
Attack on Grava Academy Part One

After Kage finally got the Draco to save their battle for later, the jet with Mr.Mink and Selena in it came to pick Kage up after his hard-fought battle. They later went and picked up Akira and Unknown, who were walking in search of the jet but got lost in the forest. After getting everything together, they continued their way to Frinstion City. In the middle of the jet, the group gathered together to discuss the events that had just occurred. Mr.Mink starts off the discussion with an important question.

"First things first, are all of you okay after the events that just occurred?"

Kage, who has been bandaged up after his battle with the Draco, answered first.

"Mr. Mink, why would you ask such a dumb question? Of course, we're fine; it was only a battle with some petty bandits. We were all able to handle ourselves pretty well, I believe."

Unknown punches Kage in the arm where he is bandaged.


"Yeah, says the guy who has injuries all over his body."

"Hey, I was the one fighting an overpowered beast, and what were you doing?"

An image of Ruth pops up in Unknown's mind. Unknown instantly gets a face of disgust. 

"That's not important right now; what's important is that you're the only one here with multiple injuries!"

"Both of you shut up!"

Kage and Unknown flinch at hearing Mr. Minks's voice. The entire jet went quiet for a few seconds until Mr.Mink decided to continue speaking.

"So everyone is okay. I was just asking as your teacher. We will continue to frinstion City; we should reach it in a few hours. We will be flying mostly over water for the rest of the trip, so I don't think we will get attacked again."


While everyone is in high spirits after surviving the attack by the Snachro brothers, Selena is still skeptical of Mr.Mink.

"Mr.Mink is so strange. He refuses to reveal anything about himself but seems to be genuine about being a teacher for the next generation. When Satch came out of that portal, I read his mind; his mind was also blank. Why? What is he hiding that he must keep secret no matter what?"

The sun begins to set as the jet flies through the sky. While class one continues its way to Frinstion City, Grava Academy seems to have a visitor. At the front of the school's auditorium entrance, which is on the far north side of the school, there is a 5'5 slim man dressed in a black GI with a black mask over his mouth and a black hood over his blonde hair. He also has black bandages wrapped around his arms and hands.

"The sun has finally set, so I guess it's time for the plan to begin."

The hooded man pulls out some strange metal balls that have electricity exerting from them. Inside Grava Academy in the infirmary, David is taking a smoke break after a long day of doing work for Principal Nixion.

"That damn Nixion; he's always putting a lot of work on my plate." Oh, Doc, we have to keep up Grava Academy's good reputation, so can you go down to the hospital and heal some people? "What the fuck does that have to do with me?"

David pulls out his blue lighter and lights his cigarette.

"That bastard must think I have infinite OGI or something, but at least I'll be able to go see my daughter now."

David turns off the light and walks out of the room. Without a minute passing, David came back into the room and turned on the light.

"Should I?"

David looks at one of the hospital curtains with a bummed-out expression.


David opens up the curtain and flips over the bed inside, which looks to have someone in it.

"Mr. Chad, wake up! I don't want to find your ass in my infirmary, which is for injured students again!"

From the side of the bed that was just flipped, Mr.Chad, the teacher of class three, gets up and looks at David. Mr.Chad yawns while he fixes up his stylish afro.

"Do you need a comb or something?"

"Hmm, maybe, but I'm too tired to even think about combing it."

"Tired!? You literally gave your students a free day just so they don't bother you while you sleep here all day!"

"Wait, what time is it?"

"It's almost nine o'clock, damn it?"

"Hmm...I think I've been sleeping all day."

"You think!"

"Work is so tiring, I'm going to go home and take a nap."

"Yeah, more like hibernate!"

"Bye Doc I'll try to find a different place to sleep if this place is inconvenient."

"Please do!"

As Mr.Chad makes his way to the exit, the lights in the room go out. It became pitch black.

"Ahh, damn it! I think the power went out."

David activates level two and shoots a flame to light the candle on his desk.

David puts the candle up to look for Mr.Chad but then sees him with his back on the wall, sleeping.

"Tch, wake up!"

Mr. Had wakes up after hearing David yell.

"Could you keep it down? I'm trying to sl—?"

Mr.Chad stops his sentence and activates the sense technique.

"I don't think this blackout was an accident."


Four minutes later, outside the auditorium door, far from David and Mr.Chad's location, the same black-hooded man is still standing at the entrance.

"Great power is officially out now! I hope this plan of hers works."

The black-hooded man walks away from the door, but all of a sudden the auditorium doors bust open from the inside.


It's too dark for the hooded man to see it, but a shadowy figure comes out of the auditorium and rushes at him. The shadowy figure tackles the hooded man to the ground. The hooded man quickly gets up and puts up his defense.

"This wasn't part of the plans!"

The hooded man looks up after sensing something above him. He moves quickly to avoid the attack from above. The lights in the school come back on after five minutes of being off.

"They're back on already!"

"Yeah, that's our generator for Ya! Even if you use the best technology to shut off our power, the school will come back in minutes!"

The hooded man looks up and sees an interesting-looking light-skinned woman who is 5'6 wearing a suit that is ripped at the lower half of her shirt and blazer, which shows off her muscular abs. Her slacks are tight, and the rest of her shirt is half-buttoned. Her right elbow, all the way to her fingertips, is a purple metal claw instead of human flesh. With her long purple hair, she walks up to the hooded man with a crazed expression on her face. The hooded man pulls out a blade from the pouch on his waist.

"Who are you?"

The woman grins, pulls out a lollipop from her pocket, and takes off the wrapper. She puts the lollipop in her mouth and screams.

"My students call me Mrs.Doja as a sign of respect, but you can just call me Doja!"

"Umm, alright then."


The hooded man looks at Mrs.Doja with a confused expression.

"You can only call me Doja if you're cute under that mask of yours."

Mrs.Doja is the teacher of class five. She is known throughout the school for having a very interesting personality.

Mrs.Doja rushes at the hooded man with no remorse in her eyes. She quickly knocks the blade out of his hand with her left arm, and with her sharp claw, she barely grazes his chest.

"She's fast!"

The hooded man backs away from Mrs. Doja, but she rushes in even closer and punches him in the stomach with her metal claw. The hooded man falls to the ground, and before he can get up, Mrs.Doja jumps on top of him and pins him to the ground.

"You know those blue eyes are pretty; maybe you are cute under that mask."

"Sorry, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now."

The hooded man activates level two, and instantly five more men who look exactly like the hooded man appear behind Mrs.Doja. She senses them coming and reacts instantly.

"You know, if you want to be mine, sending multiple of you isn't the way to go! I like my men more in one place if you know what I'm saying!"

Mrs.Doja jumps off of the hooded man and uses her claw to stab through one of the men's chests. She throws the man's body at three other men and then proceeds to slam her left elbow into the last man's face.

"Are these some type of clones, or are these just some friends of yours who dress exactly like you?"

Mrs.Doja looks over to where she left the hooded man and notices he has gone missing. She then looks back at the other five men and sees that their stomachs are expanding like a balloon.

"Well, isn't that interesting?"

Mrs.Doja jumps away from the five bodies that blow up two seconds later. The impact of the explosion knocked her out of the sky but didn't do enough to damage her. She hits the ground but rolls her way back to her feet.

"That explosion radius is pretty impressive!"

Mrs.Doja looks behind her and sees the hooded man standing behind her.

"Let's see if this one is real!"

She looks to her left and right and notices she is surrounded by multiple clones. While Mrs.Doja battles a strange opponent, the real hooded man sits in the trees near the battle, watching Mrs.Doja fight multiple copies of himself.

"That lady is very weird, but she is not only fast but strong. I wonder if she's a level two OGI user."

Without any warning, the hooded man is kicked off the tree to the ground.

"I swear, if I get surprised attacked again, I'm just going to abandon the mission!"

The hooded man creates more clones, but they instantly get pinned down to the ground by something unknown.

"What the hell was that? It almost looked like gravity just got heavier around them for some reason."

"All I wanted to do was go home and take a nap, but you just had to come ruin it."

The hooded man looks up and sees Mr.Chad standing over him with a katana pointed to his throat.

"I'm so tired."

Chapter 53 end

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