


What does that mean?!

A smile suddenly makes its way onto her face.

/"I'm just joking,/"

I feel a breath of relief exit my body.

/"The guys and I try to stick to animal blood versus human blood/" she informs me

I furrow my eyebrows at her.

I think that I read something about this.

/"But animal blood doesn't have the same benefits that human blood has/" I state

The white haired girl seems a little surprised that I even know this information.

/"Blood is blood/" she shrugs once again

She begins to carefully make her way towards me.

I turn to face her as she takes a seat beside me.

/"What are the side effects of going long periods of time without human blood?/" I ask, taking this matter seriously

The white haired girl groans with slight annoyance as she throws her head onto one of my pillows, her brown eyes staring up at my ceiling.

/"Uhm.../" she takes a moment to think