
chapter 44

"I would like to meet your leader before I decide to join this war or not" she spoke ruffly. The tigerkin could only sigh "We will lead you the way then" He turned around and walked off with the rest of the tiger kin including the one whose face is still red as a strawberry.

Dyllis woke up pearl who was just as confused on why they were following cat-like humanoids. Pearl toot her trunk in displeasure. Dyllis patted her trunk as they walked side by side, in two hours of hiking through the words and fighting against the beast's they finally made it to the tiger kin settlement.

Tiger kin walked around the settlement as the majority of them being male, very few females insight. As her eyes wander around she noticed a four-year-old tiger kin carrying two large logs towards one of the older tigerkin who was chopping up the wood.

She came to the collusion that this tigers race strong point is their strength. One of the men started speaking "If you are wondering where all of the females are, they are inside their homes staying safe. Our females are rarely born so we don't let them do any dangerous jobs" He spoke sternly as he explained.

He peeks at Dyllis before a blush covers his cheeks again "I see" she nodded her head curtly. They finally made their way to a large log cabin that had a giant Deer skull that had antlers that resemble spears over the entrance.

The guy at the front knocked on the wooden door soon afterwards it swung open with ease. A human women answer the door, she looked quite fragile as if she would break at any given moment "welcome gentlemen" she greeted the tigerkin hunting party back before throwing a weary glance at Dyllis and the Gaint elephant "Guests?" she question.

The tigers at the front smile at the woman who looked quite average "This lady here has some business with the leader, Madame Lilly" He spoke politely with the human woman.

"The elephant stays outside the rest of you I want a written report on what happened during your hunt. Follow me miss" She spoke with authority as the men leave the three of them alone.

Pearl toot her trunk as she went to the side of the house and laid down taking much more needed rest. Dyllis's lips twitched upwards at the lazy elephant that still had her attitude.

Dyllis followed madam Lilly inside the log cabin, it had various trophies of successful hunts and a few flower pots here and there.

They walked up the staircase and to a sturdy door with a wooden sign that said 'office' Madam Lilly knocked on the door soon afterwards a muffled come in answer. Madam Lilly opens the door and strut towards The tiger kin at the desk who had a pair of glasses on and a quilt in his left hand. His hair braided neatly as it laid over his shoulder.

He had beautiful baby blue eyes making him look slightly different from the others in the settlement. He had the black tiger stripes decorating his skin, he has a large jawline, A strong but big nose and thin lips.

He wasn't bad-looking tiger kin he just looked like a well-seasoned warrior that used to be out on the battlefield. He looked up from his paperwork and smiled warmly at madam Lilly "Is something wrong my little tiger Lilly?" he asked what Dyllis assume is his wife.

"You have a guest husband" Lilly whispered, that's when the man finally notices Dyllis standing Right by the entrance. Dyllis finally walked inside and took a seat on a nice padded chair, it felt like she sat on a feathery pillow.

"Hello, Miss you must be the lady my men mentioned. May I get your name?" He greeted her politely. Dyllis nodded her head "Yes, my name is Dyllis. What is your name sir?" She replies in a ruff tone feeling quite thirsty as she had woken up from a nap a few hours ago leaving her mouth drier than the Dessert.

Madam Lilly notices this and excused herself to get something to drink for their guest. The male tigerkin spoke once more "My name is Travis Blizzard, it's great to make your acquaintances, Lady Dyllis" Dyllis nodded indeed what a fine name for a leader of the white tiger clan "Likewise Sir Blizzard"

Travis grin at Dyllis "Can you please lower your hood? I prefer to speak business face to face" Dyllis's face turn into one of disbelief. She let out a sigh as she took off a mask from underneath the cloak "Please don't be scared, I have quite the hideous face" as she spoke slowly she took off her cloak revealing her brownish skin tone.

As well as a few flesh hanging off of her mouth, her empty eyes stared at the tiger kin man as a few black vain's popped out around her eyes. More flesh hung loosely on the lower half of her face as some teeth could be seen between holes in her cheek as well as the tendons and muscles of that cheek.

The tigers stay quiet, not sure what to say as a singular thought went through his head 'So that's why I didn't hear any breathing or a heartbeat. She is an undead. It also explained the smell of death that floated around her'

Dyllis didn't say anything as she waited for the man's reaction which is one of shock and confusion. He opens his mouth a few times wanting to ask only for air to come out.

"Is there a necromancer behind you?" he asks, Dyllis groan sick and tired of that question "No, I am born like this no necromancer" She replied with a tired voice. Travis felt intrigued about her origins but didn't ask.

"My men have told me that you smelled dangerous and the fact that your Aura is terrifying." He spoke flunelty like a merchant trying to get the buyer to buy some of their more expensive products.

Dyllis knew what he was getting to, she stops hiding her aura letting it run rampant. The whole room seemed to be filled up with her Aura as the buff stat appeared once again.

The tigers sat in his chair feeling a dreadful chill run down his spine as his skull when numb by the sheer force.

"You have my Adirmration Lady Dyllis, I think we can both greatly earn quite a bit of reward from this war" He began speaking military tacts with her.

"I can have my people at the front lines as cannon fodder as they won't die so easily. We should also have all of our weapons made out of pure iron to do a lasting on those ice fae" Dyllis spoke as she wrote down the plans on how they were gonna Domaine the stupid winter fae.

"How so?" Travis Inquired about her species "We have a fast regeneration ability that makes it nearly impossible for us to be killed. Think of us like trolls who can regenerate body parts" Dyllis explained as a knock could be heard.

Madam Lilly came inside the study with a tray of tea, she places the tray down on a smaller table as she poured tea into beautifully decorated cups that sat on cute little plates.

She put two silver spoons on the plates as she brought them over to the two talking about the oncoming war. She places them down and turned around to get the sugar jar.

Dyllis stared at the silver spoon "Madam Lilly can I have a wooden spoon please?" she remained respectful as this wasn't her territory nor was Lilly one of her people.

Lilly raised an eyebrow, as she finally looked at Dyllis she realized what a horrifying face she had, she almost fainted from the sight.

"W-what are you?!" she gasps as she felt all of her breath left her body as her face became ashen. Dyllis furrowed her brows "Not human" Dyllis said, Travis gave his wife a wearily smile.

"Tiger Lilly can you please give our guest a wooden spoon?" as he spokes Lilly broke out of her astonishment. Lilly made her way out of the room quickly with the silver spoon in hand as she went to fetch a wooden one.

"So with your soldiers on the front line, we will have a line of my men with spears along with swords behind them." They continue speaking for a while until nightfall.

She left Travis's study as she was escorted to one of the empty houses. Her cloak swung gently in the breeze as she stood outside the building, she waltzes on in and headed straight to her temporary bedroom.

Dallas didn't relax immediately as she checked every nook and cranny for anything suspicious before sitting on the bed to have some late supper. She pulled out a torso from her food storage as she dug her needle-like teeth in.

She tore it apart like a shark as she gobbles it down, the pains of Huger subsided a bit finally letting her still body relax she laid down and went to sleep. Dyllis felt too tired to clean up the bloody mess she had just made while she ate nor did she care.

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