
Star - Joy From The Queen




 "Did you say child?" The Queen was smiling giddily at Artem's words. "I am very certain that I heard you say the word child, Artemis. Is that right?" The Queen seemed very eager to have Artem repeat what he had said. I couldn't help it, I laughed softly.

"Yes, he did." I was having trouble controlling the giggles now but I was managing to speak nonetheless. "Artem and I found out just recently that I am pregnant."

The Queen jumped to her feet and smiled brightly. Actually she didn't quite jump to her feet. I don't know exactly what to call what she was doing. It looked as though she was jumping up and down with joy but she was actually moving higher and higher with every little jump. If she didn't stop soon I was afraid that she was going to hit the ceiling.

"I am so happy for you both. A lovely little baby. This is the most delightful thing I can possibly think of. Children bring such joy to the world. Yay, a baby! Yay! Yay! Yay!"

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