
Ch. 162 First day pt.1

I woke up on Monday feeling refreshed as always, a warm smile spreading on my face as I looked at a content Victoria still sleeping beside me with her hair framing her beautiful face. (No he didn't sleep for days, give it a second.)

The welcoming feast ended up being a Friday this year, giving students the entire weekend to catch up with friends and for first years to explore the castle they now found themselves in. I on the other hand, was free to prepare a few things, get a head start on various paperwork and enjoyed a relaxing weekend with Tory since she also didn't have any work. We walked around Hogsmeade, had a nice dinner date in London and enjoyed reading our books in each other's arms during the evening. Both of us loved being able to openly be together and it made us feel happy. It also helped that we didn't have to worry about Mother, Susan or Tilly walking in on us at any moment and the having to suffer through the teasing that came with it anymore.

Thinking that it was time to get ready, i gave a quick peck on her forehead, making her smile a bit more in her sleep and gently got out of bed to not disturb her.

"Dobby, can you prepare two servings of French toast, our morning coffees and some fruits, then set them on trays? I wish to surprise Tory with a breakfast in bed." I asked the elf as he had taken kitchen duties.

"Yes sir, Master Bones sir. Dobby will have it ready soon." The excited little guy said as he began cooking the order.

"Winky, could you be a dear and prepare the clothing I've ordered for my classes? I'll need the ones for the fifth and first years today." I gently asked the still depressed elf as she appeared.

It turns out I had Harry for my last class of the day and both he and the first years had double DADA, with third year Raven and Snakes having only the one in between. This was actually one of my busiest days since I had fourteen classes to give a week. (7 years with each class having only two houses worth.)

'I wonder if the Toad will come and try to target Harry like the canon immediately or if she will bug other teachers first. I am a type of deterrent at the moment and the ministry didn't target the kid yet, so I'll have to see.' I thought with minor curiosity after thinking of my class schedule for the day.

"Yes Master Bones. Winky will do it." She replied in a monotone manner as she popped away.

It was an improvement over the constant drinking, but the little elf was still devastated over her removal and the following deaths of both Crouch's.

I then took some time to read the day's papers while listening to the morning radio shows.

'It seems like the ministry is putting quite a front to show they 'care about the education of children', while the Herald is running that interest piece about me becoming the youngest ever professor at Hogwarts as they stay away from commenting on too much about the Ministry's actions.

That'll work for some time, but I'll have to see what kind of response they have planned since the public will feel how weird it is that the Herald isn't talking about these things.

I also think I'll have Scot bring Skeeter in for a meeting next weekend. I want her to dig up as much dirt as possible before Voldemort makes his reveal. Then I can finally start changing the Ministry using everything I have.' I thought as I put the papers away.

"Dobby has breakfast ready. Should Dobby bring it to master and mistress's room?" The little guy asked as two trays floated behind him.

"No thank you Dobby, I'd like to do it myself." I answered as I took over the levitation with a wave of my hand.

"Then Dobby will go clean. Have fun with the mistress." He happily said as he popped away.

With a wry smile over the very house-elf response, I went back to my bedroom, wherein lied the sleeping beauty.

I then snuck up beside her face, gave her kiss on the cheek and gently spoke in her ear:"Time to wake up love, I've got breakfast for the two of us."

"Mmm?" Was the mumbling reply as Tory began to stir.

This was something I actually found out after we started sleeping in the same bed, and I think it's kind of adorable. Before she really wakes up, she can't really maintain the 'proper Noble' stuff, so her way of acting is closer to her actual desires. Pretty sure it's what gap moe is.

"Yay, breakfast with hubby~" the half-asleep response finally came out as she suddenly hugged my waist with a happy smile.

"Yes, we can even eat it in bed. Here's your coffee by the way." I say in a spoiling tone.

After that, we enjoyed a nice breakfast in bed as Tory almost turned red due to embarrassment as she tried to regain her Noble bearing, second adorable reaction of the morning for the win.

"Ahem, I'll go get ready for my shift. Are you going to be home for dinner?" She asked as she tried to move on.

"I might be a bit late since I have a double class with 5th years during sixth and seventh period, but I will be eating with you tonight." I answered as I moved the trays off the bed.

"Good." Victoria simply said as she got out of bed, then gave me a quick kiss before going to our master bathroom with a bounce in her step.

So with the warm fuzzies I was feeling, I got dressed in a light grey three piece suit with a black shirt, but used a nice and simple black wizard robe with the Hogwarts emblem instead of one of its houses on it instead of the jacket.

I then went downstairs and made sure I had everything I was going to need for today's classes in my shrunk trunk. Books, check. Clothes, check. Targets, check. Training equipment, check. Safety devices, check.

While I was doing that, I heard the sound of footsteps coming my way, making me look at the source. What I found was my Victoria wearing what an anime enthusiast would identify as the sexy school nurse look. She wore a green blouse to match her eyes, black skinny jeans, a pair of open toed black heels, her raven hair done in a high ponytail that left some frame her face, and all topped of with the white lab coat. She looked cool, confident and sexy.

"How in the world do those frumpy matrons let you work in that?" I asked with an appreciative look on my face.

"It's more practical than those damn dresses. Just transfigure the heels when needed and you can look great while helping people. It also helps that no patient ever complains about it and that I've been doing better than anyone else. Call it special treatment, just like how you can just leave the castle whenever and you can bring your bike with you." She answered as she approached me with a seductive smile, then playfully used a single finger to raise my chin a bit.

"Lucky patients." I said with a chuckle, then grab her waist and give her a deep kiss.

"Maybe I'll wear it at home in the future." She then whispered playfully in my ear after we separated.

"Tease." I answered as I gave her another kiss.

"Alright, alright. I love you too, but we'll both be late at this rate." She finally said as she caught her breath this time.

"Yes dear, I'll go to work. I was just seeing you off before heading out anyway." I replied as she nodded in approval.

"Hope you have a good day then. I know you won't let those kids push you around, but do put that slime in her place should she try anything." Victoria said as she walked to our fireplace and activated our Floo network.

"Don't you worry, everything is already going according to my plans. Just go do what you enjoy and help you mother back to 100%." I responded with a sly smile.

"St. Mungo's." She simply said as she threw the powder down and disappeared in the usual flash of emerald flames.

"Time to go to work then." I said to myself as I headed out and got on my bike.

- A bit later, in a classroom on the ground floor of the castle.

The classroom had been prepared as per my specifications, just like how many of predecessors, in the hopes of maximizing my curriculums effectiveness.

While I say classroom, I should probably correct that to classrooms because I am using more than one.

I have three rooms customized for what I believe is required from the course: a traditional classroom for theory, a gymnasium for the bodies health and improvement, and a training area so students can properly practice what they learn.

The classroom was customized because I wanted people to be able to learn and focus properly. This means I got rid of all the centuries old desks and benches, replacing them with properly upholstered chairs, desks which will supply the books necessary for the days lesson, something needed because I believe a single books cannot hold all the correct answers, a slide projector, and book shelves with various journals I've written which might help students.

The gym was based on more of a university format. A running track went around the room, equipment for an obstacle course, weights, exercise machines, and even some skeet shooting stuff I enchanted for some target practice.

And then I have the practical room. It's a heavily warded room designed to have students hold battles from 1v1 to large brawls in relative safety. Made so people can have combat experience instead of just dueling.

Of course I paid for and enchanted everything beyond what Hogwarts could supply. And the school has had a ton of empty rooms, so me taking three wasn't anything special, then you add my personal space expansion runes to make everything big enough, and voila.

With everything ready, I calmly watched as the kids slowly trickled into the room. This being their first class, in a new school, which happens to be a medieval castle, with fake corridors and doors, moving staircases, and sometimes less than useful advice givers, I decided to give them some extra time to get here today.

"I know Hogwarts is still very new to all of you, even if some have had family who have given you some advice on the matter, the school can be confusing.

As a result, I will be giving all those in their first years some light leeway to arrive here on time for the reminder of the month. After that however, I will have to begin informing your head of house over tardiness." I smoothly announce as I see only 3 students had not reached the classroom yet.

This made quite a few of the kids relax as a response. A completely understandable reaction. I am just hoping some don't decide I look easy to push over as a result. There are some pretty annoying kids sometimes.

Coincidentally, as soon as I finished speaking the last three student all came bursting into the room, looking very rushed.

It seems to be a smaller brown haired boy, a beefier blonde one, and a black haired girl.

"Ah! It seems everyone has arrived. Please do tell Misters Galligan and Drew, as well a miss Corvus my early announcement after class.

(All these names are going to be made up, so have no care.)

For now please find a seat you three, I will begin my lesson shortly." I simply said as I directed the three latecomers.

The two boys quickly found a desk at the back, with the young lady joining the only empty seat next to another young lady near the middle.

"Good. Now that everyone is here, it's time for a proper introduction.

As you no doubt remember from the feast or have been told by your seniors, my name is Aedan Bones. I graduated from this very school last year and managed to become a certified master in the Defense Against the Dark Arts during the summer.

I will be teaching you the basics on how to defend yourself this year. More common and less dangerous magical creatures/beings, basic spellwork to save your lives and some physical training. I personally believe that it doesn't really matter how many spells you know in a fight if you're too out of shape or weak to use them properly, hence the exercise part.

Now, any question?" I finished my intro with the question as I'm a sure these kids have heard a few rumors by now.

Immediately half the girls had their hands up and a few boys as well.

I just picked a little brunette who was almost jumping out of her seat.

"Miss Dawson." I said with an amused smile.

"Is it true you're dating THE healing mistress?" She excitedly asked with stars in her bleu eyes.

That would be a title Tory got from healing many in the long term/permanent care ward. She's being hailed as the healing prodigy of the century and the ministry is actually looking into awarding her an order of Merlin award for her work.

"We are actually engaged." I answered with a slight correction.

The answer got a split in responses, with half the girls deflating and the other half happily squealing.

"Mr. Potts, you're next." I then said after letting the girls calm down a bit.

"Did you actually beat a dragon last year?" The ginger kid asked.

"I did subjugate a Swedish Short-Snout during the first task of the Triwizard Tournament last year, yes." I calmly answered as a few of the boys could be heard saying wicked. "Miss Turner."

"I heard the Ministry created a new grade for you. Is that true?" The little blonde asked shyly.

"Certainly is." I happily answered, avoiding simply saying 'yup'. "But as much as I like questions, I will have to begin my class."

That made most of the kids disappointed as they put their hands down.

"Today is going to be divided into two parts: some physical exercise, something those who grew up in the muggle world would recognize as a gym class, and then we will start learning about real vampires." I informed the kids as I told them today's outline.

"Um Professor, are we supposed to run in these?" A black haired kid named Thomas Clear asked as he waved his robe covered arms.

"No worries Mr Clear. If you look inside your desks, there should be an outfit with your house colors in. Simply change into those and they will resize themselves to fit you perfectly. Boys will change in the Gymnasium and girls will change here." I answered informatively, making most kids check their desk to find out that they did have clothes in them.

"No dilly dallying, boys grab the clothes and go. Girls, I trust you can get changed and join us quickly without supervision. I've even left some hair elastics for those who wish for some." I then instructed as I herd the boys out of the room, not giving them any time to complain.

It took about ten minutes for everyone to get changed and join us in the gym.

"Alright, now that everyone's here I'm going to explain what today's lesson will be." I started off in a relaxed manner.

"Why do we have to wear these muggle clothes?" A black haired Slytherin kid named Craig Fawley with notes of disgust.

"Trust me, when we start you'll be happy you're not wearing robes." I answered with a grin before continuing. "The reason being that we'll be working on two things which can keep you alive even if you're weak or young: running and dodging."

"Isn't learning magic more important?" A confused looking brunette asked.

"If I'm being honest, until you get you're OWL's almost none of you would be able to deal with a random wizard or creature trying to kill you using only magic. And if you're being honest with yourselves, how do you see you're chances against a fully grown witch or wizard?" I countered using brutal honesty.

That made a lot of kids quiet and some held themselves back from arguing because even magical children understand the principal of adults having the advantage over a kid.

"I'm not trying to say that all of you suck. Everyone starts from nothing and build themselves up gradually. All I'm saying is that I won't just tell you 'this is how you deal with something' or 'read this and be enlightened'. I'm going to help you learn to survive the dangers in this world, both magical and mundane, because that is my job as your teacher." I seriously said to the kids, at least getting some of their spirit back.

"So what are we going to do Professor? You said running and dodging are important, but how are going to train that?" A polite sounding little blonde asked this time.

"It's going to be a sort of game today. As you've no doubt noticed, you're divided into your houses. The goal will be run and dodge within the court until all members of the other house are eliminated.

The rules are pretty simple:

-Stay within the lines on the floor.

-You are not allowed using magic or physically touching each other.

-you can move anywhere as long as you stay inside the lines.

-you get hit by one of my enchanted dodgeballs and you have to move out of the court.

-The winning house will get 20 points.

Pretty simple right?" I explained.

"So all we have to do is dodge and not harm each other?" Ms. Corvus asked as she simplified the rules.

"Basically." I simply confirmed.

"Are they enchanted like bludgers?" A curious ms. Turner asked.

"No, I will be the one controlling them to hopefully stimulate you all properly. All these balls have on them is a minor sting charm and a color imprinting charm applied to them. It'll help you want to evade and wherever they hit will leave a big pink circle, guaranteeing that no one can say they weren't hit." I clarified calmly. "And before some of you start believing I'll be biased for or against a house, I'll just say I've never cared for those divisions nor have i ever bothered about the house cup, so neither would give me a reason to favor anyone. If anything, I might even give some extra training if I like you."

That quieted down pretty much all the kids.

"All right then, stand wherever in the court. I will be in the circle controlling the balls." I directed as I stepped forward and made my dozen balls float around me.

The kids then spread out all over the court, but they basically divided themselves into their houses, making it look like a dodgeball game.

"Begin." I ordered as I made three balls fly each direction to begin, making kids start frantically dodge out of their way.

The games themselves lasted about ten minutes each, with Gryffindor winning one more game than Slytherin out of the three we had time to play. My guess is that most Slytherin's are from magical families and they don't really do physical activities like kids who go through the muggle schools, resulting in their lost this time.

After the physical half of today's class was done, I got a few of the castles elves to clean the kids and told them to change back into their robes.

'When they get good enough, I'll add a bit more of a dodgeball feel and let some balls be thrown by the kids to add an element of uncertainty to the mix. Aside from that, I think they mostly liked it from the laughs some of them had.' I thought as I planned my future classes.

The rest of my time was used I introducing Vampires, something both magical and muggle kids have heard about. With me focusing on the Helsing and Belmont families records on the subject.

As classes finished, I gave a bit of homework on how they would survive a vampire encounter. Basically adding a bit of personal stake to the homework to make it useful and educational.

With that, my first class at Hogwarts ended with a good degree of success I believe.

I promise Umbridge will be in the next chapter, just went a bit overboard with my fluffy morning scene and I don’t regret it.

Anyway, here’s my idea on how you can actually train young wizards to survive and later fight. You give them a base to work off of and teach them about what dangerous creatures, beings and spells are out there.

Also, the reason the kids aren’t really described is because this kind of thing won’t happen a lot.


Alexander_the_greycreators' thoughts
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