
Chapter 4

Eleanor found herself in a long, dark space filled with pillars along the side. The space was lit only by a small standing candlelabra at the end of the room. The candlelabra was situated on dais with a throne next to it. Eleanor found herself drawn to the throne. As she got closer, she saw figures in hoods standing in between the pillars. When she was a few feet away from the dais, she saw a form draped across the throne. As she focused on the form, she was able to make out more details. A woman of striking, but terrifying beauty. High cheekbones, cat-like eyes, brilliant white hair, and purple eyes. Purple eyes that felt like they were staring deep into her soul.

"It's almost time, child. Soon you shall be mine," said a voice in her head. Then everything went dark.


Eleanor woke up staring at the canopy above her head, she struggled to remember the dream she'd just had. All she could remember was how strange if felt. She sat up, confused, and still tired. She reached for the cord by her bed and pulled. As she waited for her call to be answered, she tried to put the pieces of her dream together, but the more she thought about it the more she started to forget. Soon she heard a knock on the door.

"It's Clara, my lady. I'm coming in."

Clara entered the bedchamber with a basin and towel. Set them down on the vanity, and then went to open the curtains. Letting in brilliant sunlight.

"You slept for quite a bit, my lady. His Lordship said to make sure you are feeling alright and to let you sleep as much as you needed. He said that you would be more worn out than usual due to your exertion at the party. Are you feeling alright, my lady?"

Eleanor nodded. Though she was still tired, she didn't want to spend the day in bed.

"Would you like to have some food in the dining room?"

Eleanor shook her head.

"Then I shall have it brought here."

Clara stepped out of the room for a moment. When she came back in, she headed to Eleanor.

"Do you think you'll need any help getting out of bed? You danced more than usual yesterday."

Eleanor shook her head, and got herself out of bed. Then she and Clara headed to the vanity, where Clara soaked a cloth in warm water and passed it to Eleanor. She took it and used it to thoroughly wipe down her face and neck. Then she handed it back to Clara, who took the cloth and the basin and put them on a stand near the door.

"Do you want to take a bath after you eat?"

Eleanor nodded. She stood up and Clara helped her into her dressing gown. Eleanor then went and sat at the table on the other side of the room. As she sat down, there was a knock at the door.

"Enter," said Clara.

In walked a maidservant with a tray of food, who set it on the table and left. Eleanor ate her food without really noticing what she was eating. Her mind was wandering off thinking about the party last night and thinking about the men she'd danced with. As she was finishing, there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" asked Clara.

"It's Elliott."

"Please enter, my lord."

Elliott entered and smiled when he saw his sister finishing her meal.

"How are you feeling, Ellie? You were rather busy last night."

She smiled at her brother.

"You look a little tired. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded.

"May I sit?"

Eleanor gestured at the chair across from her. She placed her utensils down, and Clara cleared the table.

"Clara, we'll call for you if we need anything."

"Of course, my lord."

Clara left with the tray and closed the door behind her. After she left, Elliott stared at Eleanor for a short while. Eleanor tilted head out of curiosity. 'What could he be hesitating to tell me?'

After a moment, he started, "Ellie, as you know, you've been of marriageable age for quite a few years now. You're twenty-two and it's time for you to get engaged, even if you don't get married right away."

Eleanor looked down at her hands, she had been dreading this.

"Father and I have put a lot of thought into picking the men that we thought might be a good match. We both think that you marrying one of my friends would be the best option."

Eleanor looked up at him in surprise. 'Is that why they were all invited to the party last night? But none of those matches would be very beneficial for the family.'

"I know what you're thinking, none of them are worthy of you."

Eleanor gave him a look telling him that he was being ridiculous. 'It's not that they are unworthy, it's that I thought I would be married off for political gain. Father loves me dearly, but politics are important to him. Especially when it means making the family stronger.'

"Father and I both think that you marrying someone that we know, and are certain will take care of you, is more important than marrying you off for political gain. Your health and safety are more important to us than anything else."

Eleanor nodded.

"Father is still making the final decision on who you're going to be marrying, but we should know in due time. All but Andrew are in the running. As a knight of the King's Personal Guard, he's not supposed to get married. Oh, and just so you know, all my friends are staying a few extra days. Father wants to get to know them better."

Eleanor once again nodded.

"Now, why don't you get ready, and go to the garden and read? It's a lovely day out, and the fresh air will do you some good. I shall take my leave, but I'll check on you later."

Elliott stood up and kissed Eleanor on the forehead, then left. 'Well, he's right, I might as well get some fresh air and think about all of this.' She rang the bell to call for Clara.

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