
Gears, Azazel and Sona

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Sorry been super busy. Here is the chap. I'm going back to writing. Finally, have a day to myself.

Word Count 3250


"Let's see if this will work"

I look at all the people who were starting to wake up. They were crying and moaning in pain. You brought this upon yourselves when you decided to attack us.

This next part will be a bit rough on me but whatever.

I make two ordinary swords in my hand

'Balance Breaker. Ruri'iro Kujaku.'

The sword in my left hand started to change. Vine-like tendrils came out from it and spread out. They wrapped around and started to squeeze the victims, increasing the cries of pain.

Then the Real power of Ruri'iro Kujaku activated. It started to drain their mana and life force.

Ruri'iro Kujaku ( Azure Peacock), Has The ability to drain the opponent's energy and make it bloom into flowers. Eating those flowers will help you regain energy.

The original user called the sword Fuji Kujaku Wisteria Peacock. As the sword hates the color Wisteria. It turned into a sickle-shaped blade. A hinge at top of the hilt allows it to split into four identical and evenly spaced blades.

I just changed that bit up into Increase instead of Regain.

Naturally, since it's permanent, it will take a lot more sacrifices. I plan to gather the flowers and give them to Asia. The weakest of us.

Hmm the mobs are about to die

Time for the next stage. I focus on the sword in my right hand.

Soul Reaper. ( Irony)

A black and white blade with a big circular hole at the base of the sword was made. This soul does exactly that. It reaps the souls of the ones it pierces.

I plunge it into one of the mobs.

The Sword hums as it extracts his soul. A few seconds later. An orb manifested in the circular hole.

This was sacred gear, I take the sword out and the 'victim' drop's dead.


I made a Sacred Gear Extractor. This is a cost-efficient version where I use the 'victim's' own soul as fuel.

I can do it without them dying but I would have to use a lot more power.

So I just repeat the process. Use Ruri'iro Kujaku to train them of their Ki and Mana. And right before they die use Soul Reaper to extract the Sacred Gears.

I do this one by one and finally got to Jeanne. I rip out her sacred Gear.

Sweet. I got Blade BlackSmith now. Now I can make Real Holy Swords. I stole enough crystals to recreate Sword Of Betrayal but I couldn't do Holy Swords. That changed now.

"Asia here you go. These flower petals are edible. They will help increase your strenght" I pass the bluish flower petals to Asia

"Okey.. How do they taste?"

Now that she mentions it

"I have absolutely no idea." I really don't "Try one out and tell me"

Asia grabs one of the flowers with an uncertain face "Well Itadakimasu"

Aisa bit down on one of the petals and started chewing. Her face scrunched up. "SO SWEET. It's too sweet"


"Hang in there" Meredith pats Asia on the back.

A blueish aura surrounded Asia. Her strenght was increasing. One by one she ate the petals.

Those things contained the mana of 4 Low Ultimate Class and a Dozen Mid and High-Class Humans. Since it's for a permanent increase in strenght some of the power will be lost in the process.

Asia's aura shot up from high Low-Class. All the way to Peak High Class.

"Way to go Girl!" Meredith cheered for her

Valerie also claped with a smile

"Wow~" Asia smiled brightly as she looked at her hands. But then frowned

"My control is all over the place. I will need to train a lot for it to be perfect"

I scoff internally. Yeah right. She is born with Perfect Control. It will take her a week to get it back to perfect. Sigh some things just aren't fair.

"And here is another gift" I pass on Variant Detonation to her

"No its too much. You already increased my strenght. It's better to give it to Kurama or Veldora" Asia shakes her head in denial.

"Nope~ They got more than enough power and they specialize in different things, This is perfect for you. It will increase your strenght by a lot, plus with this gear, your punches will get that much stronger. We won't have to worry about defending you" I explain to Asia

"My Senjutsu wouldn't work very well with the Gear. Same with Veldora. He prefers energy attacks instead of just punching someone. This gear fits you the best" Ilusion Human Kurama adds his reasoning. Veldora nods backing him up.

"Well if everyone is sure than I gratefully accept." Asia took the gear and did a deep bow.

"Now we PARTY!" I yell out

"UWOOO!" The rest cheered after me but suddenly my phone rang

*Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzz*


I grab my phone and check the number.


But very few people know this number to begin with.

"Yello" I call out

"Sigh. Hello to you too, you heartless brat. I got the Vritra Gears and your money. Where do you want the exchange to happen" Azazel's voice was heard over the phone

I instantly grinned. Time to get paid.

"Black Dog Bar" I reply without any hesitation

"... You want the exchange to happen. In one of my places? Aren't you afraid I'll ambush you?" Azazel said incuriously

"Hell no. Even if you do that. The chances of you actually killing me are minimal. And I will get back at your entire faction. A smart man like you wouldn't do something so stupid."

Like hell he is that dumb. From the start, he has tried to be cordial with me. Neutral in a way. He isn't going to ruin it just because of this.

"True. I was just asking. But why the Bar? "

"So I can get drunk with your money"

"... Well at least you are spending the money in one of my establishments. So I will get some of my money back. Sure knock yourself out. And bring friends. The more the merrier" Azazel said happily

See? Old people like him will take what they can get. They have lived too long to be bothered by trivial things.

~~~ Black Dog Bar

"Hmmm looks like an interesting place" Veldora said as he sensed the concealing wards. He was wearing a white shirt and brown pants. As he wasn't about to go topless in a high-class bar.

The girls were dressed up in fancy dresses.

Asia was wearing a green dress that matched her eyes.

Valeri was wearing a wine red dress.

And Meredith was wearing a deep blue dress which strangely suited her auburn hair.

Isaiah was wearing a white shirt with a black suit coat (suit jacket) and black pants.

Even Dino was wearing a white suit.

Kurama sadly still couldn't enter his human form. So he stayed behind. With more motivation to get his KI under control

As soon as we enter we see that Azazel was already at the bar table. He raised his glass when he saw me enter. He pointed to the table near the Bar.

"Looks like they reserved a table for us" Meredith mumbled

"Well, this is a business meeting. Somewhat. It would be considered 'bad form' not to get us a table" I explain as I sit on the bar table Dino took the seat on the other side of Azazel.

The others go down to their own table

"Hello, my runaway son. I'm curious to know what made you do it? Why did you leave Grigori" Azazel asks calmly. There was no hostility in his words. Just pure curiosity

"You woke me up with an ice bucket too many times" Dino says with a dead serious voice

"That's it?" Tobio said incuriously. 'He left his faction. The faction his father runs. Because of something like that!'

"Sleep is sacred" Dino nodded like the choice he made is justified

Azazael sighed while Tobio facepalmed

"Well if you haven't noticed by the stage gear, it's rock/pop night. That's why there are so many younger people here. You guys enjoy yourselves. I need to go backstage to check on some things. The other waiter will take over"

I turn around to the crowd and they were right. Lots of young people were in the bar. Naturally everyone over 18. Except those from the supernatural.

"Here you go you evil monster. Azazel makes a magic circle behind the bar and a couple of cases appeared. There was already a ward around us to block the humans from seeing

I grab the first one and open it up. In it, 3 violated metallic orbs were contained in some kind of orb.

The Vritra gears. I use telekinesis to open up the other cases.

Money. Gold. Jewels. Metals. Yep~ 10 Billion right here.,

"Pleasure doing business with you" I grin at Azazel who had a sour expression as all the cases vanish in my own Storage Space

~Enjoying Reni's singing.

[Girls Dead Monster - Crow Song (Angel Beats]

(You guys can choose your song. But I recently heard this one and it threw me back so hard I got chills)

'Wow~" Asia says as she hears Lavinia

"Her voice is beautiful" Meredith had her eyes closed as she listened to the singing

"Pretty~" Valarie noded

The girls love her. And I'm enjoying myself as well.

"WOOO. RENII!" Veldora's eyes were shining as he stood up from his seat

"Shut it you OTAKU!" Meredith slammed him back down

This is going to be a fun night


"Ahh Kuoh. Can't say I have missed this" I say while looking at the city from above

"Isaiah. As much as I like the view. Can we please go down?" Asia said while holding on to me for her dear life. I was carrying her princess style.

I needed her in case 'something' went wrong. So she could heal them.

Which wasn't going to happen. But it was professional in a way. I brought my own healer just in case

"Well let's go meet Sona"

~Kuoh Academy. Student Council Room

*Scribble. scribble. scribble.*

*Scribble. scribble. scribble.*

Sona was finishing up a giant stack of paperwork at incredible speed

"Wow Kaicho sure is pumped today" Momo mumbled

"That's Kaicho for you" Saji said proudly

*Bzzzzz Bzzzzz*

Sona quickly grabbed her phone and put it between her ear and shoulder so her hands can be free.

"Souna Shitori. May I ask who is speaking?" Sona's hands didn't stop for one second

"Hello Sona-chan" A playful voice was heard over the phone

Sona's hands froze "KIBA?" She yelled out in surprise causing the rest of her peerage to just stand there dumbfounded

"Bingo~ How have you been Sona-chan. I'm in Kuoh currently and I have an interesting deal for you involving Sacred Gears. Wanna hear me out?"

Sona's mind was working in overdrive. "Me and My peerage will arrive in the Park in 30 minutes. Will that be acceptable to you"

Sona already figured out that he doesn't want to come near the School. Otherwise, he wouldn't have called, he would have just walked in the Student Council Room.

But Rias and Co would definitely sense him.

"That sounds great. See you there" and with that he cut off the call

"Everyone get ready." Sona quickly stood up from her chair.

"Kyaaa~ I get to see Kiba again"

"Where is my dress"

"Should I put makeup on?"

Sona facepalmed "Not that kind of ready! Kiba is currently considered a threat to our Faction. Or that's at least what my sister says. I mean get ready for possible combat. But I doubt Kiba would attack us"

Tsubaki shifted her feet a bit "Can we dress up a little?"

The other girls in her peerage who had a crush on Kiba were looking at her with a begging expressions

Sona just slumped "Sigh Fine...."


"Don't worry Kaicho. I will be there to stop him" Saji patted his chest, trying to look cool

Sona just stared at him "Saji when we get there just keep quiet. Otherwise, you might piss him off and I will have to intervene to save your life. Kiba is..wait he is Isaiah now.. Isaiah is stronger than all of us combined. When I said prepare for combat. I meant more as tactical retreat"

"Ehhh" Saji froze in place "You want us to run away?"

Sona raised an eyebrow and just looked at him like he is an idiot "Do you want us to stay and die?"

"Fair point" Saji slumped

~Kuoh Park

Sona and her peerage arrive at the park. They could feel Kiba's energy. He was purposely telling them were he was.

"He has someone with him" Tsubaki said out loud. Mostly for Saji since he is still new to being a devil so his sensing skills need work

They arrived near one of the benches on them Isaiah was eating ice cream with a short blond girl. She was wearing denim shorts a pink punkish T-shirt and a blue hoodie. Her hair was in a ponytail

Isaiah spotted them and smiled "Hello Ladies long time no see. Oh hey to you to Saji" He said the last part with as much indifference as he could

"Why you.." Saji raised his fist only for Sona to smack him over the head

"Saji behave. Long time no see. You are going by Isaiah now, right? That's what you said before you left. So what's this deal that you mentioned." Sona said strictly

"Business first? I'm fine with that. I have been involved in a new business recently. Sacred Gear Exchange. I made a sword that is able to safely extract Sacred Gears. Lots of people have been using my method to switch to Sacred Gears more suitable to their fighting style" Isaiah explained with a grin

"That's incredible" Tsubaki said breathlessly

"You figured out to take out Sacred Gears safely" Sona said in disbelief 'Ohh Nee-sama isn't going to like this'

"Yep~ and some people have taken an interest in Saji's gear. Even if it is a low-rank gear, its 'Absorption' qualities hold certain interest to scientists.

(Bullshit. Like a Vritra gear will be low level)

They are willing to exchange a Mid-Rank Sacred Gear."

Isaiah takes out a bluish orb. Inside the orb was a Blue Bow.

"This is Starling Blue. A Bow-type Sacred Gear. It shoots blue light arrows. Which act like Light attacks from Fallen and from Angles. Making them effective on Devils." Isaiah explained 'Got it from one of the Hero grunts. It was a lucky find'

"So are you willing to trade this for Saji's Gear? This is non-negotiable. One gear for another. I think a Bow that can deal Light Attacks is more useful to your peerage. The Rating Games are starting soon right?"

Sona looked at Saji than at the orb. Saji was doing the same. He summoned his Gear and was thinking what would be better for him

"Sigh is the Extraction Process 100% safe?" Sona asked seriously

"Yep~ it will be painful and there is a small chance it will damage the 'host' it will not be life-threatening or cripling. I even brought a healer with me just in case. Meet Asia the holder of 'Twilight Healing" Isaiah pointed to Asia who only waved her hand

Sona sighed "Saji the choice is yours. I think Starling Blue will suit you more. But this is your Soul and Sacred Gear we are talking about. You might get injured"

Saji looked at the Gear on his wrist "I'll do it. Anything for Kaicho. We need to win in Rating Games for Kaicho's dream to come true. The Light Bow will help us out a lot" Saji said resolutely

"Good Choice. Balance Breaker. SG Extractor" First a barrier appeared around them then a black and white blade with a big circular hole at the base of the sword appeared.

"Get ready. I will plunge this sword in you. It won't do any physical damage. That's because it attacks the soul directly to 'cut off' the gear from the soul. Asia the sword should make the pain minimal but start healing him just in case. Tearing the soul damages the body as well. As soon as the gear is out I will put Starling Blue in to fill up the 'gap'. "

"Got it" Asia summoned her sacred gear which was two rings on both hands

"Ready?" Isaiah asked Saji who just nodded resolutely

Isaiah just slowly stabbed the blade in his chest

"Huh, it doesn't hurt?" Saji said in surprise

"That's because the process hasn't started. Grit those teeth" the sword started to glow

"AHHHHHHHH" Saji started to scream out in pain

"Saji!" Sona's peerage yelled out

"Asia!" Isaiah quickly followed as he put in more power into the blade Asia also started to heal him. Saji's screams immodestly stopped, but he was writing his teeth in pain. Isaiah used more and more power to make the process as painless as possible

in a few more seconds Isiah and Saji let out a relieved Huff. The process was over.

He drew the sword out and inside the hole in the sword there was a purple orb with Saji's gear inside.

"Man I feel tired" Saji slumped a bit

"That's because of the 'void' that is in your soul right now. The space that the gear previously took. Here after taking the new Gear you should feel better" Isiah pushed the blue orb inside Saji's chest. He glowed Blue for a few seconds before sighing out in relief

"Much Better"

"Now for the next part. You need to 'wake up' the Gear. Since you are already tired it will drain you fully and you will faint. But we need to test if the Gear is fully functional. Do you understand?" Isiah asked Saji

"Wait he doesn't need to test it now does he?" Sona intervened

"Well no, but I'm not sticking around to wait until he is rested. And I need to make sure the Exchange is successful. I got a reputation to keep up now. Summon the Gear"

Saji looked at Sona before giving her a wry smile he then closed his eyes and concentrated.

Huff. Huff. Huff

"STARLING BLUE!!" Saji called out with all his remaining power

A Bow made from Blue Light appeared in his hands. He pulled back a string and an Arrow from Blue Light Formed. He let how of the string and the arrow took to the sky. Saji moved his hand and the arrow moved as well

"Kaicho!" Saji excitedly turned to Sona and her peerage only to trip. His Gear deactivated and Saji lost consciousness. Sona's peerage was quick to catch him

"Well, that's another successful transaction. Sona, I'm in a bit of a hurry so I will have to leave. If you need anything feel free to call me on that number. Oh and I will only accept calls from you so don't bother giving out that number. Bye~"

Before anyone could say anything Isaiah and Asia disappeared in a flash of light., leaving the rest of them in the Park

"Sigh, let's go. We need to get Saji back to bed. I need to report this to my sister and I need Coffie. I can feel the headache coming" Sona rubbed her forehead

""""Hai Kaicho""""

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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