
Chapter Six: A brother's revenge

A few days later after gathering some important information Fitz had finally pinpointed Stains' location. Fitz got excited and made the mistake of calling Iida and telling him. So later that night Fitz confronted Stain in an alleyway. But got interrupted by Iida in his hero suit rushing at Stain. "RECIPRO BURST!" Iida yelled out as he threw a series of fast kicks. Stain dodged them all with ease and attacked Iida, sending him flying back towards Fitz. Fitz caught Iida and saw a small cut on Iidas' leg. "You got cut. Stay back." said Fitz. As Iida was about to ignore Fitz's order, stain licked Iidas' blood off of his blade temporarily paralyzing Iida. "Kid this is hero business,I'm going to need you to get somewhere safe while I handle this," Fitz said to Iida as Stain tried going for another attack which was blocked. "Tell me,why are you even here,what's your motive,you know full well that this causes more harm than good," Fitz said as he stood in front of Iida  protecting him. "The hero system is corrupt,filled with lying,cheating,even abusive bastards who don't deserve the mantle of hero, Endeavor,the number two hero,Beats his wife yet people praise him for making Japan a safer place" Stain says to Fitz as he draws his sword. "And you're any better,Paralyzing this innocent boy's older brother,what did he do?,and what about your other victims,what about all the other people you slaughtered in the name of your twisted justice,what have they done to deserve such a consequence" Fitz says as he prepares himself for another exchange.  "You're just as bad if not worse than the people you're supposedly trying to save" Fitz says as Stain rushes at him with his sword,barely dodging it Fitz uppercuts him in the chin. "I can't let myself sit back after this Bastard Parylyzed my brother,he did nothing wrong! Yet he was punished for doing the right thing" Iida thought to himself as he was able to move again. "RECIPICO BURST RUSH" Iida shouted as his engines fired at maximum capacity forcing him in between FItz and Stain. "Kid i told you to get out of h-" Fitz says as when he was distracted Stain stabbed him in the leg keeping his sword there to immobilize him. "Gah,Just get out of here while you can kid!" Fitz shouts as Iida ignores him "He's not listening,i gotta call for backup while i can" Fitz thinks to himself as he pulls his phone out and sends out a distress signal. "Time to get rid of you" Stain says as he dodges all of Iida's attacks and puts him to the ground "Stay right there for me" Stain says as he pulls out a knife and slams it into Iida's hands. "Where were we" Stain says with a devilish smile on his face as he walk over and pulls his sword out of FItz's leg,licking the blood keeping him still,Fitz takes a deep breath as he thinks to himself "I hate using this move but it's now or never" Fitz thinks to himself as he is just barely able to open his mouth. ``Sonic doom" Fitz shouts as a sound wave hits Stain stunning him. Stain angrily grabs his sword and slashes him across his chest "Gah" Fitz yells out as blood start to leak from the wound,"I think that's enough" a voice says from behind stain, Stain then turns around only to be met with a haki infused punch straight to the nose. "Jeff,Xero,what are you two doing here?" Iida asks as Xero explains that he got a distress signal from here. "I'll take him to the hospital, he's losing a lot of blood!" Jeff says as he grabs Iida and his older brother and flies top speed to the Emergency room. "Got it, i'll deal with the clown over here" Xero says as he makes quick work of stain. "You won't be needing this,Yoink" Xero says as he takes Stains' weapons and teleports him to Tartarus. "Xero then teleports where Jeff and Iida are and he finds that Jeff is in the waiting room almost having a panic attack "Hey,hey,breathe. what happened,what did the doctors say" Xero asks as he calms Jeff down. "The doctors said that Iida will  be fine, he'll just need some time to heal, maybe 6 or seven weeks then some physical therapy and he'll be good to go" Jeff says as Xero asks "And Fitz?" They said that he lost a lot of blood,and that if they can't stitch him up then he might not make it. "I gave them all the blood I could so I'm hoping they can patch him up" Jeff says as tries to take deep breaths. Four hours pass as Iida walks out in two arm casts. "h-hey guys" Ida says weakly as he just got released. "I'm glad you're okay man" Jeff says as he helps Iida sit down. "You're not angry," Iida says confused. "I was but if the roles were reversed i'd do the exact same thing so I don't blame you" Jeff says as one of the doctors comes out. "Are you Jeffery O." The doctor says. "Yes,is he gonna make it?" Jeff says worriedly. "Yes he'll make it,he just wishes to speak with you privately,i'll show you to his room" The doctor says as Jeff walks into Fitz's hospital room. "Hey,how are you holding up lil bro" Fitz says as Jeff begins to cry. "Don't you ever in your life scare me like that again,i thought you weren't going to make it," Jeff says as he cries his eyes out while hugging his brother. "It's going to take a lot more than that to keep me down,so wipe your tears,the doctor said i'll be good to go in about six or seven weeks,so don't worry about a thing,Also Mac stopped by before having to speed off again,he dropped off some flowers,games,food,and some other stuff" Fitz said as Jeff wiped his tears. "Go back to school now,I'm in good hands here,the hero agency I work for says that they'll take care of the hospital bill" Fitz said as Jeff began to smile and then make his way out. "So?" Xero asks as Jeff puts a thumbs up "He'll be good to go in a couple weeks and the agency he works for pays for his bill so we're smooth sailing from here" Jeff says as Xero teleports the three of them back to the dorms.

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