's forward pressure made Porto's defense line compressed little by little.

"Want to place the bus at the beginning?" Leon believes that the first few minutes of the game are definitely the best time for Bayern to score, because it is obvious that Porto has not yet gained a firm foothold. If they wait for them to concentrate and place the bus Come up, it will be very difficult for Bayern to get another chance to score.

Taking advantage of Porto's unsteady foothold, Leon, who dribbled the ball in the middle, distributed the ball to the left. Piglet Schweinsteiger got a chance to single out Portugal's number one right back Paulo Ferreira.

Before going to Chelsea, Paul Ferreira's defense can only be described as decisive and excellent. He rarely makes mistakes at the right back position, and he was even named the best right back in Europe this season.

But after going to Chelsea, under the pressure of the British media with high demands on foreign aid, Paulo Ferreira began to lose his former style in Porto, and finally became a defensive full-back who can only defend but does not know how to assist... …

Speaking of it, the English media is really strange. For English players, as long as they perform a little bit good, they can boast to the sky, but for foreign players, they can be demoted as dogs if they perform poorly.

It seems that England, the Chinese team in Asia, does have his reasons.

Piggy Schweinsteiger obviously underestimated the ferocious side of the Portuguese in front of him. Ferreira is a pretty young guy. Obviously, Piggy thinks Ferreira is a literary youth.

Piggy was wrong, and it was outrageously wrong, because Ferreira is obviously a working public who moved bricks. Schweinsteiger was stuck on the breakthrough line, and Ferreira's replacement was very fast. Seeing that Ferreira In the next second, he could poke the ball off his feet, and Schweinsteiger, who was very unwilling, suddenly pulled the ball back forcibly.

The German genius made a move that shocked all Germans—he leaned on Ferreira, pulled the ball and turned around 180 degrees!

Marseille roundabout! God, the Germans play Marseilles? Doesn't this mean that the Brazilian won the Olympic table tennis championship, can the English not brag, can the Chinese play football?

All the Bayern fans who went to the Schalke Stadium proudly gave their applause to the piggy Schweinsteiger at this moment! The first batch of finished products of Germany's ten-year plan, Beckenbauer in the stands is proud at this moment, because the German Football Association's ten-year plan is successful, just look at Schweinsteiger.

You know, the 19-year-old Xiaozhu is already a German international, and he is one year younger than Leon, and he has become the new golden boy of German football. ?? Soccer King 48

Ferreira obviously didn't expect Schweinsteiger to come like this, so he could only watch as Schweinsteiger leaned on him and left himself behind.

Damn... In fact, the Germans really have an advantage in playing Marseilles, that is, the Germans are inherently strong. Although he was only 19 years old, Schweinsteiger's body was already very strong, and he started to break through along the left! This young man who has worked hard in the summer has made progress this season for all to see!

Porto's defensive general Costinia made up for Schweinsteiger. Costinia was originally responsible for marking Leon, but at this moment, Mourinho's love will have to go first. Block this gap on the right side of Porto.

On Porto's bench, Mourinho was very dissatisfied with Ferreira's defense this time. This damn guy, doesn't he know that Schweinsteiger is an alternative to German football?

Speaking of alternatives, there are quite a few alternatives on Bayern's bench. Roque Santa Cruz, who is tall and has outstanding skills at his feet, can play as a midfielder. He has always been regarded as the best winger in Germany in the future, but after changing to play this season Lumbar Germany's first genius Deisler...

The arrival of Leon really changed the fate of these guys. For example, Santa Cruz, he really started to retreat and play the midfielder. It was the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. At that time, the Paraguay team had Barrios in the frontcourt...and In order not to waste Paraguay's frontcourt resources at the time, the Paraguayan head coach had to let Santa Cruz try to play the midfielder position.

As a result, this attempt has paid off amazingly. Santa Cruz does have the talent to play the midfielder...

As for Deisler's midfielder, this is Leon's amazing imagination, because in Leon's eyes, the midfielder in modern football, Pirlo has proved that the existence of a technical midfielder is possible.

Deisler's technique is very good, why can't he kick the midfielder? You must know that in the previous life, Piggy Schweinsteiger also made his debut from the wing, and then turned into an excellent midfielder.

The position every player may be used to may not necessarily be the position where he plays best, isn't it?

Speaking of which, on the court, Xiaozhu has almost broken through the bottom line. Looking at Costinia who is coming towards him, Schweinsteiger also smashes the ball at his feet and then takes the ball head-on...

He looked up, and just when people thought Piggy was going to pass the ball into the box, this guy did a great arc!

peripheral! Oops, Costinia hurriedly turned around, he wanted to say something, but it was too late, because how could a person's reaction be so fast?

Schweinsteiger took the ball to the outside of the penalty area, and the person who followed was Leonwell!

Porto midfielder Mendes, who has been paying close attention to Leon's position, was stunned for a moment. Damn, when did he run to that position?

Is this the attribute of passers-by? As a forward, it is good to have no sense of presence, because only then can you dissociate between the opponent's defense lines. Although Leon is not a forward, he often advances and knows how to have no sense of presence.

Schweinsteiger's breakthrough on the side just now attracted Mendes to turn his head and take a look. This young man with the same name as Leon's agent obviously didn't notice that Leon had gone around and advanced at that moment!

Therefore, when Leon appeared in this position, Jose Mourinho on the sidelines was so angry that he was about to throw a water bottle. Because of this, he had already mentioned it to the Porto players before the game, including Leon. Ang forward!

These nasty guys didn't take what they said to heart at all!

In fact, Mourinho really can't blame the Porto players. After all, compared to the experienced Bayern, Porto is still a little too young, and they haven't fully entered the game yet...

Leon took the ball outside the penalty area, and Porto's defense faced a big test at this time.

After Leon stopped the ball with his right foot, he swipe towards the center without hesitation. His swipe directly cleared the "cloud" that covered his eyes, and it was so good to see the sun! ?? Soccer King 48

Leon kicked his feet on the periphery and shot angrily!

Boom———————————! The ball fell with a strong spin to the gate guarded by the old Portuguese goalkeeper Baya. Although the old Portuguese goalkeeper is not as energetic as the young Portuguese national goalkeeper Ricardo, he is definitely an excellent goalkeeper.

Because it is estimated that Leon will shoot directly, the experienced Baya also moved ahead of time. His prediction was correct. On the line, he dragged Leon's long shot out of the bottom line with one hand!

"It's a pity!" The whole crowd went to the Schalke Stadium. After a brief exclamation, the Bayern fans applauded Leon's long shot, and the Porto fans also dedicated their applause to the old man. Goalkeeper Baya.

"It's really suspenseful. If Baya moves a step slower, we may have fallen behind zero to one." All Porto fans are thankful at this moment that Baya's attention is still concentrated.

Leon, who failed to score, curled his lips and ran to the corner flag. He was going to take the corner kick.

This long-range shot is still a little bit short. If he could perfectly pull out the lightning speed of the Lai-style arc just now, then no matter how fast Baya moved, he would definitely be powerless.

It's a pity that I couldn't draw it perfectly just now. In this kind of intense competition, it's not so easy to draw a Lai-style arc perfectly.

In the thirty-fifth second of the game, Bayern scared the Porto players into a cold sweat.

Bayern's corner kick, the height of the Porto players is still good, Mourinho has always been a coach who attaches great importance to the height of the team, is it because he worked as an interpreter in the dwarf country in the early years?

In fact, the reason why Mourinho pays attention to height is because in Mourinho's eyes, it is unforgivable to miss a set ball, so whether Mourinho coaches Chelsea, Inter Milan or Real Madrid's defense line has The existence of defensive players who are over 1.9 meters or close to 1.9 meters.

Indeed, you can't believe how a defense with an average height of only 1.7 meters can face a team with an average height of more than 1.85 meters.

Leon's corner kick was very tricky, Pizarro hit the ball in the crowd, but unfortunately the ball was slightly higher than the crossbar...

In just one minute of the opening, Bayern had already formed two very threatening shots.

On the sidelines, the water bottle that Mourinho had been holding was finally dropped by him...
