
The Golden Trio

This morning I'd finally get to meet the famous Octavia, the woman who captured the heart of one of the best scouts in all of Trikru. Not only that, but Indra must have seen something within the girl to offer her the chance to be Indra's second. I've heard nothing but good things about her from John. Now that I've opened his eyes to much better things, he has let go of a lot of personal hate, which in turn has made him a much more mature individual. He begrudgingly admitted that Octavia was someone who cares for others over herself. That personality trait is truly rare and whoever has it usually turns out to be a good person in the end.

Standing on the right side of Heda and John on the left, we were waiting in the throne room for the arrival of Lincoln, Indra, and Octavia. John was a little nervous, even though he wouldn't admit it. He was worried that Octavia would hold a grudge because he had tried to kill one of her dying friends or something. Not an unreasonable reason to hold a grudge, after all if someone tried to kill Lexa when she was dying I would probably be quite murderous. Regardless, if there was even the smallest inclination of hope of her surviving, I'd do everything in my power to help.

About ten minutes into our statue roleplay, a guard announces to Lexa that the group we have been waiting for is outside the throne room. Not having them wait any longer than they've already had, Lexa orders the guards to let them in. Hearing Lexa's order, John and I both stand straighter than we already were for professionality. John has taken to his role rather well. Whenever we were traveling with the Heda, his eyes would constantly scan for any threats. Now that he was given direction, as soon as he hit the ground, he hit the ground running. It actually surprised me how seriously he took the role as one of Heda's guards. His attire for such a role tended to consist of a more lighter leather armor and a lower face bone mask, though he decided to forgo it today, wanting Octavia to know he was still around and kicking.

The doors to the throne opened and the entourage came in with Indra in front. I recognized Lincoln, but not the young woman that was with them. I figured that she must have been Octavia, how she had been able to ensnare Lincoln's attention wasn't all that hard to figure out. She was indeed a very attractive young woman. The group stopped about fifteen feet from Lexa's throne before Indra decided to speak.

"My Heda." Indra greeted with formality, bowing her head slightly in respect. The rest of the trio did the same which led me to believe that either Lincoln or Indra had explained to Octavia how to act during this meeting. Considering she was struggling pretty hard to wipe the glare she was currently throwing John off of her face, she knew how important this meeting was. First impressions are very important after all.

"Indra." Heda replied respectfully, bowing her head in return. Noticing Octavia's terribly concealed glare, she turns her attention from Indra, to her.

"Do you have an issue with my guard, skygirl?" Lexa asked rhetorically, already aware of the history between John and Octavia. She wanted to know what type of person Octavia was and this was a good opportunity to find out.

"I do, actually." Octavia says through gritted teeth, not even looking away from John.

At Octavia's words the room seemed almost silent. Indra herself looked ready to punch Octavia for speaking in such a way to The Heda. John seemed almost resigned at this point, he has matured since he was back at camp and often would seek me out for advice on how to deal with past mistakes. Lexa looked at Octavia in satisfaction with a smirk on her lips.

"Oh?" Looking towards John on her left with that smirk still there. "Is there anything you'd like to say, John?" Lexa asks curiously.

Now that everyone's attention was on him, John seemed to find the strength needed for what he had to say. Meeting Octavia's glare with a determined and apologetic gaze, he apologized.

"I am sorry." Not expecting that, Octavia's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"What?" She asked confused. John apologizing wasn't something that she could really comprehend. Back at camp, he seemed like a complete jackass and didn't care what anyone thought or felt. The apologetic expression that he held at the moment wasn't something that she had ever seen on his face before.

"I… apologize for my actions back at camp. I was a cruel bully for no reason, and in many cases, simply a dick head. I'm especially sorry for trying to kill Jasper. He didn't deserve what happened to him and I shouldn't have tried to kill him when there was still a chance to save him." John apologizes sincerely, his eyes holding nothing but raw honesty.

His words caused Octavia's brain to reboot for a second. He actually apologized to her? Hearing the honesty in his words as well as on his face, she knew that John wouldn't hesitate to apologize to Jasper if he was here with her. Speaking of her friend, she was just glad that she was able to get a message to Finn about the approaching attack. She had abandoned the group but she couldn't let her friends and more importantly her brother die without the chance to defend themselves. She may have switched sides but there were many innocent people at the camp, they at least deserved that much.

After a long moment of silence following John's apology, Octavia squared her shoulders. For a second, it almost looked like she was going to flat out refuse his apology and then draw her sword, but she didn't.

"I forgive you." She said after a while, her glare softened. John looked completely relieved. "But don't think for one second that we are suddenly friends, you got to work for it Murphy." Octavia added with a smile and a teasing glint in her eye.

The young man forms his own smile and I could literally see the weight leave his shoulders. "You got it, Blake." He says with determination and an equal teasing glint.

I was happy for John, I knew that he was feeling quite guilty over a lot of his past actions. He had many regrets and while he couldn't change them, he could try to at least make them right. Looking at Lexa, I could see that she was happy as well. Not for John of course, but she was happy because she found out all she needed to know about Octavia. Octavia was a kind hearted person and wasn't above forgiving people. It takes a strong person to hate someone forever, but it takes an even stronger person to forgive.

"While that was quite moving, I hope to actually get to business today." Lexa speaks out with her Heda mask in place.

Finding out what type of person Octavia was, was only one of the reasons that Lexa had called them here after all. While she was an ally and currently being trained to be a warrior under Indra, she was still a valuable source of information that we haven't really tapped into yet. At Lexa's words everyone seemed to snap their attention to her.

"I am sorry for my second outburst, my Heda." Indra says quickly, looking back at Octavia with a look that says 'We will discuss this later.' Raising her hand to stop Indra from saying anything more, Lexa eases her concerns.

"There is no need, Indra, all is forgiven." She says calmly, hiding her smirk from everyone present but me. I rolled my eyes at her joke, puns are terrible.

"Tell me about your two leaders, Clarke and Bellamy. I understand that Bellamy is your brother so you must know quite a bit about him." Lexa all but orders. Octavia practically shrinks under Heda's intense gaze. She knew she needed to be truthful, she didn't want to think about what the Heda would do to her if she lied to face. It would be utter disrespect and that's not even adding into the equation of what Indra would do to her for thinking that Heda would be dumb enough to fall for such lies.

If you read read as read and not read, you have to re-read read as read so you can read read correctly.

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