
Returning Home: The Blood Lands

(Khorne/Blood God POV)

Location the edge of the Blood Lands

After a long, long march my legions of Blood and I have finally made it to edge between the lands of Nurgle and myself, the Blood God thou we may have faced some losses in this battle against the Plague God, we certainly won glory and many skulls.

Especially my elder daemon, Skarbrand he has offered me eight skulls of Greater Plague Daemons, one which belong to the original leader that summoned the rain that cause so much decimation...To...My...Forces, DAMN COWARDLY SORCERY!!!!!

As I calm myself the best I could I've noticed that the area was turning from sickly greens, puss yellows, and browns into familiar and more welcoming tones of red, brass, and scarlet we've returned at last.

I stood proud, and felt stronger than ever while I'll never say it to my brother, I'm quite grateful for what he's done to me.

He aided in my ascension, not only has my body grown in power and size but so did my daemonic armor as well as my trusted blade Unmaker, I brought my new massived clawed gauntlets up to my chest height.

I started to think, that I could tell that if I have duel with my brother, Laharl now within neutral space it would be a bloody, long fight with me regretfully still coming short, and losing to the Dark One...Again!!!!

This frustrating and anger I'm feel, I'm still behind my brother, as I tighten my fist the hardest I could, I felt a hand touched the back of my right shoulder.

It was my beloved wife, Valkia comforting me reaching out and grabbing her hand I turn to address my remaining legions...the strongest amongst my daemonic spawn, "GLORY!!! WE'VE HAVE WON GLORY AND HONOR!!!! YOU'LL CLAIM COUNTLESS SKULLS, FOR THE THRONE BE PROUD MY FOLLOWERS FOR MORE BATTLE, AND BLOOD SHALL AWAIT FOR US!!!! LET THE GALAXY BURN, LET WORLDS SUBCOME TO THE GLORIOUS BLOODLUST AND FIGHT FOREVER!!!!" hearing my proclamation, cause a great roar and chanting to my name.

In this battle many have proven themselves to me as worthy champion of blood and battle, amongst these warriors was Scyla Anfingrimm, my trusted hound, Karanak, and a specific balrog.

Maybe it was...no it was the perfect moment to obtain other powerful, and loyal daemons like Skarbrand these three shall join the rank of my Elder Daemons, I laugh as I commanded what remained of my forces to scatter across the realm and get as much rest as they can, cause a new war is always on the horizon.

But I've instructed a balrog wielding a greataxe to come to the Bastion Citadel, for I was about reward him later.

Said balrog kneeled as he lead his kin back to their fiery domain in my realm, turning to my dear wife, I took her hand and we made our way back to our thrones.

Sometime Later...

(General POV)

Location the Blood Lands-the Brass Citadel/The Skull Thrones of Khorne

Khorne and Valkia took their time, enjoying their stroll back to their thrones on top of the Brass Citadel.

Just like the Blood God promised Nurgle, he called back his forces in the eldar worlds on the Kilazao'lam sector, immediately, they appeared before them all kneeling to him and Valkia, presenting all the skulls they've managed to collect from their battle, these pleased the Blood Gods and send the skulls to thrones immediately.

Among the returning champion that have slaughtered many of Nurgle's minions and prevented them from interfering with their battle in the Garden, the Bloodthirster, only known as the Storm Prince has proven himself and Khorne named him his champion amongst the bloodthirsters, only by defeating the Storm Prince can someone usurp his title and position as Khorne's favorite.

When Khorne and Valkia arrived at their thrones they immediately noticed that Skull Throne belonging to Khorne has changed.

It has become more massive, with black metal added to all the brass, horned skull armrest with a bright blood red rags hanging from the rests and sitting spot.

The mark of Khorne now encrusted on the top of the back rest ignited in fire with several black blades crossed and spread like a twisted mosaic of warriors, surrounding the legs was a pool of blood with the hordes of skull floating on said pool.

Khorne and Valkia approached the new throne of the Blood God, Valkia suspected and voiced said suspicion, since like the Unmaker, the Skull Throne has always been seen and shown as his symbols of power it stood to reason that when he ascended his symbols would be affected as well.

Khorne agreed with his wife assessment, and after he was done inspecting his new throne all Khorne had to say it was completely fitting to his status, and power.

A throne that only serve to intimidate, and deter the weak and cowardly away from his realm but also demonstrate his might and position to all, he has heard that Laharl too has a throne but to his opinion it couldn't compare to his throne.

They took a sit on their respected throne, and the wed couple than remembered they still have some of Laharl's latest Ambrossia offerings, Khorne summoned the half empty barrel and also conjured a pair of mugs for the two of them.

Filling their cups, and dinging them against each other, as they drank and enjoy the basking their victory.

Later, after sometime Karanak has made his way back to the Brass Citadel, followed soon by the greataxe wielding balrog that Khorne summoned, that was the only reason that the three-headed, flesh hound allowed the greater daemon to approach this close, to his dark masters.

Khorne commanded the balrog to kneel, and for Karanak to stand beside the said hellfire, and shadow greater daemon, obediently following his command the greatest of all flesh hounds walked next to balrog, and all three-heads were looking directly at Khorne and Valkia.

Khorne was greatly pleased by Karanak and the balrog he has now named, Zsash, and decide to ascend them both into the rank of elder daemon, becoming the second and third under his command, drastically increasing his power overall making the Blood God laugh with excitement, as he put down his cup and began the process of turning Karanak, and Zsash into Elder Daemons.

Khorne stood from his throne, and started walking down the brass steps of the Brass Citadel, once he stepped on the red ground of his realm, he looked down at his servents, and rised both arms pointing his opened hand at each daemon.

As the Lord of Skulls channeled his daemonic divine power through his and surging that power out his hands, manifesting said power as a pure scarlet flame that engulfed both Karanak and Zsash.

They roared in pain as the fired of Khorne not only consumed them but remade them into even greater, and more powerful entities than what they were before.

Starting with Karanak, the three-headed flesh hound howled as it felt itself being torn apart and restored again.

As their body became larger, and much more muscular than before, it's claws became larger, thicker as well as turning blood red in color, with black curved spikes pertruding from the joints of their legs from various angles and on their heads was sprouting various additions.

The left head grew a large, black, bull-like horn from it left side, plus the fin like neck extensions grew in size and wight, while the right head mirrored the left and the central head sprouted a couple of black, sharp curved horns on its mussel just behind it nose, the longest being the closest to said nose, plus he also gained a large third eye splitting open on it's forehead made entirely out of blazing hellfire.

It gain more black colored sharp barbs pertruding from their spine, along with the hump sprouting a large wide reptilian like fin-sail with black barbs at the end of each joint of said sail.

Their tail grew in length and size resembling that of a sauron, with a mix of black and red spikes trailing down tail with a black fur at the end of the tail.

At the end Karanak howled with such power and ferocity that all remaining members of his pack across the Blood Lands, heard him and join in respect of their alpha as the Blood Lands was covered by the sound and harmony of howling hounds.

Sensing and seeing the ascension of Karanak into the second elder daemon of blood pleased Khorne, once Karanak finished howling they looked up at their dark master, Khorne who instructed him to come.

Making his way to the Blood God, it was clear the change and improvement that the three-headed hunting hound has gone through as before Karanak only reach the upper shins of his master now he is the same height of the Blood God's knees in his ascended form.

Karanak stood beside his master's leg and Khorne reached down and petted his favorite beast and companion as he showed...rare...very rare...affection, he ordered Karanak to join Valkia up the Brass Citadel, turning to stairways leading up to the Skull Thrones, Karanak started climbing them as he was commanded.

Now it was Zsash turn he had the greater change and transformation of the two daemons.

The former balrog roared in pain as he felt his body torn apart and reassembled again in a new form, starting with his size and bulk he easily rivaled Skarbrand gigantic size and muscle with ease.

Gaining many changes and additions aside from the hellfire growing in power and fury all over Zsash with the most simple being the curved razor-sharp spikes sprouting from his elbows and his calf area, but the new addition which is direct display was on the broud shadow chest of Zsash it was the mark of Khorne in blood red in color with a thin crimson edges of hellfire coursing through the mark.

Zsash has also gained two more arms, gaining four in total all exactly the same with razor-sharp claws and hellfire and shadow composing these limbs, his wings spread resembling black bones completely coated in hellfire, burning wild, and malignant as they grown drastically in size and power as that very fire release black smoke from all the edges of the infernal flames.

Zsash's head didn't go through a drastic change still resembling that of a balrog, but with some new additions to it.

The inward curved horns on his cheekbones have become larger, and thinker with a hook spike at the end of them, and on his forehead a long pair of sharp burning horns.

Lastly Zsash tail has also changed growing in drastica length, with a mane of hellfire and smoke trailing from the tail connecting to the flames from his wings, he stomp his right foot forward, crossing his four-arms across his chest and in a strong movement, Zsash uncrossed his arms and blasted a massive amount of hellfire, as he roared his first words, "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!!!!!"

At last the once former balrog, turned elder daemon named Zsash spoke, and had a much bridder understanding and knowledge that before, as soon as Zsash gain control of the glorious rage and power his dark master, Khorne bestowed upon him he got down on one knee, lowered his head and arms as a sign of absolute fealty to his master and God.

He spoke to Khorne, with a daemonic, masculine voice filled with great power, "My master, I, Zsash, Lord of the Balrogs, swear to serve and fight only for you!!! All worlds shall be soaked in blood, countless skull shall be offered, and planets shall burn in you name!!!!"

Khorne pleased with Zsash's oath decided to bequeath another gift aside from the honor he bestowed upon the former balrog, as now he is the third elder daemon of blood.

The Blood God expects many battles, massacres, victories, bloodbaths, and souls to be offered in exchange but Zsash would need more than an hellfire great-axe to achieve this, so bending the ruinous power of Chaos the Blood God created new weapons to add to the elder daemon's power and might.

As Khorne created these weapons, the dark red and black sky above started to brew a storm, as scarlet red warp-lightning surged at the meer might of the Blood God's power, rising from the red ground were a pair of brass handles as scarlet lighting struck each of these handles finishing the weapons, along with kicking up a cloud of thick smoke blocking Zsash's sight.

Once the smoke cleared he saw a pair of vermillion battle-axe surging with scarlet electricity, he heard Khorne say, "TAKE THEM!!! THEIR NOW YOU'RE ZSASH!!!! WIELD THEM WITH PRIDE, AND SOAK THEM ENDLESS BLOOD IN MY NAME!!!!! I PRESENT, ANIMOSITY AND BRUTALITY, THE AXES OF WRATH!!!!!!"

Zsash saw Animosity & Brutality, and with his upper pair of arms and hands grabbed onto their handled, as they surge their power into him causing scarlet electricity to surge and generate through his being along with hellfire and shadow.

Inspecting the long, single, vermillion edge, with a hooked end at the bottom of each blade, they bore the sacred mark of his master in thick brass connected to the axe-blades, they are the perfect tools of slaughter, he expressed his gratitude and bowed to his master one more time as Khorne nodded and permitted him to leave, so the greater balrog/elder daemon did as commanded stretching his fiery wings and flying away.

Khorne watched his latest Elder Daemon, fly away and though of what to do next, he knew he still had to deliver 1300-Tons of Blood Brass Ore to his brother.

But like he swore to his brother, he'll deliver the ore later right now he wanted to rest with his wife, and prepare for the upcoming conflicts with Nurgle and to lesser extent with Laharl as well until Nurgle is enlightened like he was.

So for now the Blood God will wait, for his legions to replenish and seek nourishment on the bloodshed caused by his willing and unwilling spawns across the Materium, cause their will be another battle between him and the Dark One soon and he is eager to put his brother in his place.

Next chapter