
The Dark Creations Part 1: The Great Wurm

(Laharl/Carnage God POV)

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Bedroom

All around the room were discarded clothes, ranging from armor to alluring lingerie the girls wore during our little love section.

As I felt arms wrap around my chest, I look at Cassandra with a smiling, very pleased, sleeping face...well truth be told, we all we're very excited after a long, long, bath...then they attacked me, and like I promised Kiira in the bath, we didn't leave the bed for weeks.

The sounds of pleasurable moanings, and screamining echoed across the chamber, as well as the smell of sex and insence perfuming the entire burgundy cushioned room, my wives were all happily sleeping scattered all over the burgundy covered bed, glad I made it massive so them, and their future sisters could all sleep together comfortably.

Sighing, as I know despite me wanting to stay in bed, sleeping longer I still have things to do...regretfully...

So using [Physical Shift] to turn into my [Shadow] form I phase through my wives grips without disturbing any of them.

Turning towards the bed I saw shift slightly, but they were too tired so they just kept sleeping, making me happy as I reverted back into my humanoid form, with a quick hand gesture making the shadows covering his body, turning into my usual clothes and power heavy-armor.

I stretched a bit, and crack my neck as I left the bed chamber...

Location the Nethervoid-Castle Neo Oblivion/The Throne Room

Walking out the violet and burgundy draped entrance to my bed chamber, I was met with a bunch of succubi both from Kiira's legion, and the young handmaidens that work in the castle, all tossed around the entrance blushing and looking exhausted...sex demons, have no shame, I just know that when Slaanesh comes she'll bitch and whine about them belonging to her or something...sighing at this thought.

I walked passed them, and observed my throne room made from fine white marble, with the seven thrones in the center of this level.

That's when I've noticed that my throne room has gone through some changes, it now with swirls of black and mauve in all the columns, but the roof and floor had black tribal style design spread wide, my stairs and gothic railing have stayed the same along with light violet draps hanging from the columns seems that my ascension has caused some changes to my castle, I know my statue outside on the roof now resembles my Arch-Daemon form, and from what I can sense, all other depictions of me in the castle are now showing that as my form.

I haven't noticed those changes before cause honestly all I wanted was to take a warm bath, clean off all of Nurgle's crap from myself...

It's great not having to remodel my castle personally, my ascensions does that job for me.

Smirking at this I decided that for today, I'll will be spending it creating many things that will serve me and the Nethervoid, especially when Nurgle's minions think it's time to attack my realm, Mordred already returned to his duty guarding the borders between Carnage and Blood, (Bastion Stairs) I'll then command Beelzabub to move his cloister near the newly made border between my realm and Nurgle's...

Know that I think about it I'll create something to slow down Nurgle invasions first, now with a clear task in mind I teleported out the castle.

(General POV)

Location the Borderline between the Nethervoid and the Plague Garden

In a swirl of chaotic energies, the Dark One appeared floating just about the dark forest area which surrounds this borderline

He teleported from his castle to the location, were only stalkers, dark druids, void wraiths and knightmares were guarding the area.

Once his feet touched the ground and his servents sensed his dark divinity, they kneel before him, Laharl immediately told the dark druids and lesser daemons to stand and their wasn't need for them to kneel, especially with danger being so close just at the edge forward were the dark purple daemonic trees of Carnage started to twist and reek in foul decay, was the northern border to the Plague Garden of Nurgle.

Both the Dark One's Carnage corruption and the Rot Lord's Plague corruption were battling against each other in this border.

The fleshy slime covered tentacles were stretching out to try and infect the more dark like plant-life of the Nethervoid, with various spore pods, and fungus growing all over the landscape, with a thick miasma irily floating around the area.

Already rotting, disease ridden carcasses and skeletons were starting to manifest within the Garden, as mushrooms, mold, flesh vines were using these dead worshippers (unwillingly) of Nurgle have now become a permanent part of his Garden, and now fought to harvest, cultivate, and grow onto the Nethervoid, but with Khorne and Laharl winning the second Chaos War, and wounding Nurgle bad the expansion was halted and instead the Garden focused on healing itself and its master.

Which allowed Khorne to expand the Bastion Stairs to keep Nurgle out, and now Laharl was planing the same...in his own way...

Laharl though about it and decided to simply create a unique daemon construct completely immune to sickness, and mold it as a guard and sentinel that will not only covered the border but work alongside Beelzabub when he arrives.

Confident of his idea, he smile as he called out for a void wraith, one of the hooded spectral like lesser daemons, immediately appeared looking at the void wraith with black and maroon eyes the Dark One told it, "Go to Beelzabub's cloister, and tell him he is now in charge of this border." the Void Wraith, bowed and floated away.

The Dark One remembers a specific daemon from a old video game he played as a human, and also using a FAC along with a FGDC he'll create the ultimate trap/keeper against Nurgle, which will serve as a contract as well, similar to Stigeon.

The idea of creating a "living" sentinel also was inspired by Age of Sigmar, specifically the Ghur Realmgate.

Closing his eyes to perfectly imagine and design this "sentinel" against Nurgle, he rubbed his index claw of his Claw of Hades on his chin for a moment when he smiled wickedly and finally finished designing this beast that will make Beelzabub's job easier, plus invasion from the Nethervoid to the Plague Garden will be soo much easier for his forces that this...Great Wurm...as the Dark One decided to name it will serve its purpose perfectly.

Laughing a bit, with a amused tone Laharl got to work immediately.

He contacted Aillia, to use and combine one Free Absolute Creation and a Free Greater Daemon Creation each, Aillia responded very quickly with a voice filled with surprise as she said to him, (I can't believe it my Lord. YOU...YOU...YOU FOUND A LOOP HOLE IN THE SYSTEM!!!!!! Congratulations!!!! (:D)) Laharl hearing knew that his plan, was perfect and possible.

With all of that settled it was time, as both spheres of bright light floated out of Laharl, (Free Absolute Creation & Free Greater Daemon Creation) and like countless times before both spheres of light floated in mid-air for a while before charging straight at Laharl's body...

(Nurgle/Plague God POV)

Location the Plague Garden-The Blighted Mansion/The Restoration Pools

Groaning as I submerged in a humongous pool of vile, wretch, and untold microbes that soothed the pain and strengthen me.

I've been in this pool for weeks, hidden deeply within my beautiful dank, dark mansion of decay healing from the wound I've suffered in battle a while ago.

Already this sick green, thick, warm waters have been doing marvelous work most of my burns and cuts are almost fully returned to their previous state, and various of my broken parts of my skull have healed as well.

My arms have stopped bleeding, and just a couple of days ago my adorable nurglings have brought back Worldblighter to me, I instructed them to put the cleaver next to my withered throne, so I can claim it once my arms fully regenerate.

As I have to stay in this pool, slightly enjoyed the wretched stench and vapors only to be reminded of the physical agony that my body is suffering if I make a wrong move...

At least I'm at peace, and all my children are safe as many nurglings and plague toads were keeping me companied, and tending to my needs.

The attacks on the xenos known as eldars I was forced to recall my minions, cause the Garden was still being threaten by my siblings, thou they have earned some meager amount of my respect for sparing my home, daemon, and my life, I'm still annoyed at them for the destruction they've cause to the Garden.

Not only that but the losses I've suffered in the battle, I'll take me years to replenish half of what I've lost, but at least using my power I've brought back my brave child Rotigus Rainmaker to life and form, he apologized for failing me, I told the Greater Daemon that I wasn't ashamed or angry with him, but I still needed him so I left him in command of defending the Garden and myself during my healing process...

I felt as the Nurglings were playing over my knees and belly, watching as they dive off of my belly into the pool brought me some joy, as I tried to relax and focus on healing.

That's when I sensed a powerful disturbance at the edge of my Garden!!!

I perform a forceful move to straightened myself, but that only caused me great pain as I forced back into waters and hiss, and wheezed with pain as my nurglings scramble about to help me.

I stopped their panic, and relieved them of worry by saying that something just shuck him, which was the truth...I sense as if the very fabric of the Warp, was torn and molded in ways I couldn't fathom.

Focusing on this disturbance I eventually pinpointed its location...my brother, Laharl's domain it was powerful, alive but at the sametime it shouldn't cause I felt as the Garden tried to reach and corrupt this...whatever, it is and it couldn't, which...is...impossible.

Regardless of it being living or dead, organic or artificial it should either rot or rust away at my desire, again it seems my brother is messing with me, already the Blood God has created a wall between our borders and it seems older brother it doing it as well in his own way...sighing with clear, annoyance in my tone...

I summoned one of my Greater Daemons, to my side and eventually a single eyed Great Unclean One appeared before me.

I spoke to my greater daemon, "My child...the Lord...of Darkness,...my eldest...brother...is...up to...something.

Take a small...force...to...investigate...and if...need be...destroy...whatever...my brother...has...made." the great unclean one, bowed his head to me and left the chamber.

I must deal with this possible threat before it actually becomes one, especially in my current condition.

(General POV)

Location the Borderline between the Nethervoid & the Plague Garden-The Great Wurm's Bog

After using a combination of a FAC and a FGDC a new daemonic creature was made, primal with the sole purpose to prevent larger invading forces come into it's master's realm.

Not only did the Dark One create this daemonic semi-organic construct the Great Wurm but also change the area around it to better serve it's needs and help Beelzabub deal with Nurgle invasions with greater ease.

He created a massive wetland, a bog to hide the majority of this vile, monster that he based out of one his favorite bosses from the Dante's Inferno...Cerberus, the Great Flat-worm of Gluttony.

Of course Laharl added his own customization to his Great Wurm, while keeping it primal and beastial in intellect with the exception of not attacking those he deem like his daemons, wives, mortal followers, champions, and future other servents.

The Bog was made like an ever sinking hole with the edge being the shallows and it continues to get deeper the more to the center one goes, that will force majority of Nurgle's forces to go through and try to swim through it to officially enter the Dark One's lands.

Like other wetland, it was covered in various plant-life based of his wife Chi's dark florrah, such as huge amount of black moss, violet mangroves that are alive and drag invaders underneath, and more but most important it served to hide any shadow, or piece that could allow the Great Wurm to be detected.

Laharl watched as the Nurgle's side of border has change into a sick wetland nightmare, trying bleed over to rest of the Bog but only around 12% of it was infected to Nurgle's, image the rest was his and this Bog stretch all around the border of Garden, meaning only by either crossing it or flying over it can they hope to pass...and both options will lead to gruesome deaths.

While the Great Wurm was titanic even rivaling Nidhog in overall size most of his body was underneath the dark burgundy colored water of the bog.

On the surface was a colossal black, sharp spiked structure similar to a great black mountain, this was its back that blocked the entire border of the area, was laying the rest was under the water resembling a armored shelled anglerfish, switching the weird arms of the original daemon with black wide fins that act as feelers that are spread all over the Bog, allowing his Great Wurm to always know what enters with pure black obsidian eyes and gigantic mouth that housed three massive wurms.

Speaking of those wurms, just as the Dark One was thinking about telling the Great Wurm to reveal it "other mouths" the Chaos God, sensed an approaching number of Nurglish daemons, seems Nurgle the changes he has done to his border.

Wanting to see the results of his creations, Laharl ordered all the surrounding mortal worshippers and daemons to leave, they were reluctant to leave their dark master in possible danger but in the end they obeyed.

Laharl calmly walked over to a nearby tree, and sat in it's shade, watching over the Bog waiting for what's about to happen.

It didn't take long for a small force of plaguebearers lead by a cyclopian great unclean one emerged from the putrid Garden, and like the Dark One expected they were completely shocked and surprised to see dark burgundy colored Bog, at the border of the Garden.

They eventually spotted him, and immediately got aggressive like Laharl expected since none of them could fly over the wetlands, they went through as daemons can't drown especially the ones belonging to decaying carcass like Nurgle, as they charged straight into the dark burgundy waters, Laharl only smirk as they alerted the sentinel the moment they took their first step into the water.

Then the water and plant-life floating on the surface started to rumble, then bursting out the water were three serpent like drakes aka wurms, which were massive with maroon color skin, they resemble quite a lot the original Dante's Inferno, Cerberus.

Except they resemble a more aquatic base wurms, without the need of eyes as the main body's feeler tell where their prey is, large wide fins around their necks, along with a huge maw with razor-sharp teeth and several extra mouths all around their heads.

Quite menacing as they look down at their prey and struck bitting and tearing the plague daemons apart, dragging down the remains below the surface.

Laharl laughed as his few newest additions to the Nethervoid was an overwhelming success.

Standing up, from his spot her sprouted his six fully healed wings, and with a strong gust against the ground soar straight up to the air flying away.

Next chapter