
Chapter 337 GAME CHANGER 2

         I didn't know how to conceive this information, they had our general Wilson's mansion to go to since they're closest to mother but decided to come here. I really didn't like seeing them, especially uncle Gabriel. 

         "Mr. & Mrs. Wilson." Camela greeted as she stepped in with uncle Gabriel and their adorable son. "Hello Mrs. Valley what brings you here?" I asked not surprised at the way she stared at Alex.

         "We heard about your loss and decided to come visit right away. We are deeply sorry." Of course, they'd find the slightest chance to come here. I still can't figure out how we became family friends or their reason for always wanting to get close to us. At this point, it's screaming desperation.

       Maybe I just wouldn't have an issue if the man Wasn't uncle Gabriel and acting as if he didn't remember Los Angeles and everything he did to me and mum. It got me so irritated. We were at the mercy of both him and daddy. He still gives me creeps to this day. And maybe just maybe Camela would have been acceptable if I hadn't found out she's one of Alex's ex.

       I've had serious problems with Ex's in the past and I don't think I'd love anymore closer to us. "Thank you for coming," I said to her not minding that Alex hasn't said a thing since their arrival. "What happened to her? I know she's old but the last time I saw her she was so healthy." Camela asked sitting on the couch along with her son who hasn't stopped clinging to her dress.

        "She slept and didn't wake up." Alex cut in for both couples to nod concurrently. I wondered why he lied, but it isn't a good thing telling people she was murdered, it's just weird. We discussed many other things, just Camela and I since Alex and uncle Gabriel didn't seem interested in our conversation.

          The Valleys didn't stay long as both people left shortly after they came. Sympathizing with us was all they came for, now I regretted why I thought of those things. What if they're good people? What if they don't really care about their past and just want to move on with the present and future? So many things have made me turn really tough when it comes to trusting people and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

        "Don't let them into this mansion anymore," Alex ordered Gaius and I raised a brow wondering why he suddenly did that. They did nothing to deserve this kind of treatment yet. "Why? Why don't you want them here anymore? Is it because I said I wasn't comfortable? I can endure." I trailed behind the man parading towards the stairs with my hands behind my back.

        "I don't like the way he stared at you." I paused and watch him walk away. Did he notice too? 

         Alex got back picking me up in his arms as he took me through the stairs. "Alex we have children in the mansion." "So, I want to be with my wife now." "So, they might come at any moment now. It's wrong if they see us like this." I felt my cheeks getting warm.

        "We're already in the room now love, there is no need to get worried." He stepped into our bedroom closing the door behind us as he placed me on the bed.



       "I learned my lessons after that."

       "And the revenge plans? Maya saw your writing on the wall, all your revenge plans were written and my family was not out of it." Avery asked staring at the girl on the couch before her family members. "I wasn't myself Avery, I was sick, and at that point, that was all I knew. I had lost my mother and knew she died in the hands of your brother but for a good cause. It wasn't right to kidnap Hazel, but I forgot about that. I went through therapy for months and the doctor said I wasn't mad but just depressed cause of everything going on." She paused to wipe her tears with the back of her hands before continuing with her speech.

        "I was hurt at the time, please forgive me. I'm truly so sorry, I'm ashamed of myself, I've caused you all so much pain and sadness cause of my selfish desire to get Alex. I hope you can all forgive me."

        "I miss you all, you don't know how I wish for us to be united again just like before. That is my prayer every day. I miss grandma's sweet kisses and hugs, and mothers, too. I miss you, Avery, we used to be very close friends like before please forgive me, please." Beverly sobbed as she spoke to them. "Come here my dear, I miss you too." Margaret embraced her in her arms hugging her tightly just like the rest.

       She used to be like a daughter to them, the woman they all wanted to be their future daughter-in-law. The love that existed once between her and Alex was unimaginable, no one knew Alex would be married to someone else. No one knew they would be separated forever. Even Maria had a soft spot for her, she loved Beverly genuinely, but things changed. Things did change a lot.

         "You're forgiven my dear, don't forget you're a part of this family now," Margaret said to her. "Thank you so much, thank you all very much."



        Alex's eyes fell to the woman standing next to him under the shower, the tiny bump on her stomach gave her off already and he smiled. He was hers this time to go through this experience with her. It was always so annoying when Lukas was the only one bragging about how scared and annoying his woman's pregnancy stages were. And how he's almost at the point of losing it but just realizes he cannot touch her.

          He was experiencing fatherhood in full effect this time, all the way from the scratch again. It was a crazy experience at the early stage one he never thought he could survive through, but here they are. She was carrying his seed again, this was all that mattered at this point. For Beverly, he'd find a way to deal with her mercilessly. In a way, his little angel wouldn't notice just like that maid.

        If she ever finds out he killed anyone in here, she might never forgive him ever again. There are just some things the law can't handle in life, if he had let the law govern him like his father, then he would have ended up dead a long time ago. He doesn't have to abide by the law he makes, does he?

        He saw her pick his shampoo applying it to her hair just to get a reaction from him, "Alex be honest with me, you were jealous of uncle Gabriel weren't you?" She smiled blinking her wet lashes at him as his blue eyes met his black ones. "Why would I be? No man would want you in this state so there's nothing to be jealous of." He teased to see her frown. Alex chuckled, how he's missed this face, the only face that brings out his genuine laugh.

        "My pregnant state is actually my most seductive state wait until all the men you know start drooling for Hazel with a big baby bump." She said to see him narrow his eyes. Alex wasn't finding her words funny at all.

         "That's why I'll always steal you away from the world just for myself, for me and me alone." He said proudly pulling me to himself as he helped me wash my hair. "You can't hide me forever I'd escape and run very far away from you."

         He turned her around to me his gaze under the splashing water. They say water romance was the best, well Hazel could see why cause Alex appeared to be breathtakingly handsome in her eyes. She could feel her heart beating loudly again. The water pouring from the strands of hair on his face and down to his chest was intoxicating. 

         She struggled not to look down there, she didn't want to see his already hard member poking her. "Are you sure cause it seems like I'm doing a good job right now" He smiled mischievously pulling her to himself...

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