
Star - Meeting Acacia’s Family




  As we all stared at that adorable little baby made out of yellow light there was a loud chiming sound that filled the room. It sounded like a dozen wind chimes blowing in the wind all at once.

  "Oh pixie dust." The Queen spoke as if she were frustrated and nearly swearing. The words though made me want to laugh.

  "Pixie dust?" I asked her with a giggle.

  "I was just being silly and slightly rude. It's like a human saying fiddlesticks or something like that." She pulled her hand away from me and the magical baby disappeared instantly. "I am afraid that I have an important meeting with the nobles that I can not miss. I need to call this lunch to an end. I will, however, be seeing you again later. You both will be my guests for dinner tonight. Don't worry, it's not a major dinner with everyone, just us again and maybe a few other family members."

  "Auntie Glory, please don't invite the whole family." Acacia nearly shouted.

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