
Father and daughter talk

Two of the Ratata were bought quickly while the other seven were exchanged.

Five Magikarp, a Shellder, a Tentacool were also exchanged.

Her contact was very happy to get rid of their Feebas which had piled up so she gained seven more Feebas which made the amount in her possession eight in such a short time.

Although there was a small pond in her back yard, there was not that much room for the growing amount of water Pokémon that she was gaining over a short time.

In exchange for the seven Ratata, she got a Zigzagoon, a Lilipup, two Sentret, two Poochyena and a Purrloin as she was able to find people from different areas that she could trade with for more common Pokémon that are found in the early routes and appear in most other routes.

Each of them had very low talents but it did not matter as she put each of them down on the selling thread in the Viridian City area and within her own region. "Lets call it… novelty pets from other regions."

After Kimi had finished what she was busy with, she started grooming each of her new additions and took a picture of each of them to put onto the forum.

Kimi the arrived in front of her dad and spoke. "Dad.. I think that it is time for us to leave this city. I may be leaving for good but it should be time for you to find a new place for yourself. Once I am gone, you will be on your own and this city is not as safe as it seems."

Her father looked at her calmly and asked. "Why should I leave? This is my home, I can easily find something to do once you are gone."

Kimi shook her head. "I am not worried about you being unable to handle yourself and making a living but this city is… too dangerous for us to remain in. There are also things that I need your help with and I can only trust you to do it. I am afraid that what I ask of you will not be something you should be doing in this city and should be in a more appropriate place."

Her father waved and said. "Go on."

Kimi looked across the room towards an old photo of her mother and father who were dressed in an officer uniform. "Back then you had water type Pokémon to support you during your days as an officer didn't you? You should know how to raise them and know how to use them efficiently with your experience."

Her father nodded. "Yes but I do not have the team that I had back then.. many were lost and only one remains. Even that one is in a poor condition and cannot provide enough support so I had given up and placed my hopes on you carrying on my dream."

Kimi then spoke. "I want you to take over my water types and raise them when I am not taking them with me. You need to go somewhere that has an area where you can raise them and let them gain further experience. If possible.. you could try to gain the cooperation with the Cerulean Gym leaders so you can use their facilities. I have some other plans too which I will talk to you about slowly since it requires a lot of work."

Her father paused and then nodded. "Mm.. Cerulean City would be a good choice. If they grow strong enough and can stay within the gym then they can take part in the battles and assist the gym leaders. That is.. if they can become strong enough. I can just get a job as a firefighter to pay the bills if anything else falls through."

Kimi smiled and patted her fathers shoulder. "Leave that to me."

A large amount of water types were released outside after she came out with her father.

Upon witnessing the many different water Pokémon, his eyes sharpened. "You have caught so many in such a short time? Are you certain that you want to give them over to me?"

Kimi nodded. "I need your help to make money but also to support myself on my own journey. You will just be looking after the ones that get left behind since I cannot afford to put them in a resort or some other place."

Not every trainer could have their Pokémon stay within Professor Oak's or some others resort so they had to make their own preparations for the ones that were unable to continue following them.

While some could have their other Pokémon stay in a place for a lower fee like a safari area or an aquarium if they had some connections or had made a deal that benefited both sides, most trainers had to pay a large price to have the others kept at a Pokémon resort unless they had someone to watch over them like a family member.

The problems would continue to increase when the Pokémon were much more in number or they had become much too big after evolving as it would result in more expenses piling up.

Some would be forced to trade those left over Pokémon or let them go free once the trainer could no longer afford their upkeep.

Her father's eyes looked a little hopeful as if the long lost vitality had returned to his body. "I will do it but when you leave.. I will leave with you and we will go to Cerulean City together."

Kimi smiled happily and then stretched out her hand to shake his. "It is a deal then!"

The next couple of days were spent passing on instructions on how to care for Feebas within the pond to help increase their beauty and their confidence.

Although her father thought it was strange to praise an ugly fish and give it so much attention, he understood that Kimi was keeping some things hidden and he would find out the meaning behind everything later.

He was actually quite glad to be able to go outside the house again and support himself since he and Kimi had been living off the money provided after the loss of his wife in duty along with his own losses.

Those funds would soon run out a little after Kimi had left but Kimi was very aware of his financial situation because while she was struggling to adjust to her new world, her father was going through his own problems which she knew nothing about until it was much too late.

It was not until later that he was found dead in his home and the case was never solved so she did not feel comfortable leaving him in Viridian City again.

Kimi went around to fish and even out the Route One Ratata and Pidgey population which allowed her lots of opportunities to train her current team and even her father started to leave the house and joined her while offering her some tips from his own experiences so she patiently listened to him even if she already knew most of it.

The contact she had was requesting more water types so she caught one more Goldeen and put the Tenacool up too after she no longer felt like she had a use for it as her team was growing at a fast enough pace.

Upon returning home, she went to the back yard after completing the trade talks and looked around herself cautiously.

Kimi took out a key and then put it into the lock then opened the container, a horrible smell burst from within and Kimi felt like being sick right then.

After covering her nose and preventing herself from being sick, she took out the bag laying inside and dumped it in a dark part of the yard.

Kimi took out a Pokéball and then released what was inside which was revealed to be the Grimer that had been ignored for a long time.

Kimi pointed towards the rotting Ratata corpses that had a horrifying smell coming from them and ordered. "Eat them all quickly."

Grimer revealed a look of confusion and shook its head but Kimi had turned colder. "If you want to grow stronger and do not wish to be abandoned then you will have to do this. Your talents are too low and you are not helpful to me as you are. It is your choice whether you take this path or not."

Grimer and Muk live within all types of environments that are not suitable for humans as there are too many rotting things within along with chemicals and toxins but they are able to thrive within.

They can eat all types of things and not die after consuming them, some would even have effects to increase the toxicity of their poisonous attacks.

Kimi's own Grimer had a low talent and she could not support it to grow unless she used the method which she had learned about in her previous life which was used by a criminal with the nickname 'The Cleaner' who often went around cleaning up after murderers and the other dark organisations.

The methods he used were very simple but effective to remove the body from the crime scene and that was to let his Muk devour the body and the toxins would break the body down within its body and become a part of it.

Strangely the fresh corpses helped to improve the Muk but the rotting ones were better to help improve its talent, level and its toxicity.

When the method was discovered, the cleaner had already become a big threat as he had started to raise a Muk army of his own so many had to form a group to take him and his team down.

Grimer hesitated for a long time before finally making its choice as it went near the rotten Ratata corpses then ate one of them and started to slowly digest it within its body.

It felt strange at first but its body soon adjusted as it experienced a little growth within itself so it picked up another and ate it.

It was as if the Ratata were being broken down and their genetics were being used to help the Grimer improve itself.

With every corpse that was eaten, it could feel a change within its body even if it was small.

Kimi stood far away and said. "Good. From now on you are on cleanup duty but you will also make a good defensive wall with decent attacks. I will continue to find some more to help your growth or I will take you out to hunt some for yourself. For now you can just continue to train with the others back here but do not let my dad see you. Nobody must know of you unless you are connected to my other identity which I have not yet got around to creating."

She then decided. "I will give you a couple more days then I will need you to be ready for what I have planned next so be prepared."

Grimer nodded and then ate the bag that contained the corpses.

Kimi saw that and sighed. "At least you can go all in once you have decided to do something. It will prevent problems in the future like failing to notice something that could be left behind at the scene of the crime."

If the Grimer or its evolved form Muk could eat the evidence and the body then she would be able to get away with whatever crime she committed but if it was halfhearted in its work, it could leave behind a vital clue which could incriminate her so she was glad that Grimer had such a personality. "I look forward to cooperating with you in the future."

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