
Chapter 336 GAME CHANGER 1

      People moved in and out of the mansion in numbers to console the Wilsons for their great loss. Everyone except their family members thought great grandma Wilson died of a natural cause, but only their family members knew the truth behind her death. Her death was meant to be a celebration of life, who knew someone would cut it short?

       Margaret cried the most, she missed the woman so much, more than anything. "Please mother, these cries are not good for you." Maria tried to console her mother-in-law but found herself crying in the process. How's she meant to console the woman if she's crying too?

        She just couldn't hold back her tears, she was heartbroken. She hugged the woman as both people sobbed loudly holding each other's arms. "Honey that's enough, mother isn't well to be crying like this too, and neither are you, your health are both important." Oliver stepped in after talking to a bunch of guests.

         He was exhausted from their condolences, he knew a majority of them were not actually sorry, they just wanted another lifetime investment with his son who's not even here. It's always hard to find genuine love from people once you're rich, that's one of the reasons you value whoever loves you genuinely cause once you lose them, you can't find another like them.

        While everyone was busy with whatever they were going on, someone arrived at the general Wilson's mansion. She had two plans while killing the old woman, one was to take revenge and the other was to get back into the family, the choice was hers to make and she chose revenge.

        After the call from Chan, Beverly decided to change her mind, there was no gain in taking revenge, especially after her recent findings about ALEXANDER WILSON. He wasn't who she thought he was, he was more powerful than they had imagined him to be, there was no point fighting a lost battle. Alex is something else.

       If she wants revenge, then she has to be a friend-enemy to the Wilsons. She needs to get close to them again at their weakest point, and this was the time. They had issues with their daughter-in-law and son according to Chan, it only meant this is her time again. She'd make sure, they never suspect her.

         After this Alex would be forced to remove the price on her head. "Mrs. Balowe." Leonard greeted, surprised at her boldness to come here after the word he heard from his master earlier. It wasn't his business to get her, he was exhausted with this family's drama, he's been here to see the children of this family grow and it seems the older they get, the more drama they have.

        Everyone had one or two things going on, he just wishes danger would be far away from them. Besides their pride in the society, they were good people, at least their good was more than their bad. He stepped back in to continue his duties, to help in any possible way he could.

        "Good day Avery," Beverly said to the only person in the lounge, sitting with some guests who were consoling her. "What do you want?" Came Avery's rational reply. "I heard about what happened to great grandma and decided to come visit the family. I know I've done terrible things in the past, but can we put that aside for her sake? I'm sure she would want that too." She started cleaning the teardrops at fhe corner of her eyes.

         She appeared to be so genuine and Avery couldn't resist, they used to be good friends, almost sisters before Beverly changed. "Come on let's talk somewhere else." They both stepped in. Getting to the one she used to be familiar with was a good game plan.


        "Where have you been Alex, I've been searching everywhere for you?" I noticed Alex step late in the evening, he wasn't looking lively and I could tell something was wrong. "I'm sorry I just went through the worst day." He said with lazy eyes. I wondered what had happened to him.

          "Maybe if you waited for your morning kisses, maybe your day would have been the best." "Maybe." He chuckled pacing to the couch as he sat next to me placing his head on my thighs and burying it there. "Rob my hair Hazel, just a bit." It was shocking Alexander Wilson was acting like a child before me.

        I blinked many times to be sure he wasn't dreaming, where was this side of him all this while? Why did he act all tough and cold when he jad this soft side? 

       I did as instructed, I didn't have the time to argue as he didn't seem like he was in the mood to. "Are you okay Alex?" The maids and Gaius acting all strange today was already exhausting, I didn't want him to act strangely too. "I'm fine." He responded after what seemed like 5mins or more.

        "Great-grandma is dead." He sat up, "I didn't know how to tell you before, but what's the use, you'd find out anyway." I could feel my heart skip at his words, now I understood why my entire day has been nothing but weird. "When did it happen?"

         "Earlier today, or last night it's depending on when whoever it was that killed her." 

          *Gasp* "She was killed?" I held my lips in disbelief. That is so impossible, who would want to kill a woman that old when her time is almost near? Why didn't they let her die of natural course and try to kill her this early?

          I hugged Alex sobbing in his arms, I'm supposed to console him, but right now it's the other way round. My last vacation at her farm with the kids was incredible, she was yet to see my unborn baby or even know I was pregnant. I was hurt, more hurt than anything. My tears couldn't stop falling.

       "Why would anyone try to kill her, she's the most genuine person in the world." Alex stroked my back tenderly, "I know, it's painful, let's hope she's happy wherever she is now." He lifted my face wiping my tears with his thumb. "Have you found the killer? Justice must be served to whoever did this." I stated.

        "What do you want me to do to her when I find her, you said no killing remember?" He asked. "K... Killing is not everything Alex, I don't want more stains on your hands, we'd let the law decide if we have solid proof." He grinned at my words. "You're so soft." He commended robbing his thumb across my lower lips.

       "E... Excuse me, master and madam." Gaius distracted us shaking profusely. He's been acting off since this morning and I kept wondering why. "What is it, Gaius?" I asked not minding the deadly stare from Alex at the innocent man. It felt like he could kill him any minute now.

         "T...The Valley's are here to see you."

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