
21 Century Applause

DaoistTf37Ry · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

10 July, 2097

The global ever excitement went into its first year of sensational engagement. As media houses from all genre committed to the best use of their respective, persuasive creativity to explain to the sphere about how the fortuitous finding of a planet Vlawn happened, just unexpectedly, after almost century of scientific efforts, huge spendings as well as costly sacrifices on the course of search and exploration for any other corresponding life support planet which can accommodate extra humane cumbersome interests "Forget about red planet...We get a planet that can relieve this old and fragile terrene... Planet Vlawn is 99 percent fully life supporting apple in which you humans, can live on and sprout love, wisdom and intelligence" A robot news analyst named Roger Said to his subscribers, among whom was Kaamla, a 25 years old young woman, colored by race of a Dutch mother and an engineer father from Northern Nigerian city of Kano. She sighed gently, and then rubbed a tip of her nose. A sense of felicity appeared and added an adornment to her natural, gracing look . She leaned her back against the sofa chair she was sitting then closed her eyes as if she was attempting to get her self a relief from a longing euphoria. If she could fall asleep, even neurons in her brain will discharge favorably normal and be relieved from what may be a fair solution to nights of insomnia. She was so attached to what some few beings regarded as either potential waste of time or cheap use of dreamy calendar toward unpredictably circumstantial desire. She has already built an uncompromising interest with energy of purpose and prepared to achieve a set goals in the new world development, a surprise that has suddenly changed the way NASA and other space related exploration elite bodies projected the future of humanity on outer space, in the past. Her power of confidence has subdued any pulse of venomous doubt or sentimental feeling of failure, in her heart toward her ambition to have her wedding ceremony celebrated on new found planet. She wanted to become the first bride somewhere not on earth! And this was a cause of her vogue popularity within and even outside her locality. This set goal have generated a substantial questions and themes of conversation and discussions of all time among popular social scientists and critics. Who was Kaamla's husband to be, and why she loves him too much to the extend that she set to have the most ever unique marriage function of all time; Do Kaamla possess all means that could convey her willed desire to her dreamt destination? Majority or even most of her funs are not concerned to ask or have such answers as they believed that, her avidity was compatible in the scientific aspiration of her time. While more than 1000 entertainments and news related sites and organizations kept on following her actions and utterances, she was followed as well by substantial number of people across the planet, making her a competitor for 21 century applause.