
part 3

As they approached the small town, they could see a faint glow of light in the distance. It seemed to be coming from the center of town. As they drew closer, they saw that it was a large bonfire, surrounded by people dancing and singing.

The group cautiously made their way towards the fire, trying to blend in with the crowd. As they approached, they could see that the townspeople were dressed in strange clothes and wearing animal masks. Some of them had painted their faces with symbols and wore amulets around their necks.

As they looked around, they noticed that there were some people who seemed to be controlling the others. They wore more elaborate masks and carried scepters adorned with precious gems. These people looked powerful and dangerous, and the group realized that they had stumbled upon something sinister.

Suddenly, one of the masked figures noticed them and approached. "Who are you?" he demanded, his eyes flashing with anger. The group tried to come up with a plausible story, but their nerves were too frayed.

Just as it seemed like they were about to be caught, a loud explosion shook the ground. The townspeople looked around in confusion, and the group took that moment to make a run for it. They sprinted towards the edge of the town, hurrying as fast as they could.

As they left the town behind, they looked back to see a strange figure standing in the center of the bonfire, surrounded by flames. It seemed to be watching them as they fled, and they knew that they had to get as far away as possible before it was too late.