
CH43 (104), Reaching The Coast For Real

During the weekend that I spent with my parents, three important events happened. The first, which had nothing to do with me, was that Cyan, my dad's Butterfree, finally reached the (mid) silver stage. Well, it was about time if you asked me. I mean the guy had been like that as far as I can remember.

Admittedly that has not been such a long time, less than 3 years actually, but I still thought it was about damn time Cyan improved. Anyway, it happened yesterday during the time father went out to train his Pokemon for a few hours.

We naturally congratulated Cyan as well as my father, and ordered Sushi for us, while my mother busted out some super deluxe honey for Cyan and Emerald from somewhere. Now the reason I mentioned the second event before the first was that except for me no one knew about the first one.

I had started more than a year ago to occasionally give the Pokemon of my parents some of the materials I had, as snacks or supplements, to help them slowly boost their potential. I saw no need to tell my parents about it since I did not want to explain where I got so many materials from.

Oh, they knew I occasionally gave their Pokemon some things I "found", but they did not know of the frequency I did and the quality of the items. Their Pokemon did not really care about where the stuff came from, so everyone was happy.

Anyway, as I said I had been feeding/supplying them for some time and on Kyoday it had borne fruit. Vibra's potential increased from green to deep green. Now, as long as my father managed to procure some really high-class triggers for her evolution, he could end up with a light blue potential Rhyperior.

The reason I was the only one that knew the potential increase happened, was that compared to stage increases that Pokemon could instinctively feel, just as they felt the readiness to breakthrough or evolve, they couldn't immediately/instinctively detect the increase in potential, as long as it was not a major increase from one color to another.

If she or dad were really attentive they might notice her having a slightly easier time gaining strength or increasing her mastery, but they would have to keep up their observation for some time so that happening was unlikely. The reason I didn't inform them was that they didn't know about her exact potential anyway, so I deemed it unnecessary.

I mean, green to deep green was still 4-star potential according to alliance standards, so meh. I hoped that some of the others like Cyan or Sunny would get a potential raise as well or they would start to fall behind the others. Cyan managed to buy himself some time with his stage increase, but if it went on like this my father would have to retire him no matter how unwilling he was.

The last one was less an event, but more of a decision I had made. Since I had practically arrived at the coast, which meant the next step was to just explore it, I decided to reserve Dialday to resume my personal training. I was going to use one half of the day to do my psychic training and the second half to do my aura training.

This left me with Arcday to Palkiday for my exploration of the coast. In case I got in the mood for some fights I would use Palkiday to visit one of the clubs. Well, except for these things the rest of the weekend consisted of just relaxing and spending time with my parents.

Anyway, I had just finished my call with Aaron and was about to leave Coast City for the real coast. As for Rose, I had called her before breakfast to get to her before she left for school, which automatically kept our talk shorter than usual. Neither had anything big to tell, so we simply talked about this and that.

As soon as I was out of the city I called out Xatu and Pidgey as well, so they could accompany me together with Nyx. So here I was leisurely walking the last few kilometers until the coast with some of my trusty Pokemon by my side, and just 40 minutes later we found ourselves on the edge of a cliff just looking down what had to be 90 to 100 meters to the water.

Considering the fact that he could see the road go slightly upwards when he looked in the direction he came from he could safely presume that the land inwards was even at a higher height above sea level. Since just walking in a straight line from Coast City towards the coast itself apparently led one towards a cliffy area, I had to walk along the cliff until I reached a beach area.

The question was in which direction I should walk, east or west? The eastern side was closer to the Route System and human settlements since that was the direction the majority of Kanto's cities were located at least from Coast City's perspective.

Not only that I knew that there was the harbor that belonged to Coast City in that direction as well, so I would have to walk quite a bit further eastward to leave its area of influence. At least if I wanted to explore a relatively untouched area.

The western side on the other hand had no such settlements or routes close by since this was the direction towards Johto Region. The route system was more than 500 km from the coast, excluding the part with Cyan City, so the farther I left Coast City behind the further I would be in the wild, well as wild as one could be in the human territory while outside the danger zones.

I ultimately decided to walk towards the west, to get away from others, so that I could freely go about my exploring. This way I could let out all of my Pokemon without anyone being able to see them.

However, before I went on my way I decided to see if I could get a glimpse of the island Cinnabar City was on since it was supposed to be right across this part of the coast, but as one would expect the about 400 km distance was too much for me to even make out a silhouette.

Despite knowing that my expectation was foolish I shook my head in slight disappointment before I started to jog at a comfortable pace towards the west. Pidgey flapped her wings to balance herself atop my head at the sudden increase in speed before she released an indignant cry at me.

I let out a short laugh before I apologized to her. She released a slight huff and took off into the sky instead of sitting back down. She joined Xatu who had been already flying along somewhere above me. I smiled at her behavior before looking to my side where Nyx was running alongside me easily keeping up.

It took us an hour to find our first genuine beach. The beach itself was surrounded by cliffs, but I could see multiple ways to safely get down to it if I wanted to. However, the area of the beach looked too small for my taste. Furthermore, we were still too close to my starting point, so we resumed jogging. It took us another two hours of jogging to find a beach I was satisfied with as my first exploration spot.

During that time we had seen two or three other shores, but they were either too small or too rocky for my taste. We also ignored any of the wild Pokemon we came across as long as they left us alone, which they did. That was mostly due to my awesomeness, but my multiple escorts may have had a role in it as well.

Since we finally found a place, I took out some drinks that I distributed to everyone since we had been jogging/flying for about 3 hours, and even if it had been a comfortable pace one did get really thirsty after keeping it up for such a long time.

Anyway, now that I had decided to set this beach as my first exploration point, I had to find a safe way down. The Cliffs around this place were not high as the ones at the beginning, but they still seemed about 60 meters, so still high enough to isolate the beach from the inland.

So, while everyone was drinking I decided to survey the whole cliff along the beach to get an idea of the size of the beach itself and to see if as well as how many ways down there were. Once our thirst was quenched I started to walk along the cliff edge to check out its side.

While I was walking along the cliff checking to see if there were any safe ways down I also observed the beach, which was one of the main reasons I even bothered to look for any safe routes instead of making my way down by cheating.

The whole check-up took me nearly an hour and ended with me finding no safe or easy way down. Nonetheless, I now at least had an idea of the beach's size. It was a bit more than 5 km long and from my estimate seemed to be on average 500-600 meters wide.

This meant the whole beach part of the place was somewhere between 2.5 to 3 sqkm big, not included in this were any caves that might be in the side of the cliff. Now that I had checked along the whole cliff and found no safe or easy way to get down it was time to get down using the alternatives.

At least this meant that it would take others some effort to get down as long as no flying or psychic Pokemon were involved, or a rock types since those might be able to manipulate the cliff to make a way down, or....you know what at least there would be effort involved, which most would not bother with.

Anyway, I could use my aura to climb down the cliff or use my telekinesis to float down, but I decided to just have Xatu Teleport me and Nyx down. Pidgey just flew down and gave me a smug look. Ignoring her antics I released all my Pokemon except for the Magikarp.

They all started to check out the new environment except for Mothra, who flew towards me and hugged me.

"Yeah, I missed you as well." I hugged her back, before addressing everyone since they had settled down a bit.

"As you guys and gals can see we have reached the coast and I have chosen this beach as our first exploration point. While we are here you guys can stay out as long as you want, there is no need to stay inside the space or your balls." I told them while letting my gaze roam between all of them.

I noted that they all seemed interested for now, but I still decide to add the other option as well.

"Those of you that decide that they would prefer to stay inside the space just need to ask and I'll let them inside. You don't need to stay out if you don't want, as long as it is not for training purposes."

They all nodded and released excited cries.

"Alright, you can start roaming the area if you want but try not to stray too far from the rest of us." I added and everyone gave an affirmative cry before they started either chattering with each other or leisurely walking around.

I allowed everyone to do whatever they wanted for 20 minutes before I called them over. It was time for lunch, so I took out something to eat for everyone. I decided to start checking the area after lunch, but for now, it was time to enjoy the food.


***A Big Thank You to Sakuya for becoming a Patron***

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Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 2/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Sakuya for becoming a Patron***

Those that want access up to 5 advance chapters can find them on my patre*on. Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on.

If my first patre*on goal is reached the weekly release rate will be increased to 6 and 2 Bonus chapters will be released.


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