
21st Century Magic

It is the 21st century and the world has been taken over slowly by magic, but with every beautiful item comes one of horror, as to keep the balance of the universe. Creatures that devour humans have emerged on Earth, devouring humans left and right. At this rate, Humanity will descend into oblivion. Only two entities will be able to save Earth, and those are the people who possess the power of the Angel and the Devil. These two entities are the most powerful of all humans and are destined to rule over Earth after saving humanity.

Aquamarine8118 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I still wasn't used to the two wings protruding from my shoulder blades. It had been about two days since my meridians were unblocked. I had tried retracting the feathery monstrosities, but Carmelo had insisted that I didn't, since apparently, I should "get used to them first".

I really had nothing to do. Aye and the energy gauger had told me that I should rest. But by resting, they meant doing nothing. I could eat and use the restroom, but I wasn't permitted to leave the room or to read or write. Apparently my mental health was too fragile. They said that I could leave within a day or so, but it had been at least forty-eight hours since Aye had brought me in here. He had gone on a supposed mission to kill more of those creatures or whatever, and I was told that I couldn't leave this room without his permission, so here I was, stuck in this room for who knows how long.

I brought my hands together, palms touching, and willed for light to materialize. As I pulled them apart, a spear slowly started to appear in the middle of my palms.

"Miss Prince!" Carmelo exclaimed, bursting into the bathroom, causing strand of light to fly from my palms and give him a very unfortunate buzz cut. Carmelo looked unfazed. "Sir returned from his mission, and he's gravely injured, even the best healers can't help!"

"Are you... alright?" I squeaked.

"Just come with me," he replied drily.

"But Carmelo, Aye said that--"

"I don't care what he said, just-- let's go, he's going to bleed out if you don't help, this is your debut as the Angel," he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs.

As soon as we reached the lobby, I saw a bloodied Aye lying in the doorway.

"Move out of the way!" Carmelo ordered the people who were currently crowding around the man, "I've got a healer!"

"Isn't that the newbie?" I heard a few people ask.

"She's only cultivated for so long, how can she be a healer?"

I approached Aye and took a deep breath. The metallic smell of blood rushed into my nostrils. I called upon the healing power that I possessed and two light yellow heptagrams appeared in my palms. They grew bigger as I held them over Aye's body. Light shone down from the two shining disks in my hands, and the wounds on Aye's body started to close.

First, the bleeding stopped. Then, the skin started to come together. And finally, Aye sputtered a bit and opened his eyes. I closed my hand and the heptagram vanished.

"What the hell happened?" Aye asked as he sat up.

"Oh, don't sit up just yet," I said to him, pushing him back down, "I've just healed you and for all we know, your wound could open up again."

A young woman stepped out from the crowd. I could tell that she was one of the more experienced magicians, quite a lot like Aye. She had messy, blonde locks that framed her face, a pair of bright, blue eyes. She had a small frame, but could definitely beat over three-quarters of the people here in a hand-to-hand combat battle. She drew her sword and pointed it at my throat.

"Who are you?" She asked in a raspy voice.

"Me?" I asked, my voice coming out more high-pitched than expected.

"Yes, you," she replied, "for all we know, you're a newbie who somehow appeared from nowhere and healed our leader. State your name and power."

"I am Celeste Naomi Prince, and I am your Angel."

Hi there!

So, what do you think about this chapter? Sooo identity reveal (kinda), and who's this new girl? Read the next chapter to find out!

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