
49 Angry Mourinho!

49 Angry Mourinho!

Jose Mourinho is very unhappy right now, very...

He obviously reminded these guys to pay attention to Leon's long-range shots and the marking in the set ball, but these bastards still missed Leon's forward penetration and long-range shots, and missed the corner kick just now. Pizarro's header.

Jose Mourinho has never been a perfectionist, because he believes that nothing in this world can be perfect.

In the eyes of Jose Mourinho, if Bayern had better luck just now, then Porto is already 0-2 behind at this time, and Mourinho does not allow mistakes, because the mistakes are likely to become the opponent's goal .

Mourinho has always disliked playing heartbeat. He likes to keep the victory firmly in his pocket. Therefore, Mourinho is very upset about the lack of concentration of Porto players in defense today. He is very upset. Angry, he's like an angry bird that needs to vent.

As a result, the Porto players had to bear the wrath of the head coach. The famous head coaches in the world probably all have one thing in common, that is, they are not so good at blowing.

The teenager Mendes, who was sent on the field by Mourinho as a surprise soldier, quickly saw the power of the head coach. As a player sent by Mourinho to arrange to mark Leon, Mendes was too nervous at the beginning of the game .

"Mendez, if you don't want to kick, I will replace you immediately, look at what you kicked!!! Leonwell is so handsome? Are you already fascinated by him? Oh , man, I hope you concentrate! If you still perform like this in the next ten minutes, I will definitely replace you without hesitation." On the sidelines, Mourinho pulled Mendes to the sidelines and reprimanded some.

This reprimand is still very effective. At least, Mendes is more focused on defense. The performance of the players is like a chain reaction. If one performs well, the other players will start to perform normally one by one. .

Mendes is a surprise soldier...his surprise is not only in the defense of Leon, this guy is like a catfish on the field, activating the entire midfield of Porto.

Perhaps this is why Mourinho chose Mendes to start?

Under the organization of the midfield magician Deco, the Porto people finally passed the tense stage of the opening, which also made Leon regretful, because Bayern missed the best opportunity to score today, and they did not take advantage of Porto to gain a foothold. Establish a steady lead in the score...

Deco's activeness made Maniche, his partner, gradually appear in the midfield more often. Maniche's forward long-range shot is a very threatening offensive method for Porto.

As for Costinha, Mourinho's favorite will do the most defense, defense and defense.

The existence of Costinha is like an iron gate. When Porto is attacking, he may be the only defensive player that Mourinho can rest assured. So it can be said that Costinha under Mourinho , definitely one of the best defensive midfielders on the planet.

Porto finally started to gain a foothold. Ranger Dellei began to look for opportunities in Bayern's defense. As a striker with high scoring efficiency, Dellei really resembles his nickname. He is a player who needs a move. Victory guy.

"Bah... I didn't expect Porto to really have two tricks." Bayern's midfielder, who was almost wrestled by Porto's midfielder magician Deco just now, spit out very depressed. Spit looked at Leon and said.

Leon patted Hargreaves on the shoulder, then gave Hargreaves a meaningful look, and said: "Being able to reach the finals has already proved that they are not a second- or third-rate team...no point characteristics, how could they stand in front of us?"

After listening to Leon's words, Hargreaves nodded, yes, you can't underestimate the enemy and be careless, otherwise the Porto team in front of you will teach Bayern a lesson at any time. They have gone through a lot of strong teams on the way to the final team test.

Proud to go to the Schalke Stadium, after the opening test, both Bayern and Porto have entered the state. This is indeed a final scene. The two teams are afraid of each other. To put it bluntly, the scene of this game is really dull enough!

Except for some bright spots every time Bayern's ball was handed over to Leon and Porto's ball reached Deco's feet, most of the rest of the game seemed boring.

Neither of the two teams is in a hurry, they are just waiting for the other to make a mistake, and both sides are playing very steadily. This scene is beyond the expectations of many experts and neutral fans, because before the match between Bayern and Porto, the public opinion was generally I think this will be a confrontation, because after entering the Champions League knockout round, Bayern's firepower is very strong, and Porto is a team with a very sharp defensive counterattack.

Therefore, all kinds of evidence and the past game experience of the two teams should be that Bayern is the main attacker and Porto is the main defender. Then Bayern makes a mistake and Porto counterattacks-this should be a fast-paced game!

However, the glasses of the experts broke down, the neutral fans began to doze off, and even the commentators couldn't help saying: "Are we commenting on a Serie A game?"

It's slow and boring... and whether it's Porto with the ball or Bayern with the ball, both sides seem very "conservative".

This is indeed a layman watching the excitement, and an expert watching the way.

"Bayern are now riding a tiger to win, and Porto is also unable to advance or retreat... Both teams are firmly stuck in each other's weaknesses, so now, whoever can't calm down first will lose!" Ao Fu On the Schalke stadium, a young brown-haired man wearing sunglasses and a suit commented.

Indeed, as the young man commented, Bayern and Porto are now stuck in each other's life. Bayern failed to take advantage of Porto's unstable foothold after the opening to quickly complete the lightning surprise attack, so the next game will definitely Will no doubt be dragged into his favorite tug of war by Jose Mourinho...

In any case, both sides of today's game, in terms of strength, Bayern is definitely stronger than Porto, so for Mourinho, tug-of-war, chaos, and chaos are the best ways to help him narrow the gap between Porto and Bayern. situation of disparity in strength.

For the stronger side Bayern, the only way for them to break this situation is to speed up the pace of the game, simplify the game, and use strength to get everything done.

Of course, both Bayern and Porto know what they want to do next, so this is the reason why the two sides are playing so dull now.

This is like two top swordsmen competing with swords. One side is stronger and the other side is weaker. The weak side knows that the strong side wants to end the battle as soon as possible, so the weak side can only hold back the strong side and find the strong side. This side's gap is then a one-hit kill.

The strong side was held back by the weak side, so although he really wanted to end the battle quickly, he had to take into account the possibility of the weak side...

Just when the game was tangled, Bayern "strangely" scored first.

Proud to go to the Schalke Stadium for the first time today, many Bayern fans seemed to be awakened after a long-distance away game and suddenly crashed on the way-the moment they were about to close their eyes. Ushered in the first goal of the UEFA Champions League final in the 200304 season!

A goal that made Jose Mourinho drop the water bottle in his hand in anger, and then the mouth shape began with f!

Derek, the commentator of the German Satellite TV, waved his arms excitedly. Indeed, this is a too sudden goal!

A few seconds ago, Bayern, who was still dangling with the ball in the backcourt, suddenly accelerated the pace of attack. Leonwell accelerated in the midfield and passed the Porto player Mendez with an incredible long pass—ambushing Porto's defense. Roy Mackay headed back in the game, and Leonwell, who was following up, unexpectedly did not reorganize. He chose to face the ball bouncing in mid-air and withdraw directly...

His whole body is completely vacated, which is like sepak takraw. Many Chinese fans will not be surprised by Leon's shooting method, because Leon's action is affectionately called by fans in China—— Swallows fly and volley!

Leon's entire action from shooting to shooting is all done in the air!

The ball kicked by him was like a cannonball, flying straight towards Porto's goal and the gate guarded by the old goalkeeper Baya!

After about a few seconds passed, Leonwell's weird volley shocked the entire Schalke stadium.

Maybe even Leon himself didn't expect that his tentative shot opened the door for Bayern first!

Mourinho is angry, he is really angry...

Because he felt that he had already planned everything, but it really proved that sentence-it is up to man to plan and make things happen!

Sometimes, this is fate?
