
Chapter 45: Tigerkin clan

Dyllis got woken up by a rough shaking, she slowly came to be as gray clouds blocked her version, when it returned she could see a concern Tigerkin.

"What happen why is there so much blood?" Worried lace in his voice, Dyllis first reaction was to touch her face as she felt her flesh hanging low as well as the spaces in-between muscles.

"Why haven't you tried to kill me?" She asked helplessly as the man did not react to her hideous looks "That's not important what happens? Did someone tried to kill you in your sleep?" He asks once more.

Dyllis sigh "I was hungry so I went for a quick hunt to get something to eat and as you see I didn't waste any part of my meal" She answers, a look of relief swept throughout his features.

Upon closer look, it was the same guy she tried to kill that day. Why would he show concern for someone who almost murders him?

"Since you had woken me up I assume Lord Blizzard wants my presence before I take off?" She asks the tigerkin.

The tigerkin had blush crept up his cheeks realizing how close he was to Dyllis "ah y-yes lady Dyllis" he replied as he felt his ears heat up from embarrassment. He quickly escapes the room and waited outside the house for Dyllis. Dyllis took out an arm and ate it quickly before putting her red cloak on and pulling her hood over her head.

She exits the small log cabin. The tigers brought her back to Travis's home as she walked inside he was sitting at the dining table eating some bacon and rice "You called for me Lord Travis?" Dyllis raised an eyebrow as she asked her question. Travis swallows down a mouth full of rice before speaking "I hope in 8 months you can come to the battlefield" Travis stated his wishes.

Dyllis eyes widen "8 months? I will try my best to make it in time" with that she eased his worry slightly, She took out a price of paper and wrote down some words before speaking "Can you send one of your men to my home with this letter?" Dyllis asks lightly.

Travis took a bite of bacon as he thought about it "I see no problem with that lady Dyllis" He had a thoughtful look as he spoke, "Then we shall see each other in 8 months' time Lord Blizzard" With her final words Dyllis left the log cabin. She summoned out pearl soul card and hop onto her back still feeling quite lazy, pearl quickly left the settlement of tigerkins.

Pearl walked about 120 miles before they came to a beast-human city, the line wasn't as long as the human settlements she had been to before. Beast people of all kinds enter and exit the place. Dyllis only had to wait for a good five minutes before it was her turn. She wore her blood-red cloak and black cargo pants, She had put on her mask of many beauties beforehand.

Dyllis thought since this is a beast human city she would blend in nicely as she had her deer tail poking out of her cargo pants. Her analysis this time is deer kin, as being a Wendigo gave her deer-like traits such as the tail, she had yet to receive her antlers or any deer ears.

"Ma'am please pull down your hood and state your race," The gate guard said, Dyllis climb down her elephant and took off her cloak revealing big doe looking eyes that are chestnut in colour, her nose was like a button as her head shape is similar to a heart, and round lips. The guard felt all of his breath exit his lungs. Dyllis smiled slightly "I am a dark deerskin and My name is Dyllis" she spoke softly giving off the illusion of an innocent doe who wanted to go on an adventure. The guard wrote down this information Do you have any form of I'd on you that confirms your identity?" He asked nicely.

Dyllis smiled sheepishly "I do but I got it from human settlements, so it states that I am human. As you know I would have got turn into a slave if they found out what I am" she passed her adventurer licence.

The beast kin guard nodded his head solemnly "I understand your situation, I will write your situation down on paper. You can ask the guild here to make you a new guild card" He took out a piece of paper and wrote down some words before handing them to her. He waved goodbye to Dyllis, she felt a slight tinge of guilt towards the guard but continued on her merely way.

After asking around where the adventures guild is she finally found it and enter inside. Since she is gonna be clearing out nests of monsters she wasn't gonna do the world a free service and she needed the money for the upcoming war.

She went straight to the recipient and place down her recommendation slip from the guard to the man who was registering in new adventures. He read through it before giving her a piece of paper and a quill with ink. Dyllis dipped her quill as she wrote all of her details, she passed the receptionist the paperback. He read over the paper "Ma'am I need to check your human adventure card so I can input the Correct stats."

Dyllis gave him her card without a fight, blue light appeared in front of him as a new card started to form, it appeared to be completely white from any onlooker point of view. Once he finished the process he passed back both cards "Just put mana into your guild card and it will show your current stats" he explained in a single breath before calling for the next person in line.

Dyllis walked up to the board full of quests, she currently had put away her red cloak in her inventory. She didn't feel the need to wear it as of the moment and she thought it would make her look less suspicious, Her baby blue colour hair is currently done up into a tight bun so no pesky hair strands would tickle her face making her feel the need to itch.

Dyllis looked at the C rank board. As her eyes swept across all of the mission her eyes landed on one "clear out the multibear cave" as for rewards it is 2 gold each for a pelt. The sketch on the paper showed a bear with multiple bear heads and a regular bear body.

Dyllis walked to the recipient and put down the task on the table "I will like to take This one" The beast human looked at the quest "Just hand me your card so I can register this quest into your card" He spoke in plainly as Dyllis pasted the card over. A few minutes later she received it back and walked off.

Dyllis exit the establishment and proceed to the Exit, on her way there she greeted that kind beast guard from before, saying her goodbyes. Dyllis walked to the left side of the forest as she begins tracking down her new prey, she checked the trees and the ground for any hints of a bear Passing by or if she was close to its territory.

So far she had found many different types of wolf-type footprints and fur that are entangled in bushes. She stops in her tracks as a new scent emerges almost out of nowhere. Dyllis was sure it had to be some kind of Bear species.

I am still writing more chapters :) sorry for the grammar mistakes and feel free to correct me.

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