


She surprises me as she reaches the microphone stand in time to sing the lyrics of the song that is currently being played solely instrumentally.

She brings one of her hands up to grab ahold of the microphone that is still connected to its stand as she angles it up towards her mouth.

/"Been through the wringer a couple times...I came out callous and cruel.../" she effortlessly sings into the microphone with an incredible amount of vocal skill

This song ends up being a good length out time.

I know that the crowd was definitely happy about this song due to them singing along to every word.

When the song finishes I notice Harper glance around the crowd before her eyes make their way up towards the balcony that Brynn and I are in.

A smile makes its way onto her face which in turn causes a smile of my own to make its way onto my face.

/"Hey guys, I'm Harper and we're 'The Phantoms',/" she introduces them