
Fourth birthday

I'm four years old ! Yay me !

Things have been going great for me.

Regarding my motricity, I'm good and running, if you allow me the pun.

I 'learned' to crawl at around 11 months old, and walk at one and a half. At two I was running and climbing everywhere, making my mother tired as hell since I loved to make her follow me. If she stopped, I would just hide until she started to panic and look for me again.

I'm pretty sure the all 'attention seeking' thing was hormones talking. But I didn't care. She was my mum, it was her duty to follow me in the house. Needless to say, when Luna learned to walk a year later, I enlisted her in my 'make mother do some sport' plan. Luna was surprisingly insightful, and so she quickly understand that when we were running together and would go on separate directions suddenly, it would make mother whine instantly. Needless to say, she loved it too, and thus she learned of 'divide and conquer to make mother make funny noise'.

My family is now also acutely aware that I'm a 'genius'. The fact that I learned to read and write before I was four was a dead giveaway. I try to make it look plausible with the excuse of being super interested in my father's work. Since I've learned to walk, I did my best to always wander around my father's newspaper printing press, 'fake' reading the Quibbler and saying things like "I'm gonna be a reporter like daddy too, so I'm learning making books".

I know my father was super proud that I was always saying I was going to be a journalist. It did shock me though when he gave me a column in the newspaper four months ago when my writing became 'good'. the column was called, "the editor's child contribution". It was small, but it was mine. My first article was called "Adults should buy more toys". I wrote in a childish way about the fact that if adults bought more toys, they would play more with us since it would be an activity we could do with them.

It was naïve, but I wanted to keep the idea to something childlike. As for were I got the inspiration ? My sister of course. Little Luna was my 'official' reporter, making both my father and mother laugh when I asked them for a notepad and crayons so she could make notes of conspiracy when we find them during our daily excursion in the garden.

Surprisingly, the article was a hit, and my father received a bit of mail with congratulations to be forwarded to me. Apparently, having a child writing in a newspaper was cute. It might have also helped that my father put a photo of me writing the article just above said article, and I think I am being objective when I say I am super duper cute. I have platinum blond hair and my eyes are a mix of blue and grey. I also sadly have chubby cheeks that keeps being stretched by my mother and sister for their entertainment. You also need to take into account that the reader base of the quibbler usually buy the newspaper for the rune crossword (which I'm told are super awesome) and the eventual news that are censured in the daily prophet by the ministry (we call it the daily rag at home).

So all in all, a nice activity making both my parents happy.

Regarding magic, I have not advanced much in it. While I keep reinforcing my mind with various self created exercises and upgrading my mindscape, I didn't upgrade my legilimency much. I lack test subjects since I don't want to try anything to anyone that can be traced back to me, and of course, no family members as well. So the neighbours are safe from me (...for now).

I did 'sense' my magical core. It was more of a fleeting feeling than anything at first, but with my impressive mind prowess I was able to easily replicate the way to access that feeling. Sadly I can't do much with it. I know it's there and that I could interact with it, I just know it. But it's so... Frail and chaotic. I don't dare do much until it's more stabilised and bigger. So for now, no magic. It did make me realise something HUGE though :

Ming magic does not use my magical core !

For now it is a complete theory of mine since I don't have access to magical books yet (for some reason, bot my parents refuse to let me access this part of the library until I'm seven), but I think that the magical core diffuse magic in the body, changing it from that of a normal humans. It would also explain why the wizards were considered an entire different race from humans by 'the screen'. And if continue from there, it means that the brain is also 'enhanced' by magic and thus 'mind magic' may be more akin to something like psychics powers. I'm still debating on this, but for now that's the best I came with. Anyway, it made me realize that I can continue to use my occlumency and legilimency without risk.

The last big thing is about my social interactions. I finally interacted with other witches and wizards. I met the Diggory's, who are our closest neighbours, and who started to come by from time to time to eat at home since they moved in last year. And especially, I met Cedric. He's three years older than me and the future Hufflepuff golden boy and triwizard champion. He's nice, and since I was 'a bit' more mature than usual three years old kids, we got along fine. In the end he started to come regularly to play with me and Luna since he quickly realised he couldn't have one without the other.

And last but not least, I met... The Weasley's.

Thank you for reading !

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