

**Most liked comment - Forgive her and let it go**


I glanced at Calix. He was looking at me but didn't say anything. I guess he didn't want to interfere at all even though this was about his mother.

That's really big of him

I sighed and looked at Mrs Bright.

"It's alright," I said, "I'll let it go."

"Really?" Calix and Mrs Bright both were surprised at how easily I let it go.

"Rave," Calix said, "Are you sure?"

I smiled at him and nodded, "She is your mother Calix."

"But what about what they did?"

"That's more on Luna really." I looked down, "I won't be able to forgive her but Mrs Bright is fine."

"Are you really sure?" He asked again and I nodded.

My answer made Calix so happy that he hugged me right in front of his mother.

"Calix!!" I protested and he broke the hug, then looked at his mother

"Fate makes no mistakes mom."

Mrs Bright was ashamed, "I'm really sorry." She bowed to me again.

"It's alright." I said and then Calix's hand, "As long as you promise to support us now."

She raised her head and gave me a smile, "I'll do whatever I can."

"You'll need to." Calix said, "You're the only one who can handle father."

She closed her eyes and smiled, "Alright." She looked at us again, "When do you plan to tell him?" She asked.

"I doubt I'll need to tell him" Calix sighed, "Luna must already have done it."

Mrs Bright sighed, "Oh well, " She looked at us both, "How about coming home with me?" She asked, "If we're going through this, why drag it?"

Calix looked at me and I nodded. He then looked back at his mother, "Alright."


The dinner on the dinner table was getting cold while we three waited for Luna and Mr Bright.

And as expected, they both came pretty late even though Mrs Bright had told them we were waiting.

Mr Bright entered the dining room with a burst followed by Luna and they both stood by the edge of the table and looked at us.

"So," Mr Bright spoke, "I've heard you met your fated pair?" He looked at his son.

"Yes," Calix was sitting right next to me, "And she's right here with me. I thought I'd introduce you."

"Isn't it that girl who went into at your party?" He eyed me and I flinched.

"Obviously." Calix replied, "What else do you expect when two fated mates meet?"

He glared at his son.

"You do realize she is of no use to you."

"Dad!" Calix stood up, "It's about the bond we have."

"And what about her?" He scoffed, "Do you think she'll still be here if you weren't an heir to an enterprise?"

"Yes," Calix answered confidently.

"Well then, we'll test it out." He said and Mrs Bright stood up from the chair.

"Honey! what are you doing??"

He raised his hand to stop her.

"Calix," His father said, "From this point on, I'm disowning you." Those words were a shock to everyone.

Even Luna was flabbergasted.

"Dad!" Luna said, "Why are you taking it out on Calix?"

Mr Bright raised his hand and stopped her as well, "You don't get anything from me. Leave everything you for from me and get out."

"Mr Bright!" I panicked as I stood up, "Don't do this to Calix!" I wanted to protest, "I'll leave!" Calix held my hand and stood his ground.

"I'll leave everything." He said, "I didn't want it anyway."

"You won't be coming to work either." Mr Bright said and I looked around in panic. Mrs Bright was equally devasted.

"Alright," Calix answered and took out his car keys and wallet and placed it on the table, "I got everything from you." He said, "So I guess that leaves me with nothing."

"And you still want to leave?" His father asked.

Calix smiled, "Have a nice dinner father." He then pulled me along with him and we left the mansion.

"Calix!!" I protested, "Don't do this because of me!"

"Rave," We stopped by the footpath, "It's alright."

"Are you really sure? Where will you even stay now?" I was feeling too guilty and bad for him.

"Why are you asking that?" He chuckled, "You're not going to keep me with you?"


"What!!" I got flustered, "Of course I am!!! We'll stay together till the end!!"

But where do we go???

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