

**Most liked comment - Go to the orphanage**


And with no better option, we both came back to the orphanage for the time being

I explained the situation to head nun and she said there wouldn't be a problem for now since my room is still mine till I turn eighteen.

"Are you sure you'll be fine Calix?" I asked as we both stood in my small room and looked at my bed.

"Ah- We can squeeze in." He looked at me, "Let's not forget we did the deed here." He pointed at the bed and I blushed

"Calix!!" I hit his arm.

He chuckled in return and then walked to the bed.

"What are you going to do now?" I asked him as he sat on the bed

"Well, for starters, I'll look for a job."

"That's gonna take a while."

"Yeah well," He smirked, "There is something I always wanted to try."


"A part time job."

Oh no...


"Honestly, it doesn't suit him." Noel says while she stares at Calix working at the counter of a cafe.

"It really doesn't." Jayce says.

"He stands out too much." Mia sips her drink

The six of us were here at the cafe Calix got a job at basically because everyone wanted to hear what happened and I told them the whole story and how Calix was hired even before he got into the shop and here we are now.

I chuckled, "But he gets the shop a lot of customers."

"Yeah," Andre shook his head, "The prick is good looking." He rolled his eyes.

"But I have to say," Nathan smiled at me, "A fated bond is something else huh." He glanced at Calix, "He left everything for you."

"Yea...." It does make me sort of guilty too but at the same time, I'm over joyed.

"Well," Mia said, "It's time we leave." She said, "We got finals from Monday."

She gave us all a dreadful reminder that made us hurt.

We all got up to leave because we all had to study. As final year students this was what was going to determine our future.

I called Calix out and told him I was going back to study. He told me he'd come back home soon and help me out and we parted ways.

Contrary to all my doubts. We both were actually getting by really well.

I knew it wouldn't be a problem for me but Calix is doing really well too even though I know it's hard for him

So I'm going to do my best and study hard so that he's not disappointed for sticking by my side


(A few months later)

"Calix!!!" I ran on the street towards Calix who was coming back from work, "I got in!!!" I ran into his arms and. he hugged me tightly, "I got in!!!"

"Really?" we broke the hug and I showed him the college acceptance letter. This was the best college in the whole country and I studied my butt for the entrance exam. But I'm so happy it paid off.

"Yes!!" I jumped around in excitement.

"Calls for a celebration." He said and held my hands, "How about one with the sisters?"



(The same mid night)

After the small party we had in the dorms with the sisters and the other kids, I came back to find Calix on a call

"I don't know dad," He was speaking with his father, ""You were the one who disowned me. " I went up to him and tried listening to the other side.

"Yeah! I didn't think you'd be able to live in run down places and work as a waiter."

"Well, it's not that bad." Calix replied, "It's quite fun actually. The customers love me."

"Does that make any sense?" Mr Bright said, "My son? working at a cafe? As a waiter?"

"I'm pretty sure you disowned me."

"I didn't really do it you idiot! I just wanted you to come to your senses!"

"I never lost my senses dad."

"So never leaving that omega?"

"She's my soul mate." His words made me peaceful and I rested my head against him.

"Fine," Mr Bright said, "Both of you come back home."

Calix paused and looked at me, "Dad, after what you did to us? What Luna did to Rave? Do you think she'd want to come there?"

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Calix looked at me and put his phone at a distance from his mouth, "What do you say Rave?" He looked into my eyes, "What should we do?"

I know how an elite life suits Calix. I know he's been putting up with a lot of things only for me.

But in this situation, what should I do?

Since we're coming to the end of the story. Everyone leave a comment about how Rave and Calix should handle things. I'll pick a comment I like the most and write the last chapter.

_Chickennuggetcreators' thoughts
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