
Pallet Town

Kimi threw out her remaining balls which let out Feebas and Poliwag who both rested peacefully within the water near her.

She made a little time to wipe the scales of Feebas clean and made them look a little shinier. "You will be the most beautiful Feebas ever. No matter what you may have heard from others, you are not ugly and you have the potential to become beautiful. You just have not had the chance to bring out your hidden potential."

Kimi then pointed to Eevee and Growlithe who were perfectly groomed. "Do you doubt my abilities after looking at these two?"

Feebas stared at Growlithe and noticed that the scar on its face would look menacing on other Pokémon but it instead gave her a unique and quite cool look when coupled with the grooming applied to her.

Feebas then looked at Eevee and saw the overwhelming cuteness that was drawn out by the grooming of Kimi so it was convinced of her abilities.

It stared at Kimi with determined eyes and Kimi sensed his emotions so she became happy. 'So easy.'

Feebas is the main water or fish Pokémon that nobody wants because of its ugly appearance, each of them would become used to comments about their appearance and lose their self confidence.

It was very easy for Kimi to praise them a little and gain their trust with a couple of words because they had never heard others believe in their potential before.

All that she needed to do was keep its trust and continue to help it gain back its confidence until it was ready to show its true potential that nobody knew about.

Meanwhile Poliwag floated in the water and felt a little left out so Kimi said. "Each of you have your own roles and you have yours too. You just need to trust in me and follow what I say. Then you can become… royal? Regal? Kingly?"

Poliwag did not quite understand her but it looked a little happier that it was not left out.

Eevee jumped around happily to the side as it was filled with energy while Growlithe remained by Kimi's side and kept guard over her.

Their relationship had slowly become closer and all of the extra treats, grooming and time together had helped to bridge that gap since they first met.

Growlithe was not completely cured but she was showing signs of emotional and physical improvement under Kimi's care as its talent was slowly being restored to its original state.

Kimi sat down and then took hold of her fishing rod which had been cast out. "Remember that you must all be ready for anything once I pull something in."

While she had gone fishing outside Viridian City, that area only had certain water types that lived underwater.

The Pallet Town waters were much larger and more open so a larger variety of water types would be pulled in but the level of them was a big uncertainty due to them being in the large sea where they could grow more freely and had many opportunities to grow.

Luckily she was only using the equivalent of a Good Rod which could only handle pulling in a certain level range otherwise she would be in big trouble once a high level one was hooked.

The first Pokémon was another Magikarp which was quickly subdued and caught by the combined efforts of each of them.

Unfortunately Feebas could only use Splash in the water so its contribution was much less but it still was able to experience the benefits of a shared growth.

After a couple more appearances of Magikarp which had resulted in her capturing three of them and releasing the rest after knocking them back into the sea with Eevee's Tackle, Kimi finally pulled up a Tentacool.

A Water Pulse was fired at Eevee who was the closest which had made Kimi warn them all. "Eevee move away quickly! Everyone beware, this is one power level ranking above you all."

Feebas continued to be no help to the team but Kimi added. "If it tries to escape then use Splash and try to use your body to block it temporarily. Poliwag you should use any opening to knock it back with Bubble."

Eevee moved quickly and fled away from the Water Pulse before it could hit then returned to land a Tackle.

Growlithe released an Ember on Tentacool which had still caused a little damage even when the damage was reduced and there was a decent level difference.

The Bubbles came from one side and the Ember came from the other so while they both had been reduced in damage, they still hurt it.

Acid was released by Tentacool in retaliation but Eevee had been able to avoid it which allowed Growlithe to get close and bite it.

Eevee then landed a Tackle again and after retreating it used Helping Hand on Poliwag just as another Bubble attack was being prepared.

Even with the level difference, they had been able to make it faint.

It was partly due to them teaming up together but it was also due to them being able to avoid the dangerous attacks thanks to Kimi's predictions and timely warnings.

The most obvious advantage was that it was unable to battle to its full potential as it was on land but it was not as restricted as Goldeen and Magikarp would be.

It was an effective method to help train her team to cooperate together and build up their confidence but it was mostly focussed towards Growlithe to let it get to know of the dangers of her main weakness.

If Growlithe could learn various habits or movements that different water types used then she would be able to better predict when a water type move was going to be used.

Gaining experience with different water types would help it learn those habits early on so she could be prepared to avoid them and avoid harm.

They encountered three more Magikarp then another lower level Tentacool than before which they were able to defeat with ease so Kimi had caught two of them.

On the last attempt, Kimi pulled up the rod and another Pokémon appeared but she soon yelled. "Use ember towards it quick!"

Suddenly an Ice Shard flew over towards Growlithe and the Ember hit it mid flight and caused it to disperse into a watery mist.

Just as the figure had shown itself, Kimi appeared behind it and then sent her palm downward.

The Shellder did not know who it had offended but it soon felt a strange force that broke past its tough shell and caused it enough pain to make it faint. "This is why I told you all to keep up your guard. One single slip up could cost you greatly."

The image of Growlithe being impaled had appeared in her mind when she saw the Ice Shards target ahead of time, the trauma from losing her companion still remained and she could not forget the image of her Growlithe lying in her arms as a pool of blood was created around her.

The Shellder had unknowingly triggered her bad memories and it had suffered as a result.

Kimi pressed the Pokéball against Shellder and caught it before turning to her companions. "It is getting darker now so we should head back. We will make another trip here for the next couple of days and carry out the tasks on Route One as we still need to observe the situation."

She called back Feebas who had experienced quite a bit of growth while she did the same for Poliwag.

Eevee and Growlithe followed her back to register her new catches at the Pokémon Centre.

Upon returning home, she went on the forums to see if there was any replies to her posts but she had also added to the thread as she added one of the two Tentacool along with the five Magikarp.

She made sure to contact her previous contact about what she had available so she could trade for more Feebas or other water types from another region.

There had not yet been a reply for the Ratata she wished to be rid of after they had been healed at the Pokémon Centre so she looked around on the forums to see if there were other threads which had requests for anything she had in her possession which also had similar offers for trading. "I should just give it a little time.. I am not in a hurry right now. It is just a little costly to continue feeding so many mouths. The cheap stuff will go to the Ratata and anything else I plan on trading or selling."

The next day she went to Route one again with her new team compilation which was Growlithe, Eevee, Shellder, Poliwag, Feebas and Tentacool.

With Tentacool boosting the team with its higher level, she made quick work of anything she pulled from the water.

With a little more luck than before, she was able to pull out a Krabby, a Horsea and another Shellder which had been caught while everything else had been quickly defeated and returned to the sea.

Upon retuning home, she added to her forum post as a Shellder was put up and Kimi changed her team compilation around again.

Her team for the next day was Growlithe, Eevee, Shellder, Tentacool, Poliwag and Horsea.

Tentacool, Poliwag, Horsea and Shellder would attack from the sea and prevent any escape attempts while Growlithe and Eevee attacked from close range or from far away on land which allowed for them all to experience quick growth together.

The next day, she had started to receive replies for her forum posts so she headed to set up the exchange.

Next chapter