
I'm sorry

Annie sighed as she looked up into the dark night sky, there were only a few stars out, and it was cold out here.

She just felt like she needed to be here alone, to clear her head, everything that had happened lately just made her feel so overwhelmed.

She had allowed herself to feel too overwhelmed, and in the process she had forgotten who she was, and she also forgot who her friends were, and just how much they all cared about her.

Maddie was looking for Annie everywhere, and she couldn't find her, she thought that it would be horrible if Annie had went outside in the dark, but she sighed a sigh of relief when she looked out the palace window and she saw Annie sitting down on the ledge as she was relieved that she was still here.

"I don't care what you say about letting her be alone, alone my foot, do you know just how much negative emotions grow when you are alone, blah, blah, Curtis doesn't know what he's talking about" said Maddie under her breath as she walked up the stairs to the opening of the roof and she walked slowly down a pair of small steps to the ledge that Annie was sitting on.

"Can I sit here with you?" asked Maddie in a soft tone as Annie turned to the right to look at her and she nodded.

"You can" said Annie as Maddie smiled and she walked to sit down beside Annie on the ledge as she looked down, that looked like a long way down if they were to accidentally fall from here, but then again, they had magic, so no worry.

"You know that if we accidentally fall from here it would be a fatal fall right?" asked Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed.

"Yeah…" said Annie.

"I found them" said Matt as he looked out the window and he saw Annie and Maddie both sitting down on the ledge as he walked up the stairs and Curtis followed after him.

"Maddie I…" said Annie as she took a pause and Maddie looked at her.

"What's wrong Annie? Tell me what's wrong? Seriously let it out, it will do you no good keeping it all inside" said Maddie.

"Maddie, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me" said Annie.

"I realize now that I've been such a jerk for the past few days, I acted to horribly towards you, and Matt, and everyone else who didn't deserve it" said Annie.

"I just feel so terrible right now, I was such a horrible person" said Annie as she felt like crying and Curtis stopped Matt from going down, he wanted Maddie and Annie to both speak first.

"Oh Annie, you don't need to feel like that, it's only normal, it happens to the best of us" said Maddie as she smiled, she was happy, now this was the Annie that they all knew and loved.

"I don't know why I just let everything overwhelm me, as if I'm carrying everyone and everything on my shoulders, you and Matt were right, it's not like me at all, I don't know what happened to me" said Annie as it made no sense to her how she could have been acting the way that she had been, but once she looked at her reflection in that mirror, she could not explain it, but she felt like she saw everything that she had been doing, like her eyes had been opened.

"Annie, you don't need to feel like that at all, you know that I got your back" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed as tears fell down from her eyes.

"But it isn't funny, I was so horrible to you and Matt, and everyone, I am so sorry" said Annie.

"Oh Annie, we don't blame you at all" said Maddie as she hugged Annie and Annie hugged her.

"Please forgive me Maddie for being a jerk" said Annie as she hugged Maddie.

"Oh I wasn't angry with you Annie, not at all, I knew that you weren't yourself, you don't need any forgiveness" said Maddie as Annie broke their hug.

"But I almost broke our friendship" said Annie as she sniffed.

"If you think that after everything we have been though together that a little meaningless fight like this would ruin our friendship, then you have another thing coming" said Maddie as Annie laughed and she wiped her tears.

"We've been through worse things Annie, and our friendship can never break" said Maddie as she was relieved to have her best friend back.

"In fact, you can't get rid of me anymore, I am going to tie our shirts together, we are going to be stuck together with glue, because you aren't going anywhere, and I'm not going anywhere, you know, we are the only girls in this team, and we need to stick together right?" asked Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed.

"Right" she said as she nodded her head.

"Thanks Maddie" said Annie as she smiled.

"You know I have your back Annie, I always do, no matter what" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie saw Matt walking down from the stairs as she stood up and she hugged him.

"Matt, I'm so sorry for everything that I said to you, and the way that I behaved, I am so sorry, please forgive me Matt, I didn't mean it, I'm sorry" said Annie in a small still voice as Matt hugged her.

"It's fine Annie, I know that you didn't mean it, it's not your fault" said Matt as he smiled and Annie sniffed, he was so glad and relieved that she was back to being her soft self, and not that serious, cold Annie.

"Thanks Matt, really, I don't know what I would do without you guys" said Annie as she smiled and she stopped hugging Matt.

"Curtis" said Annie in a small voice as she looked at Curtis who sighed and he stretched out his hands for a hug as Annie hugged him and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Curtis, I don't know what came over me, I should have never spoken to you, or my parents, or anyone else for that matter the way I did" said Annie as Curtis patted her on the back.

"It's fine Annie, it wasn't your fault" said Curtis.

"It wasn't?" asked Annie in surprise.

"Yes, it was just your magic taking advantage of your stressed state, but I know that everything is fine now, you saw her didn't you?" asked Curtis as Annie looked at him and she nodded.

"Everything is fine, at least now you know to be aware when you feel something strange" said Curtis as Annie nodded.

"Oh my, I need to apologize to my parents as well" said Annie.

"Oh you really have to, your dad was distraught, and so was your mom, we thought that you were switched by an alien or something" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed.

"I can imagine, I raised my voice at him for the first time in my life, oh I feel so horrible right now" said Annie.

"Don't be, I am sure that he will understand, after all, we all know how weird things can get, we know by now that nothing is ordinary" said Matt.

"That you are right about" said Maddie.

"Thanks you guys, for always worrying about me, and not giving up on me" Annie as she smiled.

"You know that we will never give up on you Annie, never" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I know, and I appreciate it" said Annie as she smiled.

"You know that this team will never be disbanded" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Which team?" asked Curtis.

"This team of course, you, me, Annie, Matt, and even that blondie" said Maddie.

"Oh so you consider him a part of the team now?" asked Matt as he laughed.

"If you tell him, I will shut you up" said Maddie as Matt laughed and Annie laughed as well.

"Come on, let's go inside now, it's cold out here" said Annie as she shivered.

"Yes, yes, come on let's go inside, I wonder if your mom will make us some nice warm hot chocolate" said Maddie as they walked up the stairs and Annie laughed.

"You only love my mom because of food" said Annie as she laughed.

"No, no, correction, I like her because, she's nice sweet, and her food is amazing, consider all factors Annie" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Of course, of course" said Annie as she laughed and she shook her head as Matt laughed and Curtis was just glad that he no longer had to eat like before, he still didn't get why mortals loved food so much, especially Maddie, she was a foodie.

"You know it" said Maddie as she laughed, feeling glad that Annie was okay.

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