
21st Century Magic

It is the 21st century and the world has been taken over slowly by magic, but with every beautiful item comes one of horror, as to keep the balance of the universe. Creatures that devour humans have emerged on Earth, devouring humans left and right. At this rate, Humanity will descend into oblivion. Only two entities will be able to save Earth, and those are the people who possess the power of the Angel and the Devil. These two entities are the most powerful of all humans and are destined to rule over Earth after saving humanity.

Aquamarine8118 · ไซไฟ
2 Chs


I ran as fast as my legs could take me. Tears dripped out of the corners of my eyes. What had happened? A few minutes ago, I was in the concert hall, my voice ringing out above the audience. But, all of a sudden, security guards were up on the stage and escorted me off. I didn't know what was happening. I remember the confusion that erupted in the hall as I was escorted offstage. The shaking of the earth beneath my feet as I had left. I was instructed to hide in a closet. But that came.

I turned my head around to see the huge creature chasing me. The same creature that had seen me in the closet.

The creature had wide lips, two slit-eyes on where its face would be, tentacle-like arms sticking out of its large torso.

I kept running, but my heels and dress were slowing me down. If I were to take off the heels, I could slow down and die. If I tried to take them off as I ran, I could fall down and injure myself. If I were to keep them on, I could trip and die. It was a lose-lose situation. I squeezed my eyes shut one last time and turned around to face the creature. I took a deep breath and t-posed in the middle of the street, ready to greet Death, who was already at the door.

I waited for the crunch of bones, the squirting of blood, but it never came. I opened my squeezed-shut eyes and saw a man standing before me. He wore a trench coat and wielded two heptagrams on his palms.

Who the hell was trying to cosplay magical Sherlock Holmes out here?

"Oi, are you done trying to kill yourself, you idiot woman?" The man yelled at me, I was too stunned to speak. The creature that had been chasing me was suddenly, paralyzed, it just stood there, the man's heptagrams glowing on its chest, "Hey, are you deaf or something?"

"I'm sorry, sir, thank you for saving me."

He sighed.

"It'd be best if you came with me," he said, grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

After a few more minutes of running, I had to stop.

"Can we stop for a bit? I think I twisted my ankle," I asked quietly.

"Are you weak or something?" He sighed again and picked me up, "whatever. Don't let a stranger pick you up again, understood?"

"Yes, sir," was my reply.

Suddenly, a pair of deep crimson red, scaled wings sprouted out of his back. A demon's.

First the heptagrams, then the demon's wings. Strange. I decided not to ask any more questions as to not provoke him.

Towering above us was the Empire State Building. It seemed to be in shambles like it hadn't been tended to for years.

"What happened here?" I asked quietly.

"It started two months ago. Scientists had been studying a person who somehow could wield magic. Their experiments went wrong, and these creatures appeared, they weren't as vicious, but when some people, the ones with immense power, appeared, they started attacking humans."


There were people cowering in the corners of the lobby of what used to be the pride of the United States. The man let me down.

"I'm afraid I didn't catch your name earlier," I said to the man.

"Aye, just call me Aye," he replied, "someone go get the energy gauger, I don't want another useless bag of trash in my building!" A man in similar attire to Aye nodded and left.

Aye brought me up a few flights of stairs and into an office. His wings had retracted into his back. He threw me onto a couch.

"Take those damn high heels off, they're not going to help you in any way," he muttered. I did as I was told and took them off. My ankles let out a sigh of relief.

Soon, the man that Aye had sent out to get the 'energy gauger' came into the room with another man trailing behind him.

"Sir, I've brought the energy gauger."

"Good, Carmelo, you may leave now."

Was he a king or something? Why was he so proper?

"Test this woman's energy."

"If I may, miss," the energy gauger said. I nodded. He reached for my palm and put it in his. I stared at the energy gauger's face. He wasn't showing much emotion. Just as he pulled away, I felt a surge of energy rush through my veins.

I coughed once. Then again. The veins on my wrist started glowing.

"I opened her meridians," the energy gauger explained as I was curled up on the ground. My hand flew up to my mouth as I hacked once. As I removed my hand, I saw that it was splattered with blood.

What the hell?

"What's happening?" Aye asked, reaching out.

"No, do not help her, you will see what's happening," the energy gauger slapped Aye's hand away.

I felt my back arch and suddenly. Pain seared through my shoulder blades. But soon, everything stopped.

"You see, sir?"

I opened my eyes, I caught my reflection in a mirror.

"She's the Angel."

Hey there!

Thanks for reading 21CM. Anyway, expect more chapters in the future! I probably won't establish a publishing schedule just yet, but I'll probably publish on weekends more than weekdays.

Anyway, your suggestions are appreciated! Leave a comment if there is something you'd like to change about the story or characters!

Thanks again!

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