
Negative emotions

"Curtis, why would you let her go???!!" asked Maddie in anger as she looked at Curtis and Matt walked to the door as he undid what Annie had done to the door and he looked at Curtis, he too was angry that Curtis would let Annie go.

"Because she needs to calm down, the way she is now, she would end up hurting us all and herself as well" said Curtis as he seemed to be thinking.

"That makes no sense Curtis, she is a danger to herself, seriously, the worst thing that we can do is let her go when she is angry like that!" said Maddie as sometimes she wondered if Curtis used that brain of his to think, they didn't even know where Annie had stormed off to in that angry phase of hers.

"Wait Maddie, take a deep breath and calm down" said Matt as Maddie looked at him as if he was crazy.

"Curtis, you saw something, what is it?" asked Matt as he looked at Curtis who seemed to be thinking, he knew that Curtis would not do anything that wasn't logical in this sense.

"Did you notice what happened when Annie used her powers to melt down the door?" asked Curtis as he looked at Matt and Maddie as they both shook their heads.

"What happened??" asked Maddie.

"Her eyes… they switched from green to purple" said Curtis.

"I didn't see that Curtis" said Maddie.

"It would be hard to see, it only happened for a split second, but I was able to catch a glimpse of it" said Curtis.

"Well what does that have to do with anything?" asked Maddie as she did not get it.

"It has a lot to do with everything Maddie" said Curtis.

"Do you remember back on Caligo, when Annie first got her powers?" asked Curtis as Maddie nodded.

"What colour were her eyes?" asked Curtis.

"Purple" said Maddie and Matt at the same time.

"Exactly, purple, and why was that?" asked Curtis.

"Because of her powers" said Maddie.

"Now it makes sense why I couldn't feel a change" said Curtis.

"You mean to say that it's Annie's powers that are causing this sudden negative change in her?" asked Matt as Curtis looked at him.

"Exactly, that's what's going on, I could sense that something was off when firstly, Annie's powers were acting weirdly, giving her headaches, making her feel bad, and then it all suddenly stopped, everything seemed normal for a while, but the mistake we made was to think that was just it" said Curtis.

"Curtis, simplify please, because you are going in circles" said Maddie.

"Annie's powers are based on her emotions most times, always has, always will be, now tell me what are very strong emotions?" asked Curtis.

"Anger" said Maddie.

"Bitterness" said Matt.

"And much more, Annie was filled with anger when she came out of her trance on Caligo, and she was so into that singular emotion that it took us a while to calm her down" said Curtis.

"Mhmm, go on" said Maddie.

"Annie's powers are unstable, it wants to be wild and free, It doesn't want to be contained, so it's trying to bring Annie to it's side" said Curtis.

"Still makes no sense, speak like someone normal Curtis" said Maddie as Curtis sighed.

"Annie's powers are alive just like anyone else's, Annie has been feeling very strong negative emotions, which her magic is feeding off" said Curtis.

"She is allowing her negative emotions take over her, she's allowing negative thoughts, and when we are trying to reach out to her, she can't hear us, she thinks that we are just trying to hold her back" said Curtis.

"I feel like something else is behind this, but I am not sure what" said Curtis.

"Well then in that case, we have to snap her out of it so the normal Annie will come back to us" said Maddie.

"No, no, not so fast Maddie, if we try to speak to Annie right now, she will only see it as us being unfair and interfering in her life, and for that reason, we need to leave her alone to calm down first" said Curtis.

"Seriously??" asked Maddie in disbelief.

"Seriously" said Curtis as he nodded his head.

"This is unbelievable Curtis, what if she does something to herself, or worse she destroys more things while she's alone??" asked Maddie.

"She needs to be alone for now Maddie, leave it at that, I know Annie won't do anything like that" said Curtis.

"Matt, come on this Is not a good idea" said Maddie as she looked at Matt.

"Maddie, let's listen to Curtis, he is right, we should leave Annie alone for now" said Matt as Maddie sighed.

"Fine" said Maddie as she sighed.

"Who do they all think that are??!" asked Annie to herself as she frowned and she walked out the Palace to the garden.

"*Ugh*, they are all so unfair, all trying to control me!" said Annie to herself as she groaned, she was angry, so annoyed.

Annie paced up and down and she knew that she needed to calm down, she couldn't think right now, she was so annoyed, so very annoyed and angry, she thought that they were all her friends, but they were all trying to control her, they did not understand her at all.

Annie walked into the gardening shed as she took a deep breath and she took a deep breath as she just stood there.

"You know, you are the one being annoying right now" came a voice in Annie's head as she looked around.

"Magic??" asked Annie in confusion as she looked around, that was the voice of her magic, she knew it.

"The one and only" came her magic's voice as she giggled.

"Oh how great, now you show up, tell me whose side are you on mine or theirs?" asked Annie as the giggle came again.

"Oh you are so stubborn" said the magic as she suddenly appeared in front of Annie.

"You are here?" asked Annie.

"Of course I am, anyway, you are being stubborn and unfair, why are you allowing negative emotions take over you, this is unlike you" said magic.

"You need to be like me, all bubbly and everything" came magic as she giggled and Annie sighed.

"But you don't understand me, no one does" said Annie.

"Oh that's just what you think, if anything, you are the one that's not being understandable" said magic.

"How do you mean?" asked Annie.

"Look at that mirror, who do you see?" asked Magic as she moved aside and Annie looked at her reflection in a mirror hung on the wall.

"Myself" said Annie.

"Exactly, yourself, you, Annie Amara Grey" said magic.

"You are the nice, kind, sweet girl" said magic.

"But this didn't get me anywhere Azazel is still out there" said Annie.

"Stop thinking about Azazel Annie, you don't have to carry the whole world on your shoulders, stop thinking too much" said magic.

"Reflect on how you've treated everyone who cares about you over the past few days" said magic.

"You have been unfair to them, they only care about you, they wanted to snap you out of your anger, your frustration, and they worry about you" said magic.

"But I…" said Annie as she was cut off.

"Stop listening to all those negative voices in your ears, shun the voices in your mind, clear everything and just think" said Magic as Annie took a deep breath.

"That's it, forget everything all the pain, the anger, and remember the good things" said magic.

"You are alive for one, you got me back, you have friends and family who care for you, there is more good than bad Annie, more good than bad, remember that" said Magic as she suddenly disappeared.

Annie looked at her reflection as she suddenly felt very bad, so bad, she walked out of the gardening shed as she looked up and she floated herself to sit down on the ledge as she held her knees tightly and she looked up at the sky.

She thought about everything that her magic had said, everything, and she knew that her magic was right, she was the one at fault here, she was the on who needed to change, who needed to stop pushing everyone away, because it wasn't worth it.

"That's it, she's been alone for long enough, I am going to find her" said Maddie as she stood up and she walked out of the library, if Curtis and Matt did not care about Annie, well she did, and she would go find her before something bad happened to her.

"Maddie" called Matt as Maddie ignored him with a scoff, if he was going to listen to Curtis, she wouldn't, this was already enough.

"Leave her, come on let's follow her just in case she overreacts" said Curtis as Matt nodded and they both stood up as they walked out of the library and followed after Maddie.

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