
Deer Hunters

I found Maximus early in the morning; it wasn't hard. Not that our numbers had dwindled that much (though they were shrinking), but rather that Maximus was a creature of habit.

He looked up at me from where he was bathing and snorted. "Whatever it is, it can wait until after I have bathed and breakfasted."

"Actually, it must not wait." I said. "I need you to forbid hunting parties from stalking deer."

"You are too late to save your four legged friends." he said. "The hunting parties left before dawn."

"I wasn't... okay, I was trying to save them, as well." I said.

He chuckled. "Whatever their minds, they are only deer."

I sighed. "If any of your hunters survives, I'll let them tell you differently."

"If? Deer are known only for their stealth."

"Maximus, there must be a horn or something. These aren't the arena sands. Stealth is often enough."

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