
He's a what!

Even with Kage's best efforts, the Draco still stands against him with no sign of stopping till he's dead. Kage realizes something after looking into the beast's eyes.

"You know now that I'm looking closer, I've seen those eyes before; it reminds me of someone!"


Kage uses energy jet to fly up to where the Draco is flying. The Draco shoots blue flames at Kage.

"Energy manipulation:multi-attack!"

Kage sends out multiple energy beams that go around the blue flames and hit the Draco in the back. Kage flies out of the blue flames, and energy jets his way to the Draco, where he punches the Draco in the stomach with the flex technique applied.

"Will you go down already!?"

While Kage continues his battle with the Draco at the far side of the forest, Ruth is carrying Frax, who is badly injured from the battle with Akira.

"You know, brother, you could gain some weight. It's so sad that you're such a twig."

"Did your fatass just sneak diss me?"

"So sad"

"Hey, don't avoid the question!"

A red portal appeared in front of the two of them.

"Oh, look, brother Frax, brother Satch is back from robbing that jet."

"Finally! It was about time we got picked up!"

Ruth throws Frax into the portal with little care for his well-being.

"Hey, the asshole comment was just a joke!"

"So sad"

Inside the pocket dimension, Frax gets up despite his many broken bones.

"Satch, where are you, bro? Did you steal that stupid jet or what?

Frax walks around the pocket dimensions and notices the mess throughout.

"Was it always this messy?"

Frax continues looking around but then steps in something liquid.

"What the hell?"

Frax looks at his foot and sees blood on his shoe.

Ruth walks into the pocket dimension.

"Did you find Brother Satch yet?"

Ruth hears no response and decides to go looking for them in the pocket dimension. After turning many corners, he finds Frax standing next to a pile of gold.

"What are you doing, brother Frax? I've been calling you."

Ruth walks closer to Frax, who is currently in a state of shock.

"What is I—"

Ruth finally sees what Frax is looking at and sees Satch lying in a pile of gold with many gaping wounds and barely breathing.

"Brother Satch!"

Ruth's scream snaps Frax out of his shock, and he quickly jumps into action.

"Ruth, hurry up and grab our medical equipment!"

Ruth stares at Frax as he gets on his knees and puts his ear next to Satch's heart.

"Hurry up, Ruth; he's still breathing!"

"Oh, uh, right!"

Ruth grabs the medical equipment, and both of the brothers start treating Satch's injuries.

"Brother Frax, will Brother Satch be okay?"

"What type of question is that? Of course, he will!"

As both of them deal with this travesty, Frax starts to have external thoughts.

"How could this have happened? of all people in this state! I don't know why, but he just seemed unstoppable, which might be dumb, but when we were abandoned by everyone, including our own parents, he was the one who took up the leadership role. To think I'm the second oldest, and instead of taking some burden off of his shoulder, I was doing nothing but fanboying and following orders! We can't lose him; he's the one who made our dark days disappear!"

Fax starts to break down and cry over his brother's body.

"Please wake up, damn it! Remember what you said when we're all alone and have no one to rely on? You said all we have is each other! So survive, damn it!"

"Hey, I get it already. You can stop yelling in our home now."

Frax opens his eyes and sees Satch awake and breathing a little better now.

"Your ali—"

Ruth pushes Frax out of the way with tears in his eyes and hugs Satch tightly.

"Damn Ruth!"

"Oh, brother Satch, you're alive!"

"Yeah, I'm alive, but please, could you not hug me too tightly? Everything hurts."

After Satch's close call, all three of them start having a conversation about what happened to Satch.

"Brother Satch, why are you left in such a destroyed state?"

Satch hears that question and instantly shows a face of fear and starts breathing heavily.

"Hey, Ruth, don't ask that right away. We just saved him. Do you want to give him a heart attack?"

"No, it's fine, Frax. I'm a little shaken up, but I can still speak. I fought a teacher named Mr.Mink, but that man is not just some teacher."

Satch starts to think back to his battle with Mr.Mink in the pocket dimension. Mr.Mink stands behind Satch after the canon he intended to shoot at Mr.Mink blew up in his face.

"I make anything possible, and I suggest you keep that in mind throughout this fight."

Satch jumps away from Mr.Mink and throws three bombs at him. The bombs land next to Mr.Mink but don't blow up.

"What the hell, first the canon, and now the bombs?"

Mr.Mink appears in front of Satch with a blank expression on his face.

"Damn it!"

Satch grabs a metal stick from his back pocket. Satch points it at Mr. Minks's face and presses a button on the handle. From the tip of the stick, a white cloud sprayed out of it. The cloud flew into Mr. Minks's face.

"Yes! You shouldn't be able to see anymore with that gas filling up your eye. This gas is a special gas that is said to be so powerful that anyone who gets it in their eyes will permanently go blind."

"That's interesting, but I told you before that I make the impossible possible."

Satch backs away from the gas but is grabbed and through the gas by Mr.Mink. Mr.Mink walks out of the gas unaffected.


Satch pulls out a knife and stabs Mr.Mink in the neck, or so he thought.

"I suggest you look at your knife a little closer."

"Wait, did I not stab him?"

Satch pulls his knife away from Mr.Mink and sees that the sharp part of the knife is missing.


Satch looks at the ground and sees that the sharp part of his knife fell off, leaving him with nothing but the handle of the knife. With a face of defeat, Satch looks at Mr.Mink.

"Do you give up now? Good!"

Mr.Mink kicks Satch threw multiple mountains of gold. Satch crawled out of a pile of gold and saw Mr.Mink slowly walking towards him.

"Who the hell is this teacher, and why does the impossible happen every time I try to attack him?"

The second those words left his mouth, Satch realized something. Satch started to think about something he read a long time ago about some legend.

"He makes the impossible possible, and on top of that, I haven't been able to touch him this entire fight. Wait a minute, it can't be! An untouchable man with long red hair!"

"Hey, what are you muttering about over there? This is no time to be distracted."



"You're not a normal human if you are human."

As Satch spoke, Mr.MInk froze with a serious expression on his face.

"You're none other than the first-feared legend!"

"I suggest you stop talking, Satch because saying that name will be the last word you speak!"

"You're the feared legend, invincible!"

Mr.Mink appears in front of Satch, and with the flex technique applied, he punches and kicks Satch all over. Mr.Mink continues his onslaught of attacks until Satch is left in a huge pool of his blood.

Satch returns to reality but seems to be shivering from remembering his battle with Mr.Mink. Frax, seeing this, becomes worried for his brother's sake.

"Hey, you can stop talking about it; it's clear this battle left some mental scars!"

"Frax! Ruth! Listen to me; that man was no regular man. I saw it for a split second, but while he was tearing me apart with his fist, he had absolutely no emotion in his eyes—that man is a heartless being."

Satch once again passes out due to his injuries.


During this conversation, the battle between the Draco and Kage continued for almost ten full minutes. Both of them are now beaten and battered, but even with barely any energy left, the Draco still wants to continue the fight.


"Do you ever go down, damn it?"

The Draco, while roaring, slowly descends to the ground since its energy has been exhausted. Kage flies down to the beast.

"Hey Draco I think this battle is over! I know you don't really want to fight; you're doing this for someone else, aren't you?"

The Draco makes a reaction to Kage's statement.

"Yeah, I'm right!"

The Draco starts thinking about the day Satch and his brothers threatened the lives of her children if she didn't work for them.

"Look, I can't read minds, but I can tell this fight is something that you shouldn't be focusing on right now."

The Draco looks at Kage, who is levitating with Energy jet.


"Haha, I knew it; you make it so obvious! Go handle your business already, and if you want to challenge me again, I dare you to come for me any time."

All three mouths on the Draco smile at hearing Kage's words. The Draco flaps its wings and takes off in a different direction while Kage waves it goodbye.

"You better come back too!"

After saying bye, Kage stops using energy jet and falls to the ground.

"Oh my god, that battle was way too tough! It refused to take the loss, but I can't lie, it was kind of fun to fight such a cool-looking creature, hehe!"

Kage looks up and sees the jet coming for a landing.

"Finally, that jet stopped speeding threw the sky."

Chapter 52 end

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