
Crushes ll

Adrienne certainly made it up to me that night when she returned. In fact, I found over the next couple of weeks that my girlfriend always became a wildcat in bed whenever she returned home with Grace's smell on her. She especially went into a frenzy whenever I deeply kissed her and rather obviously slurped up the taste of Grace's pussy off her lips.

And I didn't have to get it secondhand all the time, either. Twice more, the lithe Korean babe joined us for red hot threesomes. The last one, Grace even helped me handcuff Adrienne to the bed and we spent over an hour double-teaming the stunningly gorgeous blonde. Grace quite enthusiastically spanked my girlfriend's ass while I fucked the perpetually-orgasming blonde's face. And double- penetrating Adrienne with my cock and a strap-on was something Grace definitely wanted to try again.

But far more often, Adrienne and Grace did their thing alone, without me. I was just around to occasionally satisfy Grace's urges for real cock before she found another boyfriend. As good as the sex was between us, Grace and I had no emotional connection and she didn't want to get attached to me, nor give Adrienne any reason to believe she was moving in on her lover's boyfriend.

But while Grace wasn't moving in on me, she WAS taking up more and more of Adrienne's time. After a few more weeks, it was getting to the point where Adrienne would head over to Grace's dorm to spend the evenings after classes ended instead of coming home. I stayed at our house chatting with Dawn, Paige, and the rest of my crew.

Overall, it was fine with me. I was still seeing Adrienne for two or three lunches a week; and I was getting to be on friendlier terms with Grace, Kim, and Misty. Besides, my girlfriend always came home to my bed before midnight after Grace had gotten her all warmed up, and I reaped the sexual rewards.

But I was starting to miss my girlfriend.


"Almost home. It's been such a LONG day..." Dawn bumped her hip into mine, momentarily knocking me off balance while we trudged around the final turn towards the house.

"Whatever," I sighed.

"Come ON, Ben." The beautiful blonde patted my arm. "You used to be so excited to head back!"

I snorted. "That's when I had a loving girlfriend waiting for me at home."

Dawn frowned. "Today's Tuesday. Adrienne's usually home because Grace has that late class or something, right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and thought about it before perking up and smiling. "It's Tuesday? I totally thought today was Wednesday."

"You wish." Dawn shook her head, her crystal blue eyes sparkling at me. "You must have had an even longer day than me."

"Don't ask."

Then Dawn tightened her arm around mine, pulling me in close as she rubbed her shoulder against mine. "Still, it does seem like Adrienne's never home anymore. If it bugs you that much, why haven't you talked to her about it?"

I shrugged. "I'm not the smothering type. Adrienne's entitled to hang out with her friends."

"'Hang out' is one thing. But you're her boyfriend. You deserve some quality time, too."

I waggled my head. "She comes home every night. And it's not like I'm not getting laid often enough."

Dawn sighed. "There's more to a relationship than sex, Ben. You two used to spend every available minute together. Last semester, I know you spent the whole day with me because your schedule and hers didn't line up at all. But once you got home, you couldn't get enough of each other."

Dawn squeezed my arm and looked over at me with concern. "But lately?"

I sighed. "I know ... And I miss her..."

"You should. It reminds you that you still love her. With how much time the two of you spend apart, start worrying the minute you don't miss her."

I smiled and patted Dawn's hand that was still wrapped around my arm. "You're right. I need to talk to her. Communication, right?"

She nodded and then we arrived at the house. Ryan, Adrienne, Paige, and Gwen were already present and waved to us as we entered. Paige actually got off the couch and ran over to me, jumping into my arms for a hug. "Hiya, Ben!"

"Hiya, Red." I hugged her and then set her back down on the floor.

"Ooh, I gotta tell you about my day! There was this boy, and-"

I stopped and arched an eyebrow, all my protective instincts coming to the fore.

"ReLAX," Paige giggled. "He didn't do anything to me. Anyways, I was walking in the quad and..." The petite redhead continued to chatter away while I nodded, half-listening to her and half-moving into the house.

Meanwhile, Gwen was chatting up Kevin Weiss, Dayna's boy-toy. Both were doing some light flirting, but it didn't seem serious. Thankfully, Rick Rusedski had been doing a good job of keeping Gwen occupied and while they still had not defined themselves as boyfriend/girlfriend, they clearly were dating regularly. Plus, Dayna was right there in the room as well.

Ryan got up from the couch to greet Dawn with a kiss and a hug. Adrienne, on the other hand, stayed on the couch until I approached and bent to kiss her 'hello'. She smiled at me quickly before turning her face back into her books.

"Hey, wanna go on a nugget run with me?" I asked my girlfriend. McDonald's was running one of their Tuesday McNugget promotions and I was well-known in the house for my ability to scarf the little processed hunks of chicken by the bucket load.

"Ooh! Can I come?" Paige perked up.

Adrienne looked up and shrugged. "Let Paige go with you. I just want to finish this up before I go anywhere."

Paige was already packing away her books and looking for her shoes but I waved her off and turned back to my girlfriend. "Really, A.D. I wanted to take a walk with you." Then I glanced at Paige. "Sorry, Red."

Adrienne looked up at me, furrowing her eyebrows as she searched my face for greater meaning. And when she realized I was serious she softened and nodded. "Uh, okay. Just gimme ten minutes, alright?"

I nodded and left the living room to drop off my bag and use the restroom. When I returned, Paige glowered at me. But when Adrienne wasn't ready to go just yet, I sat down beside the petite redhead and started chatting with her while she lifted my arm, snuggled herself beneath it, and happily engaged me in conversation.

About sixteen minutes after Adrienne's pronouncement, she put away her books and looked over at me. "Okay. Let's go. Anyone else want some?"

We took orders for an extra seven 6-piece McNuggets and left. I reached my hand out and Adrienne comfortably intertwined her fingers through mine. And just as we hit the sidewalk, she took a deep breath and said, "So tell me what's bugging you, Tiger."

I sighed, frowning. "I miss you."

"Miss me? I'm right here." Adrienne squeezed my hand as if to remind me.

"You know what I mean. We don't spend much quality time together anymore," I sighed, recalling Dawn's words.

Adrienne giggled. "Last night was a pretty good example of quality being more important than quantity."

I blushed. We DID have a pretty amazing round of sex before going to sleep last night. We only went once, but it was a very good one time. But I shook my head. "But there's more to a relationship than sex, Adrienne."

My girlfriend arched an eyebrow at me. "Is this Ben talking or Dawn talking?"


"Whose words are those? Yours? Or Dawns?" Adrienne's eyes narrowed and a bit of an edge creeped into her voice. "You can't expect us to have the same kind of relationship Dawn would have with you, Ben."

"No, no, don't take this the wrong way, Adrienne." I squeezed her hand. "Yeah, I talked to Dawn about this. She's my best friend. And believe me, I'm not complaining about our fantastic sex life. It's just that sometimes I wish we had more of a normal boyfriend/girlfriend relationship."

"What do you mean?"

I fidgeted, thinking about it. "Let me put it this way: Are you getting everything you want from me?"

"Yeah," Adrienne shrugged. "Warm arms at night. Love and affection at all times. Absofriggin' amazing sex when I'm horny. And I know I can always depend on you. I'm happy, Ben. Aren't you?"

"I'm not UN-happy," I hedged. And then I exhaled slowly as well. "But I don't know if I'm getting everything I want out of this relationship."

"What more do you want?"

"I never see you anymore," I almost whimpered.

My girlfriend sighed. "It's not like I wasn't hanging out with Grace and the rest of them last semester."

"Of course you were. But it just feels like you're hanging out with them so much MORE now. I see you a few times at lunch. But some days, from the time I say goodbye after breakfast I don't see you again until it's time to go to sleep."

"So what? You just want me around?"

"Not just 'around'. I want to talk to you. I want to share my day with you. I want to hear about yours."

Adrienne laughed and shook her head in disbelief. "Am I the girl in this relationship or are you?"


"We've got a great thing, Ben. The sex is incredible. I know you love me and I can always depend on you to be there for me."

"But can I depend on you to be there for me?"

Adrienne exhaled. "I do my own thing. You do yours. And we come together every now and again to make the both of us happy. It's been working great so far."

I interlaced the fingers of both my hands. "But shouldn't we be more interconnected? Isn't that what it means to be in a relationship together?" By now, we had arrived at the McDonald's and started looking around to make sure no one overheard the more delicate parts of our conversation. Sensing that we weren't finished yet, I came to a stop outside the doors.

But Adrienne reached for the handle. "I was always independent. I have my own schedule. I thought I made that clear. I'm no one's beck and call; not even yours."

"And I'm not asking you to be."

"Aren't you? What happened, Ben? You never had this desperation to share your day with me; you did enough of that with Dawn. You were never this ... needy ... before." And then she pulled the door open and went inside.

I sighed and followed after.

We silently stood in line together, not holding hands. Adrienne folded her arms beneath her breasts, lifting them and drawing the attention of just about every male in the vicinity.

One such male was with his girlfriend and just about to order. The girl asked for two ice cream cones and nudged her boyfriend, who was busy staring at Adrienne's tits. "You want anything else?" she asked.

"Nuhh..." the guy answered distractedly, still staring at Adrienne's chest. But just as the cashier finished punching in buttons, he stood up straight and spun around. "Oh, and a Big Mac. No pickles."

"That'll be $5.43," the cashier replied.

The guy dug into his wallet and pulled out a $5 and a $1. He paid and took the receipt before standing off to the side with his girlfriend.

"I can't believe you just did that," the girl growled in a heated voice.

"What?" the guy frowned, clearly surprised to find his girlfriend was upset with him.

"You said you weren't getting anything to eat!"

"I changed my mind."

"But if you knew you were getting something, I would have gotten something to eat, too."

The guy shrugged. "If you wanted something, you should have just gotten it regardless of whether or not I got something."

The girl was looking very upset and drawing the attention of those of us still in line. "No! What I want is influenced by what you want! That's what it means to be a couple!"

"No it doesn't!"

"I didn't want to get something to eat by myself if you weren't going to eat, too! But since you're getting a Big Mac, I could have ordered something."

"Then why didn't you?"

"You caught me off-guard! I didn't have time to think!" Her voice was getting shrill. "And I thought we were just taking our ice cream and leaving! I wouldn't have forced you to sit down and watch me eat. But apparently YOU have no such problems. You're so inconsiderate!"

"Okay, okay!" the poor guy held up his hands in defeat. "Let's just get back in line and we'll order something for you!"

"Forget it!" The girl turned and stomped out of the store. She turned on the sidewalk and walked huffily away.

"But, but..." the guy held his hands out, reaching for his girlfriend in disbelief while also waving towards the counter where his food would be arriving shortly. But the girl was long gone.

"Order number fifty-seven!" the McDonald's server called out.

"Fucking hell," the guy muttered under his breath. He snatched up the paper bag and two ice cream cones. Then he tore off out of the store in hot pursuit of his girlfriend.

By now, it was Adrienne's and my turn to order. My girlfriend arched her eyebrow at me and glanced significantly at the door where the guy had just run out. "Is that what you really want?"

I just sighed and stepped up to order my nuggets.

Adrienne and I were pretty quiet around each other that evening. We worked on our respective homework assignments. As usual, since my classes were mostly with Dawn I spent more time chatting with my best friend instead of my girlfriend. But even when the work was done, Adrienne and I were both lost in our own thoughts.

I spent the rest of the evening pondering what I really wanted from Adrienne. She was right: she HAD made clear that she was independent. Yeah, she liked to submit herself physically from time to time, to put herself under my control as a display of trust and love. But on a daily basis, she did her own thing and I did mine. In High School, she had her friends and I had my crew. We joined together occasionally but I let my girlfriend live her own life.

But after the death of her father and her subsequent "adoption" of sorts by my family, Adrienne and I naturally spent a LOT more time together. Even last semester, with her forming her own group of friends outside of the house, we were still around each other more often than not.

I'd gotten used to it. I'd gotten used to having her around. And now that she was finding other people to hang out with besides me, I was getting jealous.

Was it fair? Didn't Adrienne deserve to spend time with her friends? Was I really being... needy? Or did I just want more time with my girlfriend?

And did I really want to be... dependent ... on anyone? Adrienne and I had a well-functioning relationship that had made us both happy for quite a while. We never had the kinds of fights the McDonald's couple had. In part, that was because of our independence from each other. We really were two individuals who came together quite often for mutual pleasure. She had her ways of making me happy. I had my ways of making her happy. Most of these had to do with physical pleasures like cuddling and sex. Why mess with a good formula?

I knew the answer: Because our love had to evolve. We were both growing up from High School kids into College near-adults. And from here, we would continue to grow up into the full-fledged Young Adults of our twenties. And from there, we would continue to change.

Keira had once talked to me of Love. She was right, then. I was a 16-year-old kid who didn't understand it. Maybe I still didn't understand it even now. But I was getting a better idea.

When I was a teenager, love was simple. Love was a fuzzy feeling that made me happy when a pretty girl smiled at me. Love was gratefulness to her for letting me have sex with her. Love was a desire to spend more time with her and get more fuzzy feelings and have more wonderful sex.

With Adrienne, my sense of Love had come to include responsibility. I was her champion. Her need for me made me feel strong, made me feel like a man. And when I comforted and protected her, she rewarded me not only with incredible sex but also the physical pleasure of her friends. It was an arrangement that made me very happy and very satisfied.

But now as I was growing up and getting a sense for what I wanted in the future, I was starting to realize that my relationship with Adrienne, as is, wouldn't cut it anymore. Two individuals coming together for mutual pleasure on a regular basis was good enough for High School. Maybe it would even be good enough for college. But it wouldn't be good enough for the rest of my life. I would need a partner who wanted to share my existence, to live my life WITH me, not just have sex with me a couple of times every day. Eventually, I would need someone who wanted to raise my family with me.

Was Adrienne that person? Maybe. We were young. Her dad had died less than a year ago. And she'd admitted she hadn't thought much of the future just yet. But that didn't mean she never would and just because she didn't plan to have children didn't mean she wouldn't change her mind down the road. If nothing else, I loved her. I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

We had time.

But for starters, I wanted to spend a little more regular time with my girlfriend. And for that, I had to let her know.

"Adrienne?" I asked softly.

She turned her head away from the TV and looked up at me with a little smile. She was expecting this. "Yeah, Ben?"

"Can we talk?"

She nodded warmly. "Sure, Ben."

I thrust forward a final time, grunting my orgasm into Adrienne's ear as a quart of spunk flowed out of me and into her sucking pussy. My girlfriend arched her back beneath me, thrusting those glorious tits against my naked chest while she moaned in ecstatic bliss. I felt my biceps tensing as I clutched her body with savage power, holding my pelvic bone against her crotch as the diluvial torrent of jism poured forth. And together we scaled the heights of absolute physical delight.

But when it was all over, I lay my forehead against the mattress beside her head

"Good talk," Adrienne sighed.

"You distracted me," I growled.

Adrienne giggled musically and patted my back. "You said you wanted a more 'adult' relationship."

"That wasn't what I meant by 'adult'."

"Doesn't get much more adult than that, Tiger. Or do you wanna tie me up, blindfold me, and stick it in my ass while you use that new riding crop to raise some welts on my soft, creamy skin?"

"Adrienne..." I groaned.

"It's okay, Ben. I get it. Whether or not I feel like our relationship is just perfect, you obviously don't. You want to spend more time with me. I understand that."

"You do?"

She nodded and touched her nose to my cheek. "You're a romantic at heart, Ben. You've been my white knight, and now you're dreaming of sweeping away your princess to Happily Ever After."

"Well ... I'd like to think I'm still practical about it."

"Maybe. But you know what you want: marriage, family, all that. I have to tell you those things weren't in my plans. Not for a long time from now at least."


"I love you, Ben," she said quickly, rubbing her nose against mine. "I can't lose you. I won't let that happen."

"You won't?"

"You're a part of me. Forever and always..." She exhaled slowly, and then turned her head to the opposite side, looking away from me.

I picked my own head off the mattress, supporting my weight on my elbows while my dick gradually deflated inside her. I leaned to the side so that I could see her face and she eventually returned her gaze back to me.

"Just..." Adrienne began hesitantly before looking at me, her hazel eyes a little dull. "Don't hate me, okay?"


She shook her head and smiled. "I love you, Ben. I'll always love you for what you did for me and for bringing me into your family."

"What are you talking about?" I was confused.

She smiled and shook her head again. "Nothing." She kissed me and clenched down with her pussy muscles, squeezing me rhythmically. "Make love to me again?"

"Adrienne, what's going on?"

"Please, Ben? I love you. One more time?"

Adrienne planted a slow-burn kiss that somehow still had all the fire of a nuclear one, sweeping away my concerns. She loved me. Without a doubt, Adrienne loved me. And as long as we had that, everything would be alright, wouldn't it?

So I kissed her back and started rotating my hips to help get me hard again. And then I pulled back and smiled at her. "One more time."


I swiped the keys to the Mustang and got it freshly washed and waxed. Yeah, I couldn't necessarily have pride in the car since it wasn't actually mine. But I still wanted everything to look good as we rolled up in style.

Chez Panisse wasn't that far away. But there was no way I was going to make a woman walk that far in high-heels; not if I wanted to get laid that night. After all, it was my first REAL Valentine's Day with Adrienne. True, we'd had an amazing National Single Awareness Day non-date last year when we were 'nottogether'. But this time we really were together and I intended to make it a night to remember.

It certainly was a memorable night at that. Just not in the way I was expecting.

To get me out of Adrienne's way, I'd gotten dressed in Brandi's room and then hung around upstairs, chatting with Brandi while she got ready for her Valentine's Day date. My beautiful, dark-haired sister looked positively delectable in her skimpy lingerie as she prepped; and I nearly threw a monkey wrench into the whole thing when I just HAD to throw her onto her bed and give her a passionate kiss while groping her ass.

But a giggling Brandi pushed me away and went to fix her makeup. Then I obediently closed my eyes and tried to relax while she finished up. And then about a half-hour before my dinner reservations, Adrienne called up the stairs, "We're ready."

All I really heard was the word "ready". The term "we're" didn't set off any alarms for me as I patted Brandi's ass in her mini-dress and then headed downstairs. And then holding a gorgeous bouquet of bouquet of peach lilies and yellow tulips, I knocked on my bedroom door and prepared to be dazzled by Adrienne's awe- inspiring beauty.

My jaw dropped when the door opened. Paige stood there, looking radiantly beautiful in a dark blue strapless sheath dress that showed off her creamy shoulders and dipped low enough in front to prove she did not have only a little girl's bosom. The sleek form elongated her body, making her look taller than she was, with the hemline stopping halfway down her thighs.

Her dark auburn hair was half-up and half-down, a decidedly more mature look than her typical pigtails. Diamond studs decorated her elfin ears, and she'd definitely been taking Adrienne-lessons in makeup. Her dark blue eyes stood out brilliantly as she looked up at me with a little smile on her face. Overall, the little girl could pass for her 20s, with a Natalie Portman-esque childlike maturity.

"Wow, Paige," I breathed. "You look beautiful."

The petite redhead blushed prettily and glanced down at her shoes, the 2-inch heels boosting her up to 5'4". "Thanks, Ben," she said bashfully before lifting her gaze up to my face and seeming happier than ever in her life.

"Got a hot date tonight?" I asked with a little grin.

Paige blinked twice, looking hesitant all of a sudden. And then she turned to the side where I saw Adrienne sitting by her vanity, putting her own finishing touches on her face.

I tapped my watch and said to my girlfriend, "Clock's ticking, A.D."

Adrienne bowed her head, her shoulders hunching slightly. I couldn't see her face, but a quick glance at the vanity mirror showed me that her eyes were squeezed shut and a grimace was on her face. Immediately, I was worried as I walked forward to her while asking, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Adrienne sat up straight as soon as my hand landed on her shoulder. She reached up to touch my hand and smiled at me, saying, "Nothing. It's okay."

I furrowed my eyebrows and searched her face. Things didn't seem quite fine, but Chez Panisse was a very expensive restaurant and I didn't want to miss our reservation. So I nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

Adrienne took a deep breath. "I'm not going with you."

If we'd been upstairs, my jaw would not only have hit the floor, but crashed through it and down to hit the first floor. "Wait, what?"

"You're going out with Paige tonight."

I turned and furrowed my eyebrows. The cute redhead just stood by the door, looking a little awkwardly at me. "Wait, what?" I repeated.

Paige's lower lip quivered and immediately I felt bad. "Oh, Red. It's not you. I'm just ... just ... What is going on?"

Paige looked back at Adrienne and I spun around to my girlfriend. Adrienne looked over at the other girl and told her, "Wait outside for a minute. Lemme talk to Ben."

The pretty redhead nodded and stepped outside, closing the door. I knew that sounds would carry rather well through the door and I stepped back up to Adrienne and parked my ass on the edge of the bed while she turned in her vanity seat. "Explain," I nearly ordered.

"It's simple. You're taking out Paige tonight."

"Why? You're my girlfriend. This is Valentine's Day," I growled.

"It's just another night."

"No it isn't." This was important to me and I was having trouble keeping my volume under control.

"Trust me."

Oh, how I had started to hate those two words. "Trust you?"

Adrienne bit her lip. "Have I ever let you down?"

"There's a first time for everything. Dammit! I'd like to know what the hell is going on!"

"Please, Ben. This would mean so much to Paige."

"Paige? Adrienne, I TOLD you I didn't want to complicate these relationships with my friends. Things get weird. Things get awkward. I DON'T want to screw up my friendship with Paige."

"You're too late. The girl is head over heels in love with you."

"It's just a crush."

Adrienne shook her head. "She's in LOVE. C'mon, Ben. She's here every day. She plays video games with you and sticks around in the evening as long as possible before she has to go home to sleep. She runs across campus to meet you for lunch, no matter if you're with Dawn or with me or whoever. And she runs to your side at every opportunity to talk about her day and share with you."

"And what? Taking her out on a Valentine's Day date is somehow going to STOP that?"

"No. Not at all."

"Adrienne, what are you doing?"

"Just trust me, Ben. Do this and I swear I'll explain everything to you tomorrow. Everything."

She emphasized the last word and there was a finality in Adrienne's voice that floored me. I blinked rapidly and tried to process the hidden meaning. Clearly, something was going on that I wasn't seeing. Sometimes I really HATED being a dense, oblivious male.

"Please, Ben." Adrienne's tone pleaded even further. "This is what has to happen for the both of us."

"I don't understand." I frowned, feeling helplessly impotent.

"Trust me," she intoned with desperation in her voice.

"Adrienne, this ISN'T what I wanted. I wanted my first real Valentine's date with you," I pleaded. "I wanted a night of passionate romance with the woman I love more than anyone in the world!"

"You still can have the passionate night. You'll still get laid."

"That's not the point," I grumped. I knew, like always, that she would still be here to make love with me when I got home. Adrienne and I had not missed a single night together all year. "I had an evening planned for us, not just fucking in bed come midnight."

"Paige is out there, Ben, waiting for you. So what are you gonna do? LEAVE that poor girl completely heartbroken? She's in love. And she's all dressed up for you."

Oh, come ON. Was this really how it was going to go down? If I didn't take Paige out, Adrienne was going to make me feel like I was abandoning the poor girl? I shook my head angrily. "Sometimes I really hate it when you manipulate me like this, Adrienne."

"You've always liked my surprises."

"Surprises are one thing. This is different. You're fucking with a little girl's emotions out there. She's just a kid."

"She's eighteen, Ben; almost nineteen. Hell, she's a few weeks OLDER than YOU."

"You know what I mean." I shook my head.

"Clock's ticking, Ben." Adrienne tapped her wrist.

I exhaled slowly, simmering with tension just beneath the surface. I took an additional few deep breaths, scowling unhappily. I didn't understand what was going on, but the reservation time was approaching. And poor little Paige was standing out in the living room, wondering what the hell was going on.

Adrienne had me. I cared too much about Paige's feelings and I couldn't let her down.

"This isn't over," I glared at my girlfriend.

"Don't you trust me, Ben?"

"Of course," I sighed. Still scowling, I glared at my girlfriend. This was not how I expected this night to go. "You promise you'll explain everything later?"

"I promise," she nodded.

I blinked and only then did I realize that despite Adrienne not coming with me, she was dressed up for an evening out. "And where are you going tonight?"

My girlfriend tilted her head, her eyes canting in apology while she brushed her golden hair behind her ear. "With Grace. Who else?"

Who else indeed. Adrienne had spent far more time with Grace than ME this semester so far. I exhaled and then bent to kiss my girlfriend on her lips. "I love you, Adrienne."

"I love you too, Tiger," she said softly, moisture forming in her eyes. And then she quickly looked away from me.

I had no idea what the hell was going on. But soon, I was going to find out.

"Are you disappointed to be out with me?" Paige said hesitantly from her seat next to me. Her lower lip quivered and she appeared on the verge of crying.

I blinked and sat up straight, belatedly realizing that I'd been dead silent for a good five minutes while we'd been waiting for our table. Even with reservations for a specific time, it always took a little longer to get seated. After all, it was Valentine's Day, and a Friday night to boot.

Paige had her hand on my leg and I covered it with my own, rubbing it with my palm gently as I wiped the scowl off my face and tried to smile. "No, Red. Not disappointed. This was all just ... unexpected, that's all."

She blinked rapidly, searching my face for any signs that I was just faking it. Then she nodded slowly and said, "Adrienne said this was the only way she'd get you to go out with me. If either of us had asked ahead of time, you would have talked and talked and overtalked about maintaining the friendship and not being able to return the same kinds of feelings I have for you."

I snorted. "She's right."

"Then whether you're disappointed or not, Ben, know that I'm very happy you're here with me." And with that, Paige stretched up so that she could kiss my cheek.

I sighed and patted her hand. At that point, a hostess came over and called my name. Squeezing Paige's hand in my own, I stood us up and we headed to our table.

We took our seats. Nobody even attempted to offer us wine or cocktails. And I sized up the restaurant. It had come highly-recommended by Dawn, and although the meal would put a sizeable dent in my wallet, I was impressed. It was cozy, intimate, and yet upscale.

But Paige wasn't even looking around. When I brought my gaze back to her I found that she had both elbows on the table while holding her cheeks in her hands, staring adoringly right at me. I sighed and wondered for the fifteenth time if I shouldn't have just scrapped the plans entirely. I wouldn't have been able to get the deposit back for this reservation, but at least I wouldn't feel awkward about the situation. Leaning back in my seat casually, I canted my head and stated, "This isn't going to turn out how you want it to, Red."

"And how do you think I want it to turn out?"

I paused and searched Paige's eyes, not daring to answer that. Instead, I waited for the momentary tension to pass before replying, "I care a lot about you, Paige."

"But you're in love with Adrienne," Paige shrugged. "I get it."

"Then why?"

"Why am I in love with you? I can't help the way I feel, Ben. You're the white knight that rescued me."

"Like six months ago." I sighed, my eyes narrowing at her use of the term 'white knight' the same way Adrienne had less than an hour earlier.

Paige shrugged and gave me a pixie wink. "So? You're still just as handsome and strong and kind and smart and everything I could ever want in a man."

"But what are you expecting of me? Knowing that I'm with someone else."

Paige blinked. "If you were any other guy, I might try to get over my crush. But ... things are different with you and Adrienne. You two aren't nearly as... 'committed' is not the right word; you're committed to each other. But you're definitely not as monogamous as most."


"So..." Paige took a long, deep breath. "Adrienne told me that maybe there's room in your relationship for me."

I blinked in shock. "She did?"

Paige nodded, reaching her hand across the table to cover mine. "Please?"

I frowned.

"You said you care a lot about me, right?"

"Of course I do," I breathed. I thought of all the ways I cared about her more than a typical friend. When we'd first met, I'd planned on doing my best to befriend her and assume a role of protective big brother. My "rescue", as it was, inspired in me that cosmic sense of responsibility over her. Her petite size, youthfulness, and frailty stirred some sort of urge in me to watch over her and shield her from the harsh realities of the world outside.

And perhaps Lynne was right: I had a hero complex. Once, Adrienne had "needed" me when she confessed the abuse of her childhood, and I'd been driven by my own need not to let her down throughout the course of our relationship. Brooke, my little sister, had looked to me as guardian angel. And now that she wasn't around anymore, perhaps I was looking to Paige to fill that void inside me, to sate my own need to look after someone. "Paige, you know I do."

"Then let me be with you, in whatever way I can."

"Paige, I told you why we couldn't be together. It wouldn't be fair to you."

"Why don't you let ME decide what's fair? I'm not asking for much."

"What are you asking for?"

The pretty redhead looked up at me with her eyes shining brightly. "Just let me be with you as much as I can: get to know each other, talk, spend time together." There was such a note of hope in her voice.

I closed my eyes. Hadn't I just been asking these same things of Adrienne? The gears in my mind started turning as I wondered exactly what Paige and Adrienne had discussed before arranging this "surprise date".

"We've already been doing those things, Red," I explained.

"Not as my boyfriend. Some things I can't talk about with you; like how you make me feel inside."

I exhaled slowly.

"Don't you have any feelings for me?"

I looked softly at her. "As a little sister."

Paige looked hurt. "Any feelings as a woman?" She tilted her head and pouted in a way that was decidedly sensual. She leaned forward ever so slightly and I felt my heart race as I involuntarily glanced down at her cleavage. "I'm not just a little girl."

I tried to quiet the flutter in my heart. Yeah, I had some sexual feelings for Paige as a woman. I felt that way about EVERY pretty girl I came across. Looking at Paige was a cross between looking at Brooke and at the twins. All were little sisters to me. I no longer felt any guilt at having lustful thoughts of Brooke. But I still felt totally guilty for my lustful thoughts of the twins. And Paige was somewhere in the middle. I certainly could appreciate that she was a very attractive girl; and her innocent Catholic-seductress getup frequently sparked the "naughty" drive in my libido. But I'd always pushed those feelings aside.

"What if I told you that the happiest moments of my day are when you let me cuddle up to you on the couch or when you kiss my cheek? What if I told you my roommate forgot my name because she never sees me anymore since I started spending every waking minute at your house?"


Her voice dropped an octave. "What if I told you I masturbate every night to thoughts of you? I dream about kneeling on the floor in my little Catholic uniform with your dick in my mouth, letting you fuck my face while you hold onto my pigtails and scream in pleasure."

My eyes popped WIDE open. What happened to 'oh my word' and 'oh, poo'? Did she really just use the f-word? And the d-word? Paige might still be a virgin but she DID seem to know stuff. And I found myself uncontrollably curious to find out just how much she knew.

"I want you to hold me down HARD and drown me in orgasms, Ben. I've heard you fucking the shit out of Adrienne. I fantasize about you doing those things to me; things so dirty and depraved that I'll have to spend three hours in the confessional just talking about it all. Sometimes I wish you would just grab me off the sofa and fuck my tight cunt in front of everyone. No foreplay. Just take me and fuck me and cum inside my unprotected little womb."

My jaw quivered. Hell, my whole BODY quivered.

"Still think I'm just a little girl?"

"Yes," I croaked quietly.

Her gaze bored into the back of my skull. She read the tension in my eyes and then leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smirk on her face. "You're a terrible liar, Ben." Paige's dark blue eyes glowed.

Just then our food arrived. I sat back in my chair and busied myself with the waiter, not wanting to admit that I DID have some desire for Paige. She was cute. She was perky and energetic. And she would look SOOO fucking hot face-down on my bed while I skewered her from behind.

She was an innocent little wet dream, cute and proper one minute and mind- blowingly nasty the next. I had to grit my teeth to try and keep my hormones in check. Paige simply folded her napkin over her lap, grinning happily the entire time.

Ohhh this was gonna be complicated.

The food turned out to be really good, with a special set menu for Valentine's Day. I felt pretty awkward for the first few minutes, not sure what to say after Paige's rather graphic description of her raunchy fantasies. The thing was, I HAD thought of her just as a little girl. At least, I had until she'd peeled back the schoolgirl façade to show me the repressed sexpot inside. Now, I couldn't get her nasty words out of my head. And I focused on the food as a way to keep myself distracted.

Paige waited quietly for me, showing me a mature patience none of my little sisters could have matched. When she realized that I was starting to breathe easier again, she set her fork down and leaned forward to place her hand over mine. "Just talk to me, Ben."

I breathed in and out a few times to keep calm. When the hell did little Paige get the upper hand over me? But I took a deep breath and nodded, finally saying, "You're not as naïve and innocent as you appear to be."

The pretty redhead shook her head. "No. But then you're not as platonically indifferent as you appear to be, either."

Paige squeezed my hand, pulling me towards her just an extra inch as she peered into my face. "Even though you see me as a little sister, you DO have sexual thoughts about me."

I looked away.

"Gwen, too," Paige added quietly. "You wanna fuck her, too."

I sighed. "Every guy wants to fuck every girl around them. It doesn't mean we will. There are consequences to having sex. It changes everything in a relationship. Once two people cross that line, there's no going back. And I don't want to change our friendship, Paige."

"Too late. It's already changed. I'm in love with you," she stated plainly. "Now you've got to decide if you're going to cut me off and let our friendship fall apart, or let me into your life. And you can't use your girlfriend as an excuse. Adrienne's all for this."

I exhaled in annoyance at the mention of Adrienne's name. Why the hell was my girlfriend putting me in this situation? "But I don't have feelings for you like that."

"You don't?" Paige shrugged. "Fine. See that cute waiter over there? I'm gonna go ask him to take me into a bathroom and fuck the shit outta me."

"PAIGE," I growled, just barely keeping my volume down as jealous anger lanced through me and my blood started boiling.

"See." She gave me a 'so-THERE' look.

"That's just protectiveness," I protested, calming myself down. "I wouldn't want to see my little sister just get casually deflowered in a restaurant bathroom, either."

"But you'll let your sisters have boyfriends, right?"

"Of course."

"What about me? Think of everyone you know, Ben. Which one of them would you be okay with taking my maidenhead?"

I gritted my teeth as my blood heated up again.

"You'd be jealous, wouldn't you? I already offered my virginity to you, Ben. And you don't even want to think about some guy stretching me before you do."

I didn't answer. The bile in my throat answered enough for me.

"I don't really know that much about guys," Paige sighed. "Didn't meet that many at an all-girl's school. But the girls here talk, and they tell me it's pretty simple: You're totally fine with your sisters having boyfriends because they aren't 'yours'. You don't possess them. And even though you've had sex with Dayna, Gwen, and even Dawn, you're not jealous of them having other guys because they aren't 'yours' either."

"What's your point?"

"I'm yours, Ben. I've always been 'yours'. That's why you get jealous of any other guy who comes near me. It's why you stopped Alan at that very first party. And you didn't stop Misty or Kim from flirting at that club Grace took us to; just me. Jeez, I've only been on two dates all year and both boys were intimidated to Hell by you."

I chewed on that for a few seconds.

"I'm already yours, Ben. But you won't be mine. Now that's unfair."

Out of pure habit, I drove us back to the house. It wasn't until I parked the car and took out the keys before I realized I should have taken Paige straight back to her dorm. But just as I moved to put the key back into the ignition, my date was already getting out of the car.

"Paige, wait," I called and got out as well. "I should take you home."

She stopped and looked back. "I'm not going home tonight," she said matter-of- factly. And then she held her hand out to me as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Without realizing it, I found myself walking up and taking her hand. Then Paige smiled and led me the rest of the way to the door. She looked at me expectantly as I unlocked the door and led us inside. The whole house was dark. Dawn, Brandi, and Dayna would still be out on their dates at this hour, assuming they would even return to this house. Hell, I should have still been out on my date. I'd planned more than just dinner for Adrienne.

Sighing, I turned on the light and then turned to my companion. "I know this was supposed to be a date for us, Paige. It's what you wanted and apparently what Adrienne wanted. I'm sorry it didn't turn out as romantic as you might have hoped."

The pretty redhead just smiled at me. "Don't be sorry. Maybe it wasn't romantic but it was the first time I got to talk to you plainly about how I felt." And then Paige smiled seductively while stepping right into my personal space, laying her hand on my chest. "Besides, the date's not over yet."

My cock was already twitching. I'd never completely forgotten the nasty, sexual fantasies Paige had spun at the restaurant. But I tried to hold onto the last shred of my platonic friendship. "We shouldn't do this, Paige."

She smiled knowingly, confidently. "Then why did you bring me here, huh?" It was a rhetorical question. "Why did you bring me into the house?"

I didn't have an immediate answer for that, and suddenly I felt her hands pulling my head down as her lips fastened around mine. With a strength I wouldn't have expected from such a small girl, she pushed me back against the front door, banging me against the solid wood while she attempted to climb up my body and cram her tongue even deeper into my mouth.

And I was kissing back.

I felt a surge of that buried, naughty lust pouring through my veins. My brain wanted to latch onto the idea that this was wrong, that Paige was a naïve, sheltered young friend set loose on the real world after a lifetime of Catholic school repression.

But it felt so right. Paige was pretty, sexy, and clearly into me. I had Adrienne's permission ... nay, her blessing.

And ... well ... I liked Paige.

Truth be told, I'd spent more time with Paige this semester than anyone but Dawn. I spent more time with Paige than my own girlfriend, since Adrienne had started shacking up with Grace.

Share my day? Yeah, I talked with Paige.

Play my video games? Paige.

Tease, tickle, and flirt? Yeah, Paige.

Maybe I was a dumb male who'd missed the signs. I'd noticed that the cute redhead was around more and more often. I knew she'd professed a crush for me. But six months ago I never hugged her on a daily basis. Two months ago I didn't let her crawl into my lap and snuggle. One day ago I didn't let her shove her tongue down my throat.

Slowly, patiently, Paige had been working her way into my life. And I was only too happy to let her. She was a sweet girl. She loved me. And she deserved better than this.

I pulled my head away. "Paige, Paige!"

"What, what?" Her dark blue eyes were wild, wondering why the hell I was stopping us.

"It shouldn't be like this," I panted. "You deserve to have all my attention. You deserve a special night. We should go out together, spend an evening when you're not trying to talk me into this; an evening when I can focus on you."

Paige's eyes sharpened into daggers that stabbed the back of my skull. "Ben, you fucking turn me away tonight and I swear to fucking God I'll go out and give my fucking cherry to the first fucking guy I see!"

I wasn't sure what shocked me more, her statement or hearing her say the phrase "fucking God".

I blinked. "Are you allowed to say that?"

Paige just grabbed my hand and yanked me down the hall.

She once told me that despite going to all-girl's Catholic schools for her entire adolescence, and despite still being a virgin, that she knew "other" stuff.

Actually, Paige reminded me of this many, many times it seemed, usually when trying to convince me to get physically intimate with her and while I was protesting that I didn't want to take her virginity.

Well ... she wasn't lying.

I had no idea HOW Paige knew "other" stuff, but there was no denying that she did. For example, when the diminutive redhead shoved me onto my bed, fished my cock out of my pants without any hesitation, and went absolutely wild sucking on my schlong, it was quite clear that this wasn't her first blowjob.

When I filled her mouth with my cock cream and she just started drinking me down without a hint of gagging, it was clear I wasn't the first to spunk in her mouth.

And when I stripped away her sheath dress and feasted on her snatch to return the favor, it was abundantly clear this wasn't her first time getting eaten out. In fact, despite my considerable expertise with the act, Paige was quite direct in shoving my head this way and that and ordering me where to go next. I was reminded of the times she told me to take a certain road or go to that Temple of Fayth in Final Fantasy. Well, this time I planned on visiting a very different sacred temple. And sometime after her first orgasm but before her second, I picked my head up and asked, "What's in it for me?"

"A big fat FUCK!" Paige cheered happily. And then she promptly shoved down on the back of my head to keep me eating her.

I was more than happy to do so. In keeping with her naughty, young schoolgirl persona, Paige had freshly shaven her twat, leaving me with a very pretty, very bare pink pussy to munch on. I didn't penetrate her with my fingers; she clearly still had her maidenhead. But I explored every other nook and crevasse of her crotch and let my hands roam across her hot body.

Completely naked, Paige looked more like a young woman instead of the immature teenager she sometimes appeared to be when clothed in her schoolgirl uniform. The skirt would hide the flare of her hips and her blouse often obscured just how perky and rounded her breasts were. But now, sans clothing, she simply appeared a gorgeous babe on a slightly smaller scale. And because of that smaller scale, I found that I could easily reach all my favorite parts of a girl's body without removing my tongue from her twat.

But eventually, Paige arched her crotch into my face one final time and dumped yet another load of sweet nectar onto my chin. And then pushing my head away, she slumped across my sheets and gasped for oxygen.

I panted for breath as well. Despite everything we'd just done, I was still somewhat in shock and awe at what was happening. If you'd told me this afternoon that I'd be busting a nut down Paige Jacobsen's throat that evening and propping myself on my elbows between her naked thighs while staring at her virginal pussy just waiting to be deflowered, I'd have said you were crazy. And yet here we were.

Paige reached down to tug at my shoulders, pulling me up her body before planting another hungry kiss right on my lips. She moaned into our liplock before laying her head back against the mattress and crooning, "I love you, Ben."

I stared in amazement at Paige's pretty face, brushing my fingers through her hair over her left ear. I'd bedded other virgins before. Some, like Jennifer Vo, I hadn't even had strong feelings for. But then those girls hadn't had strong feelings for me either, at the time. They just wanted to get initiated into the world of sexual ecstasy and I was more than happy to oblige.

But Paige was in love with me. Was it fair to do this? "I ... I care about you, Paige," I replied softly. "But I don't know about love yet."

"That's okay, Ben."

"But maybe you should wait until-"

"FUCK waiting anymore, Ben. You've made me wait six months already!" Paige whined. She slid her hands down my sides, frantically tugging at my clothes. We'd stripped her naked for me to go down on her, but she'd only pulled my pants open to give me the blowjob. And buoyed by her obvious enthusiasm, I let my last hesitations fall by the wayside as I helped her get me undressed.

I worked my pants while Paige ripped my shirt over my head. And then her hands were on my hips as she asked excitedly, "Are you hard? Do you need me to go down on you again?"

"I'm good, I'm good." I nodded with a gleam in my eye, glancing down at my bulging, purple prick. The mere thought of popping Paige's cherry was enough to get me hard again. I leaned towards the bedside table. "Lemme just get a condom-"

"No!" Paige interrupted and pulled me back on top of her, shifting until she felt my throbbing erection rubbing against the outside of her pussy. "I'm Catholic. I can't use contraception."

I arched an eyebrow and leaned back. "Uh, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to have sex, either."

"Whatever! Just get in me! Please, Ben?" Paige looked excited, nervous, and desperate all at the same time. She shifted under me, trapping the shaft of my cock into the groove of her pussy lips, still pinched tightly together and having never been stretched before by anything. She reached down between us, taking hold of my cock and guiding it into place. And as she shifted her body upwards, I felt the head of my cock glide past the opening of her labia and then settle into position.

16-year-old Ben would have already thrust forward and skewered her. Heck, 17- year-old Ben probably would have, too. But almost-19-year-old Ben hesitated. I looked her in the eyes and asked, "When was your last period?"

Paige blinked before groaning, "Two weeks!"

Two weeks??? "Uh..." My mind raced to memories of Allie Sanders, bawling in agony when she found out I'd made her pregnant at sixteen. I winced in anguish, so close to burying my cock inside a fresh pussy and yet torn with indecision.

"I want to feel it, please?" the hot, naked redhead whined.

"But Paige-"

"Just pull out!" she begged. "You can pull out, right?"

I nodded 'yes' quickly. "But I- Unnnghhh!!!"

My statement was cut off when Paige suddenly clamped down around my waist with her legs and simultaneously pulled on my ass, driving my cock into her body while she threw her head back and screamed bloody murder. All my hesitations and doubts didn't matter anymore; Paige had taken it upon herself to lose her virginity. And as soon as I felt my pelvis press firmly up against hers, signifying that she'd taken my entire cock inside her body, I quickly brushed her hair back from her eyes and waited anxiously for the eyelids to rise so I could soothe her pain.

But there was no pain. Paige blinked a few times and then stared in wonder at me. "You're inside me," she breathed.


"You're actually inside me."


A broad grin spread across Paige's face. "It didn't even hurt!"

I blinked in surprise but then started smiling myself. The happy expression on the pretty redhead's face was infectious and I started chuckling. Paige was one of the lucky ones.

She simply laid her head back and stared at the ceiling while cradling my head in her arms, moaning, "Oh my word ... Oh my word..."

I sighed and let my heartbeat settle down a bit. In the frenzy leading up to this moment, the naughty side of Paige had come out, signified by her filthy language. But once I started penetrating her, the f-bombs died away and she was back to exclaiming "oh my word". I took that as my cue to mentally switch gears, to make love to Paige. I would gently shower her with pleasure for this, her first act of sexual intercourse.

So I turned my head to re-capture her lips, nibbling softly while I slowly began to glide my shaft in and out of her tight pussy. Paige moaned into my kiss and clutched my head even tighter while she crossed her ankles behind my ass, rolling her hips up to meet my every thrust.

It took a little while to find the rhythm. Paige kept trying to speed things up and our hip thrusts would get out of sync. But I kissed her patiently and slowed her down, letting her feel the full, drawn-out lunges of slow but steady lovemaking. And she verbalized her appreciation. "Ohhh ... Bennnn..." she crooned, gripping my shoulders and letting her legs ride on top of my undulating torso.

"Ohhh ... Paige..." I groaned into her ear. She was small enough and short enough that if I stretched myself out completely, her face would only be level with the top of my chest. But I scooped my arms beneath her back, holding her shoulders and looking downward while I continued to rhythmically pump in and out of her petite body. For such a small girl, she could take my thick cock with surprising ease, but her vaginal walls still constricted quite tightly around my penetrating shaft.

"You're so deep," she moaned. "I feel like you're coming out my throat."

"Unnnghhh" was all I could grunt.

"Is it good for you, Ben? Am I good for you?" she looked up at me, her dark eyes flashing.

I just nodded and gritted my teeth against the pleasure, reminding myself to focus on her pleasure.

"It's my first time, Ben. I've waited so long for this," she whimpered. "I always thought it would feel good. But this ... this is so ... wow!"

I started to become annoyed that Paige could even coherently speak at this point. I wanted to drown her in orgasms like she'd wanted. My mind flashed back to her naughty words and I started driving into her harder and harder, concentrating on the feel of her tight pussy around my cock as I pressed my pelvic bone against her clit and started grinding.

"Oh, OH!" Paige yelped and threw her head back. Her legs tightened around my waist and she trembled as my hands closed tighter around her shoulders.

"Cum for me, Red," I crooned into her ear. "Cum for me..."

"Oh, Ben! Oh, Ben! Oh my word! Oh my word!"

"Cum, baby. Cum..."

"Stick a finger in my ass!"


"STICK A FINGER IN MY ASS!" she squealed.

Obviously, I'd done it many times before. But I'd never had a first-time bed partner actually ASK me to do it before. Automatically, my hand dropped and cupped a tight asscheek, my middle finger swiping through the wet moisture beneath our joining before gliding along the globe and popping through her clenching sphincter.

"AAAH!" Paige jerked and squealed at the additional penetration. "Another one!"

I moistened my index finger and it joined the first.

"AHH-AHHH!" Paige jerked again and really started humping herself at me. The petite redhead was a new girl and therefore a blank user manual to me, but I had enough experience with other playbooks to recognize that she was building up to quite the orgasm. With what I'd been doing, other girls might have already popped off to one or two little orgasms; but Paige was just storing up that sexual energy as she climbed higher and higher towards one really big explosion.

"One more! One more!" she half-yelled into my ear.

I squeezed a third finger through her tight anus, and Paige detonated.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" she howled. The little girl couldn't have weighed a hundred pounds, but she still bucked off the bed with enough force to almost throw me out of her cunt.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!" she screamed again. My hands frantically spread to the sides to catch myself as I fell back down onto the bed, lest I crush her beneath my chest. Only her legs still scissored around my ass kept my cock inside her. And even after that first lunge, her entire body kept spasming and bucking like an out of control mechanical bull.


It was a good thing I wasn't too close to popping myself. Paige's sudden bucking caught me off-guard enough that I would have busted my nut into her unprotected womb, promise or no promise, if I'd been closer to orgasm. But even though I wasn't ready to cum just yet, her frantic spasms and unending thrashes were doing wonders for my cock as her cunt clenched and released and she was fucking me back harder than anyone ever had done while beneath me. And I was rapidly approaching that point of no return.

"PAIGE!" I yelled, a warning in my voice as I strained to hold my orgasm at bay.

"FUUUUCKKK!!!" she screamed, still in the throes of orgasm, still clutching me to her while she thrashed about in unrestrained ecstasy.

"PAIGE!" I yelled again. And this time, with her mouth gaping open, her eyes managed to open up and recognize my tone.

"CUM IN ME!" she yelled, her eyes absolutely electric. No contraception and two weeks from her last period, maybe she knew what she was asking me. Maybe she was overtaken by lust or some genetic drive to procreate. In any case, her legs cinched tighter around my waist to hold me deep inside her while I frantically tried to get a grip on her legs as she continued humping and bucking at me to get me off.

"PAIGE!" I yelled one more time. And this time, the orgasmically-crazed hot redhead seemed to recognize the situation as her legs relaxed.

But a split-second later, she closed her legs around me again. "Cum in my ass!" she growled, looking more wolfishly animalistic than ever.


"Cum in my ass!" she yelled again and dumbly, I just nodded my agreement.

Finally, Paige dropped her legs and faster than I would have expected, she rolled herself over, dislodging my prick in the meantime. My throbbing dick twitched for a few seconds in hungry need to ejaculate while the petite redhead planted herself face-down on my mattress and then reached back to spread her own asscheeks wide.

I didn't totally understand, but this close to orgasm I didn't hesitate. I straddled her legs, guided my girlcum-soaked prick to her anal entrance, and shoved forward. And with unexpected ease, I slid through her sphincter and started burrowing up the little Catholic girl's backdoor.

"Oh, FUCK!" I grunted, feeling the last shreds of control melt away with the tight, warm heat of Paige's asshole. And before I even got halfway, the hot redhead thrust herself backwards, impaling her own ass on my prick.

That was all it took. The first stroke into Paige's tight asshole, I grunted "I'm cumming!" and pulled on her hips, holding myself at full depth inside her bowels. My cockhead then split apart and began spewing wave after wave of hot semen up Paige's ass. "Arrrrrrgh!" I grunted with the force of my orgasm.

"AAAAHHHH!" Paige herself screamed in response as her whole body started spasming again. Dimly, I realized that she was fingering herself and cumming again while she felt my jism hosing down her colon.

That spurred me to buck one more time, letting go another powerful wave as my pelvis slammed against her buttcheeks. Over and over again, I felt great wads of cum hurtling up my cock shaft. And then I collapsed my entire heavy weight down onto the small girl's back as I finished spunking my load where the sun would never shine.

"Holy Mother of God!" Paige cursed, her breath giving out as she got to the final word. "Jesus Fucking Christ!"

I started laughing as the little redhead used two phrases I NEVER thought I'd ever hear come out of her mouth. And once she caught her breath she started giggling right along with me.

"That was amazing, Ben. Everything I could have hoped for," she sighed with her cheek pressed down into the mattress. She reached her hands out and intertwined our fingers while I pressed my palms to the backs of her hands. She then pulled our left hands to her mouth and kissed my knuckles.

I sighed and shook my head. "Forgive me for saying this, but you certainly don't fuck like any virgin I've ever met."

Paige giggled, and then squeezed her anal sphincter around my cock, which was still imbedded almost eight inches up her ass. "All I ever said was that I still had my maidenhead. I didn't say I'd never fucked before."

"Ohhh," I groaned and put my forehead down on the mattress beside her.

The cute redhead turned her head to me and kissed my cheek. "But now that I've started pussy-fucking, we're gonna be doing that LOTS from now on!"


Morning sunlight filtered through my drapes, illuminating the room in a soft, white glow. As I cracked my eyelids open, I saw the dark auburn hair in front of my face and all of last night's activities came back to me. Once Paige had gotten her first vaginal fuck out of the way, she'd been eager to try it again ... and again ... and again.

The second time, we'd been cleaning off in the shower when she simply climbed my body like a ladder and impaled herself on my prick. I barely talked her into getting off before I blew, and she'd swallowed my load right before commenting about how she liked the taste of her own pussy mixed along with my spunk.

The third time, she wanted to try doggy-style and had me pull out to spray all over her little asscheeks. And after spending twenty minutes sucking me hard for a fourth round, she rode me cowgirl style and very nearly didn't pull herself off, lifting away at the last possible moment while I splattered all over her red-worn labia. I wasn't religious, but I was praying I didn't squirt any sperm INTO her.

In any case, we'd fallen asleep in each other's arms, feeling quite well-fucked. But now, as the sun rose outside, all I could think of was one thing:

I needed to pee.

But then just as I sat up in bed, a second thought entered my head:

Adrienne never came home.

Seized by momentary panic, I jerked my head left and right, looking into every corner of our bedroom as if my girlfriend could somehow hide herself underneath the desk chair or something. Clearly, she wasn't in the room. A still-sleeping Paige was my only companion.

Since we'd moved into the house together, Adrienne had come home to me every night. Every. Single. Night. Not once had we not cuddled in each other's arms. Sometimes I went to sleep first or vice versa. But we always came together before the sun came back up.

But not last night.

A knot formed in my stomach as I pondered the possibilities: The most obvious was that Adrienne had spent the night with Grace. Yeah, Adrienne knew, even planned, for me to be alone with Paige in our bed last night, and my girlfriend had deliberately stayed away to give us our privacy.

I hoped.

I didn't even want to consider any other possibilities. And with my bladder feeling like a water balloon stretched to the point of bursting, I gingerly slid out of bed and headed for the door.

Opening it as silently as possible and glancing back at a slumbering, naked Paige to make sure I didn't wake her, I slipped outside and closed the door behind me. Then I began tip-toeing toward the bathroom.

I was halfway there when I first noticed a splash of color to my right. I glanced just once and then did a double-take when my brain realized what my eyes had seen: Adrienne, still in her clothes from last night, was sitting on the couch in the living room.

I froze, turned, and saw her almost trembling as she looked at me. Her face had been scrubbed of makeup, but there was no mistaking the red in her eyes nor the moisture on her cheeks. Adrienne was crying. Her shoulders were hunched. And she looked absolutely miserable.

Ignoring my need to pee and the fact that I was bare buck naked, I rushed to my girlfriend. I landed on the couch beside her and wrapped my arms around her trembling body. "Ohmigod, Adrienne! Is something wrong? Are you hurt?"

She looked at me funny and shook her head. "No, no, Ben. Nothing like that."

"Then why are you crying?"

Adrienne shuddered and took a deep breath. Then through bleary eyes she looked up at me and pleaded softly, "Don't hate me."

"Hate you? Why?"

Her next words made my heart stop beating. "I've fallen in love with someone else."

I'm surprised I didn't piss on the couch.

Next chapter