
Chapter Five: The Hero Killer

The next day starts but we now look over at Iida's older brother Tensei also known as the current Ingenium. He was walking with his sidekick and spotted something in an alleyway. He told his sidekick to continue on patrol and went down the alley to investigate. What he came upon was something he never thought he'd see. He saw the Hero Killer with a dead hero laying against the wall with his throat slit. Ingenium took a fighting stance and confronted Stain for a solid 20 minutes but lost, resulting in paralyzation. We now go over to Iida who gets a call while in the common room at the dorms. Iida takes the call and says, "I'll be back in a few minutes guys.". Iida then goes to his room and answers the person on the other side of the line. "This is Tenya Iida speaking, may I know who I'm speaking to?" said Iida. "Yes, This is Doctor Hask at Hosu City Medical Surgery and Treatment Hospital. I regret to inform you but your brother, who goes by the name Tensei Iida, has been hospitalized due to an attack by the assailant known as The Hero Killer Stain. We cannot discuss any further information other than that he is in stable condition. We will need you to come down here for further evaluation on his condition." said Doctor Hask. "I-I'll be there in 20 minutes, let me inform my friends of my temporary departure." said Iida while tears streamed down his face. Iida then packed a few belongings and bid his friends a temporary farewell. "Where are you going Iida?" asked Izuku. "To visit my brother for a while. I'll try to be back tomorrow." replied Iida. "Ok, well bye and be safe!" Everyone said. "Farewell!" replied Iida as he closed the door behind him and left for the train station. "I have to be at the train station by 10:00 am or I'll never get another chance to get a ticket." Iida said to himself as he rounded the corner and ran into someone. "Oh my apologies!" the stranger said. "No no, it's my fault. I was distracted and not paying attention." said Iida while bowing. "Stand up straight kid, no need to bow." said the stranger. "Wait, are you a hero?" aske Iida. "Yes, and I see you're wearing a UA uniform. Do you perhaps know my brother Jeffery?" asked the stranger. "Why yes, I am Tenya Iida and Jeff is my fellow classmate." said Iida. "Name's Fitz, so where ya' headed?" asked Fitz. "To Hosu City, I'm going to see my brother who's in the hospital." replied Iida. "Let me guess, Hero Killer." asked Fitz. "Y-Yeah, how'd you know?" replied Iida with a question of his own. "Well I had a hunch, plus I'm headed there now to go and investigate, but I got lost." replied Fitz. "Oh that's a relief." said Iida. "You know what?" asked Fitz. "Hm?" replied Iida. "How about we go together, cause then I can get some information and I can keep you in touch if I find anything important?" suggested Fitz. "I'd like that. Thank you." said Iida as they both started to walk to the train station. They talked all the way there. They arrived at the station at 9:43 am so they waited on a bench. Once the train arrived the both got on and sat next to each other talking about each other's brothers. A couple of hours later they Arrived at Hosu City and got off. They walked for about fifteen minutes before arriving at Hosu City Medical Surgery and Treatment Hospital. They took the south entrance elevator and made their way up to the third floor and went to Tenseis' room. Iida had gotten in but Fitz was stopped by Doctor Hask. "I'm sorry sir, but it is family visitation only at this time unless permitted by a family member that you can enter." said Doctor Hask. Iida stopped and went back to the door and looked at Doctor Hask. "Let him in," Iida said. "Who may you be and when did you enter this room?" asked Doctor Hask. "I'm Tenya Iida. The person you talked to on the phone?" said Iida. "Oh! Yes, both of you may enter." said Doctor Hask. "Thank you," replied Fits as he followed Iida and Doctor Hask to Tenseis' bedside. "Ok, so for diagnosis. He had multiple ruptured major arteries but we managed to save all of them." said Doctor Hask. "Anything else?" asked Iida. "Yes, he is paralyzed from the hips down due to severed nerves near the base of his spinal cord." replied Doctor Hask. After that, Fitz and Iida waited for Tensei to wake up. Once he woke up they let him settle down before asking questions. Once he was settled, Fitz asked his questions and gave his number to both the Iida's and Doctor Hask just in case he or they found out any new information. Fitz then left to finally start his investigation. But what he didn't know is that Iida would start an investigation of his own.

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