
Girlfriends l


"I've fallen in love with someone else."

I stopped breathing. My heart stopped beating. The world shrunk down around us until nothing existed but me and her. And I looked ready to die.

Adrienne noticed my stricken look. She quickly hugged me while urging, "Ben, Ben, please understand."

My jaw waggled a few times before I forcibly stood up, my physical strength breaking carelessly through Adrienne's grasp. And I started heading out of the living room.

"Ben, wait!" Adrienne pleaded.

"I've gotta pee," I said robotically as I went straight to the bathroom and closed the door. Not having the energy to stand, I actually sat down on the toilet and peed that way, my mind in such turmoil I probably would have missed the bowl anyways.

'Fallen in love with someone else'? What? How? Adrienne was my girlfriend! I LOVED her! I was thinking of having a family with her! What the FUCK?

I blinked several times and after a while, I realized that I was done peeing. I was just sitting there with my bare ass on the toilet, doing absolutely nothing. But I wasn't ready to discuss Adrienne's ... revelation ... just yet. So I got up and wiped myself and washed my hands, taking the time to really make sure I had plenty of soap suds. Even then, I avoided looking into the living room as I left the bathroom, turned in the hallway, and went into my... our ... bedroom to fetch some clothes.

Adrienne must have started panicking, thinking I was walking away from her, because she was at the bedroom door when I came back out, now wearing a comfortable pair of boxers, pajama pants, and a T-shirt. The morning air was pretty cold. I looked up at Adrienne, held a finger over my lips to keep her quiet, and silently shut the door behind me. Paige never stirred awake.

I gestured back to the living room and Adrienne anxiously followed me back to the couch. I took my time, stretching out my arms and rolling my head around my neck while taking several deep breaths. And then I sat down, sinking deeply into the cushions before exhaling and saying, "Okay. Start over."

Adrienne sat beside me, but on the edge of the couch with her body twisted to face me. Her jaw quivered and she reached forward to take my hands. I let her, and felt her squeezing my fingers gently. "Ben, I love you."

"Not that part. The other thing."

"But you HAVE to know that I still love you," she said insistently.

I took a deep breath, feeling a preternatural calm settling over me. "That would seem to conflict with what you just told me."

"Come ON, Ben," Adrienne exhaled, squeezing my hands. "Haven't you ever loved more than one person at the same time? Do I even need to mention Dawn?"

I briefly came out of my cold, robotic calm and glared at Adrienne, who visibly flinched. But I softened almost immediately. "Okay. Fair enough," I conceded. But my mind raced for a brief second. Adrienne had dolled herself up for a date last night, and then not come home. I'd assumed she was out with Grace. Who else, right? But what if that was just another manipulation? What if she WASN'T with Grace? And if not her ... then... "Just please tell me it's not another guy."

My girlfriend furrowed her eyebrows, looking at me like I'd grown a horn out of the center of my forehead. "What? No!" She exhaled. "It's Grace, obviously."

I sighed and thought back over the past few months. The signs were there, from the sheer amount of time Adrienne spent with her to the way they were all over each other at the club to the simple looks in Adrienne's eyes. I exhaled and nodded. "Obviously."

"I could never love another man." Adrienne winced. "Actually, I'm not even entirely sure how I feel about you."

That caused my eyebrows to rise and I looked at Adrienne with concern. "Wait, what?"

"Don't misunderstand," she said hurriedly. "I love you. I'll always love you. Forever and always, remember?"

"But..." I began. I was relaxing, hearing the ring of truth in Adrienne's words. But I was still confused by what was going on.

Adrienne exhaled slowly. "Please, Ben. I know I'm springing all this on you rather suddenly but I need you to understand right now. Please?"

No more was necessary. I knew Adrienne still loved me, at the least. And having her actually verbalize 'I need you' was all that I had to hear. I took a deep breath and nodded, squeezing Adrienne's hands. She visibly brightened at my touch, and a trace of a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"I've been doing a lot of thinking. This whole thing with Grace has really spun my head around." Adrienne waggled her head at the same time as if to emphasize how confused she had felt. "But I look back at my life and the way I've always approached people, and ... uh ... I..."

Adrienne was faltering and I squeezed her hands, giving her the most reassuring look I could.

She took a deep breath, then exhaled and stated, "I think I'm gay."

It was a good thing I already peed, because the shock that tore through me would have certainly made me wet my pants. "Excuse me?"

Adrienne nodded. "Well, not gay. I'm lesbian."


"I mean, it's not like I just woke up and decided this. I've been wondering for a long time and do you remember Will Adler?"

"The gay guy?"

"Well ... yeah. I spent some time with him and his friends and we had a lot of discussions about this sort of thing."

"And they convinced you that you're a lesbian?"

"I don't know!" Adrienne exclaimed, sounding exhausted. "At first, I thought I was just like my other friends: you know, into guys but enjoyed 'experimenting' with each other. 'Experimenting' turned into 'making each other feel good'. And once we all got comfortable having sex with each other, it just wasn't a big deal. We were pretty much bisexual in action but only dated guys. Candy, Mizu, Heather ... they play around with girls but they LOVE men."

"Don't you? Don't you love me? And if you do, how can you be lesbian?"

"Well ... maybe I'm mostly lesbian."

"How can you be 'mostly lesbian'?" I scoffed.

"Oh, come ON," Adrienne pouted. "Don't make this harder than it already is!"

I squeezed her hands and took a deep breath, burying my attitude and gesturing for her to continue.

"You read the Kinsey thing, right? How he's got that scale from zero to six where zero is totally straight and six is totally gay? Well ... maybe I'm ... like a five."

I arched an eyebrow.

"Think about it! I've ALWAYS been horny for every hot girl I come across. I've had sex with Candy more times than with any other human being, even more than you. And ever since we've been together, I haven't even been turned on by another male. Dayna's blindfold party? I was never even tempted to jump on one of those other guys."

"Because you knew I could see," I pointed out.

"Because none of those guys turned me on," she corrected emphatically.

I frowned. "But I do?"

"Because of WHO you are, Ben. I love you. And ... I mean, I like feeling the penetration. And you KNOW I love feeling you holding me down and fucking the shit out of me. But ... well ... if girls had dicks..." She didn't finish the sentence.

"You dated a lot of guys in High School."

Adrienne shrugged. "For popularity. I would have been considered WEIRD if I didn't."

"You went out of your way to seduce a lot of guys."

"For the power rush. I liked the control sex gave me over a guy. Sure, I had orgasms. I enjoyed myself physically. But none of those guys ever made me feel red hot inside the way Candy did, or even Heather did, just by looking at them."

I frowned, feeling green envy inside. "So who makes you hotter: me or Grace?"

"Ben! Please?" Adrienne looked hurt.

I stewed for a moment. She hadn't answered the question. Maybe it was an unfair question, though, and grimacing, I gruffly managed to say, "Well, what do you expect?"

"I expect you to be my boyfriend," Adrienne said indignantly. "Listen and help me. And don't be insecure about this, Ben. I LOVE you."

"But you'd rather fuck Grace than fuck me?" I shrugged helplessly.

Adrienne winced and looked down. "It's not that simple."

I exhaled slowly, striving to find that calmness again. I sagged against the backrest, bringing my hand up to pinch the bridge of my nose and rub my forehead. If the brain doesn't have a sense of touch, then why the hell did it physically HURT when it was overworked like this?

I tried to step back from the situation and look at it from a top view. Then taking a deep breath, I looked Adrienne in the eye and said, "So let me get this straight. You think you're 'mostly lesbian' because you've always been more attracted to girls than guys. Now you've fallen in love with Grace and what, you want to be her girlfriend?"

Adrienne nodded.

"But you don't want to break up with me because you still love me, too."

Adrienne nodded again and smiled, looking optimistic that I would understand.

Then a new light bulb went off in my head. "Wait. You didn't set me up with Paige on Valentine's Day for her; you set me up for YOU. You wanted to be with Grace instead of me!"

Adrienne winced. "Well, Paige really is in love with you," she hedged.

I shook my head, feeling the anger boiling in my veins. "So what?" I barked. "You thought you could just send me a replacement?"

Adrienne winced again, but nodded. "Uh, something like that."


Adrienne looked at me sadly, shrugging helplessly and on the verge of tears. "It's what I do."

I deflated like a balloon with a slow leak, feeling my anger venting out of me. Adrienne, my beautiful Adrienne, looked stricken and small. Her lip was quivering and her eyes were tight. Clearly, she was torn up inside by the conflicting emotions warring for control. The confident, self-assured young woman now seemed a scared, uncertain little girl.

I'd only seen Adrienne like this once before, back when I supposedly "broke" her by rejecting her in favor of Dawn. She was deathly afraid she'd just lost me, and I couldn't bear to stay upset with her.

Besides, she was right. This was what she did. Last year, when Adrienne was afraid to commit to dating me, she started our 'nottogether' relationship and tried to distract me with her other friends. Even after we were together, while she was depressed over her father's death she'd sent her girlfriends to fuck me, as if they could replace her in my bed.

Was I really so surprised by how she was reacting now? This was her way of stepping back from our relationship and keeping me ... occupied ... without actually losing me.

"Love isn't just about affection and time, Adrienne," I said quietly. "You've fallen in love with Grace. You want to spend more time and energy on her. I get that. But I'm not some classroom where you can just send a substitute teacher in your place."

"I just don't want you to feel lonely."

"Then don't leave me," I growled, immediately regretting it. I saw the guilt in Adrienne's eyes. She knew damn well this path was taking her away from me, and it crushed her inside to feel like she was caught choosing between me and Grace.

"Don't make me do this, Ben," Adrienne pleaded. She desperately wanted some solution where she could have the both of us.

So it was up to me. Rational logic told me I should make her choose. How could I possibly think of being with someone long-term if she wasn't even sure to choose me over someone else? Just on principle, I should make her decide which of us she wanted more.

But I didn't want to lose Adrienne. Maybe this was just a phase. Maybe she was just exploring this confusion in her sexuality by pursuing her first real "relationship" with another girl. I knew at least that Adrienne really did love me. And for that reason alone, I couldn't make any decisions that would break us up.

"Okay, we'll do it your way," I exhaled.

Adrienne visibly brightened. "Really?"

I exhaled. "If you chose her, I'd lose you."

"Ben, I would never choose her over you." Adrienne squeezed my hands. "Please believe that."

I nodded. Grace was the new and the passionate, but Adrienne and I had our history. I believed her. I HAD to believe her. "I won't keep you from her, though," I conceded. "I won't keep you from doing what makes you happy."

Adrienne gave me a tender smile and leaned back against the couch. This brought her face into a ray of morning light, which illuminated her brilliantly and cast her face and hair in a pure white glow. Exhausted, sans makeup, and wearing last night's clothes, she nevertheless looked as gorgeous as ever. "Thank you," she said in obvious relief.

I went quiet for a moment. Then taking a deep breath, I asked, "You really still love me?" I was just looking for my own reassurance.

"Forever and always," Adrienne stated emphatically.

"Okay," I nodded.

"And what about me?" a quiet voice asked from our bedroom. I turned my head to see Paige standing there, looking like a scared and uncertain little girl herself. As far as I could tell, she was wearing only the button-down shirt I'd worn on our date last night, the garment looking huge on her petite frame and hanging down to her knees.

These were too many things to deal with at once, and I didn't have the heart to hurt anyone. "You're really in love with me?" I asked the pretty redhead.

"More than I've ever felt in my life," Paige replied dreamily.

I nodded and held my arm out to her. Excitedly, Paige hustled into my embrace, hugging me fiercely. Adrienne would be dating both Grace and me. I would be dating both Adrienne and Paige.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

"Oh, hey guys."

I looked up from the dining table to see Dawn standing in the entryway, blinking in obvious surprise at the scene before her. I was dressed in my usual pajama pants and a T-shirt, a bowl of cereal before me. This looked completely ordinary and routine to Dawn. The shower was running in the hallway bathroom, Adrienne freshening up to start her day.

But right beside me was Paige, someone who didn't actually live here, dressed in nothing but my button-down shirt with a well-satisfied and well-fucked expression on her face, and her hair mussed up from sleeping in my bed. THAT part of the scene, Dawn wasn't quite expecting.

For her part, Paige got right to the point. "Yes, I spent the night with Ben. And yes, he popped my cherry. Any questions?"

Dawn's jaw just waggled up and down a couple of times with no sounds coming out. But to her credit, she recovered relatively quickly. "Uh, okay." She nodded and then focused on moving into the kitchen, opening up the refrigerator.

At first, Dawn grabbed the box of eggs. But with a shaky hand, she let go of it and seemed to decide she either didn't want eggs or still was in too much shock to actually cook something. So she grabbed the milk and set about making her own bowl of cereal. Paige and I just watched her in silence except for the sounds of corn flakes crunching in our mouths.

Dawn took two bites before she found her voice again. She sat up straight, darting her sparkling blue eyes back and forth between me and Paige before finally turning to me with a stern expression. Her eyes said, 'You and me need to talk.'

I blanched at first, but then nodded. She was my best friend. AND she was a girl. Of course she'd want details.

But in the meantime, Dawn turned her attention right to Paige with an impish grin on her face. "Did I ever tell you Ben took my virginity, too?"

"No. Really?" Paige was instantly perky and into gossip mode.

My eyebrows shot straight up. They were NOT seriously going to have this conversation, were they?

Dawn just smiled and nodded. "Back when we were sixteen. It was beautiful. How about you? How'd it go?"

"Perrrfect!" Paige exclaimed brightly. "It was even better than I imagined!"

At that point, I just got up and abandoned my bowl of cereal, shaking my head and walking out of the room. I did NOT want to be around while the two girls compared notes.

Paige spent the entire day with me, never taking off that dress shirt and making it plainly obvious to everyone around that she was my new fashion accessory. I wasn't actually sure what spent more physical contact with my body that day, my underwear or Paige. We sat together on the couch, with my little redhead either curled up against my side or literally sitting in my lap, her hands always around my arm or my shoulders. She'd never had a "morning after", this being the first time she'd ever slept in bed with a man; and from the way she was acting, I expected it was an experience she'd want to repeat over and over again. She acted like she never wanted to leave my arms for the rest of our lives.

Adrienne and Dawn sat on the other couch, Dawn chatting with me like her best friend and now chatting with Paige like she was my girlfriend, which I guess, technically, she was. And Adrienne seemed content to leave the overt physical affection to the petite redhead.

Brandi had spent the night at Matt's place. When she came home, she did a double-take at the four of us in the living room. Paige just smiled radiantly, infinitely proud of herself as she laid her head on my shoulder, hugged me fiercely, and flashed a confirming smile to my older sister.

Brandi just arched an eyebrow at me, smiled, and shook her head knowingly. Then she headed upstairs to change her clothes.

Dayna was a little more blatantly curious when she returned home as well. Rather than immediately go upstairs to change, the blonde bombshell sat down right beside us and asked for verbal confirmation that we'd hooked up. When Paige stated that she was my new girlfriend, Dayna promptly asked Adrienne, "And you?"

Adrienne smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm still his girlfriend, too."

"You lucky dog, you," Dayna grinned at me before looking at Dawn and jerking her thumb back to me. "How come you couldn't figure out how to pull this off?"

Dawn just blushed and looked down. "Dayna, don't go there," Dawn replied quietly.

"Fine, fine," Dayna shrugged before glancing back and forth between Dawn and Adrienne. "Does, uh, she know all the 'details'?"

I stiffened in mild nervousness. From the innuendo in Dayna's voice, she was asking if Paige knew I was occasionally fucking Dayna and Brandi as well. The Dayna part, I thought my newest girlfriend might understand. But I really had no idea how Paige's sense of morality would respond to the notion of me fucking my own sister.

Adrienne blushed and shook her head. "Uh, not yet, no."

"Are you going to tell her?" Dayna continued.

Well NOW it looked like I wouldn't have a choice. I glared at Dayna and sighed. "Yeah, when the time is right."

Paige quickly sensed there was an inside conversation going on around her. "Uh, Ben? Know all the details about what?"

"Later, later," I soothed, patting Paige's leg.

"Are you hiding something from your girlfriend already?" she pouted.

"Later," I emphasized. "There's a LOT we still need to talk about."

"Oh, poo."

Dayna just chuckled and then finally excused herself to head upstairs.

After them, Gwen and Robin arrived to hang out, both friends expressing quite a bit of surprise at the new nature of Paige's and my relationship. We all waited for Gwen's indignant comments, but they never came.

Robin even asked, "What? You're not going to complain about how Paige gets to nail him and you don't?"

Gwen just blushed and smiled at her friends. "I'm good. Rick was very romantic last night. Thanks for setting us up, Adrienne."

My girlfriend (uh, the blonde girlfriend) just smiled. "No problem. He seemed like a good guy, just not my type. I'm glad he's yours."

I darted my eyes to Adrienne, my eyes communicating my own little joke: 'Not your type? What, male?'

Adrienne apparently got the message and just rolled her eyes at me.

On the other hand, some of Dayna's and Brandi's friends were less affable about the new relationship. Angela Chan and Monique St. Claire stopped by to visit their friends. Angela just waved but Monique, as was her habit, came by to brush her hands against my cheek and make some flirty comment. Paige had been around plenty of times before when Monique had done it; but on this day she headed off the French babe by throwing her arms around me and growling, "Back off bitch. This one's mine now!"

Monique stopped dead in her tracks with a look of shock as she only now noticed that Paige had crawled into my lap. She slid her gaze across to Adrienne, who simply smiled and shrugged.

"Aww," Monique pouted, puffing up her bee-stung lips and folding her arms beneath her Double-D breasts. "I guess I'll just have to wait for Dayna's next party. Or should I just drop by unannounced with a blindfold?"

I blushed beet red, something Paige did not fail to notice. My new girlfriend turned to me with a questioning look. "Do I wanna know?"

"Later, later."

"Everything is 'later'!" Paige complained.

Monique just giggled at my predicament and gave me a knowing wink. Then she joined Angela in heading upstairs.

Paige waited all of three seconds once the older girls were both gone, sliding off my lap and looking at me sternly. "Oh my word, Ben!" she exclaimed. "Have you fucked her, TOO?"

My nervous wince apparently was answer enough.

"Ben! When? How? Exactly how many secrets have you been keeping from us?"

I paled and glanced around at my friends. With Ryan and Bert at their respective homes in the East Bay, it was just me and the five girls, three of whom had no idea some of the things that went on in this house. "Every man has his secrets, Red," I told Paige.

"If we're going to keep doing this, you're gonna have to let me in," Paige pouted. "I'm not actually jealous or anything; I KNOW you're a big flirt and I KNOW you've bedded a lot of girls before me. But is it too much to ask for a little honesty? After all, I AM one of your girlfriends now, aren't I?"

I sighed and looked at Adrienne. "Did you figure on this when you came up with your little plan?"

The stunning blonde blushed. "Not exactly." Then she glanced at Gwen and Robin, who were studying us intently. "But nothing ever stays a secret for very long anyways."

"Guys..." Gwen was the first to venture in a low voice. "What is she talking about?"

Dawn piped up. "I think that's our cue to go." She stood up, gesturing to Gwen and Robin. "Come on girls. Let's find lunch."

"But-" Gwen whined.

"I'll explain. I promise," Dawn said firmly.

"Dawnnn..." Adrienne intoned with a slight concern in her voice.

"Relax, A.D.," Dawn turned around. "I'll handle it."

Adrienne thought about it and then nodded in agreement. While she and Dawn had never quite become best friends or anything, she was still confident enough in Dawn to trust the girl would keep our secrets.

Then Dawn, Gwen, and Robin left. And that made it Adrienne's cue to leave as well. "I told Grace I'd meet up with her for lunch."

Paige smiled happily. Any time she would be left alone with me she would be happy. And Adrienne came around to give me a deep, nuclear kiss to remind me that she still loved me.

The kiss helped, but a knot still formed in my gut. "Are you coming home tonight?" I asked softly, unable to even look at Adrienne as I waited for her answer.

There was a long pause of silence ... too long. I felt my heartbeat speeding up and a magnetic tug telling me to look over at her while I forced myself to keep my eyes averted, lest the sight of Adrienne actually make me start to cry.

I didn't look at her. And after another few seconds, Adrienne replied just as softly, "I don't know."

And then Adrienne left. Paige squeezed tighter around my arm, rubbing her nose against my cheek. I exhaled and wrapped my arm tighter around the pretty redhead's waist, pondering my situation. Here I sat with a beautiful young woman I felt very close to, and who was madly in love with me...

... And yet I still felt a little lonely.

Fortunately, with time and Paige's enthusiasm, my sense of loneliness evaporated beneath an abundance of affection from my little redheaded fireball. The instant Adrienne left, Paige eagerly grabbed my hand and dragged me into my bedroom.

"Ooh! Ooh! Let's do it AGAIN!" the redhead cheered excitedly, already unbuttoning my dress shirt that she'd been wearing all day.

"Whoa! Whoa!" I waved her off, right about the same time my stomach rumbled quite loudly. Everyone else had left to get food, and as much as I loved sex, it was rather hard to perform on an empty stomach. And besides... "Paige, wait. We gotta talk about this. Last night was wonderful, really. But it was also really, really risky. Do you know that?"

Paige wrinkled her nose and frowned. She exhaled slowly, seeming to deflate at the same time. "You're talking about pregnancy, aren't you?"

"Exactly when was your last period?" I bit my lip nervously.

Paige puffed upwards, blowing one of her own bangs off her forehead as she sat down on my bed and folded her arms over her chest. She'd gotten the buttons undone halfway, revealing a tantalizing slice of bare skin down the middle; but I couldn't actually see any of her goodies. "Uh, thirteen days ago. Exactly."

"Are you pretty regular?"

Paige shrugged, sounding downbeat. She knew where I was going with this. "Yeah."

"So we're smack in the middle of your peak fertility."

"It's not like you came inside me."

I sighed. "Stuff leaks."

"But Bennn..." she whined like a little kid being denied her favorite toy. "We just got started."

"And we probably shouldn't have." I shook my head, nightmares of Allie Sanders sobbing flashing through my mind. I'd been really reckless last night. "We can't have unprotected sex anymore. Not during your fertile times."

"But you'll still fuck my ass?" Paige asked hopefully, looking so adorably innocent. It was both strange and deliciously naughty to see this very young-looking girl wearing a half-unbuttoned men's dress shirt, twisting in place with her hands clasped behind her back and asking me to fuck her ass.

I nodded with an amazed expression on my face. "Uh, yeah. I can handle that. You really can't use condoms?"

Paige shook her head in the negative.

"Diaphragm? Something else?"

"Nope and nope."

"Should I even bother asking about getting on the pill?"

Paige shook her head. "I'm Catholic." Her tone said: 'discussion over'.

I sighed. "Yeah, explain that. Aren't you not supposed to have premarital sex, either?"

Paige shrugged and flipped her hair back off her shoulders while hopping onto the edge of the bed. "It's complicated."

I exhaled and sat down beside her. "Tell me. Because if we're going to keep doing this, I need to know what else we ... can't ... do."

Paige nodded. And then she explained ... ish.

I'll never quite understand Catholic rules; or at the least, I'll never understand Paige's interpretation of them. As she put it, her virginity was irreparably lost when she experienced sexual pleasure for the first time, even though it was masturbation. So since she couldn't be married as a true "virgin", she decided she might as well enjoy the physical pleasure.

Even then, she said she wanted to protect her maidenhead as her pussy was her most sacred part of her body. She knew she would end up having vaginal intercourse sometime during college, but she wanted to save it for someone really special, and that turned out to be me. It started when I came to her rescue. And she firmly decided it over the next six months.

So she'd remained a virgin throughout High School. But that didn't mean she'd been as pure as the driven snow.

That part piqued my interest. "Yeah. You said you knew 'stuff'. And you certainly showed it last night."

Paige gave me a wry grin. "What? Disappointed that I'm not the naïve, innocent little virgin you were expecting?"

"Not disappointed. And you DID keep insisting that you knew 'stuff'. But I have to admit I'm very curious as to how."

"Why Ben? Are you asking about my sexual history? That's kinda private, isn't it? And you haven't exactly been forthcoming with me about your sexual past."

"Fine, fine," I waved her off. "I don't need to know."

She giggled. "But I think you should know. You're my boyfriend now, Ben. We're not supposed to keep secrets from each other."

I arched an eyebrow at her naiveté. "We've been together for less than 24-hours, Paige. Like it or not, we're not at the full disclosure-level of commitment just yet."

"But I want to tell you," she pouted. "I want you to know about me and understand me."

I shrugged. "I'm not going to stop you from telling me."

Paige shook her head vehemently. "Doesn't work like that."

"And you would know from what dating experience?" I arched an eyebrow and grinned.

The cute redhead just pouted again, this time looking seriously hurt. She didn't say anything. She didn't have to. Somehow ... some way ... Paige managed to ape the exact same look Brooke would give me when she wanted to get her way.

My heart melted. And all I could do was sigh and say, "Okay. We'll share. Let's go get lunch and we'll talk and get to know each other a little bit more intimately. Fair enough? You tell me what you want and ... well, I can't tell you everything. That wouldn't be fair to the girls I've been with and I have to respect them. But I'll be open about it. Fair enough?"

Paige didn't reply verbally. She just launched herself into my arms with a happy smile.

"Holy fucking hell..." I groaned, flopping onto my back, lest I crush Paige beneath my heavy weight. My body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and I was panting like a race horse. And my head flopped back as my spine turned to jello.

I hadn't held back. I didn't treat her delicately. I didn't need to. Ten hours ago, I'd thought Paige l was a too-young, inexperienced kid. I'd thought I would need to slowly introduce her into the world of carnal pleasure, lest I overwhelm her with all the new things she would be experiencing for the first time.

I didn't think that anymore.

It had taken all day to tell her story. First, we headed back to Paige's dorm so she could change into some fresh clothing and also pack an overnight bag. My new girlfriend made clear under no uncertain terms that she was spending the night with me again, whether Adrienne returned or not. We then picked up lunch and returned back to the house to continue our conversation. And what an eye- opening conversation it had been.

I'd planned for Paige and I to take our time sharing our histories. Over the course of our Freshman year, we'd already talked about our High School experiences and friends and whatnot. Those sorts of things had just come up in casual conversation. And I thought that my new girlfriend and I would slowly peel back the layers like an onion over the next several days or weeks or whatever as we became more and more intimate.

It didn't work that way. Paige sat me down and practically gave me her life's sexual history all at once. She'd started masturbating at twelve. That was when she realized she was sinning and tried to stop. She felt guilty all the time and she read scripture telling her that her virginity was "irreparably lost". At first, she tried to just repent and "become" a better person. But she couldn't help the way she felt and how horny she kept getting. So after a while, just accepted that she would never get her virginity back, and just decided to enjoy what she could. After all, if God made her feel this good, how could it really be bad?

At this point, I sighed and checked the clock, wondering how long Paige was going to ramble. So far, all of Paige's talk of "sinning" and "repenting" and "God" pretty much took any arousal completely OUT of my body.

She put all the arousal right back in with what came next.

Paige told me she'd had sex with someone else for the first time when she was fourteen. Obviously, I'd both seen and felt her hymen when I popped her, so I was curious as to what she meant. And she explained that she defined "sex" as anything sexual, from masturbation to petting and on. And her first time having sex was with her best friend, Vicky.

Well, picturing a 14-year-old Paige getting jiggy with another Catholic schoolgirl brought my attention firmly back to my new girlfriend's narrative. Paige and Vicky started by masturbating together, then masturbating each other, and eventually they were kissing while fondling each other's body. Most of the time, one or the other's parents were just downstairs while they did this, never suspecting a thing. After all, they were good Catholic girls. Paige and Vicky even got to oral sex after they turned fifteen before Vicky had to transfer to another school.

Meanwhile, Paige's body had been developing and she'd begun noticing how men and boys would look at her. Her school was not a boarding school, meaning she still returned home every day. And while she was careful never to actually let someone get near enough to touch her, she really got a thrill out of teasing and flirting whether at the market or around her neighborhood.

When she was sixteen, a young priest just out of the seminary had joined her school. Paige didn't go into details, but she fell madly in love with the handsome, older man. Bursting with hormones, she seduced him and convinced him that he was falling in love with her, too. She taught him how to eat her pussy. Neither of them had any experience with blowjobs, but they learned together. And in the heat of passion, Paige even wanted him to fuck her.

But the priest absolutely refused. His conscience was already frayed from what he was doing, and Paige thought that he was about to break things off with her completely. That's when she convinced him to fuck her ass.

"He assfucked me twice a week for almost six months," Paige said in a deep, husky voice, a stark contrast to her normal bubbly tone. "I would lube myself up before leaving the house, feeling the squishiness in my ass all day as I sat in my seat, only half-paying attention to the teacher while I daydreamed about the fucking I would get later on. As soon as I got to his office, I would bend over his desk and let him take my panties down to my knees before he seized my hips and roughly took me. And then I would spend the rest of the day feeling my panties being soaked by both his and my cum running out of my holes."

I just groaned and let my jaw hang open while Paige slid a hand inside her blouse to rub her own breast. Her eyes were glassy and unfocused as she was clearly lost in her memories.

But after another moment of silence, she flicked her eyes to mine, her irises burning with undisguised lust. "So you see, I may look like an innocent little girl; but inside I'm just a depraved, sinful slut," Paige breathed. "You won't have to be gentle with me, lover. Just take me, hold me down hard, and fuck the everlasting shit out of me! Okay?"

I nearly did.

Paige groaned into my mouth as I attacked it, plunging my tongue into her throat as I rolled on top of her. Her wrists were soon in my claws as I pinned her down and ground my erection against her mound. And she simply whimpered happily and bucked her hips up to get more stimulation against her crotch.

I almost ripped her clothes off, but something told me not to do it. After all, we weren't done with the story yet.

So slowly, holding Paige's body in my arms, I kissed her one final time on her nose before sagging back and saying, "You said you were only with the priest for like six months. What happened?"

Paige smiled devilishly and shook her head. "Nuh-uh. Your turn."

I just smiled and thought about where to start.

Paige never told me the name of the priest, so it only seemed fair that I held some names back as well. For example, I mentioned the older neighbor who'd taught me how to make love, but I didn't tell her Keira's name.

I didn't mind telling Paige about my first girlfriend Megan, or that I'd briefly dated Cassidy at the same time as well. Those stories gave Paige hope that we could make this two-girlfriend thing work. And my new second girlfriend found my history with Adrienne — from seduction to nottogether to roommates at college — to be absolutely fascinating. I didn't give away any of Adrienne's secrets, but Paige was clearly in awe of the roller coaster I'd been through. And along the way she bent over and slurped my cock into her mouth, bringing me to a single pleasant ejaculation which she swallowed down and then panted happily.

We got dinner then. I proved I wasn't completely useless in the kitchen by making spaghetti, although I was limited to boiling water for the noodles, browning ground beef, and using store-bought sauce. Matt and Brandi even joined us, my big sister ribbing me about ME cooking for HER just once.

It was Paige's turn after that. I'd been imagining some scandalous end to her affair with the priest, him being caught and excommunicated or something like that. It wasn't quite that drastic. The 22-year-old man DID leave the clergy, but it was because he couldn't cope with what he was doing and resigned for "personal reasons", not because they'd been caught.

Paige then seduced a neighborhood boy around her own age, manipulating him with her body at every turn for a few months until she bored of him. She wouldn't LET that boy fuck her pussy, but she still enjoyed regular assfucks and dreamed of finding her strong, handsome white knight.

In the meantime, she got her hands on a vibrator and used it on her own ass and clit to get herself off. She started sleeping with another girl from her school. And she still got her thrills out of teasing every man in sight. By the time she was graduating High School, she convinced her parents she needed to learn more about the real world and they let her go to Berkeley. And when she got here, she started hitting up every party she could find, which ultimately led her to me.

I thought we were done then, but Paige wanted me to explain about Dawn. And as winding my narrative was about Adrienne, I found myself at almost a complete loss on how to explain my relationship with my lifelong best friend. "It's... really complicated," I stated.

"The best relationships always are," Paige sighed dreamily.

So I started in the beginning, growing up side-by-side, quite literally. I spoke of sharing cribs and fighting over toys as toddlers (supposedly; I don't remember per se). I spoke of summer camp and sexual discovery. I spoke of our brief decision to become boyfriend/girlfriend just before our Senior year of High School; and of the decision soon after to let each other go.

I went quiet for a long time after that, contemplating the myriad twists and turns in my relationship with Dawn and how we'd eventually come to be the friends we were today.

Paige left me to my silence, but after a few minutes, she put her hand on top of mine and asked softly, "You still love her, don't you?"

I shrugged. "Of course. We'll love each other forever."

"No." Paige shook her head. "I mean, you still LOVE her."

I sighed, exhaling a long, long deep breath. "Like I said: It's complicated."

We both went silent for another a minute. And then my cute redheaded girlfriend simply rolled on top of me, kissing me firmly and drowning away my thoughts in a sea of affectionate bliss.

When Paige pulled away, my focus had already returned to her instead of Dawn. And then she got that impish twinkle in her eye again as she sat up, grabbed her bag, and said, "Stay right here. I'll be right back."

Almost ten hours ago, I'd thought Paige l was a too-young, inexperienced kid. My perception of her was colored by her petite size, youthful face, and happy-go- lucky demeanor. This was further reinforced by the simple fact that yes, Paige WAS inexperienced when it came to a lot of the innuendo and cultural attitudes we encountered on a daily basis around a melting pot like Berkeley. She'd simply grown up sheltered from the real world outside. In this sense, I'd been right.

Paige also didn't understand guys very well. She'd been segregated from them for the most part, going to an all-girl's school. She didn't interact with many of them around her neighborhood, not regularly at least, to the point where she said she'd never had a real male "friend" until Bert and me. She just didn't understand the mental makeup of a teenaged boy, other than that they were sexual creatures easily teased by her flirtations. And upon arrival at Berkeley, she'd promptly gone out on a reckless pursuit of "fun" without knowing what she was getting herself into. In retrospect, she was damn lucky she hadn't experienced more incidents like the one I'd rescued her from.

So I'd thought I would need to slowly introduce her into the world of carnal pleasure, lest I overwhelm her with all the new things she would be experiencing for the first time. In this sense, I'd been totally wrong. This innocent-looking schoolgirl had been an absolute hellion between the sheets for our only sexual encounter; and while she hadn't slept with many different people, she was no stranger to fucking.

So when Paige came back to my bedroom, I now saw her for the way she really was: innocent and sweet at first glance, but alluringly sexy beneath the surface. Her current outfit exemplified this perfectly, and I felt my heart thumping so hard it nearly burst from my chest.

Paige's dark auburn hair was up in twin pigtails. She'd re-dressed into her Catholic schoolgirl uniform, but the starched white blouse was unbuttoned halfway down her chest with the black tie undone, exposing a gaping expanse of creamy white flesh that proved she wasn't wearing a bra. The plaid skirt was pulled high, ending just below her crotch so that I could see plenty of silky thighs between where her knee-high white socks ended and the skirt's hem began. Black saddle shoes finished off the slutty schoolgirl attire, and then I brought my gaze back up to her pretty face, where she gave me such an intoxicating look of seduction that my breath was taken away.

Britney Spears: eat your heart out.

In that moment, I felt like a dirty old man, even though Paige was a month older than me. It was so wrong, so depraved.

So... sinful...

I pitied the poor priest, just out of seminary, who'd found himself like a deer in the headlights before a 16-year-old Paige's raw sexuality.

Her deep blue eyes were sparkling as she watched me staring at her. Her cute face was twisted into a sensual smile and her gaze dropped down to the tent forming in my jeans. And then staring at my crotch the entire time, she reached down to the hem of her skirt and lifted it up, exposing her pretty pink pussy to view, unblocked by any form of undergarments.

"I've been a naughty girl," Paige said in a girlishly cute voice. "I must be punished. Please, sir. Will you spank me?"

I must have blanked out then. It's not that I went unconscious or anything; it's just that my memory is a little hazy on exactly what happened next.

I remember the high pitch of Paige's squeal, loud enough and sharp enough to deafen my ears.

I remember the stinging pain in my own hand as I pulled it away from Paige's bare buttcheeks, reddened by my repeated slaps.

I remember the feel of Paige's heels digging into my naked ass as my cock lined up into position.

And I remember Paige's cry of delight as my pelvic bone slammed into her crotch, my dick buried seven-and-three-quarter inches inside her naked pussy. If I hadn't broken her maidenhead last night, I certainly would have today. No rationalizations would have stopped me. My rational mind was gone. Something primal had taken control deep inside me. And I no longer cared about the consequences.

I didn't care that there was no condom separating my dick from her fertile womb. I didn't care that she was thirteen days removed from her period. I didn't care that in less than five minutes I felt my balls swelling to the size of grapefruits as they slapped pendulously against this little girl's ass with every thrust, ready to burst.

I was capable of anything. I was capable of firing away into Paige's pussy and impregnating her, FUCK the consequences. I didn't care. I was THAT fucking turned on.

Fortunately for both of us, Paige still had a shred of control left.

She was in the middle of a very improper litany, screaming, "Oh God! Oh God! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" But at some point she must have noticed the wild look in my eyes as my hips sped up on the final countdown.

Even then, she wasn't totally against the idea. She mumbled right into my face in our appropriately-named missionary position. "Oh, Ben! I want it! I want to feel it! But you shouldn't! You shouldn't!"

At first, it looked like I would continue not to care. My hands roughly held Paige's shoulders, pinning her beneath me. There was no way she could prevent me from blasting away inside her unprotect womb. But as the tension built and I readied myself to fire away, a sliver of my mind woke up.

"FUUUUCKKK!!!" I roared in a cataclysmic mix of arousal, frustration, and ecstasy. At the last moment, I yanked myself out, knee-walked forward until I was straddling Paige's chest, and grabbed her face in my hands.

The smaller girl had no choice beneath the power in my hands. I pried her mouth open and jerked her face forward, cramming the first few inches of my dick in between her lips. And then I let fly.

"ARRRGHHH!!!" I yelled as the first volley burst forth, rapidly filling up Paige's mouth while she desperately tried to swallow. Then the second volley ... and the third ... and on and on.

She couldn't keep up, coughing somewhere around four or five as dribbles of creamy spunk leaked out around her lips and began running down her chin. She looked deliciously vulnerable, tears rolling out from her eyes and her mascara beginning to run while my jizz trickled out from the corner of her mouth. And STILL the animal inside me was not satisfied.

I had not removed a single article of Paige's clothing. She was still in uniform, although her blouse had been ripped open to expose her perky tits and her skirt was now more of a wide belt around her waist. And after dismounting her chest, I reached down to a long-sock covered leg, roughly flipping the petite schoolgirl over onto her belly and jerking her around by her black saddle shoes until she was face-down and pointed away from me. And then flipping up the back of her skirt and exposing her small, tiny ass to the open air, I grabbed the tube of KY jelly out of the nightstand, pressed the nozzle against Paige's asshole, and unceremoniously squeezed.

Paige moaned as she felt the cool lube squirting up her anal channel. She gasped for air, still recovering from the load of cum I'd blasted down her throat, but she managed to croak, "Take me, lover! Take my ass! Fuck it! Fuck me!"

I only paused to spread her legs to the sides before gripping her hips and lunging downward, skewering Paige's asshole in a powerful thrust with my still-hard cock. At first, her extreme tightness was almost painful on my over-sensitive dick, still recovering from recent orgasm. But I didn't care. I thrust through my own pain until I felt iron hardness returning into my rod, and then I rabbit-fucked her with wild abandon.

"Fuck me!" Paige screamed. "Sodomize me! I'm your slutty, sinful bitch! Fuck me! Fuck me! Use me! Take me and RAPE ME!"

Even though I'd cum just minutes before, it was all just too much to handle mentally. I reached forward and grabbed Paige's pigtails, holding onto them tightly as I ravaged her little body. I humped and thrust and powered my way through her tight asshole with a complete lack of control, drooling even onto the mattress beside her head. And then at last, my balls uncorked and I blasted her rectum full of cum for the second time since last night.

When I collapsed flat on top of her back, Paige was still grunting out her latest orgasm, trembling softly before pulling her hand up from her own crotch and delicately licking at her fingers. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned," she whimpered softly, her face turned away from me. "But it was sooo fucking good."

Only then did my conscious mind return to me. My eyes fluttered as I realized what I had just done, and how violently I'd done it. And I was filled with a kind of remorse over how I'd just used and abused her little body.

"Holy fucking hell..." I groaned, flopping onto my back, lest I crush Paige beneath my heavy weight. My body was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and I was panting like a race horse. And my head flopped back as my spine turned to jello.

Paige turned her head to face me, a wide smile on her face. She grinned and then said, "I am going to LOVE being your girlfriend!"

We took a shower together, and despite Paige's earlier optimism, she expressed some disappointment with me when I didn't seem up for another round of sex. "Aww ... Adrienne said you were always good for three ejaculations, usually more," Paige pouted.

I just panted and leaned my head into the shower spray. "I'm not sure I'm used to going at it quite that hard," I groaned. "Think of it this way, Red: You can say you're the first girl to completely wipe me out after only two orgasms."

Paige grinned widely, looking quite happy with that sentiment. "Well, only two for you. God, I lost track of how many times I came!"

Eventually, we ended up back in bed together. Above us, either Brandi or Dayna had been inspired by what they heard earlier, because Paige and I could hear some more fucking going on upstairs. But I really was wiped out and we simply spooned together, Paige seeming almost more thrilled by the cuddling than the sex.

"You know that last night was my very first night sleeping with a guy?" Paige had said happily. "I could get used to this part!"

I smiled and stroked her hair. But right then, I remembered who my normal bed partner was: Adrienne. And as I wondered where she was, a melancholic sense of loneliness returned to me.

I loved Adrienne. I was IN love with her. And she was supposedly still my girlfriend. So of course, I missed her presence. Last night had been the first time she hadn't slept with me, and facing a second night without her in my arms felt incredibly saddening. Things just didn't quite feel right.

Paige picked up on my radically changed mood. The petite redhead turned in my grasp and looked up at me. "Hey. What's wrong?"

I sighed, giving my new girlfriend a wan smile. "Nothing. It's okay," I said quietly.

"You miss Adrienne, don't you?" Paige said softly. I was amazed how perceptive she could be, and I wondered sometimes how much of her unaware innocence was real and how much was just part of her act.

I didn't answer right away. But I frowned and looked away, lost in my thoughts. And it turned out, I didn't have to answer. Two seconds later, the bedroom door opened, and there she was.

"Hi, Paige," Adrienne said warmly. And then the stunningly gorgeous blonde turned to look at me. Her voice was decidedly different, more intense, as she said, "Hi, Ben."

"Hi..." I said softly, feeling an upwelling in my heart. She was here. She'd come home. She'd come back to me.

Adrienne's hair was a little damp. She'd clearly showered elsewhere. But she said nothing and I didn't ask as she quickly changed into her pajamas and then came to the bed.

I rolled onto my back, holding open my right arm while cinching my left tighter around Paige. The petite redhead turned to pillow herself on my left shoulder and look across me at Adrienne as the statuesque blonde raised the covers and slid onto my other side. And once I had both beautiful girls in my arms, I lay my head back against the pillow.

NOW all was right in the world.

"So how does it work?" Dawn hooked her thumbs through the shoulder straps of her backpack. There was a suggestive wiggle in her eyebrows, barely visible beneath the brim of her Cal baseball cap. Dawn's sunny blonde hair was in a ponytail passing through the hole in the back of the cap, swishing cutely with every step to mirror the way her delicate, dangling earrings bounced along as well.

I sighed and shook my head, knowing exactly which subject we were talking about. It was a Monday and the first real time Dawn and I were alone, as we headed up to our first class together. "I don't know yet. This is all so new."

"You've dated two girls before. With ... ah ... Megan and Cassidy, right?"

I nodded. "But this is completely different."


"Different personalities. A whole different vibe. For one thing, dating Megan and Cassidy really felt like we were all a 'triple'. I mean, they weren't bisexual or anything; but Megan and Cassidy were best friends and the three of us went everywhere together."

"And Adrienne and Paige aren't friends?"

I shook my head. "Not like Megan and Cassidy. This isn't a triple. This is two completely separate dating relationships."

Dawn grinned. "But you still must have had some fun with the both of them in your bed at the same time."

I sighed forlornly. "Even that didn't happen."

"Really?" My best friend looked surprised. "I know Adrienne's wanted to seduce Paige for months. She just wouldn't because she knew you wouldn't approve — your whole Champion Defender of the innocent thing. What's wrong, Paige not into girls?"

I shook my head. "Exact opposite, this time. Saturday night the three of us spent the night together. When we woke up, Paige was all excited for a threesome. Said she hadn't fooled around with a girl since her Junior year in High School. But Adrienne was the one who left the bed."

"What?" Dawn looked shocked. "Are we sure we're talking about the same Adrienne? Turning down a cute redhead like that?"

I nodded. "She said she wanted to, but that she'd promised Grace she wouldn't. I'm the only one she's allowed to fuck without Grace being around. It's a part of their new, committed relationship."

Dawn whistled. "So Adrienne's really serious about this new girlfriend. She's even going monogamous; well, monogamous plus you. Dayna's going to be heartbroken."

I rolled my eyes. Dayna would survive. But sharing girls was such an integral part of mine and Adrienne's sex life, and I wasn't sure how this would change us. True, Adrienne promised we'd have more threesomes with the lissome Korean babe, but I thought her girl-monogamy might be awkward the next time both she and Paige wanted to spend the night with me.

"Speaking of monogamy," Dawn asked. "What's Paige think of your extra- curricular sex life?"

I shrugged. "We talked yesterday. Apparently Adrienne laid down the ground rules before sending her after me. Quote, 'Ben is not monogamous by nature', unquote. Paige already knew about me and Dayna. She knows about the occasional threesomes with Grace. And Adrienne told her she's going to have to accept that other opportunities will present themselves to me."

Dawn arched an eyebrow. "And Paige is cool with that?"

I nodded. "Surprisingly: yes. Paige was serious when she said she'd take whatever she could get from me and not try to hold me back. Hell, she just hopes I'd let her join in. That girl really, really wants to cut loose after eighteen years of Catholic restrictions."

Dawn shook her head wryly. "You're getting spoiled by these girls, Ben. They're making themselves very vulnerable before you."

"I know," I moaned. "I at least told Paige I would always be honest with her, never hiding things."

"Really? Nothing?" Dawn looked at me curiously. "What about Brandi?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "You'd never believe it."

"What?" Dawn's eyes popped open as she got the implication in my voice. Once again, we were on the same wavelength and she read me perfectly. "Paige already knew?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

I nodded in confirmation. "You be careful around her. That girl is a LOT more perceptive than she lets on. And she's spent enough time in the house to figure out a LOT of things."

"What did she say?"

"That's the amazing part." I shook my head, STILL in disbelief. "Paige said, and I quote: 'Father Abraham married his sister. And Lot fathered the Moabites and the Ammonites with his daughters.'"

"Huh?" Dawn looked at me like I'd just spoken Chinese.

I smiled and shook my head. "Nevermind. The point is: Paige is fine with me and Brandi."

Dawn whistled. "How do you find these girls, Ben?"

"I have no idea. They always seem to find me."

It was almost dinnertime when Dawn and I returned to the house. Usually at this time, Brandi or Dayna would be in the kitchen prepping dinner, various members of my freshman crew would be lounging around the living room, and Adrienne would be anxiously waiting to see me after a full day spent apart.

Not today.

The place seemed absolutely deserted. Ryan had a group project tonight and he would be heading straight home when it was done. Bert had made plans to "study" at Robin's dorm room. And Gwen had been spending more and more time with her new boyfriend Rick and his group of friends. And of course, Adrienne was probably with Grace.

I looked at Dawn and arched an eyebrow. Words weren't needed; she felt the same thing I did. "Weird, huh?"

My best friend nodded. "So much has changed since last semester. That's cool. I'll make us something for dinner."

With that, we headed to our respective bedrooms to drop off our bags, but when we got outside the doors, a low, feminine moan quite obviously wafted through my bedroom door.

Dawn and I froze, and then Dawn arched an eyebrow in surprise. "Did Adrienne bring Grace by again?"

I shook my head in the negative. I had already recognized the voice. "That was Paige."

Another moan flittered through. Dawn gasped and rolled her eyes. "And THAT was Dayna."

I didn't wait any longer before twisting the knob and slowly pushing my door open. A chorus of musical giggles started up and then both Dawn and I poked our heads in. My jaw dropped immediately.

"Hi, Ben!" Paige chirped happily. My cute redheaded girlfriend was completely naked and perched on all fours. Lying beside her was an equally naked Brandi, flat on her back and panting at the ceiling with Paige's left hand still rubbing her breast. And between Brandi's legs was Dayna while the naked, busty blonde slowly pumped a glass dildo in and out of my sister's snatch.

The three girls all turned to look at us and Paige continued, "Dayna's showing me how to eat pussy. I've done it before, but she's teaching me things I never even imagined!"

"Don't let her fool you," Dayna laughed. "Your little redhead is a natural."

I just blinked rapidly, scarcely believing what I was seeing. And then Paige sat upright on her knees, opening her arms to me invitingly. "Come play with us, Ben! The girls were just telling me about creampies. I've never done it before. And wouldn't it just be so... sinful ... for me to suck your semen out of your big sister?"

"But don't swallow it. Keep it in your mouth and then feed it back to me on your tongue. That's 'snowballing'," Brandi added in a husky voice.


I was already leaning forward to dive in, but Dawn's presence beside me stopped my forward momentum. I paused and turned to her, a hopeful smile on my face. "Come join us?"

But the beautiful blonde shook her head. "Nah. You go ahead, Ben. Your girls are waiting."

I blinked twice, rapidly. Ever since Dayna's blindfolded orgy, I'd never even seen Dawn naked, let alone had her be a part of the same group sex act. "C'mon ... It'll be fun. Aren't you the least bit curious about Paige?"

"Yeah! C'mon!" Paige encouraged eagerly.

Dawn flashed her crystal blue eyes at the petite redhead, momentary lust flashing across her eyes. We did think alike, and I knew she'd had a fantasy or two about nailing Paige in her schoolgirl outfit. But Dawn turned and hugged me, her lips finding the back of my neck as she pecked me tenderly. "Go have fun. I'll have dinner ready when you guys are done." And then she turned and headed into her own bedroom.

I felt a momentary twinge of disappointment, but then Dayna was beside me, closing the bedroom door and grabbing hold of my shirt. My eyes yo-yoed down to her impressive tits and I let the blonde bombshell drag me towards the bed. "C'mon, stud. We haven't fucked all of 2003 and I intend to make up for lost time."

Two days later, Dawn and I returned to the house and found Gwen, Robin, and Bert already in the living room, doing their homework. I went into my own bedroom as well, setting my backpack down next to the desk while reaching above it to the shelf that held my Intro to Finance textbook. That's when something from underneath the desk grabbed at my leg.

I'm sorry to say I yelped like a little girl, so surprised was I by the gripping force wrapped around my leg. It was like something out of a horror movie, and I half- expected to be dragged down into some supernatural underworld filled with monsters and demons.

But the hands grabbing me sat me down in the desk chair and started opening up my fly, and only then did I realize this wasn't some supernatural monster out to get me.

"Paige!" I hissed once the petite redhead giggled, giving away her identity.

She didn't answer except to yank my jeans down to my ankles and roll the desk chair forward while she opened her mouth and fed upon my still-limp (but growing) dick.

"What the hell?" I exclaimed, still in shock. Adrenaline raced through my veins.

Dawn was soon at the open bedroom door. "You okay, Ben? I thought I heard a squeal. Kinda girly if you ask me."

"Uh ... uh ... I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute," I stammered. And then Paige gave me a particularly good suck, forcing me to let out an uncontrollable groan.

Dawn stepped into the bedroom and arched an eyebrow. "You sure you're okay?"

I blinked and stuttered, my eyes wild. And then somehow Dawn figured it out. After all, we were both used to seeing Paige waiting for me in the house on a day like this. "Ahhh..." My best friend grinned, realization (ahem) dawning on her.

And then while my lower jaw quivered in mixed panic and pleasurable excitement, Dawn merely winked at me and backed into the hallway, pulling my door shut. "Have fun you two," she said.

"Thanks, Dawn!" Paige called from underneath my desk. And as the door clicked shut, my impish little pixie resumed her fantastic blowjob.

Next chapter