
Chapter 3

Everyone in the group turned to look at Earl Kent who was kneeling in front of Eleanor. She quickly glanced at her father, who nodded at her. Eleanor looked back at Earl Kent, who was staring intently up at her, and nodded her acquiescence. Earl Kent stood back up and proffered his hand to her, which she took with slight hesitation. They walked onto the dance floor and began to dance a slow waltz. Once again, Eleanor could feel everyone's eyes on her, though this time it was because of who she was dancing with. Earl Kent was known for being handsome, yet mysterious. While Eleanor had never seen it herself, Elliott had told her once that women were attracted to his mystique and would flock to him. Though he always ignored their advances. Never dancing with anyone on the rare occasions that he attended a party.

"Thank you for accepting my dance, Lady Eleanor," he said quietly. Pulling her from her thoughts. "Your brother spoke of you often while we were at the Academy together; he's obviously very fond of you."

Eleanor smiled at him while taking in his appearance: a solidly built, handsome man, with black hair and light blue eyes. She could see why women were obsessed with him; he truly was sight to behold. Especially when he was all dressed up, like he is now.

"Your brother says that you enjoy spending time in the garden, especially with a book. It seems you like to read."

Eleanor nodded.

"As do I, though I don't get to do it as often as I would like."

Eleanor looked at him with an inquisitive expression.

"I spend most of my time handling the affairs of my family estate, training our order of knights, and answering summons from the King."

On his last statement, Eleanor noticed a faint hint of annoyance, and accidently let out a faint chuckle. Earl Kent looked down at her, and faintly smiled.

"I apologize, I'm not a very good conversationalist. I find it can be rather exhausting."

Eleanor nodded in understanding. 'I can understand that. People in general can be rather exhausting. I can't imagine having to keep up pretenses and all the etiquette involved in conversation.'

While Earl Kent didn't say anything else for the rest of the dance, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Just as she couldn't keep her eyes off him. She wondered if anyone else could sense their chemistry, even though they weren't talking. As the dance came to an end, Earl Kent released her and bowed. While she curtsied in response. Together they walked back over to her father, brother, and his friends.

"You two looked lovely together!" Elliott exclaimed. "Now, Ellie, come dance with your brother. I've been waiting all day for this."

Elliott took her hand and escorted her back to the dance floor. As they danced together, Elliott was rambling on about something, though Eleanor wasn't listening. She was thinking about her dance with Earl Kent. It caught her off guard that someone outside her brother and father wouldn't mind that she didn't talk. In fact, it seemed that he himself didn't want to talk. As she thought about him, she suddenly remembered Lucas Kent. 'Kent as well? They must brothers, they do look similar; they're at the very least related. They both have such beautiful eyes, even though the colors are such different shades of blue. Eleanor's mind kept jumping between the two of them until the dance finished. As soon as her brother let go of her hands, another man stepped forward and asked her for a dance.

'Colin Rasten, if I remember correctly. He's an advisor to the Crown Prince.'

"Ah Colin, Eleanor. Enjoy."

Elliott stepped away, and Eleanor and Colin began the next dance.

"My lady, you look absolutely stunning. I appreciate you accepting my dance…"

Colin continued rambling on throughout the entirety of the dance. While there was no need for Eleanor to talk, since she couldn't have gotten a word in edgewise even she wanted to, she found his presence to be rather exhausting. 'He reminds me a bit of Elliott in his exuberance, though Elliott doesn't forget that I'm here when he is talking with me.'

When the dance ended, Eleanor was relieved. But as soon as Colin stepped away, she was once again intercepted. This time it was Thomas. Eleanor accepted and was quickly whirled into a fast-paced dance. Thomas didn't say anything for the entirety of the dance, which Eleanor found a little unnerving. When the dance ended, Thomas bowed and walked away. Eleanor turned to head back to her father, when she found Lucas Kent standing in front of her, smiling.

"May I have this dance, my lady?"

Eleanor's eyes lit up and she nodded. As they danced, Lucas spoke briefly to her about the beauty of the Kent Estate. As he spoke, he checked in to gauge her interest in what he was saying. After a moment, he said mischievously, "You seemed to have two rather difficult dance partners prior to me."

Eleanor looked at him in surprise.

"They're always like that. Colin rarely knows when to stop talking, and Thomas rarely talks. They're complete opposites, but they're so much worse when around beautiful women."

Eleanor blushed. Lucas chuckled as her face went slightly red.

"You really are beautiful. Your brother always spoke about how charming and beautiful you are, but I thought it was just how a brother spoke of the little sister he adores. I was wrong, his words were the truth."

Eleanor's face went a slightly deeper shade of red.

"I see you blush easily. It's rather cute."

Eleanor was stunned at his blatant flirting, yet she didn't dislike it. As the dance came to an end, Lucas bowed to her.

"May I escort you back to your father?"

Eleanor nodded, accepting his proffered arm. Together they made their way back to her father, who was still sitting where she had left him. Though this time he was surrounded by vassals and other lords.

When he saw Eleanor returning, he happily said, "Ah, Eleanor dear, please come sit down next to me."

She released herself from Lucas' arm and sat down beside her father. For the rest of the party, she remained by her father's side, only half listening to the conversations happening around her. She couldn't get Lucas nor Earl Kent out of her head.

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